20x22 - The Robo Knight Before Christmas

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x22 - The Robo Knight Before Christmas

Post by bunniefuu »


why are the humans cutting down all

these trees




you want something no no no no it's all

yours my friend our christmas shopping

is complete

hi guys

hey hey guys on the house for my

favorite ladies my special candy cane



that was close


so sorry

i was so thoughtful of you yeah you're

really sweet come on

you're okay

i'm gonna go throw this out i'll get

them up

robo knight

people are cutting down trees

what humans are acting strangely they

are putting up energy wasting colorful

lights and people are cutting down many

pine trees

no this is not bad this is celebrating


christmas what is that











right christmas it's the special time of

the year

when humans are at their best

you know everyone's a lot nicer and


try harder than usual to do what's right

and we strive for peace on earth the

streets are decorated for peace on earth

yeah that and

well shopping

humans celebrate the holiday season by

getting the special someone a gift yeah

everyone loves getting gifts

i will investigate this further hold on

you can't go into the mall you'll scare



you pretend you're a giant toy

a toy yeah well you'd have to stand

still for like 24 hours can you do that

i stood still in hibernation for

thousands of years

good point

come on

come with me come on


and this one's for you jake



i mean what is it it's meant to be a

surprise you'll just have to wait and

see have you guys finished your

christmas shopping yet don't be silly

i know they wouldn't forget to get us




yeah hey guys

you want to see something funny


look out there oh

that's awesome he wanted to observe what

humans do at christmas santa hat's a

nice touch

okay whoo look at the time i should be

finishing my christmas shopping

that's a good idea i love expensive


do you even get them anything that's why

we gotta move wait up



coolest toy ever

now son these gifts are not for us

they're going to kids far away kids that

have never received a christmas gift


okay boy son



let's pack all this stuff up we have to

send it out right away so it gets to

africa before christmas



noah didn't tell me what happens next at


well you'd have to stand still for like

24 hours can you do that

this human holiday is very peculiar


24 hours have passed

what do i do now

all around the world


yes i get the big one

what's in that big box


are you


santa i am robo knight

protector of the environment guardian of

the earth

but where on earth am i



what does christmas mean

i really don't know

i was told that christmas is the special

time of year

when humans are at their best

everyone acts a little nicer

people try harder than usual to do

what's right

and we all strive for peace on earth

can you tell us the christmas story

i don't know

what's that

this is my robomorpher

i use this to call my friends

they are a good example of what

christmas is about


where i come from there is good and evil

my friends are dedicated to doing what's

good and strive to bring peace on earth

they are the power rangers

all of them are brave and strong



say cheese


but working together is what makes them



it was much easier when we all work

together we're each pretty awesome on

our own though

but as a team

we're unbeatable

by giving of themselves and generously

putting the needs of others before

theirs each of the rangers helped make

earth a better place for all

those are your mortars

it's morphin time


but they are also normal teenagers

what species will outlast all others on



insects they'll survive all the bad

stuff we're doing to the environment

some of them have lots of legs they'll

be the last one standing

yes no you have a different answer

robots robots powered by perpetual

motion engines

i could carry your books for you if you



how retro of you



what girl you were k*lling me robo

knight noah let's see gia's pro

what in the world are you doing

come into ernie's yeah but first i'm

going to the woods


i'll meet you a little later oh order me

i know a low-fat cherry berry strawberry

with carob chips

but no hot fudge

what did one wall say to the other

meet you at the corner


they love to laugh and have fun

but they're always prepared for any


and even though they are ordinary

teenagers they take their extraordinary

duty of protecting earth very seriously

like you

they are young and strong

but they weren't always that way

at first they were unsure of their


don't worry just stay here

you'll be okay

are you some kind of superhero well

i guess we're about to find out

but they proved themselves and learned

to stand up for others just because

you're bigger doesn't mean you can pick

on him or even this bug

no matter how small

everything deserves respect you're just

another worthless human who needs to

learn about the superiority of insects

that's the last kid you're gonna


gia get him out of here

go hide we got this


did you ever have to fight the bad guys

not at first

i laid dormant hibernated for thousands

of years

until i was awakened by the great and

powerful gosei

i awoke with one goal

to defend earth

in one of my first missions i faced an

evil adversary who stole people's



did you see who did this

worry your parents will be okay

i will get the bad guys


look at the pot

river santa the water is boiling

is that good

yes and would you have to put the

visuals in


you need to stir it



nicely done robo santa

please tell us more

it has always been my mission to protect

the environment

and thankfully the rangers shared the

same values i'm proud of who we are


and what we do

aren't you

of course

and the best thing is having you guys as

my new best friends

whoa nice i'm so happy i'm part of this


no you don't

you're such a beautiful planet


as planets go we pretty much lucked out

we have to do everything we can to

preserve it


how long do i stir it

until it's ready

tell us more stories yeah yeah even

though we shared the same goals when i

first met the rangers i preferred to

work alone


stand down mutants you will only get one

warning i am robo knight protector of

the environment

guardian of the earth i knew it he's on

our side god

my slime will take care of you

i don't think so

you use noxious elements to hurt the


environmental threats must be stopped


a super robot


who are you why didn't gosie tell us

about you i didn't know zords could turn

into robots you're a robot ranger and a


we want to know all about you

glad to have you on our side

that remains to be seen


you know

you remind me of the power rangers

when i first arrived they were nice to

me even when i wasn't as nice to them

i didn't always understand the rangers

methods and sometimes i put other humans

in danger

no got it quick

let's get them to safety what's the deal

rubble knight you left them wide open

i have a shot red ranger move


you interfered the monster was in my

sights and you jumped in the way

hey troy was just trying to defend us so

that we could all retreat to the shade

he did it to protect us therein lies the

problem with humans

you worry too much about each other

if you hadn't interfered i would have

finished it

there was a lot about humans that i

still had to learn

i didn't understand the power of human


hello mister

are you a policeman


no not a policeman then what are you

i am a protector i'm so happy because my

mom's coming home today when she gets

here i'm gonna give her a big house


what are tears


i want to know why humans cry

you should ask emma she knows more about

tears than me

he cranger a human child falls and cries

out the mother hugs the child why

because she loves him

she wants her child to know how much she

cares about him that's how a mother


i decided to go to the library where i

could find out more information about

these humans

i acquired many books in order to

educate myself and i even made a new



what are those


that day i learned a lot about mankind

but one of my favorite lessons was about

the power of music and the warmth of a



i had a lot of questions about human

emotion they were vexing me texting me

like some sorcerer's potion so i

followed the advice of my good friend

noah and to the city library this robot

did ago i found books galore of every

shape and size on a variety of topics

but what opened the eyes of robo-knight


the very most big bar was the knowledge

there dropped by my little homie todd

who turned me on to hip-hop

once i understood humans better i

realized that the rangers caring for and

protecting one another was a strength

not a weakness i then joined them and we

became unbeatable now together we will

stop him troy did you hear that good job

man thanks lion mechazor



working together with the power rangers

taught me the incredible power of


mega rangers that's a mega win

we're glad you chose to stay on our side

i am on the side of earth

you are an inseparable part of this

planet and you are at your best when

things are at their worst

thank you for seeing it that way

of course you would

it is only logical


you've truly become the sixth ranger

he was right i was finally part of a

great team with an even greater cause

this meteorite shower is phenomenal



hey you

he's really glad you're home


hold hands everyone


we wish that our world will soon live in

peace and harmony and that our planet

will one day be free of harm and



together we fight to protect the earth

its environment and its people

the power rangers have shown me the

logic of having peace on earth and good

will toward men


who wants soup




i've given it enough power to stay lit

through christmas

thank you for teaching me the christmas


now i must return home change card

activate my sword



what's this

to robo knight


merry christmas

shake it



merry christmas to all humans on earth

and to all a good night

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