25x14 - Sheriff Skyfire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x14 - Sheriff Skyfire

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Cosmo] Ladies and gentle monsters,

Please welcome today's contestant,

the notorious demolition expert...


[Blammo] Cover your ears, folks,

because every piece of me is expl*sive...

Ha ha. Watch this!

[crowd cheers]

I've set the timer for five seconds...


[monsters] Five, four, three, two, one!

[Blammo] You think that was close?

The Rangers won't be so lucky!

[sirens blaring]

[Cosmo] Oh my-- is that the space police?

[Sheriff Skyfire] Hold it right there, Blammo.

[Blammo] Uh oh!

[Cosmo] Why aren't you the legendary "Sheriff Skyfire"?

You're correct, space citizen.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Now, Blammo,

you're wanted for counts

of unlawful use of expl*sives...

you're under arrest, pal!

[Cosmo] Can't we do this later, Sheriff?

We're right in the middle of a show!

This is Galaxy Warriors!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Never heard of it.

I only watch cooking shows.

Let's go, Blammo!

-Quiet! -[Blammo] Don't touch me!

[Cosmo] Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!

You're ruining the show!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Don't worry, you'll get your phone call.

[Odius] Good work, sheriff. I hate crime.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Glad to hear it Ms...?

[Odius] Oh, I'm Madame Odius and this is MY ship.

Perhaps you can help me.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Help? With what?

[Odius] It's awful.

This band of thieves stole my Nexus Prism.

[Badonna] She's telling the truth.

I saw everything.

They're down on Earth right now.

[Sheriff Skyfire] They can't escape the law.

I'll arrest them immediately.

[Odius] My hero.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Just doin' my job.

Now, you hold Blammo until I return

with the thieves.

And then I'll take all of them to meet the heavy hands of justice.

[Odius] Give those criminals everything you've got!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Space jump!

[Badonna] What a fool!

[Odius] Yes, but if that Sheriff's as tough as they say he is...

the Rangers might finally be destroyed.


[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[girl] Your dog's so cute!

[Hayley] Aww, thanks!


-Come on, boy. -Ahaaha. Yup.

I do get more handsome every day.

Whoah Stop right there!

How many times do I have to remind you of rule fifteen,

"no skateboards inside".

Hand it over.

You can get it back later.

She just gave you her skateboard? Why?

I confiscated it.

Security Guards have the power to do that.

Free stuff.

So, how could we become "Security Thingi-whatsits"?

Well I suppose you can be student deputies.


Sign us up!

Ok, but you have to enforce every rule in the book.

"Every rule"... of course.

Thank you, Boss!

Maybe we'll write a few new ones of our own.

[Victor] Ooh I like the sound of that!

Y'know... I am kinda hungry.


Deputy Victor here.

Rule number...uh, five.

No bananas...

O-oh unless it's a full moon.

Which it is not!

You should be ashamed of yourself.

This is gonna be fun!

Looks good. Thanks.

Heads Up!

If we get lunch, you should have a treat too, Kody.

There you go.

[Haley] Good boy.

Here comes Clint...

Hayley... no dogs allowed inside the school.

I'm gonna have to write you up for that.

What? But everybody loves Kody.

He's been in here like a dozen times.

"A dozen times"?

Well that's a dozen write-ups.

[Hayley] What?

Here you go.

I don't make the rules, guys...

I just enforce them.

Yeah, I know.

OK. I'll take Kody out.

Come on boy. Come on.

And one more write-up for that.

What for?

This bin is for trash only,

and your can is recyclable.

Simple right?

Don't blame this on me, guys.

Just doing my job.

I can't believe that guy.


Rangers, there's Buzz-Cam activity downtown.

Send the coordinates. We'll check it out.

Where's the monster?

[Sheriff Skyfire] Stop right there!


[Sheriff Skyfire] Attention, earthlings!

I'm Sheriff Skyfire...

and you're going to pay for what you did to Madame Odius.

Surrender, or else.

You work for Madame Odius?

There's no way we're surrendering to you.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Very well, we'll do this the hard way.

Oh, it's going to very hard... on you!

It's morphin' time!

Power Stars!

[all] Lock in!


Ninja spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

[Sheriff Skyfire] I'll give you one last chance to surrender.

Can't say I didn't warn you!

[Red Ranger] We can take him guys!

Let's do this.

[Sheriff Skyfire] You the leader of these ruffians?

It'll go easier for you if you just give up now!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Too bad.

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blast!


[Red Ranger] Oh no!

[Red Ranger] I got you!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Ma'am. You dropped your purse.

[Red Ranger] I'm glad you're okay.

[Sheriff Skyfire] So am I.

I'm sorry I put you in harm's way.

You need to be more careful.

[Sheriff Skyfire] We will,

you can count on that, ma'am.

[Blue Ranger] Wait, you're a real good guy sheriff?

[Sheriff Skyfire] Yes, and Madame Odius told me you stole her Prism.

[Pink Ranger] Her Prism?

It never belonged to her!

It was ours and we took it back!

[White Ranger] She just wants to use it for evil!

[Sheriff Skyfire] For evil? I thought you were evil!

[Blue Ranger] No, we're trying to protect our planet.

We've destroyed dozens of Odius' monsters to keep it safe.

[Sheriff Skyfire] That wicked witch lied to me...

[Gold Ranger] It's not the first time.

[Sheriff Skyfire] You'll have to forgive me,

it seems I was very wrong about you.

[Sheriff Skyfire] I need to fix this.

Could you give me a full report

of all the monsters that have att*cked your planet?

Yeah, sure. We'd be happy to.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Then justice will prevail.

We'll take you to our base.

Uh, The Principal texted me an hour ago.

She wants to see me.

Ah, I'll catch up with you guys later.

-OK. -Bye!

[Badonna] Sheriff Skyfire is onto us.

He's working with the Rangers now.

[Odius] His loss, It's your turn, Blammo.

[Blammo] You don't have to ask me twice.

[Odius] I want the Rangers and Skyfire

blown to smithereens by sundown.

[Badonna] I know where to hide your little surprise...

The junkyard where the Rangers train.

[Blammo] Perfect... this is gonna be a blast - literally!


[Blammo] All alone — no one can stop me!

Odius said to set the timer for pm.

that way the Rangers will be the only ones around!


Now I should put it somewhere out of sight.

Hmm. A-ha!


[Blammo] Now all we have to do is wait!

This is it for the Rangers!

-[Cosmo] They'll go out in a bang! -[audience cheers]

[siren blaring]

This is a bust!

Nobody move!

Ooh, nice hat.

I'm Deputy Victor, and I'm afraid that hat violates the uhm...

The Cool Hat Code?

Yes, the Cool Hat Code! I'll have to confiscate it.

Hey! That's mine!

Uh oh, you shouldn't have complained.

Now we'll have to confiscate that cool shirt too!

He's right. It's the law.

My-oh-my, those blueberries look gooooooood.

-Hey! -Sorry to tell you,

but blue food is now banned at Summer Cove High.

-What? No way. That's my-- -Shhhhh....

Deputy Victor knows what's best.

Don't make us come back and take more of your stuff.

[Victor] Hurry up, Monty!

[Monty] Ow! Ow! Victor, help!

I got a text saying you wanted to see me about something?

That was quite a while ago.


It seems, you've gotten quite a few write-ups lately.

Yeah, I guess I have.

You know that's too bad.

As punishment, I'd like you to separate the recyclables from the trash...

starting in the parts junkyard.

-Now? -Yes, now.


Ah, typical!

Recyclables in the trash can, again!

Sorry, I'm a bit late...

Wait... you already sorted it?

That's not your job.

No it's not, but someone's got to do it.

Look how much recycling these kids put into the trash...

Like this thing.

It's made of metal,

which means it's recyclable.

Now the Principal's gonna find some other punishment for me.

I really just wish you'd waited.

I couldn't wait,

the recycling place closes in an hour.

It closes...? I didn't know that.

You don't need to know everything,

you just need to follow the few simple rules.

It's really easy to do.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Thanks for the intel, Rangers.

That Odius is a real piece of work

-[Sheriff Skyfire] Hmmm. -[Clint] I'm just a Security Guard.

But I try hard to make Summer Cove High a little nicer,

a little safer...

and instead of following a few simple rules,

the students here make my life difficult.

Which is exactly why,

right after I drop off these bins...

I'm quitting.


[Sheriff Skyfire] That doesn't sound good.

[Sarah] What's up, Hayley?

Hey guys. Did you hear that?

Yeah... Clint's quitting.

I can't believe he's so upset that I broke a couple of rules.

It's not just you, Hayley.

Lots of people break rules without thinking.

It makes it much more difficult

for lawmen like me and Clint to help you.

Yeah, actually...

last week, Clint caught me driving my truck on the grass.

I broke the sprinklers.

Yeah, he wrote me up for riding my hoverboard without a helmet.

He was right, it was dangerous.

And instead of thanking him... we just complain.

Like I did today.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Put yourself in his shoes,

and maybe you can begin to understand

why he's tired of working here.

Thanks, Sheriff.

I'll try find Clint and see if I can stop him from quitting.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Excellent... Now, to get back on my case —

and bring Blammo here to justice.

That's who you're after?

He's the ugliest monster I've ever seen.

Hey, what's that in his hand?

[Sheriff Skyfire] One of Blammo's expl*sives.

But... I saw that in the trash!

-[Sheriff Skyfire] The trash? -It must have been meant for us.

Where is it now?

Clint thought it was metal, so he's taking it to the recycling center!

We've got to stop him.

[Sheriff Skyfire] We'd better go fast,

that expl*sive could go off anytime!

I've got an idea... Come on!

[White Ranger] Yes, there he is!

Guys, I found him. He's on th Street.

[Red Ranger] Great job, Hayley.

We're close, meet you there.

[Clint] Holy moly!

[White Ranger] Thanks for stopping, sir!

What in the world?

You're a Power Ranger!

[White Ranger] Please, stay back.

Excuse me? What's going on?

Whoa! More Power Rangers?

What are you doing here?

[Pink Ranger] Please, sir... you're in grave danger.

[Blue Ranger] We got a tip that you found a strange item in the trash.

I find a lot of strange stuff.

[Sheriff Skyfire] The item we're looking for might be

an expl*sive planted by monsters.


-[Red Ranger] Come on, come on I found it! -[beeping]

[Red Ranger] Oh no, ten seconds left!

It's about to explode!

[Red Ranger] I found it! Oh no, ten seconds left!

It's about to explode!

[White Ranger] Ooh! I know!

[White Ranger] Ninja Spin!

Element Star - Ninja Earth Attack!

[White Ranger] Trust me, guys!

[White Ranger] Everybody duck!

[Rangers cheer]

[Sheriff Skyfire] That was some very quick thinking.

[White Ranger] Thanks, and Clint-

if you hadn't been so diligent

in sorting those kids' trash,

we never would've found that expl*sive.

-Really? -[White Ranger] Yeah!

[Blammo] You ruined my plan!


[Blammo] Now I'm gonna ruin all of you!

[White Ranger] Quick, get somewhere safe!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Blammo! Halt in the name of the law...

[Blammo] Uh oh. It's the Sheriff!

I'm not going to the slammer!

[Red Ranger] Let's get him!

[Sheriff Skyfire] I'll give you one chance to surrender, Blammo.

[Blammo] Not gonna happen!

-[Sheriff Skyfire] Ready Rangers? -[All rangers] Ready!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Sky Fire!

-[Blammo] Uh oh! -[Rangers] Element Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Forest Attack!

[Blammo] Oh no, my arms!

-[Gold Ranger] Ninja Lightning! -[Blammo] Aah!

[Blammo] I am not going back to space jail!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Oh yes you are!

[Blammo] Curse you Sheriff!

[Red Ranger] Look out below!

-[Sheriff Skyfire] Nice moves! -[Red Ranger] Thanks!

[Blammo] I've got moves too!

[Sheriff Skyfire] I'll handle this!

[Blammo] Noooo!

[Red Ranger] Right on target!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Ready to surrender?

[Blammo] Never!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Okay then, Blammo..

It's time for my signature move...

Sheriff Skyfire. Justice Strike!

-[Sheriff Skyfire] Yes! -[Red Ranger] Epic move!

[Red Ranger] Now let me finish him!

[Red Ranger] Lion Fire Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Out of the fire, and into the fight!

Lion Fire Red!

[Blammo] This isn't a blast!

[Red Ranger] Lock in! Lion fire.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Wait — why don't you use this?

[Red Ranger] Really? Wow!

It'd be an honor! Thanks!

Ninja Spin!

Lion fire! Justice Strike!

[Red Ranger] Final Attack!

[Blammo] I used to make explosions, now I am one!

[Red Ranger] Whaddaya think, Sheriff Skyfire?

[Sheriff Skyfire] Justice has been served.

-[audience roars] -[Cosmo] Well, look at that!

Blammo fought the law,

but the law hasn't won yet!


[Blammo] Looks like I've been bailed out!

[Red Ranger] Okay Sheriff, leave this to us.

[Sheriff Skyfire] Good luck, Rangers.

[all] Lock in! Activate!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Falcon Zord!

[Blue Ranger] Serpent Zord!

[Pink Ranger] Panda Zord!

[Yellow Ranger] Tortoise Zord!

[Gold Ranger] Piranha Zord!

[White Ranger] Tiger Zord!

[Red Ranger] Out of the Shadows!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Magnificent.

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Combine!

[all] Ninja Spin!

[all] Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Ready!

[Blammo growls]

You Rangers aren't ready for my expl*sive moves!

[Red Ranger] Blaze Zord Fury Punch!

[Blammo] I'll crush you into the ground!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Oh no, the Rangers!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze!

Fire Burst!

[Blammo] Ahh!

[Sheriff Skyfire] Yes! What a move!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Begin Final Attack!

[all] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Ranger Blast!

[Blammo] Uh oh!

[all] Final Attack!

[Red Ranger] Show's over, Ninjas win!

[Sheriff Skyfire] You sure did, Rangers.

[Red Ranger] Sheriff? What's the plan now?

[Sheriff Skyfire] Well, I need to report back to command for my next assignment.

Can you take care of Odius?

[Red Ranger] Yeah! Absolutely!

[Gold Ranger] You can count on us, Sheriff.

[Blue Ranger] It was great to meet you.

[White Ranger] And thanks again for your advice about Clint.

[Sheriff Skyfire] You're welcome, Hayley.

Farewell, Power Rangers.

-[Rangers] Bye! Goodbye! See Ya! -[Sheriff Skyfire] Space Jump!

[Red Ranger] Glad that's over!

[Yellow Ranger] Yeah, but we still gotta help Clint?

[White Ranger] Oh, I know how we can get him to stick around.

Come on!

-Do you think he'll like it? -Definitely.

Here he comes, here he comes.

Before you decide to resign...

We have a surprise for you.

Why'd you do that? You know that's recyclable.

[bin voice] This item is recyclable.

Thank you for the reminder.

I'll just pop it in the correct bin.

[bin voice] Thanks for saving the planet.

[Hayley chuckles]

My friends and I rigged it up

so that nobody will mess up the recycling again.

You guys did that... for me?

We thought it might help you out.

Listen, Clint...

I'm so sorry for the way I acted earlier.

You were just trying to keep us safe...

and it's really not that hard to follow the rules.

I promise that from now on, I will.

We all will.

So...please don't quit.

The school wouldn't be the same without you.

Well... this job does have its perks.

Why just today I met the Power Rangers!

[teens] Really? Wow, What?

So... you'll stay.

Yep... I'll stay.

[all laugh and cheer]

Clint, we have a problem in the Rec area.

Can you come and help us?

I'm on it!

You're right, Monty... this hat fits me perfectly!

Ooh. Blueberry?

[gasps] Don't mind if I do!

-[female student] There they are! -Just relax.

-They stole my stuff! -Just relax,

calm down Okay? Calm down!

They took my banana!

-And my clothes! -And my science experiment!

You mean those blueberries?

Those aren't blueberries.

I was trying to develop new space food for astronauts.

But I can't seem to get the formula right.

What's wrong with your formula?

Well, every time someone tries to eat them they...

They what?



[both screaming]

I think we should change Victor's name to Violet.

[theme music playing]
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