25x08 - Caught Red Handed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x08 - Caught Red Handed

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally, Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin'time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[school bell rings]

[Principal Hastings] Listen up class.

[blows whistle]

Today is the Summer Cove High annual camping trip!

It's my favorite outing.

The smell of pine trees and campfires.

Now, to find our camp, you're going to need to use a compass.

I will be using this antique compass.

It belonged to my grandmother.

My Grandpa used to have a compass just like that.

I loved playing with it.

Well today, we're not "playing".

Today these are vital tools we need to use to stay safe.

[Victor clears throat]

[Victor] And speaking of safety...

We can't be too careful, with that mysterious rhino out there.

"Rhino?" What rhino?

[Victor] The dreaded Summer Cove Rhino.

Legend says it escaped from a zoo.

It has a giant horn...

like a curved banana.

Oh man!

It lurks in the forests and hills,

att*cks weary campers...

But not much longer, 'cause we're gonna catch it!

Monty made this cool "Snare Blaster" to do the job.

Capturing that rhino will make Victor more popular than even the Power Rangers!

I'll demonstrate on that skeleton.

Ah, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

-Uh oh! -Victor! Get this off me!

Just a teensy weensy glitch!


[Principal Hastings] Stop it, Victor!

I'm trying to turn it off!

[student] Hold still.

[Principal Hastings] Get me outta here!


Can I have a word, Victor?


Do you like it? Or love it?

You are both in detention!

No camping trip for either of you!

-But the rhino! -Don't.

Hey! My grandmother's compass... it's gone.

It was right here. Who moved it?

Antique compasses are quite valuable.

-Somebody must have stolen it! -Now, that's ridiculous.

I'm sure it's around here somewhere.

[Monty gasps]

There it is!

In that bag.

Whose pack is this?

It's mine.

How did this get into your pack, Brody?

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[Principal Hastings] Whose pack is this?

It's mine.

How did this get into your pack, Brody?

I don't know.

He said he liked playing with his Grandpa's compass.

You couldn't help yourself, could you?


You think I took it?

[Levi] Brody wouldn't do that.

Oh he had motive,

and while everyone was cleaning up, he had an opportunity.

This compass didn't just magically appear in your bag. Did it?


I'm going to make this really simple -

Either you tell the truth, or you're not going on the camping trip.

Sorry ma'am, but I'm not going to admit to something I didn't do.

[Principal Hastings] Well that's disappointing, Brody.

I thought highly of you, but obviously I was wrong.

Everyone but Brody, Victor and Monty

grab your gear and head out to the bus!

And, there is a security camera in the hallway,

so don't even think about going through that door.

Well, we know you didn't do it.

Yeah you know, I think I'll stay here with you.

I could always practice some magic tricks.

Yeah, me too. I'll stay.

Stop it.

You guys were all so excited about going camping.

So just go and have fun.

I'll be fine.

[Preston] Well, okay Brody.

-It's not gonna be the same. -[Sarah] See you tomorrow.

[Cosmo] Ladies and gentlemonsters!

Give it up for our next Galactic Ninja:

the wildly unpredictable Rygore!

[crowd cheers]

[Rygore] Thank you. Thank you.

Ah, good, my Medallion's fully charged!

Now my ninja powers are activated.

[crowd cheers]

Check it out!

[Cosmo] What is the dice for?

I roll it to decide what Ninja attack to use.

That way the Rangers can never guess my next move.

Good luck, Rygore!

[Victor whispering] Almost got it.

Hand me the blaster.

What are you guys doing?

Ha hmm. We're escaping, that's what.

We've got a rhino to catch!

But Principal Hastings said not to leave.

[Monty] Noooo, she said...

(squeaky voice] "Don't go out that door."

Which we would never dream of doing. Ahh!

[Victor] Smell ya later...thief.

[Principal Hastings] Okay, get your tents set up.

Someone split the firewood, let's get a campfire going.

Oh, good job, Sarah!

Thank you. Anyone need help? I'm all done.

Wha-! How do you always do that so quickly?



What's up, Mick?

Rangers, there's Buzz-Cams in the forest near your campsite.

We'll check it out.

[MICK] Let me know if you find anything.


Is that a dice?

[Rygore laughs]

I'm Rygore, the third Galactic Ninja.

Now, what attack has my dice chosen?

Ooh, number three!

Looks like it's time to let off some steam with my ninja kettle.

Scalding attack!

[Levi] Look out!

Ah, you puny Rangers dodged my scalding steam,

but you won't be so lucky with my next attack!

Say goodbye!

You dodged my steam, but you won't be so lucky with my next attack!

Say goodbye!

Let's morph before he has a chance to show us!

[Levi] Yeah!

[all] Ninja Spin!

[Victor] It's the Rangers!

That creature...

A giant horn, like a curved banana!

It's the Summer Cove Rhino!

The Rangers are trying to steal our thunder!

We've gotta capture that Rhino before the Rangers do.

Okay, Monty.


Good luck, Victor!

[Rygore] Earth ninjas got nothin' on galactic ninjas!

You can't defeat me!

Don't worry Rangers,

Victor Vincent will catch the Summer Cove Rhino with his Snare Blaster!

[Rygore] Nice try pip-squeaks!

I don't like nets. I'm an endangered species!

I don't have time for this!

-[Pink Ranger] What are you doing to them? -[Rygore] Get outta here!

[Victor and Monty scream]

[Hastings gasps]


Victor! Monty!

What are you doing out of detention?

[Rygore laughs]

Time for another chance attack!

Wait for it, it's attack number four!

These jacks'll get you jumping!

It seems he has a different attack with each dice roll!

[Gold Ranger] We can't stay ahead of him!

[Rygore] Exactly! Catch!

[laughs] Too easy!

-[Red Ranger] I'll take that! -[Rygore] Huh? Those are my jacks!

[Red Ranger] Hmm.

[Blue Ranger] Brody!

[Red Ranger] Oh, you want them back?

Take them all!

[Rygore] Uh oh!


[Pink Ranger] Nice throw!

[Rygore] You haven't see the last of me!

-[Red Ranger] You okay? -[White Ranger] Yeah!

Hey, great timing, Brody.

I got here as fast as I could,

but I gotta go back to detention.

[Calvin] What?

Isn't there a way you could stay here and camp with us?

Only if I say I lied about the compass.

But I didn't do it...

and my integrity is worth more than any camping trip.

Yeah, you're right.

You better go.

Don't you see, we were trying to keep everyone safe from the rhino!

Safe? Safe?

Your nets are more dangerous than any make believe "monster"!

Make believe!

Wait! We have proof.

I got the entire thing on video.

Well done, Monty.



We need to go back to the school immediately.

-Come with me. -Huh?


There's something I need to show you.

Sure, what is it?

[Principal Hastings] This is some video that Monty shot.

[Victor on screen] I will demonstrate on that skeleton.

You really caught my good side, Monty.

They're all good sides, Victor.



I don't get it?

Watch closely.

Let me just zoom in here.

-[Hastings] See that? -[Brody] Whoa!

Your compass!

The net knocked it into my bag!

You're not a liar.

In fact you're the opposite.

You could have just told me what I wanted to hear,

and gone camping with your friends.

But instead, you stuck to the truth.

I'm sorry Brody, I was wrong...

It took courage to do the right thing.

Thanks, Mrs. Hastings.

I want you to have this.

Every act of bravery deserves a reward.




Does this mean I can go camping?

-Of course. -Yes! Great!

Guys, you're never going to guess what just happened.

Wait, what about us? Can we go camping?

Did you saw the Rhino in the video?

Ah, the video ends after the classroom disaster.

You're both back in detention!

-For a week! -What?

You missed the Rhino, Monty!

[Hayley] Hey, Brody, we're so happy you're here!

Dude, I can't believe the compass got knocked into your bag.

Yeah but, now it's time to roast some marshmallows!


You won't be roasting marshmallows...

I'll be roasting you!


Your little camping trip is over!


Brody It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!


Ninja spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Ha! Give up.

None of your att*cks can pierce my leathery hide.

[Blue Ranger] Think so? Then you're in for a surprise.

-Right team? -[all] Ninja Blast!

[Gold Ranger] Rockshot!

[Rygore grunts]

[Rygore] Didn't hurt a bit.

[White Ranger] Ninja Blast!

[Rygore] Back at ya!

[Blue Ranger] Taste my blade, space ninja!

[Rygore] It's "Galactic Ninja"!

Things are about to get dicey!

[Blue Ranger] Ah, great.

[Rygore] Yes! Attack number five!

My Freeze Hammer will stop you in your tracks!

[Blue Ranger] Ah!

[Rygore] One more hit from my hammer and you're finished!

[Red Ranger] You alright Presto?

[Blue Ranger] Not really!

[Rygore laughs] Weaklings!

[Red Ranger] Six Rangers isn't enough!

Ninja Clone Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

-[Rygore] Double the team? -[Red Ranger] And double the power!

Get him!

[all] Ninja Blast!

Steel Slash!

[Rygore] I've got a bad feeling about this!

-[Blue Ranger] Who's finished now? -[Red Ranger] Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Lion Fire Red!

Lock in!

Lion Fire Flame Strike, Final Attack!


[Rygore] Ahh!

[all] Wooohoo!

-Yeahhhh! -Smashed it!

[Cosmo] What do you think, folks?

Do you want to give Rygore another roll of the dice?

Come on! Come on!

I can't hear you!

[crowd chants] Rygore! Rygore! Rygore!

[Cosmo] Gigantify!

[Red Ranger] Zord time! Lock in! Ninja Spin!

Ninja Ultrazord, combine!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Ultrazord, ready!


[Yellow Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!

[Yellow Ranger] You're in trouble now, Rygore!

[Rygore laughs]

But you don't know what attack I'll do next.

[White Ranger] He's right! Standby everyone.

We gotta be ready for anything.

[Rygore] Bigger dice means bigger att*cks!

Let's see what we get.

Number two!

My mega firecracker expl*si*n!

expl*si*n? Let's take him out before he can do it!

[Yellow Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

[Yellow Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Blaster, Energized!

[Red Ranger] Hi-yah!


[all] Ninja Ultrazord Blast! Final Attack!

[Rygore] I just need one more roll of the dice!

[Rangers cheer]

[Odius] Yes!

Three galactic ninjas have been destroyed by the Rangers,

and now I have each of their Medallions!

[Badonna] I've brought you the owner of the final Medallion.

[Odius] Hand it over and complete my collection.

-[Venoma] But-- -[Badonna] Don't question Madame Odius!

Work with us...

or be destroyed!

[Venoma] Why do you need my Medallion?

[Odius] Having all the Medallions is crucial to my secret plan,

and so are your Foxbots!

It's time to use a little magic to rearrange their ninja robotics!

Behold... the Foxatron!

My own Zord!

Just wait until you see what the Medallions do to this!

Hmm. It looks like the show isn't over!

Yes, the Rangers have destroyed Rygore,

but they're in for a surprise!

[Badonna] Gigantify!

-[Red Ranger] Huh? -[Yellow Ranger] Look!

[White Ranger] What is that thing?

[Pink Ranger] It's mechanical, kind of like a Zord...

But monsters don't have Zords!

[Gold Ranger] Hate to break it to you, but they do now!

[Odius laughs]

Now Medallions, fill my Zord with unbeatable ninja power!

[Odius laughs]

[Red Ranger] I got a bad feeling about this...

[Gold Ranger] That thing looks powerful.

[Red Ranger] Well, so is our Ultrazord!

Ninja Ultra Strike!

[Yellow Ranger] No way! That thing just deflected our blasts!

[Odius] Fox Drone Swarm!

[Pink Ranger] Oh no! Her attack is destabilizing the Ultrazord!

[White Ranger] Our formation's coming apart!

[Red Ranger] Whoa!

[Gold Ranger] You guys okay?

[White Ranger] Yeah, luckily the Megazord stayed together!

What do we do now?

[Blue Ranger] We gotta keep fighting!

[Gold Ranger] You're right, Preston. We can't give up!

[all] Ninja Steel Megazord, Master Slash!

[Pink Ranger] Oh no! We didn't even scratch it!

Levi attack!

[Gold Ranger] You got it! Bullrider Megazord, RodeoRapid Fire!

-[Blue Ranger] What? -[Gold Ranger] Didn't even dent it!

That's not possible!

Fox Blade Slash!

[all] No!

[Gold Ranger] Aah!

[Red Ranger] Guys?

[teens groan in pain]

We gotta get back in the fight!

[Preston] Yeah!

[Preston] Uh, my star, it looks burnt!

[Hayley] Ours too!

Ninja spin!

Oh, come on!

My Zord Star, it isn't working.

When the Megazord was blasted apart, our Zord Stars were damaged!

-[Levi] It's up to Brody now. -[Red Ranger] Lion Fire, Spin Strike!

[Red Ranger] No!


[Red Ranger] Aah!

[Odius] So long, Red. Fox Drone Swarm!

[Red Ranger] Aah!

[Brody] Erh!

[Odius laughs]

Shows over... Ninjas lose!

Hayley Brody! Are you okay?

I'm fine, but look at this!

Oh no. Your Zord Star's damaged too.

If we can't call our Zords... What are we gonna do?

No! Not now!

Why is my Foxatron losing power?

[Hayley] What happened?

Why would it stop?

Look! Odius is coming out.

Quick, hide!

[Odius] How can this be?

The Foxatron nearly destroyed the Rangers!

But those Medallions ran out of power!

Venoma, if you don't tell me what's wrong with them, I'll--

Wait, madam, you just need to recharge them.

And just how long will that take?

By this time tomorrow, you'll have enough energy

to obliterate the Rangers once and for all.

[evil laughter]

We've got one day to figure out how to beat that thing.
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