22x11 - Break Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x11 - Break Out

Post by bunniefuu »

so hard to find



was discovered 800 years ago

when a young prince was being escorted

by the king's Knight sir Ivan of zandar

I'm thirsty fetch me some water

while they were stopped for a drink sir

Ivan discovered the gemstones in the


give me that


it's mine no it's mine


we must fight to survive try to break

the chains that

divide there is only one chance






thank you

the monsters blow knocked the gem from

his hand and the prince tumbled away

what happened next no one knows

after saving the prince sir Ivan and the

monster mysteriously disappeared

the prince found the gemstone and named

it after his country

Stone of Xander

it has been the most famous piece in the

zandar's Royal treasure ever since

thank you all very much



who is that


I'll be glad when this exhibit is over

so we can lock up the stone of Xander's

safe and sound in the base

collect the treasures

what's going on

excuse me I'm the museum director just

what do you think you're doing I'm

taking what belongs to me hey whoa no

that's impossible because these belong

to the Royal Family

oh starting to get the picture are we

allow me to introduce myself

and Prince Philip III of xandar the real

Prince unlike the imposters that have

been masquerading around here



wait a moment

this is you two isn't it

it was a Wonder anyone mistook you for a

prince we mean no

disrespect and what would you know about


look at you filthy you're shoeless

were you born in a cave no

born on Mammoth hunt mother could not

make it home to Cave uh want some

a night's bravery is what makes this

Stone a legend

how dare you touch it

none of you are worthy


there they go

we can't just let them take the energy

can we

this isn't good



what are you

give me the energem in the gym I don't

know don't play stupid with me


don't flip out on me caveman hang on


I think 10 of you wasn't enough

I thought you were the strong one

all right

not a chance

what are you doing

you're not escaping me this time come

Fury after you


you safe here

I'm at a loss for words

after how I treated you the insults

why would you risk your life for me

everyone has good on inside

even mean Prince like you

I suppose I deserve that




800 yes

so you're the monster that att*cked

Prince Colin 800 years ago yes that

Prince survived

but you'll be destroyed

you'll be destroyed

this energem is coming with me

don't worry we got you

you okay Fury got energem you all right

mate I'm a fool but I'm fine

Erie has the gold energem and he just

summoned the pterazord if he installs

the energem into the Zord he will have

Infinite Energy we stop him first Tyler

I've been developing a new dino charger

that might finally give you and your

Zord The Edge you need against the

terror sword I'm on it you guys follow

Fury I'll catch up with you

go back to road to safety


what do we have here it's the treasures

from xandar but no energy

you find it and why not because I've

already got it it's about time for a

ball now let's get it to sledge so

start planning my wedding

let's cancel the imitations

It's morphin time

Dino charger ready


Power Rangers the tide has turned

Rangers prepare to suffer my wrath



shocking isn't it you can outrun the

pterosaur Forever

Wait look

what's that over there the blast came

from the T-Rex sword

it Tyler oh yeah hey guys

great job Rexy

that'll work but the terror sword's

gonna come back don't worry Kendall's

new dino charger should solve that Dino



that new charger makes Rex even stronger

no they've taken out my pterosaur did

you really think you could beat us Fury

with courage and might ready to fight


wipe them out

I'll finish you this time Red Ranger oh

come on come on Fury you'll have to try

harder than that

how about this

Riley take the triceratel for a spin

they'll never expect it from you you got


when it comes to these seaweed heads I

don't even need a w*apon

stand still yeah he's being so difficult


did it he's Running Scared sink again

how do you like our clubs be very weak

and I came and strong

we need again hot shot I'm lucky for you


I have an idea Coda let's combine our

weapons careful it heavy no no

triple Spike


I have you now no chance

finish this Roar

I'll finish you Gary's Roar

nice try impossible


it's over Fury give me the gold energem


could it be

dad is that you you will not Escape


all right



you're not my dad

who are you

I am surviving

light of xandar the night of Xander


sir Ivan

that's impossible

finally it is my turn to morph



gold Terra Morpher


still think the stone is yours wow whoa

gold ranger remix attack


leave these beasts to me I have a score

to settle

why are they practically leap onto my






luckily I don't have one okay you've

worn out you're welcome

who's next


anyone else how dare Fury let them hurt

boys Sandra fire the Magna beam destroy

them all






this Quest is mine wait wait wait stop

the Terra charge Megazord is evil not

for long


spell is broken broken let our Jewel









sir Ivan hi I'm Shelby Welcome to our



will like it here I show you Burgers

Prince Philip


why are you still here

sire I'm at your service


this belongs to the Royal Family


do you know me I know the Royal Blood of

xandar when I see it

I've spent my entire life Faithfully

protecting your family

so you truly are

sir Ivan the Knights of Xander


and the monster did not destroy you no

he captured me

for 800 long years

only when aided by the power of that

stone could I finally Escape it


or then you can ever imagine

millions of years ago 10 energems were


we've only found five so far the stone

of xandar is the sixth

the energem is yours to use as you will


trust that I will use it to make the

kingdom proud

I'm humbled by your bravery and courage

thank you


may you discover the remaining four

energems safely


Welcome to the

I have been c*ptive for 800 years

it matters not what path I take

so long as it is the path that I have


give them some space

is enjoying something he hasn't felt in

a long long time








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