25x15 - Tech Support

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x15 - Tech Support

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Emma] I’ll finish this transfer. . .

And then, I just need to route the program

to launch from your desktop-

Hey Emma, ready for your karate lesson?



There. All done!

Let me get this straight...

everything that’s in these...

Is now in there?

Yup. I built a program that consolidates the school's database.

Just type in what you're looking for...

no more searching through giant folders.


Well Emma I will remember this

when I'm deciding the winner

of the school's technology trophy!

Great. Thanks!

Wow! You're quite the whiz kid, Emma.

Hmm. Did somebody say "trophy"?

-That's right. -Uh oh.

It's technology week,

so tomorrow I'll be giving it out

to the student with the best hi-tech achievement.

Tomorrow, huh? Plenty of time.

You just wait...

Victor will come up with something amazing!

I'm sure he will.

I'll finally win my fiftieth trophy!

-[Brody] Two! -[Emma grunts]

-[Brody] Three! -[Emma grunts]

[Brody] Four!

[Emma] Spin and...[grunts]

[Brody] OK, raise that sword up a little bit.

Yeah. Strong stance.

Now raise the sword above your head,

and swing with power!


Ha ha! Yes, I did it!

I'm getting really good at this!

Uhhhh... maybe we'll practice that move a little more next time.

We better finish up.

Thanks so much, Brody,

you're doing me a big favor.

One day, I'll be as good at fighting as the Power Rangers.

Oh, really?

Well, that's a great goal.

[Emma] Anything I can do for you, Brody?

Actually, my phone's been kinda glitchy lately.

If you have time, do you think you could take a look?

Yeah. No problem.

So, every time I open up this app,

-the whole thing freezes up-- -[Typeface growls]

[Typeface] Surprise!

Prepare to be deleted!


[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

So, every time I open up this app,

the whole thing freezes up--

[Typeface growls]


Prepare to be deleted!


Quick! Get to safety,

I'll be right behind you!

[Typeface] You puny humans are all afraid of me,

the mighty Typeface!

Not me!

Ninja Spin!

[Redbot] The wireless connection

between our weapons and the computer

is working perfectly.

And that is the last of our weapons checks.

As expected, our Ninja Star Blades are in top shape.

-Nice job. -Thank you.


[Red Ranger] Guys, I got jumped by a monster!

I'm at the docks. Come quick!

We’re on our way!

[Typeface] I came after one Ranger,

but now I’ve got six!

-[Blue Ranger] Brody! -[Red Ranger] Aah!

[Typeface] Basherbots, bash them all!

[Gold Ranger] I’m coming bro!

-[Red Ranger] Thanks! -[Gold Ranger] All good!

[Red Ranger] Easy as that!

[Pink Ranger] Arrow Blast!

[Typeface] I’ll get you Gold!

[Gold Ranger] You shouldn’t have messed with us!

Rockstorm Blast!

[Typeface] Aww! You fried my motherboard!

You haven't seen the last of me!

[Gold Ranger] That keyboard monster is gone for now.

-Let's finish these guys off! -[Red Ranger] You said it!

[Red Ranger] That’s Emma.

Hey you, get to safety!

-I can help you guys! -[Pink Ranger] No. Stop!

[Blue & Pink Rangers] Ninja Blast!

[Basherbot groans]

Wow, I did that?

I destroyed one!

[Red Ranger] Ah? Who else wants some?

[Red Ranger] No, wait!

[White Ranger] Stop! It's dangerous!

[Yellow Ranger] Huh?

You're safe now, Yellow Ranger!

[Yellow Ranger] What, what’s going on?

Yeah! I got him!

[Gold Ranger] Excuse me. What are you doing here?

Well, helping you, obviously.

And you're all welcome.

[Blue Ranger] Thanks, I guess.

-But next time- -"Next time?"

Yeah, I'll be seeing you guys again.

[cellphone rings]

Oh sh**t, I'm late. Bye!

-[Pink Ranger] You’re going? -[Red Ranger] Wait a sec’.

Sorry guys, Emma told me she wanted to fight like a Ranger,

but I had no idea she'd go this far.

[Gold Ranger] Look, Brody, you need to find a way to tell her

what she’s doing is dangerous!

[Red Ranger] Yeah okay!

[Odius] Typeface...

the Rangers’ weapons were right in front of you!

How could you fail to infect them with your computer virus?

[Typeface] I can still do it.

I just had some bad luck.

[Odius] Badonna, go with this malfunctioning maggot

and make sure the Rangers' weapons get his virus.

Then they'll be powerless to beat him!

[Badonna] Of course, Madame Odius.

[Typeface] I won’t fail you again!

It's time to test our new "Shot-Bot"!

If "Shot-bot" can sink these balls pronto,

we'll win that Technology Trophy for sure!

[gasps] It's working!

Go, go, Shot-Bot!

Uh oh!



Are you okay? Oww!

[Monty] Shut it down, shut it down!

I didn’t say destroy it.

You'll have to think of something else, Monty.

But right now, it's burger time!

Bone appetizer!

A robot with no tastebuds could cook

better food than this Snack Stop slop.

A robot chef?

You may be onto something, Monty...

[girl] Look, it’s Emma!

Oh my gosh! We saw your video!

-You fought monsters! -So awesome!

-Sign this. -Oh, okay!

She's famous for fighting monsters?

This is only going to encourage her.

Don't worry, it's harmless.

She'll have a few minutes of fame,

-no harm done. -[Hayley] Let's hope you're right.

[Emma] Hey Brody! I have something for you...

Oh wow. It's all fixed?

-Thanks Emma. -You're welcome.

Hey, I wanted to thank you too,

for all your help teaching me to fight.

I didn't realize how good I've gotten.

Oh, really?

Yeah. I’m sure you’ve heard that

I totally fought with the Power Rangers!

Emma, look, that sounds kinda dangerous.

-Maybe you should-- -Oh it's fine.

Someone video'd the fight.

Everyone's loving it!

Anyway, I was thinking...

since I've gotten so good,

I don't really need any more ninja lessons.

Wait... what?

Yeah, I'm all done.

Maybe one day, I could give you some pointers.

-See ya round! -Yeah.

Well, now do you think it's harmless?


Rangers, there's Buzz-Cam activity downtown.

We're on it. Let’s go.

[Typeface] Welcome, Rangers.

It's time to face your deletion.

[Badonna] With double the monsters!

Make sure you infect their weapons this time!

There may be double the monsters,

but there's still zero brains!

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!

[all] Ready!

Ninja spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

[Badonna growls]

[Badonna] Basherbots!

You know what to do!

[Red Ranger] Get them!

[Gold Ranger] You won’t get away this time!

[Blue Ranger] We’re gonna take you down!

[Typeface] Not with those moves!

[Badonna] I’m a fan-tastic fighter!

Dart Blast!

[Badonna] You are truly pathetic Rangers!

Forget Typeface,

I will destroy you myself!

It's not over yet!

If you wanna destroy the Rangers

you'll have to go through me!

[Red Ranger] No! Get out of here!

[Badonna] Like a hot knife through butter.

[Badonna] Ha! Lucky break.

You won’t be so lucky this time.

[Red Ranger] No!

[Badonna] Curses!

[White Ranger] That was close!

[Yellow Ranger] Are you okay?

I don't know what happened.

I thought I could fight them.

[White Ranger] I’m sorry, but you need to leave this to us.

Please, it's not safe for you.

Come on.

[Badonna] Basherbots!

[Red Ranger] You'll pay for that, Badonna.

[all] Arrow Blast!

[Pink Ranger] Ha ha. Looks like the tables have turned.

[Badonna] Then I'm not staying for dessert!

[Red Ranger] Good riddance.

Let's help the others.

[Blue Ranger] Time to knock off some of those keys!

[Typeface] Ha ha! My face still spells your destruction!

[Blue Ranger] Your face spells "loser", too!

[Typeface laughs]


Time to infect his w*apon!

[Blue Ranger] No! What’s he doing?

[Gold Ranger] I’ll stop him!

[Gold Ranger] That’ll teach him!

[Blue Ranger] Oh no, what happened to my blade?

[Typeface] You'll find out...

but for now, I’m hitting my escape key!

[Blue Ranger] Guys, he did something to my Blade!

[Red Ranger] Mick, what's going on?

[Mick] You need to get back to the base, now.

[Red Ranger] Whoa, sounds urgent. Let's go.

[computer voice] Warning. Virus infection alert...


Our computer systems are under attack.

Some kind of virus has infected our network!

That's what Typeface did.

He infected our technology with a virus!

If we don't get rid of it,

all of our weapons will stop working.

What? Without our weapons, we'll be toast.

I wish I was more of a programmer...

I don't know squat about computer viruses.

I know who is an ace with computer problems...

And she's determined to help us.

I think I know just who you mean.

We better morph.

-Yeah. -Don’t worry Mick, we’ll be back!


Me, fight like a Ranger?

What was I thinking.

Whoa-- the Power Rangers!

Aww man... I'm so sorry.

I wanted to be a Ninja, just like you...

but it seems like I only got in the way.

[Red Ranger] Fighting is dangerous,

but we're here because there's another way

you can help us.


[Gold Ranger] Yep, really.

There's a virus in our Ranger technology...

and we need to get rid of it... fast!

[White Ranger] And we've heard you're an expert.

I am... and I'd love to help you!

[Pink Ranger] Fantastic!

But... we'll need to blindfold you

to take you to our secret base.

I get to go to your base?

That's awesome!

Of course, of course you can blindfold me!

[Yellow Ranger] Mega Morph Cycle Star,

Rev Up!

[Yellow Ranger] Alright, hop on back with me.

[Pink Ranger] Careful now!

[Yellow Ranger] Okay, see you guys at the base!

It’s a long way from here, hold on.


[Red Ranger] You think she's buying it?

[Gold Ranger] Well, if he drives her around long enough, she will.

Woo hoo.

[computer voice] Warning. Virus infection.

[Redbot] Nothing's working,

the virus is too complex to fight.

The systems are going down fast.

[Red Ranger] Don't worry, guys.

We brought help.

[Redbot] Wait, Mick.

Don't you teach her?

You can't let her see you here!

Ooh ah, good point!

Wow... this place is so cool.

You must be Redbot!

I read your book. It was great.

I've never seen a hammer like that?

[Redbot] And you never will again.

[Blue Ranger] Ahem... Emma, the computers are over here.

Please, hurry.

[Emma] I’m on it.

Oh boy, that's a nasty one...

This antivirus program isn't going to work.

[Redbot] You mean, you can't help us?

I didn't say that...

Just like a ninja has a lot of moves,

I have a lot of tools.

I'll find something.

[Red Ranger] You're like a... Computer ninja!

[Emma] Hmm, let’s try this one.

This program needs time.

While we're waiting, I'll see if I can get

any of your systems running again.

[Gold Ranger] Thanks!

[Redbot] Oh! Good news!

The Buzz-Cam detector is back online...

Uh oh, bad news...

it’s showing activity in the industrial quarter.

-[Pink Ranger] Oh no! -[Red Ranger] We've gotta go.

Can you two handle this?

I won't give up... like a ninja.

-[Red Ranger] Great! -[Redbot] Be careful,

until the virus is gone,

your weapons will likely malfunction.

[Red Ranger] Then we'll use our fists.

[Red Ranger] The Buzz-Cams are right up here!

[Typeface] Ah, good.

Come and get me, you rainbow roaches!

[Red Ranger] Let's give him a fiery attack using these!

[all] Element Star, Lock in!

Ninja Fire Attack!

[Red Ranger] Oh no! Redbot was right.

The virus is making our weapons fail!

[Typeface laugh]

Without your weapons,

I can delete you permanently!

[Red Ranger] Redbot was right.

The virus is making our weapons fail!

[Redbot] That’s bad news,

but Emma's working as fast as she can.

Try another w*apon!

-[Red Ranger] Got it. -[Typeface] Take this!

-[Rangers moan] -[laughs]

[Pink Ranger] Cal, let's give our blasters a try!

[Yellow Ranger] Good idea, let’s do it!

[Pink & Yellow Ranger] Ninja Blaster. Power up!

Whip lash!

[Typeface] Not even close!

[Pink Ranger] This isn’t good!

[Typeface] Another w*apon down...

just in time for me to do this!

[Rangers groan]

Almost got it--

I think it's working!

[Redbot] Yes! The virus is failing!

[Emma] Got it.

[Redbot] Fantastic! You've done it!

[Emma] Rangers, this is computer Ninja Emma.

All your weapons are back online!

[Red Ranger] Thanks Emma, great timing!

The weapons are good to go!

[Yellow Ranger] Let's try our Blasters again!

[Pink & Yellow Ranger] Ninja Blaster.

Whip lash!

[Typeface] Oh no!

-[Typeface groans] -[Rangers cheer]

[Typeface] Noooo!

My virus is offline!

You've destroyed it!

Now, I'll destroy you!

[Red Ranger] This is our chance!

Let's wipe out this hard drive!

[Typeface] Take this!

[Yellow Ranger] Let's finish him!

[all] Together! Ninja Blast!

[Typeface] I’m corrupting!

[all cheer]

-[audience roars] -[Cosmo laughs]

Sounds like you want to reboot Typeface!


[Red Ranger] Ninja Blade Zord Star, Lock in! Combine!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Blaze Megazord, ready!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!

[Typeface] Watch this!

My 'Space' key moves me in space!

[Typeface laughs]

[Typeface] Nyah, nyah!

[Red Ranger] Where’d he go?

[Typeface] You can’t catch me!


[White Ranger] We need to hold this guy still!

[Red Ranger] I know just the way!

[Red Ranger] Astro Zord Star! Activate!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Zord Mode, Activate!

[Typeface] What? Hey! Put me down!

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

[all] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Ranger Blast!

[Typeface] Ahhh!

[Rangers] Final Attack!

[Typeface] I should have backed myself up!

[White Ranger] Thanks, Astro Ninja Zord!

[Red Ranger] Show's over, ninjas win!

[Redbot] There’s a call for you.

[Yellow Ranger] Emma...

We couldn't have done it without you!

[Red Ranger] He's right...

you are hereby an official... computer ninja!

Thanks, Rangers! Happy to help!

Hey, Brody. Do you have a sec?


Listen... I just wanted to say...

I realize now that it was too dangerous

for me to try to fight alongside the Power Rangers.

Besides, I have other skills,

like computers...

Which definitely aren't as dangerous.

Still, I was wondering...

Will you give me ninja lessons again?

I just love learning martial arts.

Sure. I owe you for fixing my phone.

Oh! Thanks, Brody.

[Brody] Come on, let’s get to class.

[Emma] Okay.

It's time to award this year's Technology Trophy!

Now there were lots of strong contenders, but this -

[overlapping] Wait, wait, wait! Before you finish,

there’s something you're gonna want to see.


Fine, get on with it.

Presenting, the one, the only...

Victor-matic Auto-Snack-it!


All you have to do is find the food items you want...

and then press the button.

For instance...




Ice cream.

Slow down, Victor,

I haven’t ironed out all the kinks yet.

[Victor] It’ll be fine!

See! It works perfect.


That’s awesome!

[automated voice] Malfunction!

[automated voice] Malfunction!

[automated voice] Malfuction!


[automated voice] Malfunction!

Turn it off!

[automated voice] Malfunction! Malfunction!

[distorted] Malfunction!

[Victor] Soooooooo...

do I get my fiftieth trophy?

The winner of the Technology Trophy is...

Emma Harris!

[applause, cheers]

[Victor & Monty] What?! Oh, come on!

[automated voice] Malfunction! Malfunction!

[theme music playing]
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