22x08 - Double Ranger, Double Danger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x08 - Double Ranger, Double Danger

Post by bunniefuu »

every intergalactic bounty hunter needs

a girl like you voice

smart beautiful

heart-shaped ah master sledge i have a

plan to get the rangers tracking device

oh don't try to steal my thunder i'm the

one who found out about their machine

while you were taking a cat nap and

purring who asked you ragdoll

the k*ller's luck maybe

maybe not give me a chance and i'll

prove luck had nothing to do with it

this one calls for brains not drawn

well i think it's time we give my

leading lady her moment

a girl can't go on a mission without her

evil accessories and why can't they be

cute too

i'll take you

want me

okay finally sledge is going to realize

how worthless you are jealous kitty

with this monster skills the rangers

won't know whose friend or whose foe

we must fight to survive

try to break the chains that divide

there is only one chance




i'll set the e


this dino charger has been created to

detect energy from the gold energem or

the terazord

hopefully the e-tracer will locate one

of them

i miss you so much dad

i even still wear your bracelet

keeping it safe until i finally find you

today is june 10th

being a ranger is not easy

but we've got a great team

even though chase gets distracted by

girls sometimes monica loves me

monica loves me not

oh well monica's lost

taina loves me

he loves me not

he definitely has our backs

riley is always analyzing things and


he makes me try harder too

okay i calibrated it to search the grids

from left to right shelby's really smart

and hey i think she's cute no one not

left to right i've already calibrated it

to search right to left

and kind of stubborn

and coda well you wouldn't believe how

strong his animal instincts are

i can't stop thinking fury had something

to do with your disappearance

nothing's gonna keep me from finding you


especially not fury



i asked you to stop doing that

tyler you smell

i do

no the air


alien biosigns in your area

hey shut down the e-tracer

we need to get it out of here now

careful that's irreplaceable okay start

the jeep we're right behind you we'll

keep watch while you load up




uh are we morphing


okay i'll get us out of here


the e-tracer is safe now you can do more


not now



sorry guys i just tuned her up

now how did that happen

that supposed to be funny shelby you

just took off and left us


i'm looking right

at you



how do you like my friends clothing


toy sandra now you're just in our way

red ranger

fake rangers huh

nice trick

but now you're facing a real one you're

pretty tough but not tough enough

it wasn't very difficult to remove that

annoyance great performance boys now

let's take our new machine and search

for some energems


find tyler no he still isn't responding

i want to scan the city for alien dna

when i talked to him tyler thought he

was with us

whoever he was with they were fooling


alien bioscience detected in the city

complex then that's where we go yes

maybe we should split up i could go back

to the woods and retrace our steps and

see if i can find tyler yeah i'll go

with you


kendall and i will continue to search

for tyler

you must work together to find the

e-tracer before sledge can locate the

gold energem

you're right we need to work as a team

let's get moving


dyno cycle river



this is where kendall said she last

detected an alien signal it's a big area

we need to keep looking yeah be careful

let's go

fools we'll wait for the red ranger then

spurring our trap wait poissandra has

the tracking device and she says we

att*cked now

my clone rangers will have them fighting

themselves i hate those ranger colors

now destroy the power rangers disgusting


poissandra stolen their tracking device

i've got to have my own prize to show



the red ranger

yes he's just the trophy i need

i've got nothing

coda did you see anything from that tree

just very angry squirrel oh hey

isn't that us

whoa i look pretty sweet of course clone

rangers right that must be how they

fooled tyler

you guys should take some acting classes

because you're not


you may look like us but you're not as





how did you know who was who ah i

slipped these into your belts


you're so clever

nice one

now we show what real rangers can do

right let's finish these imposters


you can fake the look but

can't fake the skills

of real rangers

let's see now oh my

you're not smart enough to be touching

this machine you don't know how smart i

am of course i do i built your head from

a seat cushion

man before those party-crushing rangers

spoil my plan have a heart this thing

didn't come with an instruction manual


tyler what happened to you are you okay

long story but i'm fine

listen hoy sandra stole the e-tracer

they fooled me with clone rangers we

know the others are fighting them now

i'm sending you the coordinates


got him tell them i'm almost there


who is that


look what the cat caught

you haven't caught me yet

too slow hold still

you're mine

all my clothes are gone nothing left but

the originals so i'll destroy them


may not be strong enough

you're no match for me red ranger yeah

don't be so sure


what's that

well well well

this brings back memories


but you did know my dad

i should have known you were his son

with those pathetic fighting skills

you're as weak as he was

did you say my father is weak

what do you know about him i'll never

tell you


i think i can break

make your match


not so fast

we have to destroy him now or he'll keep

making clones we need the dino spike but

it takes all five of us

no time for that


what did you do to him

tell me


your father was

tyler we can't beat this monster without

you we've got to use a dino spike now



now to finish you

what is happening to me

is that


i'm in control

tyler we need you




let's end this

hold on guys

back off rand

you know what to do

tyler all right dino charger ready

weapons combined

dino spike charger engage red ranger


dino spike final story

copy that

now that's teamwork



great timing we worry no one splits us


we've got to stop poissandra from

tracking down the gold energem or it's

terrazord there she is

well done wrench stop her

cassandra's in trouble

fire the magna beam





you rangers want me

you'll have to go through a giant fury


a clone of me


i'm one of a kind

nice entrance rexy dino charger ready

t-rex zord

they're attacking from both sides

go ahead kendall activate dino charger

number 17 it will release the toxic

gases of the dinos did she just say what

i think she said

toxic gases

you mean fart gas you could call it that

man you think of everything hey let's

try it dino gas charger ready


that's one nasty move oh

smell very bad

all right let's finish it please finish

faster we need the hammer of the ankle

zord to crush these fakes down the

charger ready


charger engaged


combined dino charge megazord triangular



hammer punch




hurry wrench hurry

it's working it's honing in on the gold

dinner jam's terrazord

come on let's go get it

yes there it is like fruit for the

picking fury you rotten apple

congratulations on finding the device

too bad you couldn't keep your cotton

candy hands on it oh you furry thief you

know sleds will destroy you for this

wrong with these coordinates i know

exactly where to find the pterosaur

sledge will love me for this oh no oh

fury is leaving with each racer we can't

let him take it

chase you're the only one capable of

hitting it from this distance got it

but my e-tracer

sorry shelby if sledge gets it he could

find all the lost energems




nice job hot shot



what is he doing

you didn't destroy at all rangers with

this i will control the terazord huh

oh man

the e tracer may have given fury the

location of the terrazord

and he also got the tear charger

even if he finds a zord that charger

shouldn't have enough power left to

activate its battle mode

and they don't have the technology to

charge it

i should have known those clone rangers

were fakes

there's nobody like you guys

the e-tracer was destroyed but you

worked as a team if you had not

then it would now be in sledge's hands

keep us right

we're united


fury poissandra

they are divided

that's why we'll win because of our

teamwork i mean maybe not today but soon

i have something of yours

you found my dad's bracelet


thanks no problem

and i was fighting theory today

he suddenly froze up as if he

lost control

i swear it looked like something was

inside him trying to to break free


i'm in control

maybe it's his fun side trying to get

out eh whatever it is we take it on


that's right coda








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