01x04 - Sand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Storybots: Answer Time". Aired: November 21, 2022 - present.*
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Spin-off series focuses on the StoryBots Answer Team 341-B as they answer various questions from kids and celebrity guests.
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01x04 - Sand

Post by bunniefuu »

[all] Ta-da!

[eyebrows squeak]

[hydraulics whirring]


[rock music plays]

-♪ Answer Time ♪
-♪ Answer Time! ♪

-♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪
-♪ Answer Time! ♪

♪ They live in your computer
And they got a job to do ♪

♪ They're all about learning
They make it fun too ♪

♪ When you have a question
They answer it for you ♪

♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪

♪ Answer Time! ♪

[clock ticking]

[beeps and rings]

-[all speak]
-[Bing] Hey there! How's it going?

Hey, Bo. How big can a goldfish get?

Well, apparently,
a goldfish can grow up to inches

and weigh over two pounds.

Wow. That's a really big fish.

Yeah. I think I'm gonna need
a bigger bowl.

[bubbles blow]

Bing here. What's your question?

Hey, Bing. How fast can you jump rope?

Let's find out!


[grunting faster]


[eyebrows squeak]

Guess I can jump rope pretty fast.

[keyboard clacking]

-[pop-up beeps]

-[beeps continue]
-Boop. Boop boop. Boop.

[modem pinging and chirping]

-Boop boop boop boop.

[start-up noise plays]

-[gratefully] Boop boop boop boop.

[engine revs]

[tires squeal]



[alarm blaring]

Look, everyone!
We've got a Level Three coming in.

Oh, Good morrow, StoryBots.

I'm Lady Eleanor III, the royal architect
to Her Highness The Queen.

-[all] Hello!
-[Bing] How you doin'?

Architecture is awesome!

So, Ms. Royal Architect,
what can we help you with?

Her Royal Highness The Queen
hath bestowed upon me

the supreme honor
of constructing her castle.

Wow, that is an honor!

Nevertheless, I am heavily burdened
by the request.

The Queen hath decreed
henceforth and forever

that she be housed in the grandest,
most beautiful castle…

made of sand!

[all] Sand?!

Why would you build a castle
made out of sand?

Oh, I-- I do not question the Queen, Bing.
She has quite the temper.

But if you must know,

the Queen thinks any old peasant
can make a castle made of stone.

She wants the most special castle
ever made.

Hence the sand.

[all] Oh.

So, like, what's the problem,
Ms. Architect Lady?

[sighs] The problem,
Bang, is that we've used up

all the sand in the kingdom,
and the castle is scarcely half built.

Oh! That is a problem.

If I don't find
the enormous amount of sand

necessary to finish the castle soon,

I'm looking at a one-way trip
to the Queen's royal dungeon.

Boop boop, boop, boop.

Ah, exactly, Boop.

I need to figure out
where sand comes from fast,

so that I can finish the castle.

Oh! My friend Phyllis
has a bunch of kitties

who use sand in their litter boxes.

I'll bet she knows where sand comes from.

-Oh, yeah!
-Great idea, Bo!

Cats always go in the sand.

Oh, thank you, Bo. Make haste.

The sight of an unfinished castle
does not please the Queen

or bode well for my dungeon-free future.

Don't worry, Ms. Eleanor,
we are on the job.

[whirring and suctioning]

♪ Answer Time! ♪

[gears clank and whir]

Hey, StoryBots, what do you call
a shape with lots of sides?


[orchestra warms up]

[announcer] An interpretation of shapes
by acclaimed performance artist…

-[audience applauds]
-…Madame FuFu.

[Vivaldi's "Four Seasons: Winter" plays]

[announcer] A triangle, three sides.

A rectangle, four sides.

A pentagon, five sides!

A hexagon, six sides!

[audience cheers and applauds]

[announcer] This has been
an interpretation of shapes

by acclaimed performance artist,
Madame FuFu.


"Former" acclaimed performance artist.

[whimpers weakly]

[groans] Oi!


Hey, StoryBots!

What is in the news today?


[announcer] You're watching StoryBots News
on Channel and two-thirds WBOT,

with your hosts
Story Storyberg and Bot Botson.

[dramatic news jingle plays]

This just in.

Pickles are just cucumbers
soaked in water, vinegar, spices and salt.

-Hey! Move over!
-Give me some space!

-Ow, that's my foot!
-Quit it, buddy.


-Hey, why her?
-Pick me, buddy!

-I'm next!

-Oh, uh… No, I'm good.
-Don't pick me, don't pick me. I'm good.


I have a question.

How do you draw a cat?


[gentle folk music plays]

Hi there, I'm Guy Gladly.

Today, we're going to be drawing a cat.

Draw along with me, won't you?

First, we make a big circle.

There we go.

Now, we add two triangles
on top to make ears,

and one more triangle in the middle.

We add two dots for eyes.

And a little smile.

And now we make the whiskers.

I think we have
a beautiful little drawing here.

-[dogs barking]
-Don't you? Whoa!

Oh, not again! [whimpers]

-[barking continues]

Sit! Stay! Good doggy!

-[barking continues]
-Roll over!

-[gentle music plays]
-[Guy screams]


[automated voice] Next stop,
Phyllis's house.


[gasps] Cat sand!

Oh, I knew Phyllis would be able
to tell me where sand comes from.

[Phyllis] Bo, is that you?

Hi, Phyllis!

I have a really important question
to ask you.

Well, that question's
gonna have to wait, dear.

I'm about to go to the store
to get more cat food.

Oh! Since you're here,

could you watch my angels while I'm gone?

[all meow]


-[angelic music plays]
-[meowing and purring]

Oh… my… goodness!

[laughing] Kitties!


Of course, I would love to watch
your adorable little babies.

Great, I'll be back in a jiffy.

[button beeps]

-[whirring and suctioning]
-[cat meows]

[purrs affectionately]

-Oh, hi.
-[all meow]

Hello. Oh, okay.

Oh, um, hold on.

Oh! Oh, wait! Wait!



[Bo] It's okay, little kitty.
I'll get you down.






[jazzy music plays]


[toilet flushes]

-[Bo] Gotcha!

[munches and yowls]

[hisses and yowls]


-[vocalizes melodically]
-[all meowing]

Please, stop squirming.


[sighs heavily]

[fly buzzing]

[eyebrows chime]

Oh dear.

-[all meow]


[stampeding and crashing]

No! No, no, no, no, no! Please!


[meowing and crashing]

Bad kitties, bad kitties! Whoa!


[cats yowling and hissing]

[Bo] Gotcha!

[whirs and clangs]


-Oh, phew!


[eyebrows squeak]




I'm back, kitties.

[bag tears]

[meowing and stampeding]

Oh, good little kitties. Eat up.

Thank you
for taking care of my angels, Bo.


Oh, you're welcome. [laughs]

Oh, but Phyllis, I really need to know

where all the sand
in those litter boxes come from.

Oh. I have no idea.

I just get it from the pet store.

[cuckoo clock chiming]


Finicky felines! It's time for my stories.

Oh! But Phyllis, I really need
to find out where sand comes from.

-[music plays]
-[narrator] This time on…

The Dunes of Desire.

Sand, sand, sand!

That's all you ever talk about!

-Sand to my left!
-[eyebrows squeak]

Sand to my right!

There's just too… much… sand!

Sand? Sand!

Oh, I bet that's where I can
find the answer!

Oh, I gotta go! Thank you, Phyllis!

Bye bye! Bye, Phyllis! Bye, kitties!

-Oh! Ah.

-What good little angels I have.



Where do rainbows come from?


[narrator reading]

[Boop snoring]

-Detective Boop?


You gotta help me, Detective.

I was with my special friend,
Rainbow, see?

When poof! She just disappeared.

Gone without a trace.

Boop boop, boop?

It happened here at the park.
You gotta come quick.

Boop, boop.


[moody jazzy music plays]

[cloud] Oh, thank goodness you came.

It happened here, see.

She was here one minute,
and gone the next.

-[puddle splashes]

Boop boop, boop?

Well, yeah,
I guess it was raining earlier.

-Boop, boop?
-Sure, I can rain.

-But I don't see how that will help.

But what's the sun
got to do with anything?

-[angrily] Boop boop, boop, boop boop!
-All right, all right. I'll rain.

You're quite the bossy boop.

-[thunder rumbles]

♪ I'm raining ♪

[cloud vocalizing]

[magical music plays]


[upbeat jazzy music plays]

[cloud] Rainbow, it's you!

But how?

My dear Cloud, I should've told you.

Rainbows need moisture and light
to be seen.

Please, baby, I-- I just don't understand.

[rainbow] Oh, you see, when sunlight
travels through the water droplets,

it splits into all the brilliant colors
of visible light.

That's how us rainbows are made.

Oh, rainbow, never leave me again.

You keep that rain and light coming,
kid, and I never will.


[narrator] Another case closed by…

-[dramatic music plays]
-…Detective Boop.


[slide whistle plays]

♪ Rainbows appear
When there's water in the air ♪

♪ Like a drip drop drizzly day ♪

♪ When light passes through it
Something special happens to it ♪

♪ It bends in a particular way ♪

♪ See, sunlight's made
Of so many different colors ♪

♪ And water drops split 'em apart ♪

♪ And when they're separated
A rainbow is created ♪

♪ And science turns into art ♪

♪ There's red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green and blue ♪

♪ Indigo and violet too ♪

♪ There's only one thing
That's prettier than one of these ♪

♪ And that's two ♪


[automated voice] Next stop,
Dunes of Desire film lot.

[glamorous music plays]

It's my dream.
I will become sand, whether or not--

Cut! Where's your passion?

Remember, you're Quartz!

You're stuck inside
a large piece of granite,

and you wanna break free and become sand!

Okay? Let's try it again.

-Take and… action.

It's my dream.




Cut! Who's this? Who ruined my sh*t?

Oh, I'm so sorry. I just…

[passionately] I just really need
to know how sand is made.

Such presence! Such passion!
You're the actress I've been waiting for!

I am?

-Wardrobe! Make up!

-Excuse me?
-[hair dryer whirs]


-[powering on]


-And… action!

[mellow music plays]

[narrator] On the beaches of time,
only passion can help you climb…

the Dunes of Desire.

Quartz, after everything
your mother and I have done for you,

you're going to leave our mountain

to become
a tiny, insignificant grain of sand?

It's because of that boy, isn't it?

It's not just about him, Father.

All my life, I've felt like a tiny mineral

stuck inside this large granite rock.

Quartz, your mother and I raised you

to be bigger than the corals,
shells, rocks, gems, and minerals

that make up common sand.

I know, Father, but…

[sobbing] I must follow my dream!

[thunder rumbles]

[narrator] And so,
Quartz ran off to join her love

and follow their destiny to become sand.

Little did they know how long and arduous
the journey would be.

Are you ready, my love?

Oh, darling,
I've been ready my whole life.

-[narrator] But were they ready…
-[lightning crashes]

[dramatic music plays]

…for millions of years
of cold, heat, wind, and rain?

[yelps] Ooh! Ow!

Ow! Ow!

[narrator] Cold, heat, wind, rain,

over and over,

bombarding the young lovers

until they were small enough
to be carried away.

[both yell]

[Bo groaning]

Is this how it happens? [screams]

Yes, my love. Hold on to me,
and you'll have nothing to fear.

Except for maybe that waterfall.

[both scream]


-Hold on, darling.
-I'm trying!

[Bo screams]

I will find you!

[dramatic music plays]


[Bo groans]

What happened?

[narrator] Quartz, now small enough
to be carried to the ocean

by rivers and streams,

found herself washed upon a shore.

Big giant birds?

-[man] Not quite.

We're tiny!

[gasps happily]

Quartz, we made it.

We're finally sand!

This is perfect.

Just perfect.

[narrator] And perfect grains
of sand they were,

making the perilous journey
from mountaintop quartz to sandy beach.

Like many grains of sand before them,
and many grains of sand to come.

This is but one of their stories.

[director] Cut!

Well, that was fun, but I gotta go.

-Thanks, everybody, for your help. Bye!
-Wait, no! What?

-Bye-bye now!
-Where are you going?


Until next time, my muse.


[upbeat folk music playing]

♪ The story of sand is amazing to hear ♪

♪ Formed over millions
And millions of years ♪

♪ It's made up
Of mineral bits of all sorts ♪

♪ Mica, feldspar, but most of all quartz ♪

♪ It starts with rocks
In mountains up high ♪

♪ Weathered by wind, rain
Snow from the sky ♪

♪ In time, worn down,
Though sturdy and stout ♪

♪ Small bits of minerals slowly fall out ♪

♪ Sand, sand, sand
Sand, sand, sand, sand ♪

♪ The tiniest bits are then carried away
By rain or by wind on some blustery day ♪

♪ To streams and rivers
Where waters run free ♪

♪ They're carried downstream
And out to sea ♪

♪ The waves of the ocean
Wash them ashore ♪

♪ Though they started in rocks
Many ages before ♪

♪ They finish their journey
From far away ♪

♪ Now they're sand on a beach
Where you frolic and play ♪

♪ Sand, sand, sand
Sand, sand, sand, sand ♪

♪ Though mostly from rocks
Sand has more stuff as well ♪

♪ Like broken up pieces
Of coral and shell ♪

♪ The grains are a mix
From the sea and the land ♪

♪ Together, they make up
The stuff we call sand ♪

♪ Sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand ♪

♪ That useful and beautiful stuff ♪

♪ We call sand ♪



-[keyboard clacks]
-Hello, Lady Eleanor.

Come in, Lady Eleanor. Are you there?

Oh! Bo, thank goodness you're back.

I desperately need enough sand
to finish the Queen's castle.

Tell me, where do I begin?


Oh! Well, it all begins
at the top of a mountain.

A mountain?

That's where you can go
to find the most granite.

Granite? Bo, thou makest no sense.

How is a giant rock
supposed to help me find sand?

Well, inside the granite are these
itty-bitty minerals called quartz.

They eventually make their way
down the mountain to the sea and--

Bo, I do not have time
for a mountain trip!

I need sand right now.

Oh, then the mountain won't help anyway.

That process takes millions of years.

Millions of years?!

[sobs] Oh no! I'm doomed!

StoryBots, I'm doomed. [sobbing]

No, you're not, Lady Eleanor.

You don't have to wait
for new sand to appear.

You can, like, just go
to where the sand is now, dude.

Yeah, there are beaches
all over the world.


StoryBots, you're brilliant.

Brilliant, I say!
With a mere half the Queen's armada,

I could bring in enough sand
to finish the castle.

[all cheer and speak]

[Bing] That's awesome!
You can get all the sand!

Oh, StoryBots, you are magnificent.

On behalf of Her Majesty The Queen,
I thank thee for thy services.

-[static crackles]
-[theme music plays]
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