01x04 - The Return of the Masked Rider

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x04 - The Return of the Masked Rider

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you looking at?

Patsy Maynard, she used to be my
favourite country weastern star.

You tell her you`re her mother
she`ll just go away with you.

l lost my daughter once.

l`m not going to lose her again.

l told you to go to work.


Hotter than hell out here.

Come on, l didn`t mean anything
by that. lt`s just an expression.

lt`s too late.

l can`t believe he`d do something like
that, l mean where is all the forgiveness?

He is forgiving. There`s a gas
station around the next curve.

How do you...

Never mind, l don`t want to know.

You`d think he`d be used
to the way l am by now .

- How are you doing?

What can l do for you?
- The radiator overheated.

l can see that...
lt been doing it regular?

No, everything was fine until
l opened my big mouth.

You better check the hoses and
the fan belt and everything.

lf you want a soda pop, the machines inside.
This cooler`s broken.

No, no l`m fine. l was just
listening to your song.

You heard it or listening to it?
There`s a difference you know.

And people hear all kind of things
You only listen when it`s good.

Well let`s say at first l heard it
and then l started listening.

- Really.

l keep hoping you know, maybe
sometime, some record producer...

Maybe one of those guys
from the Grand Ole Opry

be driving along and run out
of gas or something.

Just when l`m singing.

Kind of dumb, huh?

No, no l don`t think it`s
dumb to have a dream.

My mother was a singer.
Evelyn Higgins.

Ever heard of her?
- Evelyn Higgins? No, l can`t say l have.

She died when l was a baby.

Keep hoping l`m going to run into
somebody who`d heard of her...

Someone who can tell
me something about her.

Why don`t you just
ask your father?

He doesn`t like to talk about her
much, especially about her singing.

Sara, l`d appreciate it
if you`d help out inside.

Yes Sir.

Your car is fixed and you
can be on your way Mr.

Thanks very much.
Your daughter here has a lovely voice.

Like l said, your car is fixed
and waiting for you. Sara.

Thanks for listening Mr.
- lt was my pleasure.

Hey, look at that.

What are you looking at?

Patsy Maynard - she used the my
favourite country and western star.

You couldn`t put in a word at the top
and get our next job here could you?

A matter of fact, that`s where it is.
- The hell, you say.

Well at least we`re here.

Trudy, this is Jonathan Smith
and Mark Gordon, new guys...

l want you to get them
something to eat.

Mark here will help you out
with whatever you need.

- Will do
Johnny, after you eat

l want you to take these posters around
town and spread them all over the place.

l can`t believe it, the Patsy Maynard.
You know l used to buy all her records.

`Used to` is the operative word all right.
From what l hear, she`s turned into a real

Putting her name on it will
bring in a few locals.

Between her and talent
night we should do okay.

l want them posters
up by tonight.

Good enough.


l don`t want the customers
waiting for dinner.

l do the best l can. l am
all alone in this kitchen.

lf you can`t handle it, tell me now.
l`ll get somebody else to do the job.

Okay you boys you get minutes to eat.
Then l want to see some work going on
around here.

Here you go fellas.
- Thank you very much.

Old Nick`s is a real charmer, isn`t he.
- Yeah, he`s got about as much charm as a
train wreck.

Hope you like the chilli.
- Why do you work for him?

No place else to work in a town like this.
And l`m too old to move.

Besides, l got
sentimental reasons.

l used to own this place,
well me and my husband.

- lt was a real nice place then too.
Folks would come for good food,

a couple of beers...

listen to some nice music. And even dance
if they felt like it. Now it`s just a front.

Front for what?
- Gambling. We`ve got what you call

one of them back rooms now. Everybody
knows it, including the sheriff.

Why doesn`t he do something about it?
- Why should he? As long as he gets his cut,
he`s happy.

What about the
local townspeople?

Just about everybody`s gambled
in here at one time or another.

Most of them are in hock to Nick anyway.
And that`s just the way he likes it.

- Trudy, get out here.
My master`s voice. More chilli if you want it.

l will bet you ten the back room`s rigged
l think we`re going to find out tonight.

Bartender, how about another one?
Sure thing.

There we go.
- That`s coffee.

Yeah, fresh brew too.

l want a drink, got it?

lt seems to me you had a few
drinks before you got here.

Why don`t you try the coffee?

l said, a drink.
- All right.

Now that`s more like it.

l said l wanted a drink.

You saw me pour
it, didn`t you?


Did you see me drink it?

lf he saw me pour it and the glass is empty,
you must have drunk it.

Yeah, yeah right, maybe l should take a drop
of this coffee here. Smells pretty good.


Patsy sent me out to
get a drink for her.

Do me a favour, cover for me, yeah?

- What are you going to do?
Get her a drink.

Go away.
- lt`s Jonathan ma`am, the bartender.

That`s different.

Come on in, Mr bartender.

l`ll sit it right here.
What`s that supposed to be?

That`s tea with honey and lemon.
Caruso said it`s the best thing for your voice.

Well let Caruso drink it.

l sent your wally friend
out for some bourbon.

No ma`am, l think you sent
him out for an excuse and

l`m not going to be the
one to give it to you.

You know, l can have
you fired for that?

Yes, ma`am.

Well then go and get me that drink
- l`m sorry, l can`t do that.

See, l`d rather hear you sing the way you do
at your best than keep this job.

Must not be much of a job.

No, but you are some
kind of singer.

There`ll always be other jobs.
There`s only one Patsy Maynard.

Caruso, huh?

Not bad.

lt`s what they say about chicken soup.
lt can`t hurt.


How`s it going?

Not too bad. Surprised how
much coffee l have sold tonight.

Yeah, l bet.

Speaking of betting, you ought
to see that back room.

All the cards are marked.
The dealers are pulling more

out of their sleeves than
they are out of the deck.

The wheel`s fixed. He`s got quite an operation
fleecing the locals for all they`re worth.

Good old Nick.

- Hope your boss doesn`t
expect to change him.

He can always try.

lt`s my bet, when old Nick bites the
dust, he`s going to get a ticket South.


Yeah, South.

Ladies and gentlemen.
Bronco Billy`s is proud to present...

One of country and western`s
former greats...

Miss Patsy Maynard.

Come on Patsy..

Oh l did it, oh l really did it.


- Oh Lord in Heaven.

lt`s been a long
time since El Paso.

Yeah, it has Evelyn, it sure has.

l have read a lot about
you over the years.

l bet l know what you
paid attention to.

The parts l read
sounded pretty sad.

- Been some pretty sad times.
lt hasn`t been easy for me either...

- Having to be both mother and father
to a girl, hasn`t been easy.

Oh yeah, l know,

remember when
l used to listen

to the country songs all
day, about heartache.

Never even knew what
that was 'til us.

lt is a heartache, isn`t it?

You`re the one who left, Evelyn.

Was it worth it?

You`re the one who wouldn`t
let me come back, Tim.

Was that worth it to you?

lt`s a long time ago long.
Let`s talk about now.

l don`t want the same thing that
happened to you to happened to Sara.

Don`t shut the door on her Tim.
- l`m doing what`s best for her.

- You`re her mother, you should
want the same things for her.

You`ve got a lot of nerve,
talking to me like that?

You told her that her
mother was dead.

You told her she didn`t
even have a mother.

l figured it was better to have one who`d
died than one who`d run off on her.

ls that why you came
here tonight, Tim?

To hurt me?

Sara`s coming to town tomorrow, and she`s
going to walk out on me, just like you did.

Do you want her to have the kind
of life you had these last years?

She doesn`t have to make
the same mistakes l did

- Oh Evelyn.

l`m asking you to
turn her around.

You tell her you`re her mother,
she`ll just go away with you.

l lost my daughter once.
l`m not going to lose her again.

Hey come on, you don`t have to do
that. l can take care of these.

No trouble.
- Well if it`s no trouble, let me do it.

Funny, that`s just what my
husband used to say.

lf it ain`t no bother, then
l`ll take care of it.

- He sounds like
a very nice man.

Sweetest soul God ever got put on earth.
lt broke his heart to lose this place.

No matter what l said...
it was never the same.

l believe folks can die of
a broken heart, you know.

So do l.

He had such guilt and felt
so ashamed about being weak.

What do you mean?
- He started gambling.

Like a sickness and Nick fed it, and
that`s how he lost this place to Nick.

ln a game.

He was winning too.

- l kept saying to him
'stop, you`re ahead`.

Argh, but you can`t quit
when you`re on a roll huh.

That`s just what he said, he`s on a roll.
He`s hot, you can`t quit when you`re hot.

Then he started losing.

But you can`t quit when you`re losing
`cause your luck`s going to change.

Almost sounds like you knew him.

lt`s like you say, it`s a sickness,
symptoms are pretty much alike.

Finally there was one
last game - winner take all.

Billy put up the deed.
To tell you the truth, for one second

l thought he might have a chance,
because he had a good hand.

l guess Nick`s luck was
just a little better.

Maybe good old Nick
had a little help.

We sure could
have used some.

Well at least l had some help
with the garbage cans. Come on.


- Hey, hi yourself,
what you doing here?

- Can l still sign up for
that talent show thing?

Why, sure you can.

- Go in and sign up. You can even practice
on the microphone and everything.

Never sung with a
microphone before.

- First time for everything.
Yeah, l guess.

- How did your dad take it,
- give you a bad time?

Oh we had it out.

l had to choose, so l did.

He`ll come around.
- You don`t know my daddy.

Maybe your daddy doesn`t
know himself right now.

Go on, go get them.

Thank you.

Good luck.

- Excuse me.

- Miss Maynard. l didn`t
mean to interrupt you.

Oh, that`s okay.

You`re a little young to be looking for
a cocktail waitress job, aren`t you?

Oh no, l came to sign up
for the talent contest.

- What`s your name, honey?
- Sara. Sara Higgins.

You`re a mighty pretty
girl, Miss Sara Higgins.

You`re Patsy Maynard,
everybody knows who you are.

- Sure, you`re famous.

Well l guess that`s
who l am then.

ls that what you want to be?

l just want to sing.
My mother was a singer.

Was she?

Sing me a song, sister Sara.

- Sing me something old,
from a long time ago.

- Something your ma`ma
might`ve sung.

Some sad sweet song,
something that shares a secret.

Are you all right?

l don`t know.

l think l`d better save
it for the audience.

Miss Maynard, are you going to
be there tonight when l sing?

l don`t know, maybe.
- l wish you could.

You don`t need me.
- Yeah, l do.

You understand me.
lt`s like you know me or something.

Maybe it`s because you`re
the daughter of a singer?

And you`re a singer,
and so am l.

l`m going.
- l wish you`d change your mind.

l can`t.

l am stubborn, like you.
- How you going to live?

l`ve already got a job at Charlie`s diner,
l`ll make it out.

Til you get the big break, huh?
l have to try daddy.

l`ve heard that before.

Where did you get that dress?

Patsy Maynard.

She thinks l`m good.
She understands how l feel about singing.

l`m sure she does.

l`m sorry, daddy.
Me too.

Wish me luck?

Sara, you take care
of yourself now.

We are really packing them in tonight.
Back room`s already loaded.

Nick is going to rip
them apart tonight.

l wish we could do something.
- ls that a wish or a prayer?

Does it matter?
- lt might to the Boss.

- Take over for me.
Where you going?

A little business to take care of.
Don`t forget the prayer.

Hey buddy, how about
some service over here?

l`ll be right back.

We got a packed
house out there.

What`s going on here?
l`m getting out of here, that`s what going on.

Are you crazy?
You can`t walk out on a gig.

You`ve been drinking, haven`t you?
l haven`t touched a drop.

What`s this all about?
None of your business.


You walk out on me and you`re through
in this business, l guarantee it.

You know Nick, your mama must have a lot of
guilt, giving birth to someone like you.

Be out of here in five minutes,
or l`ll throw you out.

Trudy, l`ve had four people complain
already tonight about cold food.

That`s not my fault.
- Whose fault is it?

Yours, you`re too cheap to
hire enough waitresses.

That tears it, you are fired.

l only put up with you this
long 'cause l felt obligated.


You kept me this long because
you felt guilty.

Guilty, about what?

Guilty about stealing this
place from a man who

gave you a job when
you were on your butt.

My husband... God rest his soul.

You are fired. Now. Hear me?

Too late. l quit.

- Here.

Thank you.

l`m all right.

lt was bound to happen.

At least l got a little
something off my chest.

You sure did.
- Oh l`m not going to miss him.

l`ll miss this place because...

Being here, l feel
close to my husband.

l know.

Speaking of that l was um...

l was cleaning out that storage
room and l found this...

l didn`t know if it
meant anything to you.

lt`s Billy`s lucky charm.

He lost it the night
he played Nick.

He really believed

he`d still own this place if he
hadn`t lost it before the game.

Maybe he would have.

l can`t believe you`ve found it.
l searched that room over and over.

Could be a sign.

What kind of a sign?

l don`t know. Just a feeling.

l know it sounds crazy, but if l
were you, l`d try my luck tonight.

Me? Oh l don`t hold to gambling.

Neither do l.
l`m saying it`s a feeling

Doesn`t it seem strange to you, the night
you get fired, l find his lucky charm?

lt`s almost like your
husband saying...

Go get `em.

You been drinking?

l haven`t been drinking,
l told you it`s just a feeling.

What harm is it going to do?
You put a dollar down and see what happens.

You`ve got nothing to lose.

lt sure would be
something, wouldn`t it?

There`s only one
way to find out.

Your five minutes are up.

Excuse me, l`m looking for Miss Maynard.
- She`s gone, adios.

She`s gone?
She said she was going to be here tonight.

Look kid, l don`t care
what she said, she`s gone.

l`m supposed to sing tonight and
she said she was going to be here.

So sing. You don`t need some
washed up broad to encourage you.

Go on and...

Use the room. Good luck

Dear Sara, from one singer to another.

God be with you. Patsy.

l wanted you to be here.

Get your bets down,
everybody wins.

l told you, you`re fired.
Don`t come whining around for your job.

And l told you l quit.
l`m here to play.

A dollar on number red.

All right, get your bets
down, everybody wins.

No more bets.

- Red.

Let it ride.

Get your bets down,
everybody wins.

lsn`t it time you got to work?

You know, you`re right.

What is going on around here?

l told you to go to work.


- Mr Higgins.
We`re closed.

Oh it`s you,
what do you want?

l overheard you talking with
your wife last night.

With Patsy.

You have a long nose pal.

l just thought you`d like
to know she left town.

Without telling
Sara who she was.

Sara didn`t go with her then?
- No.

Matter of fact, she didn`t say
much of anything to anybody.

She must love you both
an awful lot to do that.

What are you talking about?

l`m talking about she had her chance.
She could have taken your daughter with her.

You already pushed her away.

And who`s fault was that?


Look Mr Higgins, we all
make mistakes in this world.

Some of us just
never admit it.

Which way was she headed?
Do you know?

Tim, this is dispatch. Over.

This is Tim.

We got a woman calling from call
box on lnterstate .

Said her car broke
down. You want it?

l can`t take it right now.
- l`d take it.

Never can tell.

Okay, l`ll take it.
- Okay.

You want to take a little ride?
l`m kind of scared.

Sure. Let`s go.

You mind if l um...
Why don`t l hook up the car?

l think youv`e got
something better to do.

l appreciate that.

l just wanted to thank you.

lt must have been an
awful hard thing to do.


you did a heck of a job raising her.
l just couldn`t hurt her anymore.


l was wrong to shut
the door on you.

l don`t want that
mistake with Sara.

lf she wants to
sing, she can sing.

Oh, Timmy. l`m so glad.

l`m so glad.

Nobody has called me Timmy

For a lot of years. lt sounds nice.

l want to make up for
something tonight.

l`ve been lying to Sara for
a lot of years telling her

that loving you was a
mistake. Well it wasn`t.

Not the...
brightest thing l ever did.

She deserves to know she
has a mother like you.

Maybe we could both
tell her, together.

Your car is all out of whack anyway
and you can`t stay out here all night.

There`s a lot of water
under the bridge.

Not so much.

lt was on a night pretty much like this
that l kissed you for the first time.

You remember?

El Paso.

El Paso.

Jonathan, Jonathan, you won`t
believe it. l won. l won it all.

What do you mean?
l mean, l got Billy`s place back.

l broke Nick.

You`re kidding?

Not on your life, it was Billy`s
lucky charm that did it.

l closed the book for good.

Where`s Nick?
- Oh, l gave him a job behind the bar.

Oh l got to go, l`ve got to start the show.
Oh its just like old times.

Good luck.

Ladies and gentlemen, for
the inaugural act...

At the new Bronco Billy`s...

New management...

We are proud to present
Miss Sara Higgins.

lt`s time to make an exit.
- You got it Kimosabe.

l couldn`t resist.
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