25x01 - Echoes of Evil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x01 - Echoes of Evil

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] When Galvanax, cruel champion of Galaxy Warriors,

came for the mighty Power Stars,

a new generation of heroes

rose up to protect them.

It’s morphin’ time!

[narrator] In the final showdown, they were battling Galvanax,

when the champion was betrayed by Madame Odius.

[Odius laughs]

[narrator] But her plan was foiled by a mysterious asteroid.

The battle continued

and the Rangers finally destroyed Galvanax,

but the Power Stars were lost,

and the prism was shattered.

With evil defeated, the Rangers’ lives

return to normal,

unaware that in the far reaches of space,

Odius has survived!

[Sledge] Yes!

We survived the wormhole!

What dimension is this?

Wrench, run a scan for Energems!

There’s nothing, Master Sledge.

Then we are in a different universe.


What's that?

A spaceship!

[Wrench] What’s that stuck to it?

Now that’s one good looking asteroid.

That isn't just an asteroid,

it contains a rare metal,

Super Ninja Steel!

What are you waiting for?

Let’s get it!

Yes, Master Sledge.

We’re gonna be rich!

[Wrench] This place is in real bad shape!

[Sledge] Quiet, you tin can!

[Wrench exclaims]

The asteroid must have destroyed everyone on board!


[Sledge] Hurry up slow-pokes.

This is some kind of stage.


[Sledge] Must be from a TV show.

[Wrench] Huh?

"Galaxy Warriors?"

Ha! Fantastic.

I can sell this whole ship for scrap!

[Odius] Scrap!

Just try it!

Who do you think you are?

[Cosmo] Let me present, Madame Odius!

If you mess with me, I'll scrap you!

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[Cosmo] Let me present, Madame Odius!

If you mess with me, I'll scrap you!


I'm Sledge, bounty hunter and scrap collector.

I thought your ship was abandoned...

It looked like that asteroid destroyed everything.

[scoffs] I’m tougher than that,

I just want to get out of here.

Maybe, we can help each other here.

You need to get your ship running,

and I want that worthless "rock".

Give it to me,

and I'll fix this tin can, as good as new.

-[Cosmo] Yes! -Why would you want the asteroid?

Well, my wife, Poisandra, loves rocks...

[laughs] loves them, especially asteroids.

Right, Wrench? Right?

Oh yes, loves the rocks.

-Rocks, asteroids... -[Wrench] A real geologists!

-Floating bits... -Yes.

Absolutely loves rocks!

Fine, we have a deal.


Wrench, get these prisoners to work.

I want this ship ready to go, pronto!

Go on, you heard him!

[Sledge] Pleasure doing business.

Yes, the pleasure was all...yours!

Take me with you when you leave,

and you'll have my undying loyalty.

All of my underlings are loyal to me.

What makes you special?

When you're a prisoner, you overhear things.

I know why Sledge wants that asteroid so badly.

Tell me more...

Oh, thank you.

Have you ever heard of...

Ninja Super Steel?

Super Steel!

I like the sound of that.

Come with me.

[Odious laughs]

[Poisandra] You fooled that fox-head Odius real good!

I love you Sledge-ums!

Me too!

With this asteroid, we're going to be

the richest couple in the galaxy!


[Odius laughs]

Sledge and that dreadful asteroid are gone!

Time for your report, Badonna.

I extracted all the Super Steel from the Asteroid.

Sledge was too busy fixing your ship to notice.

It’s beautiful!

Now not even the Rangers can stop me!

I was right to trust you, Badonna.

-Thank you Madame. -Kudabots! Take us to Earth.

[Kudabots chatter]

-Cosmo! -Yes, Madame, at your service!

It's time to put "Galaxy Warriors" back on the air!

Oh! Fabulous!

It'll be great to have my adoring fans back!


Now I just need to find the Nexus Prism.

Those Earth teenagers are in for a nasty surprise!

[Odius laughs]

Man, we had such a great summer...

But, I'm still glad to be back at school.

Wow! Summer Cove High hasn't changed one bit.

It has for me...

over twenty years since I graduated this place.

Anyway, better put this back where it belongs.

And, I'll see you boys after school.

[both] Bye, Dad!

Must be great to have your dad back.

Yeah, it's pretty epic!

-Hey guys? -Who's hungry?

[all laugh]

We got lots of stuff!

[Sarah] Thanks, guys!

[animal roars on television

[Hayley] What's this?

[singing] ♪ Miracle Monster Repellent, Buy it quick...♪

♪ The only one proven, to do the trick! ♪

We're the only humans ever captured by monsters.

How did we escape?

I'll tell you how.

We used Victor and Monty's Miracle Monster Repellent!

Since the Power Rangers have been gone,

we've been keeping Summer Cove safe

using our...

top secret formula.

Have you seen any monsters lately?

Not a single one,

thanks to Victor and Monty's Miracle Monster Repellent!

Buy a can or two, today!

What a scam.

Yeah but, look around...

people are actually buying that stuff.


[Monty] Attention, please!

We've decided not to come

back to school this year,

now that we're super duper rich

from selling Miracle Monster Repellent.


But we've decided to give back to you...

the little people.

By...generously donating this check

of one million dollars to build

a new wing for the school.


We're calling it,

"Victor and Monty's Academy for Excellent-areianism".

So you never forget me.

Excuse me...

The commercial said that you escaped from monsters.

How did you manage to do that?

[Principal Hastings] Yeah, good point.


Wait a second, Kudabots can’t talk!

My stomach!

Oh! Gross.

And they definitely can’t fart!

-It’s Odius’s prisoners! -[Victor] Keep farting!

[Victor] Good job, Monty!

Monty Hit the button, Victor!

Uh, we can't tell you!

That would give away the secret ingredient

of our Miracle Monster Repellent!

And it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with farts!

Anyways, we're here because we care about education.


[cellphone chimes]

Guys, Redbot wants us back at the base.

He says it's important.

[Monty] Autographs are five...ten dollars!

Oh, this isn’t good!

What's so urgent?

I detected a spaceship on the long-range scanners.


[Redbot] Oh no! Someone, or something...

is teleporting to our coordinates!


[Calvin] Mick!

Hi, Ranger friends!


We missed you.

It isn't the same around here without you.

Ah, it's so good to see you back!

It's great to see you guys too!

Man, I hate riding in space taxis.

[Brody] So, why the visit?

Unfortunately, this isn't a social call.

I have terrible news.

The hit intergalactic TV show, "Galaxy Warriors"...

is back.

That's impossible.

The ship was destroyed.

Not quite.

See for yourselves.

[Odius] This is a season you’ll never forget.

Now get on with it!

That's Madame Odius!

-[Cosmo] In today's episode, -[Preston] She survived?

...the search is on

for the Ninja Nexus Prism.

And we have just the monster for the job...

Come on out, Smellephant!

My mighty trunk will find the Prism.

I can already smell it!

Odius was right.

It's still on Earth!

[Cosmo] Stay tuned, because soon

we'll be arriving in the Milky Way galaxy!

[Cosmo laughs]

She thinks the Prism still works.

That's why she wants it.

[Hayley] The asteroid...

What if it did have Ninja Steel in it," and now she has it?

With Ninja Steel and the Nexus Prism,

she could make Power Stars.

But she doesn’t know it’s broken!

So, how do we fight her?

We don't have our Power Stars, so we can't morph.

First, we need to do is hide the Prism,

so that Odius can't find it.


We could use it as bait.

You mean like a trap?


And I know just where to hide it.

Oh, Rangers!

Looks like you'll be needing these.

[Brody] Our Ninja Comms!

[birds chirping]

[Calvin] Let’s see.

Right there!

We've got Buzz-Cams.

[Smellephant] So this is Earth?

Find me the Prism, Smellephant!

Yes, Madame.

-Monster! -Don't panic.

Use your Miracle Monster Repellent!

It's very close.

It's in that statue!

Good work.

Beat it, creeps!

Yeah, we're not afraid of you!

[Badonna] Pee-eww!

Did somebody fart?

Whoever smelt it, dealt it.

Excuse me. I don't fart.

And if I ever did fart, it would smell like perfume.

[Odius] Pipe down! It's the humans.

You'll never get used to how terrible they smell.

[Smellephant] I can take care of that.

Ew, gross!

It didn't work!

The Repellent didn't do anything!

It's total junk!

[Badonna shouts]

[people scream]

[Badonna] Humans scare so easily!

[Odius laughs]

Cigam Odnu...

[Smellephant] Who hides a Prism in a statue?

[Odius] What? Freeze!

Nice try Rangers!

Oh no, she used her magic

to stop the cage.

You haven’t captured us, you’ve done the opposite!

-Hey! -Let us go, you witch!

Ignore them, we have work to do!

[Odius] Reveal.

[Preston] This isn’t good!

[Odius] Interesting.

The Prism...

It's dead.

Then the Rangers don’t have their powers!

Perfect, I’ll just revive the Prism and turn it evil!

[Odious laughs]

-She repaired the Prism! -[Odius] Yes...

and now I'll make my own Power Stars,

and be even more powerful than Galvanax ever was!

Time to show you something special I found on an asteroid.

Ninja Super Steel!

Ninja... Super Steel?

[Odius] I’m about to redefine the word power!

It’s working!

[Brody] This can’t be happening!

She's using dark magic to make evil Ninja Stars!

[Badonna] Yes, yes!

We have to get out of here, now!

I’m on it!

Srab dneb!

[Levi] Nice job.

[Badonna laughs]

[Badonna] No, the Super Steel!

[Hayley] Nice one guys.

Got it!

Get your filthy human hands off that!

Preston, get the Super Steel out of here!


You’ll pay for that Rangers!

Heads up, Mick. You're getting a delivery!

[Mick] A little left, no, a little right!

I can still forge this piece of Super Steel.

Keep those powerless Rangers back!

-[Badonna] Yes, Madame. -Let’s do this!

[Badonna] I’ll tear you apart!

The spell is almost complete!

[Odius] What?


You broke my spell!



[Odius] This is a disaster!

Whoa! What's happening to the Super Steel?

[Sarah] Our Power Stars!

And our Element Stars!

Plus the Lion Fire Armor Star and Lion Fire Zord Star.

The Prism remade everything we need to beat Odius!

Feels good to have them back.

Now we have our Stars

and the Super Steel.

There's no way you can beat us!

Think again!

Do you want to be a Galaxy Warriors champion or not?

Destroy them!

And bring me back those Stars!

Smells like it's finally time for your destruction!

Funny, that's not what time it is at all.

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!

[all] Ready!

Ninja Spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!


-[Red Ranger] Time to finish you! -Wrong!

[Blue Ranger] Guys look out!

-[Smellephant laughs] -[Blue Ranger] We’re not afraid of you!

[Red Ranger] Hey Rangers, let’s show this monster why they always lose!

It’s because we fight together, as a team!

[all] Yeah!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Spin!

Out of the fire and into the fight!

Lion Fire Red!

Fancy armor won’t stop me!

[Blue Ranger] Ninja Blaster, Whip Lash!

What? No!

You ready Brody?

Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Star morph!

I’m so ready!

Lion Fire Armor Star!

Lock in! Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Flame Strike!

[Smellephant groans]

This stinks!

[Red Ranger] Nice to have our powers back!

[White Ranger] You said it, Brody!

[Blue Ranger] I feel stronger than ever!

He's Smellephant not Small-ephant!

Let's Gigantify this guy.


[Yellow ranger] He’s a big one!

Let's fight fire with fire!

[Red Ranger] If Good idea, Calvin.

I have just the Megazord for that!

Lion Fire Zord Star! Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Out of the shadows!


[Red Ranger] Lion Fire Megazord, energize!

I’ll freeze you with my eye beams!

Back at ya!

Ah! The Zord froze me!

Now it’s my turn!

It’s over for you.

Lion Fire Slash!

Final attack!

All I can smell is defeat!

Show’s over!

Ninjas win!

How could this happen?

Bah! Turn it off.

[Badonna] My condolences, Madame.

It seems ruling the universe will take some time.

But I know the Rangers, and I know their weaknesses.

They won’t last long.

And a one, and a two and a lift!

[Mick] That's it. Perfecto!

[Calvin] Right where it belongs!

Looks like the Rangers are back in business.

At least until we deal with Madame Odius.

How about you, Mick?

Are you still going back to the Lion Galaxy?

I mean, we’d understand.


Come on! The Rangers without Mick?

That would be like peanut butter without jelly.

Pancakes without syrup!

I'm with you Rangers,

as long as it takes.

[Sarah] Aw, thanks Mick!

It's wonderful to have the whole team back together again!

You can say that again, Redbot!

Well, okay...

It's wonderful to have the whole team back together again!

[all laugh]

What’s so funny?

[Victor] I said no refunds!

We're broke!

Looks like their monster repellent scam finally caught up to them.

Monty, I think they’re leaving.


Uh oh!


Victor! Monty!

Your check was no good.

We've had to return a teensy weensy amount of refunds.

Unh huh.

Ten million to be precise.


We really value our education, so...

Please take us back!


Oh, fine.

Here are your schedules.

[Monty] I don’t believe it!

We're back!

What a relief.

[farting sound]

Monty! Please!

My repellent! It’s broken!

Oh, look.

I can't turn it off!

It doesn't work on monsters...

But it definitely works on people!

[Monty] I can taste it.

[theme music playing]
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