10x36 - The Master's Herald pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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10x36 - The Master's Herald pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »













i can't believe this

what am i gonna do now

i feel so lost without you toxica

you were with me for centuries and

it's like a part of me is missing now

you were betrayed by your own people and

there was nothing i could do to help you

this is awful i don't even know who i

can trust anymore

i failed the princess

it wasn't just you

we all feel that way

but i'm her protector

and you still are

we will find her merricka


how'd you get back in here don't worry

it's just a ninja trick he's not really


if you want your princess back come to

the rock quarry by the river


this is the place

they should be arriving very soon

you've set the perfect trap only because

we have the perfect bait

master please allow me to hold your

w*apon so you may relax and enjoy your

victory from here good idea

there she is

look princess

rangers stay away princess are you all

right prepare to fight your dark side




nothing happened what's he up to

you will see

who are they

meet your dark side the shadow rangers

shadow racers



we can't help them


the rangers walked right into your trap

excellent planning onikage

i am but a humble ninja serving his one

true master what are you looking at


master org


yeah master org is back


you with the fake horn i can't believe

you have the nerve to continue mocking



it's real

but you're a human

only give me my w*apon

i can't believe you were so easy to


what are you doing

here is the w*apon of the orb that

betrayed you master

don't listen to him

you betrayed me

you've planned this from the beginning

as you ordered i have already gotten rid

of that which toxico

but i thought you'd like me to save the

main course for you master


the master org has returned

you mandalore

the most treacherous of general orcs

you thought you could get rid of me

ah i am the greatest org i bow to no one

how wrong you are



it looks like master org is back for

revenge yeah my loyal ninja

you have served me well

in getting rid of the traitors

thank you master

but my work is not complete yet whoa

uh yeah there is still one more thorn i

must remove

uh run chin tracks i wanna call you you

don't really have to do this you know

i mean

oh no

princess shayla

they fight exactly like us

follow me



you have nowhere to go but back to the

nexus you belong to us

bring her back now

and i'll forgive you

drag them down

and make him pay for his disobedience

yes master

i will take the shadows

and finish the rangers off once and for


you miss toxica don't you

i don't want to talk about it

thank you for saving me from master org

what are you talking about i didn't do

it for you

i did it for me

you're my bargaining tool

didn't you hear what he said


toxica was my only friend

and now she's gone



i know what you're going through


it's hard to lose a good friend

i'm sorry jindrix


thank you

we have to find the princess

she's in more danger than we realized


master org is back

he had a heart once

but he never learned from his

mistakes paul


remember he's not a human anymore he's

an org


no justin

orr i'm the master org

something i won't let you forget


how come i hit him but i felt it there

are your shadows


everything you did to them

will happen to you

that can't be


what kind of org am i i mean for years

toxic and i were the only orgs around we

kept the dream of or rule alive

now look at me

i don't even know who i am anymore

because now you realize those orcs can't

be trusted but i'm still one of them

i have no choice but to go back to

master org


but what will he do to you


the master said if i returned you he

would forgive me

i have to trust him on that i can't run



they will find me we already have

oh not you again


don't worry we were just on our way back

to master org okay he only wants one of

you back

what do you mean




but master oak said i was forgiven and

you believed him


your fate is in my hands

now join your friend toxica


come with me

he is not worth saving come on

you pay for this


there's gotta be a way we can beat them

keep walking

it's princess shayla

here she is master

good w*r corny kagame thank you sir



this is ridiculous

i can't trust any of you especially you

you've lied and cheated and have


everyone around you

for 3 000 years tosca and i waited for

your return and for what

you've betrayed your most loyal duke


the ones that would do anything for you

including cutting off their horn

beyond evil

you have no heart

you don't deserve anyone's loyalty

you've destroyed my best friend

and my faith in orgs

pull him out of his misery


i will be glad to master



i'm glad you showed up now i can destroy

you with your own shadow

oh no



i destroy my own shadow i'll destroy


falcon summoner

red ranger

that move was worthy of a ninja we just

used your own w*apon against you

arise and destroy them

do your ultimate ninja trick

remove the rangers from this




how did we get here where are we

all right

everyone keep your eyes open

i'm sure an akagi has set a trap for us


what's going

on we already destroyed them

these must be their evil spirits what

are we going to do

must have sent us to a ghost world


you have entered the spirit world and

you will stay for eternity

the rangers can't help you now

we've got to get out of here

you'll never escape


oh no

nothing happened our wall zords can't

hear us that's right

no one can hear your call for help you

will have to fight me alone this time

rangers i've lost you

we will not let the spirit orgs defeat

us we're gonna get out of this ghost

world and save the princess






pegasus megazord


yeah you'll pay for


you've got to this them this time




we're back

somehow the pegasus megazord was able to

save us

i don't know how you did it but thanks

wild zords

you're amazing rangers

you're all right

i am the princesses protector

it's time i start acting like it

we're going to get her back

we owe it to her

that's right

if it wasn't for her

none of us would even be power rangers

she's like family to us

and i'm not going to rest until she's

safe even when the others didn't believe

in me

the princess always taught me i was more

than just a kid

she believed in all of us

and our hopes and dreams

we're gonna help her dreams come true


never give up

let's do it

i'm in

we're gonna get her back

and take down masterwork for good this



next time on power rangers wild force i

know whatever you have planned you won't


is it really you the power that sent me

here is the power that can bring me back

the time has come you will finally be of

some use to me if i can get the rangers

to use the jungle blaster then i got the

power of the oscars and bring her back

next time


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