11x23 - Sensei Switcheroo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x23 - Sensei Switcheroo

Post by bunniefuu »

deep in the mountains secret ninja

academies train our future protectors

ancient scrolls told of three who would

be chosen above the others three who

would become





hey guys i want you to meet my dad

hey this is hunter blake and cam i'm


dustin's told me everything about you


not everything i promise oh

oh and uh this is my boss kelly hi nice

to meet you hey can i help you with

something we uh stopped by to pick up

some new gloves dad thrashed his last


you guys ride together oh that is so

cool i told him everything he knows he

did yeah it's true


a guy and his dad

i miss that yeah me too so do i

what are you talking about at least your

dad's still around somehow high-fiving a

guinea pig just isn't the same


one who is lost in thought is still lost

son i guess it shows you are missing

your mother and father

so much has happened to me to us i am

always here for you cam

i know you are and i know i should be

grateful you're even alive

but sometimes sometimes a guinea pig

even a ninja master guinea pig is no

replacement for a real live human father

do you think you'll ever get you know


unstuck to undo what has been done will

take a mighty power source one far

greater than my energy alone

you're applying for the low sore

internship program

do we even have one of them yeah you do


you see uncle since you're always

putting down our efforts as


mara and i have decided to go back to

school and become professionals yeah

we're getting our mbes

which means


masters and masters in the business of


here is our marketing strategy


monster plan to earn extra credit now

we've decided to use an alien named


isn't he grooving and it means we get to

go shoe shopping

all right girls

school is in session but if you fail me


you'll find yourselves in detention



i've adjusted the energy of my morpher

to reconstruct matter at a subatomic

level uh-huh will in theory make my

father human again are you sure you want

to do this sensei i am ready

here it goes


is it supposed to sound like that i

don't know

i think the energy might be too intense


pull the main interface cables

everyone okay uh-huh something's

different i can feel it in my


huh what what's wrong

dad dude who are you calling that i am

here tim

no way

i think we have a problem this can't be


shane is in the sensei's body and

sensei is in shane's body that would

appear to be the case

and if that weren't bad enough the force

of the elemental pulse is shorted all of



you know

you look kind of cute when you wrinkle

your nose like that this isn't funny

tori i can't be a guinea pig today i

have a skate demo not to mention what

we're supposed to do with loath or

att*cks we're on backup power as it is

we must not let anyone know about the

lima i will uphold your skating

obligation no offense sensei you may

look like shane but skate like shane

no way you must not underestimate the

power of a ninja master



stay here and correct the situation

take me to the skatepark please okay

what am i supposed to do i'm starving

here you go

try some of this

we'll be back as soon as we can

what is up with him today

i think it's an inner ear thing

i think


the inside part



i'm not used to being back in human form


the wise rodent once told me to use my

inner ninja sometimes like these



you made it yeah i just dropped my data

from the airport you missed anything you

might you say that

no way

is definitely not better than two

how does your dad do this he's a ninja


but he's still a guinea pig


i miss him

i really hope this works



after the skate demo i can switch it

back i hope your dad is as good at

skating as he is at everything else i

have a certain reputation you know relax

what could go wrong

surprising teenage superheroes you don't

need your notes mara just send in the

cow's ass

i can do that

you ready for this sensei


i think the term is

bring it on


come on


i guess there's some things you never







okay where did he get those moves

that is so unfair yeah the callbacks are



let's see how the rangers feel about a

little game of footsie


it would be my pleasure


this feels quite pleasant i'll keep you

on your toes


allow me if you please

i must say i am enjoying being full size


moves dude dustin you will kindly not

refer to me as


busted i'm sorry sensei



time for

guess he knew when to make tracks

back to the drawing board

go for sensei i always wanted to say


everything's back up and running here

come in and i'll make the switch back ah

do we have to dustin what hey i heard



and this is the point where

well godzilla was forced to retreat

there's something rotten in the state of




i thought they lived in california it's

shakespeare read a book technically that

would be a play wow

the red one seems to have woken up on

the right side of the bed this morning

we need something to counter-attack this

new operating ranger


don't just stand there looking like a

peacock threw up on you oh

well isn't it obvious

he needs a special power

every monster in my army has one okay so

uh what if he doesn't then give him one

maybe you might want to give us a

suggestion super stink foot odor oh

toenail terrorizes

heel cushioning gravity control oh i

like that one gravity control

then one i have to give you the answer

well that would help uh-huh have him

cause a catastrophe with his power okay


but like is it a c or a k in catastrophe

there by implementing a new wireless

power supply i think i fixed the problem

so it'll work this time

as long as nothing interrupts the energy


here goes


hey it's working

oh i got legs i got legs

i'm me again



how do you feel

like i could go for a big bag of

sunflower seeds

we seem to have solved one problem and

created another

oh boy

i think we're back in line


he's in the shopping district and i

don't think he's looking for bargains

have the thunder rangers meet us there

i'll join you after i fill them in


you're not gonna step on my party i'm

gonna wipe you out toe jam




after you

if i may


you and me are going toe to toe

wow it is interesting to note the

difference between red ranger and yellow

rangers physiology maybe you could do

that after the fight excellent point

you must pay evil space alien and you

think i'm corny

i'm walking all over you

come on


it's time to give this foot the booty




oh great another one don't worry i'm the


one catch you all with anti-gravity

bunion pads oh what

well what i can't get it off

little lighter on your feet


hey put us down okay you asked for it

shane oh i'm dizzy me too hold on

you're grounded red ranger train

focus your energy i'll distract foot


lion hammer

skills to extract yourself concentrate

need to power the air break free

you'll be done



good job shane yeah thanks sensei i

think a little of you must rubbed off of


i'm not through yet come on guys



so they're just like blue foots a little

bits what now how long have you been

working here you make them big okay they

blow them up and we making big happens

every time how could you not get that


okay now

how do you spell



like this

you're saying

i have never ridden in the zords before

this is



let's mix it up right


for once i'm not getting worked this is

like a vacation


sensei what do we do

i have taught you all you need to know


full power


i will not destroy my uncle lothor's

evil empire

all right that is so not why i went back

to school you want my hand hurt quit

complaining and keep writing

1 000 more times

everything's all set

dad you ready

i never realized how hard it must be for

you not having a human father any longer

whatever form you're in i'll always be

there for you and i know you're always

there for me

that's really cool but can we get this

over with i think i got fleas


oh yeah

i want furry

oh what a trip and i have returned to my

rodent fall don't worry dad i'm gonna

find a way to make you human again i

know you will try your best son

hey uh ken

there won't be any

you know

after effects from being a guinea pig or

anything cool there

highly improbable


oh man this stuff awesome







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