Love on the Rock (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Love on the Rock (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

(inspirational music)

(drum b*ating)

(soft music)

(dramatic music)

(engines roaring)

(dramatic music)

- Mr. Fairbanks,

we have a problem.

- What just happened?

- Sir, the laboratory's

been incinerated.

- Plaza.

(g*n blasts)

She's impulsive, inconsistent

and irresponsible.

- Stand down, Plaza.

We can't risk the serum.

(g*n blasts)

Stand down, Plaza.

(g*n blasts)

Plaza, can you hear me?

Do not sh**t.

Do not sh**t!

(dramatic music)

- [Plaza] We'll find

you wherever you are,

my little rabbit.

(dramatic music)

(phone rings)

- Go ahead.

Yes, I see.

All right, initiate clearance

protocol and reduce the line.

And I want updates every

hour, starting yesterday.

And send them our young

one, the one I like.

She's ready.

(dramatic music)

(soft music)

- Is he dead?

- Christopher!

- Hey, you Colton Riggs?

This your boat?

- No need to yell, it's Malta.

No one yells in Malta.

(yelling in foreign language)

Except that guy.

- We had a tour booked

for St. Paul's Islands

and St. Peter's Pool.

- For when?

- Tuesday.

- What day is it today?

- Tuesday.


(soft music)

- Oh look, honey.

It's the famous St.

Peter's Pool over there.

- Honey, you're doing

the captain's job.

Let him tell us.

- No, no, no, he's doing great.

It's actually not

Peter's Pool though.

That's just around

the bend there.

- Well whose pool is it anyway?

- Great question, hold on.

- [Narrator] (sighs) Malta.

Known for its ancient sites and

its rich and diverse history

that spans from the

beginning of time.

Example, Valletta.

They say really

it's a city built

by a gentleman or gentlemen.

We know of its existence

'cause the night of St. John

who constructed it,

planned, and built the city.

(mellow rhythmic music)

- What's for lunch?

My mommy says you're supposed

to have lunch for us.

- Right.

There you go.

- Who's this?

- It's me, who's it look like?

- Not you.

What's in it?

- Cod and mayonnaise.


All right, all right.

Hold on.

Okay. (shushes)

Peanut butter and jelly.

- Ooh.

(soft cheerful music)

I can't escape the

clutches of your grip

Not that I would

really want to

It's more of why

that you hold on

While I stumble around

like a fool sometimes

You are the only

constant that I know

Holding my heart,

that's for sure

I'm old enough to know

we're all the same

In the bigger hearts and all

(soft cheerful music)

You are like a rock

Never moving,

not cold though

Maybe like a soft rock

What I'd like to

lay my head on

Just to be near the peace

I have when we are deep

Just to be near the peace

I have when you're with me

(soft cheerful music)

Maybe it's a

little like heaven

Maybe it's a

little like heaven

Maybe it's a

little like heaven

Maybe it's

(coins clanging)

- Hey man, want to talk

to you about something.

- Is that my shirt?

- No, no.


(coin clanging)

How you doing, buddy?

- Good, man, I'm

living the dream.

Living the dream.

- Dream living.

- That's what they say, right?

Another charter (clicks

tongue) in the books.

- Okay, how many is that now?

- I don't know, lost count.

- Yeah, I guess you would.

All right, well can I

get you another one?

- No, I'm good, thanks.

I'm gonna head out.

- Oh you know what, I

remember why I came over here.

- Why?

- Get ready.

- I'm not doing this.

- Sorry, man.

- No, no, no, no,

I'm not doing that.

- Sorry.

- I told you I don't do this.

- There's nothing

I can do about it.

I'm already walking to the bell.

- I'm not gonna do that.

- Sorry.

- We've been over this.

- I'm looking forward to it.

- Why does he

never listen to me?

He never, never listens to me.

(bell dings)

- All eyes on me.

I'd like to thank you

guys for coming out

to the best establishment

on this side of the country.

Welcome to Love on the Rock.

(clapping and cheering)

Now, for eight wonderful years,

my family has been

hosting the most epic

broken hearts club for the

love lost and the love lorn.

Now, I look over there

at that clock right there

and it tells me two things.

- I think it's best to let

the hard working folks

in this establishment

keep their tips, right?

- You got nowhere else to go.

It's sad but it's

true, it's true.

Tradition dictates

that I give you

one more singular hour

if you share your most

personal, heart wrenching,

soul crushing story

of heartbreak and love lost.

Who's first?

- I can start.

- Right there.


- Here is my story.

My first boyfriend

broke up with me

because he said he was

joining the Coast Guard

for shipping off to Guam.

He picked a public space

so I wouldn't make a scene,

but of course, I made a scene.

Should I tell you?

He never joined the m*llitary.

(sighing and clapping)

- Hey, you tell them your story.

Tell them your story.

- Well, I've been

left at the altar.

(sighing and clapping)

- Only once?

My heart was broken twice.

First time, beautiful

English woman,

living with her in England.

She loves Irish guys.

I go away for a

month, came back,

she'd run off with

another Irishman.


You want the other one?

- Not so fast,

Colton, not so fast.

Not so fast.


- [Everyone] Colton,

Colton, Colton, Colton.

- Now for all you

newbies out there,

this here is Colton Riggs.

And Colton's got

a story to tell.

- No.

- Yeah.

Yeah, floor is yours, Colton.

Floor is yours.

- In a restaurant

on Mulberry Street

in Little Italy, New York City.

Been married a little

over seven years.

But that was soon to be over.

Said she couldn't explain why.

Maybe I didn't want to hear.

Maybe I knew already.

She was diagnosed with lymphoma.

A rare congenital

heart condition.

Given a few months to live.

As we sat there with

tears in our eyes,

afraid to talk and

had that feeling I wanted

to say a million things

to someone that I loved,

but afraid to break the peace of

one of the last few

moments spent together.

Today would've been our

15 year anniversary, so.


(soft dramatic music)


(soft dramatic music)



I'm so lost.

Run so far for so long.

I don't even know which

side is up anymore.

Please show me.

Show me a sign, God.

(soft dramatic music)

Show me...


(soft dramatic music)


Can I help you?

(speaks in foreign language)

You all right?

(speaks in foreign language)


(soft dramatic music)

Come on, man.

(dramatic music)

- I see him, we got him.

He ran into the alley.

(dramatic music)

- Where did he go?

- I lost him.

- [Wyatt] I thought you had him.

- [Jareth] He's

gotta be around here.

Everybody spread out.

(dramatic music)


- Luigi, Luigi.

It is Luigi, right?

You're a brave boy.

I had a friend like you once,

but he was also a

little bit bad boy,

so you know what I did?

I unfriended him.

(speaking in foreign language)

Okay, let me make

this clear, hmm?

(speaking in foreign language)

You seriously don't have it?

Okay, you can go.

(speaking in foreign language)

Just kidding.

(g*n blasts)

(groans) Luigi.

Now he's going to

say it's my fault.

He always says it's my fault.

(speaking in foreign language)

Well, I guess it is my fault.

(speaking in foreign language)

I'm sorry that had

to be your last meal.

Clean up this mess.

(dramatic music)

- Sir, it's that call

you've been waiting for.

- Thank you.

(phone beeping)

Wingrave, 3791ILS.

- Accepted.

- Okay, fill me in.

- Sir, we've ID'd

our big bad guy

and he's one of ours.

Ex-m*llitary brass,

family mafia connections.

His name is Claudio Fairbanks.

He's the main actor

behind the lab heist.

Retired early, segued

into black market weapons

and farm in Sicily.

- [Alex] Our paths have

crossed once or twice.

- [Agent] He's highly

connected, sir.

No way we're bringing him

down through the courts.

- Okay.

- Mr. Fairbanks.

- Yes.

So what happened to the

laboratory technician?

- The vial was placed on a

lab tech named Luigi Santini.

- Where is he now?

- He's dead, sir.

He was a slippery fellow.

- Oh!


- What?

- Do we know who

pulled the trigger?

- A rogue agent.

We suspect Plaza Decamilia.

- He didn't have it.

What was I supposed to

do if he didn't have it?

Clap, say bravo?

- Well, so where is it?

- So where's the

panacea now? The GN-13?

- We don't know, sir.

But he did have contacts

with the private sector.

- Who?

- Who's our target?

- A fisherman.

- A what?

- Bunch of regular guys.

And one who we've

ID'd as Colton Riggs.

- Who's that?

- A white man in his 40s.

A man named Colton Riggs.

- He's an expat American.

He runs some local

excursion business, I think.

- He hosts excursions.

- So Colton currently has

possession of the vial.

- Yeah, and he makes terrible

sandwiches, I'm telling you.


- That's all we know

from a distance.

Our molly's been informed.

Waiting on your order to go in.

- You know what?

You deal with them.

I mean, life's too short, man.

- All right, contact clientele

for sub-service intel.

You get me a

profile on this man.

- Okay, listen to me.

I want to know everything there

is to know about this guy.

- I want to know

all of his friends,

all of his affiliation.

- I want to know

where this guy's been

over the past five years.

I want to know who is mom is.

I want to know who his

mother's mother is.

- This is our top priority.

Everything else is sidelined.

- Every single rock

needs to be turned over.

Do you understand?

- Lastly, access it all.

You pull up the 1010 icon tapes.

- Already done, sir.

Landing in your

encrypted folder...


- Hello, Miss Lacroix.

I'm glad to see you've been

given this opportunity.

I trust you've

been treated well?

Okay, let's get into it.

You're now Josie.

You leave immediately

for a standard molly op.

- [Josie] Who's the molly?

- His deceased wife.

Get in, get close

to this guy Riggs,

and find out what he knows.

Find out if he's our

target or a friendly fire.

- [Josie] He carry

a torch for her?

- Well, naturally.

Now, intel claims

he's given up on life.

He's an ex-cop, seven

years terminated

on suspicion of

graft and bribery.

It's a sad story after

sad story kind of a guy.

- [Josie] Was he dirty?

- No, no, but apparently

everyone else around him was.

He went bankrupt trying to

clear his name in court.

Lost his wife, his job,

house, his car, everything.

Well, after the bad press

and the death threats,

he just couldn't

take it anymore.

He ran off to Malta.

- [Josie] Hi, I'm Joan...


Well hi there, my name is Josie.

Hi, my name is Josie. Hi

there, my name is Josie.

Well hi there, my name is Josie.

Hi, my name is Josie.

The panacea.

- If we don't get it first,

there's no telling what the

other side will do with it.

It could change the world.

This might be your

first field mission,

but you've trained your

whole career for this moment.

I have complete faith in you.

I have one recommendation.

Don't get close.

Your first mistake is

caring for these people.

Don't do it.

(upbeat music)

- Hey!

Great, thank you.

- There you go.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, have a good day.

Have a look around

There's beauty

in the skyline

Trying to figure out

A way into it all

Look at all this

Yeah, I look around

Let's waste some

time in free fall

This rock has its perks

It has a way with me

It just seems to work out

- Good afternoon, Rev.

I come bearing gifts.

- Come here!

Even after six years, it still

brings a smile to my face

every time you visit.

- [Colton] Well, fresh fish

from your favorite fisherman.

- Not only my favorite but

one of the best on the island,

from what I understand.

I remember when you could

barely tie a hook to a rod.

And look at you now.

One of the best.

You're a gift to

us all, my friend.


- Sure.

Look, I'm sorry.

- No, no, no, no, no.

No need to apologize, come here.

It's a joy just

to see your face.

Even if it is only

every six years or so.

So how are you?

How's everything?

How's the boat? How's the

business? How are you?

- That's a lot of

questions, Rev.

- It's been a long time.

- I'm good.

I'm just living the dream.

- Living the dream, huh?

- Yeah.

- Living the dream.

- Yeah.

- You sure?

All right, all right.

I'm not gonna harp, I

just want you to know

that you can't keep all that

stuff tied up inside forever.

Give me a hand here, will you?

I just want to let you know

that when you're ready to talk,

I'll be here.

And so will the

church on Sunday.

- We've been through this, Rev.

Sunday's my big day on the boat.

Footsteps of Paul and all.

- Yes.

See this?


Nature's way of

cleansing the toxins.

Plus making the food

taste a little better.

(g*n blasts)

I got a lot on my mind too.

(g*n blasts)

Yeah, as a trained

professional, I remember.

- It's been a long time.

- And we weren't sh**ting

clay pigeons back then either.

- Yeah, well.

We were hunting bad

guys until we couldn't

tell the difference

between us and them.

- Yep.

Just remember, Colton, you're

one of the chosen ones.

- Can't argue with a Reverend

with a shotgun in his hands.

- (chuckles) Ready?

(g*ns blast)

- What a good little scout boy.

Your mom would be proud of you.

- I almost forgot.

There's a little something

special in that bag for you.

- Ah, thank you.

See you next week, huh?

- Sounds good.

- Sunday?

- Keep trying, Rev.

(soft dramatic music)



(soft dramatic music)


- Good morning, Reverend.

- Good morning.

How can I help you?

- I am looking for a miracle.

I heard this island

is known for those.

- Well, matter of fact, it is.

St. Paul.

Shipwrecked here

over 2000 years ago

and introduced the Christian

faith to the island.

I would say that's

quite a miracle.

Would you like to sit

down, we can talk about it?

- This guy?

Didn't he k*ll a

whole bunch of people?

- Well yes, actually, he did.

But that just shows us

how even a broken tool

can be of use to God.

- I remember there was

a snake in the story.

There was an awful lot of

snakes in that book of yours.

- How exactly may I help you?

(ice clanging)

- Apart from the mess...

It stinks in here.



Nice shotgun.

Very nice.

(dramatic music)

- Hey.

- [Josie] Hi.

- You need any help?

Oh, is that knee okay?

- Oh yeah, don't

worry, just a scrape.

- Oh, it doesn't look good.

I mean, you look okay but your

bike, that's another story.

- Yeah, I ran over

something on the road

and damaged a wheel.

- Let me take a look.

- Oh no, no, I

think I can manage.

Thank you.

- Not on this tire.

Well, I can load it in

the back of the Defender.

Take you back to

the rental place.

- No, no, no, no.

Thank you though.

I'll call them actually,

the rental place.

- [Colton] Probably

not gonna get any--

- No reception, great.

- Exactly.

Look, it's no trouble at all.

It's two miles up the road.

- Thank you, really.

But it's just,

I don't really know

you, to be honest.

- Yeah, well I

mean, to be honest,

I don't really know you either

and I don't normally

load strangers

in the back of my car, so.

- Well, that's good.


- Colton Riggs, I live

here on the island.

Nice to meet you.

- Josie Quinn.

Cincinnati, but you probably

guessed it by the accent.

- Ah.

- I'm kidding, I'm from Paris.

- Ah, oui.

- Bravo. (claps)


- Anyway, well now that

we know each other,

how about that ride?

- I don't know.

- Come on, I wouldn't

feel right leaving you

out here all alone

with all the...


- Okay, fine.

Thank you.

- Okay.

(doors slamming)


So how do you like the island?

- Oh, it's unbelievable.

Too beautiful.

- [Colton] Yeah, never gets old.

- Yeah, and the people, the

culture, the architecture.

I'm in awe.

I just wish I had someone

to share it with and...


Sorry, that sounded so corny.

Like a pickup line, I

didn't mean it that way.

- I didn't take it that way.

- Oh good, good. (laughs)

Anyways, it gives

me a chance to take

some great sh*ts of

the historical churches

for my kids back home.

- [Colton] Oh, you have kids?

- Yep, 32 of them.

I'm a kindergarten teacher.

- (laughs) Okay.

- Got you.

(soft music)

- I don't know, there's all

kinds of sites you should see.

- So much, I will

never have enough time.

Well, I can't thank

you enough, really.

It was fun.

- Yeah.

Enjoy the rest of

your time in Malta.

- Oh, I will.

Tomorrow I'm sightseeing.

- Okay.


Hey, if you're serious

about seeing the sights...

Maybe I can help.

I just run a little...

- Okay.

Thank you.

- [Colton] You're welcome.


- Miss Quinn.

- Hi.

- Hi, madam.

I wasn't here when

you first checked in.

I wanted to know that you're

fully satisfied with your room,

and if you require anything,

please feel free and contact

me at the front desk.

- Thank you, I'm Josie Quinn.

- Pleasure, ma'am.

Victor Vella, at your service.

I heard your bike is broken.

I'll tend to it and send you

an update once it's fixed.

- Well, Mr. Vella, I must say,

you're quite the gentleman.

- Thank you.

- Well, thank you.

(soft music)

- [Gian] Colton!

- Gian Carlo.

- How are you?

- [Colton] Good.

- So how's business these days?

- Business is fine.

Why does everybody keep

asking me about my business?

- You're right, let's

not waste our time

talking about business.

Let's just enjoy this

beautiful island we're on.

- He's entered

carrying a bag of fish.

I'll continue to watch.

- [Colton] I brought

you some fresh fish.

It's lampuki, you're

gonna like it.

- Great, I'll have

the kitchen fry it up.

- Nice, and I made

more of these flyers.

You mind putting them out?

- Sure, my pleasure.

Let's see.

You know, Colton,

this is the same flyer

that you've had for

the last three years.

Just one question.

Who's this a picture of?

- That's me.

What does it look like?


- Not you.

(laughs) Doesn't look like you.

(soft music)

Here you go.

- Thanks.

- Everyone ready?

Let's move in.

(dramatic music)

Okay, I'm in, all clear.

- In and out, J-Dog.

You got about 45

minutes to get it done.

- Copy that.

Leave me in peace,

let me concentrate.

- Halston, keep me updated.

- Copy that.

I got eyes on him.

- Colton, you know

what would be great?

If you found someone special.

I have faith you will.

- Thanks.

- Okay.

- Okay, so do we know

a name for this guy?

- Believe he's Gian

Carlo, the owner.

- Did Colton hand him

anything other than fish?

- No.

- No?

Why don't you go

look in the bag?

- Copy that.

- So did you hear about the

kid that was k*lled last night?

- [Colton] No, what happened?

- They found a young

man dead in the harbor.

- Really?

They know who it was?

- Said it was a guy in his 20s.

An immigrant from Sicily.

Just a working class kid.

- Just fish, boss.

- I gotta go.

- Okay, dessert's coming.

- [Colton] Rain check.

- [Gian] Everything's okay?

- It's great.

Thank you for dinner.

- Sure.

- He left the restaurant.

I'm on him.

- Copy that.

Okay Jareth, your highness.

So sorry to disturb you but

we've got a bone coming in.

You got about nine minutes

to get it done and get out.

- Yeah, I hear you.

I need some more time.

(dramatic music)

- [Wyatt] Give it up,

J-Dog, get it moving.

(dramatic music)

- Hey guys, target

took a shortcut.

750 meters in and coming in hot.

- [Jareth] Just need a

few more seconds more.

- One minute, maybe 30 seconds.

Get outta there now.

- Hello, sailor.

Or do you prefer captain?

- [Colton] Hi.

- I want to rent your boat.

- [Colton] Now?

- Yes, now.


I need to see a map

with all the sights.

- Yeah, well it's not really

normal business hours.

A little late.

- Do I look normal to

you, Captain Colton?

Take a good look at

me, what do you think?

- (sighs) He pulled it off.

- [Colton] What do

you have in mind?

- Well, let's see

what you've got.

- [Agent] J-Dog.

- There's the Mosta Dome.

Pretty amazing story, actually.

The b*mb went through

the cathedral roof

while everyone was praying.

It never went off.

They say that the...

You okay?

- I'm fine.

- All right, well you'd

maybe rather go snorkeling.

There's lots of ancient

sunken treasures

off the coast of Gozo.

- She's hilarious.

- She's insane.

- Do you have something at

night, after the snorkeling?

- Well, you're not gonna be

able to see much at night.

- I see just fine.

How about we do something like

a night swim in one of

your favorite spots,

where the water

is nice and warm?

- Okay.

- Then it's a date.

See you tomorrow.

- (whistles) They're

getting weirder and weirder.

(soft music)

- Mr. Riggs.

- Yeah.

- You getting ready to sail?

- Kinda.

Although this isn't

really a sailboat.

How can I help you?

- I'm sorry, Agent

Stoll, State Department.

This is Agent Adler.

- Look, if this is

about the break-in--

- No sir, it's about the

accident that happened after.

- I don't know anything

about an accident.

- The one involving

Luigi Santini.

- The guy that came

over from Sicily?

I heard he was k*lled.

- You just said you didn't know

anything about the accident.

- Well, from what I hear,

unless his head

bumped into a b*llet,

it wasn't much of an accident.

- Mr. Santini was in trouble.

- What kind of trouble?

- So he mentioned it to you.

- He didn't.

Look, he broke into my boat.

He took a sandwich, he ran away.

That's pretty much

the end of it.

- You didn't chase him?

- Why would I?

He didn't take off with my boat.

As you can see, he

left it in the water.

- Mr. Santini was involved

in an extortion scheme.

We believe he passed

you sensitive materials,

possibly with your knowledge.

- He didn't.

- We have good reason to

believe that he passed you--

- If he passed me

materials, I'd have them.

I don't.

- We'd just like to

recover any materials

he may have given you.

- Otherwise, we may have to--

- Otherwise you may

have to what?

- We'd rather not.

- Colton?

- Hey.

- Everything okay?

- Yeah.

- Mr. Riggs.

We'll be in touch.

- You know where I am.

You're early.

- Oh, am I?

- Come on.

(soft music)

- [Narrator] (sighs) Malta.

Known for its ancient sites and

its rich and diverse history

that spans from the

beginning of time.

- I'm sorry, it's

really boring, isn't it?

- (laughs) No, no, no.

It's actually really cute.

And you have a great voice.

- Yeah, all right,

I'm gonna turn it off.

- Yes, and can I have

the real deal now?

- Sure.

Real deal, coming up.


- Just think.

St. Paul was right here.

It's surreal, we're

surrounded by history.

- Yeah.

- You must be so used

to the awe of it by now.

- Oh no, it's...

(groans) Look.

It's been a really

weird couple days.

- Does it have anything

to do with those

two agents I saw at the port?

- I don't know.

Maybe, just haven't

quite figured it out yet.

Look, I'm sorry,

you're on vacation.

You don't want to

hear any of this.

- No, it's fine.

I'm a good listener.

- I'm probably just

being paranoid.

I was a cop awhile back.

Comes with the territory.

- [Josie] What was it like?

- Being a cop?

- Yeah.

- Put it this way.

I came to Malta to

get away from it all.

- Well, we have that in common.

So when do we start?

- Start what?

- Getting away from it all.

- [Alex] Once he trusts

you, then we go in.

We find what we're looking for.

So let him forget about

life for a moment.

Believe the two of

you are in love.

Don't waste a moment,

get in, get out.

- And finally, this

is St. Paul's Island.

They say it's where

he was shipwrecked.

The sightseeing's that way.

Follow me.

- What? Where to?

- You'll see.

(water splashing)

- You're crazy, Colton Riggs!


(water splashing)


(soft music)

- [Agent Adler] Mr.

Riggs, we'd just like

to uncover any materials

he may have given you.

- He didn't give me--

- [Agent Stoll] Otherwise,

we may have to--

- [Colton] Otherwise

you may have to what?

- Your thoughts, Halston?

- [Halston] He's

arrogant and threatening.

Stress points indicate worry.

- What, you think

he's hiding something?

- GN-13 was with Santini

when he met Riggs.

And it wasn't after.

- All right, so

where's Riggs now?

- Took a tourist sightseeing.

- I didn't hear you.

- Took a tourist sightseeing.

- A tourist. And

who's this tourist?

- It's a woman,

that's all we know.

We have eyes on him, boss.

- How about you

get my eyes on him?

Is that so difficult?

- Send the drone in.

- So Apostle Paul was on

this island for three months

after his boat was shipwrecked.

He healed a whole

bunch of people,

including the governor's father

from fever and dysentery.

- [Wyatt] What have you got?

- Got the audio playback.

- [Colton] Which is

a little strange,

when you think about it.

- And visuals.

- What do you mean?

- Well, a lot of people

don't talk about this but

Luke was also on this island.

- Wait, you mean St. Luke, Luke?

- Yeah.

- As in, Gospel of Luke?

- Yeah.

And as we know,

Luke was a doctor.

So it would've made

more sense for him

to heal the governor's

father but then--

- But then we'd probably not

be standing here right now.

- Exactly.

(soft music)


Will you have dinner

with me tonight?

- Yes.

- He was taking me out tonight.

That's rude.

I need some time to

process this rejection.

Who wants to go look

at the old statue

when you can have some real fun?

- I gotta call Halston.

- Let me take care of this.

- Let Fairbanks know that

Wingrave sent a molly.

- Who are you

really, Miss Josie?

'Cause no one is perfect,

little miss sunshine.

- Hey, this boat is so cute.

Can I take a look down there?

- Yeah, sure.

- [Alex] Now remember, these

people are often very dangerous

even if they don't appear so.

You never reveal who you really

are unless you're exposed.

- [Colton] I know it's not

super clean and everything.

I mean, I try to

pick up after myself.

- [Josie] How long have

you been living here?

- Seven, eight years.

- [Josie] Oh, wow.

Do you fish?

- [Colton] Yeah.

- [Josie] I bet it's not easy.

- Oh no, it's great.

You okay?

- [Josie] I'm fine.

You got a lot of stuff.

- What are you doing in there?

- I'll be right up.

(soft dramatic music)

- Wingrave.

- Claudio.

Always a pleasure.

- Likewise, Wingrave.

- What can I help you with?

- Well, I know that

you're a seasoned traveler

and I wanted to run some

vacation plans by you.

- Oh, by all means.

- You know, I'm thinking

about doing Malta this summer

but Malta seems to be a

little crowded right now.

- Well, Malta was once

a well kept secret.

But word of its mystical

beauty has begun to spread.

You know, I have a niece

who's visiting the island

for a graduate thesis

on biblical history.

- Basically I want to

know if I should be

expecting any

unwelcome visitors.

- Now, I expect some

other students may arrive.

Chinese and Russians.

They all have exchange programs.

And they're very fascinated

by the history of Malta,

from what I hear.

- Listen, it's important that

I have the island to myself.

Do you understand?

- Well, there's enough

island for everyone

to sight see and enjoy,

wouldn't you say, Claudio?

- Yeah, well I'll make

it worth your while.

- My while has

considerable worth.

- I know that, goes

without saying.

- Oh good, I'll crunch the

numbers on your vacation plans

and I'll consult with

some other travel agents

and we'll see if we

can make this work.

And Claudio.

I'll be checking in on my niece.

I'm sure nothing

bad will happen.

I'm just a very concerned,

overprotective uncle.

- I don't trust him.

He was a stone cold

k*ller back in his day.

And now he just has other people

do his dirty work for him.

- Yeah.

(mellow rhythmic music)

- Mr. X, Chicago

cop, boat tour guy.

You are driving the coolest

Defender on this island.

- Wyatt?

- Yeah, boss?

- [Halston] Are

we tracking Riggs?

- [Wyatt] Oh yeah, it's just

about time for the big date.

- [Halston] Stop joking around.

- [Wyatt] I've

got him on drones.

The GPS system tracker

is closed, we got him.

- [Halston] We have to

get rid of that molly

but we do it nice,

like we discussed.

- [Wyatt] I'm on it, boss.

Saw your face on

the video singing

How do you seem sincere

- Boom.

Sweet Miss Josie,

you've been hacked.

Plaza, he's all yours.

(upbeat rhythmic music)

- Good evening, sir, how

may I be of assistance?

- Hello.

Could you let Josie

Quinn know that

Colton Riggs is here to see her?

- I'm sorry, Mr. Riggs, is it?

- Yes.

- [Victor] Miss Quinn is

no longer a guest here.

- Oh, okay.

- I'm afraid she departed

just a little while ago.

- Oh.

Did she leave a message?

- I'm sorry, sir.

She did not.

- Okay.

Well, thank you.

- [Victor] You're welcome.

(soft music)

- [Colton] Too good

to be true, Colton.

Just too good to be true.



- Very sweet.

I love a true gentleman

who brings flowers

to a first date.

- Why am I not surprised

to see you here?

- Well, we did have

a date tonight.

And I wasn't going to leave you

hanging like the other lady.


- Seriously?


What do you want?

- I brought my bathing suit.

So where are you

taking me tonight?


- Stop the games.


- You don't want

any fun? (chuckles)

Fine, then work, work, work.

Where is it?

- Where is what?

- You know what I want.

It's actually my boss

who wants it, but anyway.

Why don't we just

stop the talk and...


- Okay.

It's in the bouquet.

(dramatic music)

I don't usually go this

far on a first date.

- Pretty please?


Now, stop wasting my time.

- I don't ever hit women.

But for you, I'll

make an exception.


- This is really boring.

So why don't you just

tell me what I want

and everybody will be happy.

- Look, I don't know who

you are or what you want.

But you don't have to die today.


Walk away.

- You know, can't you see?

I do it for the fun.

- Stop!

- Hey.

I thought you checked out.

- [Plaza] And went back

to your little desk job.

- Is that what you meant

by dangerous coyotes?

- Not really but kinda.

You look nice.

- Colton, stop, you don't

know what you're dealing with.

- Well, why don't

you clue me in,

miss kindergarten teacher

from Ohio or Paris

or wherever you're from?

- What a cute little

romance between you two.

She's not on your

side, by the way.

- Well, at least she

didn't try to k*ll me.


- Drop it.

Drop it.

- Fine.

What do I care?

Keep it.

- Watch out!

(tires screeching)

- [Halston] Wyatt, what

happened? What was that?

- [Colton] Let's

go, we gotta go.

- [Wyatt] Plaza's down, sir.

She got hit by a car.

That was no accident,

what's going on?

- [Claudio] It had to be done.

She was out of control.

- Mr. Fairbanks, I'm

sorry, we lost them.

The GPS tracker's offline.

Must have been

damaged in the fight.

We're trying to

get it back, sir.


- Okay, all right.


- I'm not a schoolteacher.

- Oh, really.

- A few years ago, an

international coalition

funded a radical research group.

It was very undercover,

double blind.

Even the countries

that put up the money

didn't know what

they were paying for.

- Keep talking.

- Well, apparently it worked.

They created a serum, GN-13.


A medicine like no other.

- I get it.

What does this

have to do with me?

- As soon as word got out,

somebody bombed the lab,

k*lled the scientists,

and destroyed all

of the records.

- They wanted it

all for themselves.

- Exactly.

One lab tech managed

to escape the carnage.

Carrying what is believed to be

the last remaining

sample of the serum.

- Luigi Santini.

And they think he gave it to me.

(g*n blasts)

- My mission was to see

if you knew where it is

and to get it before they do.

- Ah, you're certainly

not taking photos

for a bunch of kids.

- It's called a molly op.

That was my assignment.

- A what?

- To look like a woman you

once loved and to trick you.

But listen, suddenly

they told me to come home

and I didn't know what to do.

I felt something was off

but I needed to act fast.

I'm sorry.

I never meant to hurt

you and I really, truly

was looking forward to

getting to know you.

- How am I supposed

to trust you now?

- No, I don't know.

- Was anything about you real?

What about all the

religious stuff on the boat?

- I can work for the

intelligence community

and be a believer too, can't I?

- I don't know, you tell me.

What's your real name?

- You're safer if

you don't know.

- (scoffs) I don't know how

I could be any less safe.

Let me just review.

All right, I have been tracked,

chased, probably bugged.

People around me

are getting m*rder*d

and a crazy k*ller lady's

been set loose on me.

All because of some miracle drug

that keeps people

from getting the flu?

- No, you don't understand.

It's a cure all.

Everything, cancer, diabetes.

All of them, gone in an instant.

It's a miracle.

- I need to get as far

away from you as possible.

- No, Colton, we

need to stay together

and we need to find GN-13.

I believe you may

know where it is.

- I don't.

- Maybe not consciously,

but it's in your head

and I can help getting it out.

- Like how?


- No.

It's kind of, it's complicated.

- Look lady, this

is not my problem.

- Yes, it is.

Colton, they won't stop until

they get what they want.

- We'll see about that.

(soft music)

- No more games.

You're up.

Bring him to me. Alive.

(door slams)

- What are you doing?

They flagged your cards.

Might as well just call them

and tell them where we are.

- I'm aware of that.

(machine beeps)

It's time to change

the game a little bit.

Watch this.

Let's see how long this takes.

Game on.

- Got him, ATM, First

Republic Bank of Malta.

- Oh wow, that was

quicker than I thought.

Let's go.

- Hey, did you dress up for me?

- [Colton] Yeah.

- I had a dress picked

out for tonight, you know.

- Oh yeah, what color?

- Green with a

little bit of blue--

- You know what, can we talk

about this a little later?

- So typical.

- [Wyatt] We're gonna lose them.

- [Jareth] They

ran into the alley.

- Come on, seriously?

Hold on, give me one second.

I'm doing my thing here.

And they're coming

out on the other side.


- [Jareth] Where? They're gone.

- Hold on, I'm looking.

- Done, stand by.

The GPS tracker is

coming back online.

Batteries are good.

Should be good on your end.

- [Wyatt] Okay, copy that.


Tracker's up, back in business.

- [Agent Stoll] Gian

Carlo, we need to talk.

- Do I know you?

- Got him, they're at the

corner of Daran and Tura Street.

They're headed for the docks.

Do you see them?

You're right on them,

you're right there.

- No, I don't see them.

They're not here.

- [Wyatt] It says they're

right there, look.

- Yeah, we lost them.

I'm gonna keep searching.

- [Wyatt] Man, what's

up with this tracker?

- [Agent] I don't know,

everything's in the green here.

- [Wyatt] Yeah, well

maybe it's still broken.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm a little bit confused.

I spend a lot of money on

equipment and special ops teams.

So why exactly

can't you bring in

a former Chicago cop?


- I thought we lost them.

How do they keep following us?

- They must have

something planted on us.

Tracker or something.

All right, first, we need

to take our clothes off.

And then we'll deal with that.

- You want me to

take my clothes off?

- Yes, you've got to

take your clothes off.

Not like that.

It's just...

Come on.

- [Wyatt] They're moving west,

to the Shopping District.

- [Josie] When do

you think they put

a tracker in our clothes?

- Got me.

They've probably been

following us for days.

Inside, grab something to wear.

Yeah, this'll work.

Can I look?

- Don't look.

- Sorry.

- They went into a gift

shop, they're still inside.

The signal has stopped

but they're not moving.

- [Narrator] (sighs) Malta.

Known for its ancient sites and

its rich and diverse history

that spans from the

beginning of time.

- Wait, I hear something.

- [Narrator] For

example, Valletta.

They say really it's a city

built by a gentleman

or gentlemen.

You know of its existence

'cause the night of St. John,

who constructed...

- [Jareth] We lost them.

These guys are smarter

than they look.

- Got it.

- Think those are

the two from the van.

- I think so.

(muffled chatting)

(phone rings)

- Corinthia Hotel, how

may I be of assistance?

- Senor Vella? Yeah,

this is Josie Quinn.

- Ah, Miss Quinn.

So good to hear from

you, may I be of help?

- Yes, I could

really use your help.

But I have to warn you,

it might be dangerous.

Let's go.

(soft dramatic music)

Oh, this is fun.

(groans) This is bumpy.

- Can this guy not be so bumpy?

(soft dramatic music)



- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

(soft music)

Medical kit.

A very special bottle of wine

from my private collection.

- Thank you.

- So get some good

rest, my friends.

You're off the grid and

I'll make sure of it.

- Thank you.

- You're bleeding.

- You trust that guy?

- Well, I trust my gut

and I came back for

you, so there's that.

- So why are they so sure

that I have this thing?

- I may have a tiny something

to do with that, sorry.


- I gotta get back to my boat.

Gotta make a call.

- They'll be waiting for you.

- Yeah, well I know

that, they know that, so.

- I completely messed up.

- How's that?

- I'm not supposed to have

a crush on my assignment.

- Oh.


It happens.

What, are you a

spy or something?

- Not in the way

you're thinking.

But I do work for the

government in a capacity that

officially does not exist.

I worked on a desk

and I recently

got promoted to field work.

My superior seems to

think higher of me

than my real ability.

- When'd you get promoted?

- You're my first

field assignment,

if that's what you're asking.

- Sorry.


- I'm specialized in a

new intelligence arena.

I can tell when people

are being truthful.

We gather and decode

the human condition.

Mainly without interacting

with the subject.

Colton, just think.

What happened between

you and Luigi Santini?

- Come on, nothing,

nothing happened.

He came to my boat, he

broke in, he took off.

That's it.

Why'd you come back for me?

I mean, you said your

superiors told you to leave

and you disobeyed orders.

(soft music)

- I had a feeling about you.

(soft music)

(dramatic music)

(soft dramatic music)

- Gian Carlo.

You know who I am.

You look a little tense.

You know why I'm here.


(soft dramatic music)

You know what I could do to you?

You better hope that

your friend cooperates

and gives me what's mine.

- [Gian] Hey!

Get your hands off of me.

- Riggs?

- Hey, Bro.

I need a favor.

Think it's time to get

the g*ng back together.

- [Bro] What'd you get

yourself into this time?

- Oh, they sent in the big guy.

- [Bro] You got your

nine millimeter?

- You looking for this?

(soft dramatic music)

- You gotta be kidding me.




(dramatic music)

Just a second.



(dramatic music)

(phone rings)

- Hello.

Yeah, he's right here.

It's for you.

- [Colton] Yeah?

- Mr. Riggs.

Finally, we meet.

I trust that you've

had the opportunity

to get to know my team.

- Who is this?

- Never mind who it is.

I'm being very serious now.

You have something I want.

- Yeah, I know where it is.

Panacea, right?

That's what this is about?

- I'm still listening.


- Give me seven hours

and I'll bring it to you.

- Keep talking.

- But if I see

anybody trailing me,

I throw it into the ocean.

- Da, da, da, da,

don't get into threats.

You're not that stupid.

- You'd be amazed at

how stupid I could be.

- Okay, this is over.

You have three hours

to get in touch with me

and bring me what I want.

It's non-negotiable.

Oh and by the way, I've got

your friend Gian Carlo too.

So let's not let anything

bad happen to him, got it?

Call me.

Honestly, how long you

been working on this?

- Can I have my

g*n back, please?


Little help here.

That went well.


Okay. (groans)

It's just another day

in paradise, Colton.

Come on, pick up,

pick up, pick up.

- [Bro] Hey, you're still alive?

- Looks that way.

Hey, meet me by the

church in 15 minutes.

And bring Josephine.

(soft dramatic music)


- What happened to you?

- You should see the other guy.

- Why did he let you go?

- Let me go?

How do you know I

didn't let him go?

I told him I know

where the panacea is.

- What, you do?

- No.

Hey, got a surprise for you.

Look up.

(blades whirring)

(g*n blasts)

- What? How did you?

- Called a friend.

- Genius.

- Malta's our

island, not theirs.

- That kid you

found on your boat.

- Luigi?

- Yes, forget him for

a minute and think.

What were you doing before

you found him on your boat?

- I don't know, walking?

- [Josie] Walking.

- I was walking.

- Colton, literally no one

on the planet can lie to me.

- Well, who'd want

to be married to you?

All right, I was

walking home from a bar.

- The night of you and your

late wife's anniversary.

- Yeah.

- Well, maybe you were

feeling a little down

and you had one or

two drinks too many.

- What's your point?

- My point is

you clearly weren't

f*ring on all pistons

when you came onto Luigi.

So maybe you missed

or forgot something.

What about the next day?

What did you do the next day?

- I met you.

- Right.

You were in your Defender.

Where were you coming from?

- I went to the church.

I brought Reverend

Yearwood some fish.

- How?

- What do you mean, how?

I put it in an insulated

bag and I brought...

I was walking home from a bar.

- [Josie] So maybe you

missed or forgot something.

- I brought Reverend

Yearwood some fish.

I put it in an insulated

bag and I brought...

- [Both] Yearwood.

(dramatic music)

- [Colton] Rev.

- I was wondering

when you would return.

Is there something

you'd like to tell me?


When you said you left

me something special,

I didn't assume you meant this.

- [Colton] I'm sorry, Rev.

I've never seen that before.

- The cure all serum.

- [Colton] Yeah, to be clear,

I didn't ask for any of this.

What am I supposed to do here?

- Everyone has their purpose.

My friend, I think

this one's on you.

- Come on.

I'm just a guy that was in

the wrong place

at the wrong time.

Last time I tried to

do something good,

I fought the system

and I lost, big time.

Everything that mattered

to me was taken away.

I'm nobody special.

I just want to go

back to my boat.

- Everybody is somebody.

You are special, Colton.

- So what, I'm supposed to be

the guardian of this thing?

Until mankind is ready for it?

- I don't know.

But I do know I only had

this thing for 10 minutes

and the devil herself

showed up looking for it.

And believe me, she was scary.

But everything has its purpose.

(phone ringing)

- [Colton] Gian

Carlo, where are you?

- Hey, Colton.

Sorry to bother you but

there's someone here that

wants to talk to you.

- I want my panacea.

I am not messing around.

- [Colton] Gian

Carlo, are you okay?

- No, he's not okay.

He's never gonna be okay.

- I'm okay.

Colton, I'm okay.

- No, you're not.

Your three hours are up.

I want you to meet me

at Fort St. Elmo rooftop

in one hour or your

friend is shark bait.

(dramatic music)

- Hey, call's been made.

Friends are already in place.

And hey, did you like that sh*t?

- You still got it, my friend.

Thank you.

- [Bro] I'll call back soon.

- Checkmate.

(dramatic music)

- Meet Pepe at the corner

of Old Republican Theater.

He'll have supplies for you.

Okay, next up.

Corner of Mint and Madea.

Tech support's in the

van on the corner.

- Gonna grab something

to eat, want anything?

- [Wyatt] The usual.

(dramatic music)

- Okay, come on.

- [Jareth] Hey, two pizzas.

- It's open, J-Dog.

- Hi.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Your muscle should

be out of it for a bit.

Two down, two to go.

(dramatic music)

- All set, Colton.

- Thanks, guys.

Really appreciate it.

- Still no sign of that big guy.

Let's regroup, meet me

back at Love on the Rock.

- [Colton] Hey.

- Espresso?

- Can we get those g*ns, please?

- See, that's just rude.

How about, thank you for

all that you've done so far,

or, hey, new friend,

meet old friend.

- Hi, I'm Josie.

- Hi Josie, I'm Bromley.

My friends call me Bro.

- Bro, nice to meet you.

- Do you see how nice that was?

It was civilized.

Old friends meet new friends.

- g*ns, please.

- It...

Isn't patience a virtue?

(phone ringing)

- Yep.

- Oh, thank you for answering.

Just the man I

wanted to speak to.

Where is everybody?

Have you heard from them?

- [Halston] I regret

to inform you,

they all missed

their last check-in.

- You listen to me.

I need you to take

care of this for me.


Do you understand?

I pay you! A lot!

How do I need to say it?

Please, please take

care of this for me.

- I'll get it done.

- Okay, so here's Daphne,

Rita, Sophia, and Isabelle.

And of course, you

know Josephine.

It was actually my

sister's shotgun so,

you know, don't scratch it.

- Okay, this will work.

Where's the a*mo?

- What do you mean?

- Where's the a*mo?

- What are you talking about?

You said you wanted g*ns.

You didn't say

anything about a*mo.

- When you have g*ns,

you gotta have the a*mo.


- It's BYOB, bring

your own b*ll*ts.

You always bring

your own b*ll*ts.

- Oh man.

- Colton.

- You gotta be kidding me.

That's my g*n.

- Yep.

- Can I have it back?

- Sure.

Come and get it.

- This is why I need a b*llet.

- Use your fierce look.

(bell dings)

- Round two.

- I took out the drone.

Tag in.

- You look nice.

- Focus, Colton.

(soft dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

- Where's my g*n?

- [Robot] Halston's

phone, leave a message.

- You can't answer the phone?

Do I have to do

everything by myself?

I pay these people!

It's just inconceivable to me.



(blades whirring)

- [Colton] Reverend, it's time.

I'll meet you there.

- [Reverend] I'm ready,

may God be with us.

- [Josie] Let's go.

(soft dramatic music)

- [Guard] Yeah, it's

the Reverend, he's here.

(muffled chatting)

(soft dramatic music)


- Okay, here.

- All right, I'll

take out the guards.

- And I'll meet

you on the rooftop.

- I'm here on behalf

of Colton Riggs.

- You a messenger

from God, Preacher?

Why isn't Mr.

Riggs here himself?

- What have you

done to this man?

He has nothing to

do with anything.

- Him?

I don't care about him.

This man means nothing to me.


(soft dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

- He asked me to pass

on a message to you.

He said he apologizes

for your security team.

They'll be tied up for a bit.

- You don't know my security.

- He's gonna come and

you're gonna regret it.

- Didn't I tell you to shut up?

- Is this what you want?

- Okay, all right.

All right.

Hang on.

Take it easy.

Let me tell you who I am.

'Cause you don't know me.

I'm a guy who's worked

for a lot of bad men,

a lot of corrupt causes,

but I was a good soldier.

I served my country.

I did what I was told.

- Well, this is convenient.

- And now it's my turn.

That's my ticket out.

Hand it over.

- You do not get to judge

the moral conduct of mankind.

- You don't get to

judge me, Preacher.

I'm not an evil man.

I'm just a guy that was trained

to complete his missions.

And now, GN-13 is my mission.

- What you have done here

will never be forgotten.

(soft dramatic music)

(g*n blasts)

(glass shattering)

(soft dramatic music)

- Okay, okay.

All right, that was good.

You expect me to believe

that that's the real GN-13?

Come on, you think

I'd be that stupid?

Where's Colton Riggs?

- Game over, Fairbanks.

Gian Carlo.

You okay?

- I've been better.

- What game is that

that's over, Riggs?

No, you don't win this game.

I'm the guy that wins.

You are just a loser that

came to this beautiful place

to waste his life.

- Oh.

People have been saying

that about me for 10 years.

And maybe it's true.

But today...

You lose.

- Ooh.


Have you looked around?

Look at this place.

You think I would

give it up that easy?

This is my world.

(dramatic music)

And GN-13?

It's bigger than you.

Bigger than all of you.

So do me a favor.

Put your g*ns down.

Come on.

There you go, thank you.

Put them down nicely.

There you go.

That's it.

That's it.

Now we can talk.

- Hey, is this a

party without me? Huh?


- Plaza, I thought

you were dead.

- Well, it occurred to me that

you were losing your touch.

I was taking orders

from a legend

who was just not

good enough anymore.

So the organization

now needs someone maybe

with more style,

more bravado, huh?

- (laughs) I don't

have to listen to this.

- You thought I was

just going to let you

bark orders at me.

That I wouldn't

make my own plan?

You hit me with a car!

- I did not.

That was him.

- Right.

- You've become unpredictable.

You're not gonna

get away with this.

You're gonna be hunted down.


- By who?

This one?

- Well hello, Mr. Fairbanks.

Life is full of

surprises, isn't it?

The reality of

things is you just

never know who to

trust, and well,

you had a blind spot.

Today you clearly

let your guard down.

- No one kills Plaza.

- Plaza.

We're gonna go.

We didn't come to

k*ll anyone today.

- Then why did you come here?

- That's a good question.

We'll let you guys sort it out.

You guys want to go home?

- Hey, she tried to k*ll you.

- Yeah, well, it happens.

- Fairbanks, I made a

deal with your protege.

She will now run your operation

and I'll help her fund it.

Oh and by the way.

My friends in China and Russia

wanted to send their regards.


- You're just too boring.

Too boring.

- All right, all right,

all right, all right.

It's not my day.

- Let me and Colton go too.

- Listen lady, you

can keep the guy.

I was not even into him anyway.

- Hey, really?

- Yeah, really, just go.

Wait a minute.

Where's the serum?

- No one listens to me.

I don't have it.

- I probably destroyed it

when I sh*t the poor lab guy.

- Maybe.

(soft music)

- [Josie] I don't

think it's over.

There's always another

organization, another Fairbanks.

- Well, good thing

I have you guys.

- You do realize, Colton,

that you've just been tested.

So the burden remains on you.

- That's where that was.

(soft music)

Now what?

- You should be asking where to.

- Want to head north?

- How far north?

- I just remembered I

didn't renew my passport.

- Well, good thing I did.

How does the name

Ken Marshall sound?

- Who is that?

- It's you, my love.

- Do I even want to

know your real name?

- I have a few.

But my real name is

Marionne Lacroix.

- Enchanting.

(dramatic music)

- We have the signal.

The former molly

agent and lover boy

are leaving the

port headed north.

What do you want to do?

- Stay on them 24/7.

Such a disappointment,

Miss Lacroix.

May have fooled Plaza, but you

didn't fool me, so you run.

You enjoy your

vacation while you can

because there is no

sanctuary, no safe harbor.

That serum is mine.

(mellow rhythmic music)

Go ahead and

push it far away

Trouble catches

you in your escape

I can't conceal

the pain I carry

It's written

right on my face

Questioning to

release or bury it

Either means

that it's a waste

I'm caught in the middle in

an island between the worlds

Of moving on or looking back

A set of lessons I

don't want to learn

So I hide away in paradise

On an island far away

Hoping to erase the

pain I can't escape

Caught in the,

caught in the middle

Caught in the,

caught in the middle

(mellow rhythmic music)

It's okay to try

and walk away

Soon enough I'll

have to face the day

One step forward,

one back again

I've learned the

dance too well

I stay open as an open man

In success and when I fail

Caught in the middle on an

island between the worlds

I'm moving on

or looking back

A set of lessons I

don't want to learn

So I hide away in paradise

On an island far away

Hoping to create a

plan for my escape

Well I'm caught in the,

caught in the middle

I can't give up

I can't give up


Caught in the middle on an

island between the worlds

I'm moving on

and looking back

A set of lessons I

don't want to learn

So I hide away in paradise

On an island far away

Hoping to escape the pain

I'm caught in the middle on

an island between the worlds

I'm moving on

and looking back

A set of lessons I

don't want to learn

So I hide away in paradise

On an island far away

Hoping to erase the

pain I can't escape

Caught in the,

caught in the middle
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