25x21 - Reaching the Nexus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x21 - Reaching the Nexus

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe from the monster, Galvanax.

Ten years later,

the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary Ninja Power Stars.

Finally, Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

-[woman] Happy Halloween! -[growling]

Hey, guys.

We all look amazing.

Preston, I like that fur.

Me not Preston. Me caveman.

Oh, Preston, did you forget to shower this morning? 'Cause...

-Oh, hey, come on. -[laughter]

Peace out, man.

-Cavemen don't need to shower. -Yeah. [chuckles]

Well, I'm so ready to go trick-or-treating, guys.

-Where do you think we should start? -[Levi] Whoa! Monsters!

Power Rangers. Yes.

I'm Versix, and these are the Gruesome Grunts,

an intergalactic mob of criminals.

Seven monsters at once?

Odius must be getting desperate.

Time to teach you a lesson.

Uh, guys, we left our Power Stars with Mick to make adjustments

while we were trick-or-treating.

[laughs] You think we care about your Power Stars?

We have nothing to do with Odius and her ridiculous TV show.

Yeah, but once we destroy you, we'll be even more famous than that witch.

If you wanna fight us, you're gonna need more than seven monsters.

Who said anything about fighting? We're gonna do this the easy way.

Swappity-swap, swish boom bop.

[all groaning]

[Versix] I'm swapping your bodies, ready or not.

[Brody grunts]

[Levi] Uh, guys, I think I'm a giant monster tortoise.

[Hayley] Do I have a mouth in my hair?

[Calvin] We're all stuck in monster bodies.

[Stabberous] And now us monsters are inside your teenager bodies.



[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

[Hayley] Do I have a mouth in my hair?

[Calvin] We're all stuck in monster bodies.

[Stabberous] And now us monsters are inside your teenager bodies.

[Jabberon] Ew. Being inside a human body feels gross.

[laughs] Now hold still. I'm gonna cuff you.

[Brody] Duck!

[Versix laughs]

[Hayley] Oh, no, he chained me up.

[Calvin grunts] I can't get my arms loose.

[Levi] He got me, too. Brody, Sarah, go and get help.

[Brody] Don't worry, we'll fix this.

Darn it! I'll go after those two.

Stay here, team. The Mummy Guards will be here any minute.

-[Calvin] Mummy Guards? -[Preston] What? What is he talking about?

[Hayley] You creeps are gonna regret messing with us.

[Putrid] Mummy Guards reporting for duty.

[Ackshun] Uh, check it out. Look who we found.

[Putrid] Well, well, well, that looks like some of the Gruesome Grunts.

[Shelldax] Yes, sirree.

We captured them for you because we are Power Rangers,

and that's the kind of goody-good thing we do.

[Spoil] Four out of six. Not bad.

Thank you, Rangers. You are hereby summoned to answer for your crimes

in the Halloween Intergalactic Court.

[Preston] Halloween Intergalactic Court?

But us? You don't understand.

[Hayley] Yeah, this is all a trick.

[Putrid] Tell it to the judge, you punks. You're coming with us.

[Brody] Oh, no. We've gotta find out what this Halloween Intergalactic Court is.

[Sarah] Let's go find Mick.

[Calvin] This is one creepy courtroom.

[Preston gasps] And we're not alone.

They don't stand a chance here.

[Spoil] Quiet, please.

We are the pumpkin judges, and our favorite word is "justice."

We just need to prove who we really are, and they'll let us free.

Gruesome Grunts, you've finally been caught.

It's time to pay for your crimes. [laughs]

But we're not the Gruesome Grunts.

Silence! The Halloween Intergalactic Court is now in session.

Court witch, get things started.

Next case, the brave Power Rangers

have brought the Gruesome Grunts to face justice.

[Hayley] Justice? But we didn't do anything.

How do you plead?

[Preston] Not guilty. We are the Rangers, they are the monsters.

-They took our bodies! -[laughter]

That's a new one.

No, really. I know things a monster wouldn't know.

Like, uh, that my brother, Brody, saved the Ninja Nexus Prism from Galvanax.

-Mick. -Oh, great.

-You got the Nexus Prism. -[grunts]

Stop right there, rat-bait.

[Mick grunts]

[both screaming]

See? Would the Gruesome Grunts know that?

That doesn't prove anything. Everyone knows that story.

After Mick and Brody escaped the ship,

we real Rangers pulled out the Power Stars from the Prism.

I can't believe it.

-[Sarah] Amazing. -[gasps] How did I just do that?


[Mick] It's the Yellow and White Power Stars.

[Calvin] Whoa.

[Hayley] I can't believe it.

And baddabing-baddaboom,

we became Power Rangers live on Galaxy Warriors.

Yes, we remember that. It's our favorite episode.

Knowing what happened on Galaxy Warriors does not count as proof.

-[Preston] Oh, come on! -[Levi] That's so unfair!

Order! Order in the court!

[Rangers grunt]

[witch] Now listen carefully.

For every crime you creeps committed, you'll get a strike.


Let me guess. If the meter hits the top--

Your punishment will be destruction.



You already get one strike for lying about the Rangers.

-[beeps] -[Preston] You've gotta be kidding!

-[Hayley] Ugh. What? -[Calvin] Whoa.

Nine more, and we'll be history.

[chuckles] It's just a matter of time.



[Rangers grunt and groan]

Nine more, and we'll be history.

Hmm. [laughs] They don't stand a chance.

[exhales] All done.

Don't forget that last bolt.

Oh. Uh...

-[screams] -[Sarah gasps]

[screams] Monsters, right there.

Suffering circuits, what are they doing here?

Mick, Redbot, it's us, Brody and Sarah.

Yeah, right.

Wait, wait, we can prove it.

Uh, we know that you came from the Lion Galaxy.

-And your family calls you... -Micklepoo.


Brody, Sarah, it really is you.

[Redbot] Oh, my.

[Mick and Redbot groans]

These bodies are affecting my smell receptors.

Guys, the others are trapped in some place called

the Halloween Intergalactic Court.

Melt my motherboard, that is not good.

That is the toughest court in the galaxy.

[Sarah] We have to find a way to save them.

[Brody] And to get our bodies back.

[Sarah] We need to come up with a plan, fast.

What is it, Mick?

Ah, I think I have an idea.

All right. Everyone, listen carefully.

Nine more strikes to go, and then you're toast.

-Who else has evidence? -I do.

Against Fangore,

the good-looking vampire monster.

Who, me?

Clearly very suave and cool.

Sit down. You're giving us away.

But, uh, still, a terrible criminal.

Yes. That creep tried to bite us.

Ew. No, I didn't.

He wanted to turn us into vampires.

We had no choice but to fight him.

It was only the power of garlic that slowed him down.

He really hates that stuff.

[Fangore] You can't escape! I'll fight you all!

[both groan]

You won't get your fangs in our necks.

Ninja Blast!

[both grunting]

-[Levi] Rockstorm Blast! -[screams]

Like that? Then here's a surprise.

Storm Star, lock in! Tornado Mode!

Ninja Garlic Dumpling Technique!

Ninja Tornado Attack!

[Hayley] Take a deep breath.

That garlic stinks.

He was so distracted by the garlic, I was able to defeat him.

That's baloney. I love garlic, and I've never tried to bite anyone.

Then prove it. Try some garlic.

I have some right here.

Ha, great. Now I'll show you.

[groans] It's disgusting.

See? He hates it, just like we said.

Wait. The garlic weakness must've transferred when our bodies were swapped.

Give me a break.

Guilty. Two more strikes.

One for the crime, and another for lying about garlic.

-[Calvin] Come on, it's just garlic. -[beeps]

No way.

-[laughter] -Yes way.

Soon, you'll all be vaporized.

Now, I'll tell you about Stabberous' crimes.

Ugh, great. More lies.

That snippy beast was busy trying to slice everything in half,

including our weapons.

So we had to stop him.

So we put on... [stutters] our magic capes to fight him.

Presto cape-o!

[Brody] Can't fight without these.

Monsto destroy-o!

Nice try.

[all grunting]

-[Stabberous] Snip, snip. -No! My wand!


You'll pay for that, beak-face.

Oh, I'm just getting started. Snip, snip.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

-[grunts] -[groans]

Luckily, we managed to use our Element Star Ninja Metal Attack

to stop him from breaking any more of our weapons.

What? None of that happened.

[Hayley] And we'd wear never weird capes in a fight.

Pumpkins, please. I can prove this is all a lie.

All I need is my magic wand.

Hey, that's mine.

I need my wand to do spells in this body.

Give it to me, and I'll prove he's a fraud.

[scoffs] You've gotta be kidding, buster.

There's no way we're giving an accused monster a magic wand.

[stutters] But-- [groans]

Guilty. Two strikes.

Plus one more for trying to trick the court.

-[Rangers] What? -[beeps]

Nice try, monster-brains.

[sighs] That's six strikes now. We're in real trouble.

You can't catch me.

-Is Versix following you? -Yep.

I'll get you, you piece of trash.

Whoa, whoa!

[Brody] Now who's trash?

Okay, uh, phase one of my plan is complete. Now it's time for phase two.

They should be here any second.

[Putrid] Huh? Our informant said the last of the Gruesome Grunts were around here.

Perfect timing.

Quick, let's get on with the rest of the plan before they spot us.

One monster left.

What are his crimes?

Who, me? I'm not a monster. I'm Levi Weston, a musician.

[stutters] I'll sing you something to prove it.

-♪ I'll be there in moments of sorrow ♪ -[gagging]

♪ I'll be there Just tell it to your heart ♪

-♪ My love's everlasting ♪ -[Preston] Sounds great, Levi.

[pumpkins] Stop!

Having a good singing voice doesn't prove you're not a monster.

We should know. We're in a barbershop quartet.

-Oh! -Oh!

♪ Far away, across the sea I miss my true love ♪

♪ She's the only pumpkin for me ♪

-[cheering] -Well done.

[Calvin] What? Singing pumpkins?

So, that's it, then. You're guilty.

One strike, plus three more for assuming pumpkins can't sing.

-[overlapping dialogue] -[Hayley] Are you serious?

-[Preston] Come on! -[beeping]

[witch cackles]

Oh, no. That's ten strikes.

Time for the Gruesome Grunts to be vaporized.


Time for the Gruesome Grunts to be vaporized. [laughs]


[Spoil] Hold everything!

Your honors, we had an anonymous tip that helped us catch Versix

and the last of the Gruesome Grunts.

Oh, no. Brody, Sarah.

Well, do you have anything to say for yourselves?

I feel terrible about what I've done. I have a confession.

I switched the Rangers' bodies with the bodies of the Gruesome Grunts.

Yes, that's what we've been trying to tell you.

-[monsters gasp] -He doesn't know what he's saying.

Oh, wait a minute. So they did swap bodies?

Yes, I admit it.

You're kidding.

So these teenagers are really the Gruesome Grunts?

We've been deceived.

Curses! The jig is up.

-Let's get out of here! -Freeze!

Nice try, Grunts.

Good work, court witch.

Now, switch them back.

Hocus pocus switcheroonie,

put their bodies back very soonie!


-[Hayley chuckles] -[Jabberon] No, no, no!

We're back to normal!

-Oh. -We did it, Brody.

-[Sarah] Thank goodness. -[Stabberous] No!

We've been switched back!

And we're all shackled.

Versix, why did you betray us? We thought you were our friend.

Actually, I'm their friend.

-Oh. -Surprise.

So that's how you did it.

What? That's not fair.

That shape-shifter tricked us.

Very clever. We judge these six monsters guilty.

You shall be vaporized.

-[Jabberon] No! -[monsters groan]

You have our apologies, Rangers. We were wrong.

It's okay. Those monsters were pretty convincing.

Now, where is the real Versix?

Oh, uh, don't worry, we know exactly where he is.

We'll take care of him.

Thank you, Rangers.

[Ninja Comm beeps]

-Redbot, what's up? -Bad news. I'm afraid Versix has escaped.

But I've located him at the docks.

Then that's where we're going next.

Uh, but we don't have our Power Stars.

-Uh, actually, you do. -[Brody] Thank you.

-[Preston] Thanks. -I just finished tuning them up.

-Thanks. -[giggles]

Then I guess we're all set.

It's morphin' time!

Ninja Spin!

Farewell, Rangers.

-Hey, thanks, pumpkins. -[Putrid] See ya.

Looks like I got clean away.


Surprise. We're back in our bodies.

What? No!

That's right. And this time, you're done.

I don't think so. Versix beam!

-Whoa! -[Rangers groan]

Ninja Blast!

[all grunting]

Lock in, Tornado Mode. Ninja Spin!

Ninja Tornado Attack!

[Versix screaming]


Lion Fire! Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Red!

Bring it on!

Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!

Versix beam!

Nice try. Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Flame Strike!

[screams, groans]

Ah, this is a Halloween nightmare.

And it's not over yet. [grunts]

You don't have to do this. You could go trick-or-treating instead.

Lion Fire Double Super Strike!

-[Versix groaning] -[grunting]

[Versix] I'll be back to haunt you!

Good job, guys. I think we got him.

Weren't you listening? I told you I'd be back.

[Versix laughs]

Time for me to make a bigger problem for you.

Make my body grow!

-Uh-oh. Better call the Ultrazord. -Good idea. Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Combine!

Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!

Come and get me.

Ninja Ultra Strike!


Time to shake things up.

-[Sarah] Whoa! -[grunting]

Oh, no. He's trying to shake the Ultrazord apart.

[Rangers] Whoa, whoa!

-No! The Ultrazord. -Now what?

[laughs] Easy as pumpkin pie.

If we form another Megazord, he'll just break it apart again.

Then we'll use our Zords.

[Brody] Good idea.

-Let's call in some more. Sub-surfer. -Rumble-Tusk!

-Astro! -Oh!


[Versix groans]

Get away from me, you Robo-ruffians.

-Here we go, Drago! -[groans]

Good to see you, Rumble-Tusk.

[Sarah] We're gonna show Versix who's boss.

[Hayley] Come on, let's do this!

Cannon Blast!

-[g*nf*re] -[groans]

-[Hayley] Take this! -[Sarah] And this!


-[Calvin chuckles] -Yeah!

Thanks for the lift, Presto.

[Brody] Let's all take him out together.

-Uh-oh! -[Rangers] Super Zord Slashes!

Final Attack!

[Versix groans]

I didn't even get any candy this Halloween!


[Rangers cheering] We did it!

[Preston] Good boy, Drago.

Show's over, Ninjas win.

-Thank you. [giggles] -[Preston] Aww.

I'm so glad we didn't miss trick-or-treating.

Yeah. We've had a good haul this year.

Actually, guys, I'm pretty sure there's some good spots just across the park.

-Then let's check it out. -[Hayley] Yeah.

Does anyone wanna trade? I have bracelets, a lot of them.

-Well, I-- -Whoa!

[Levi] Huh?

[pants] For a second, I thought that was a Jack-O'-Lantern judge.

[laughs] Same. I never want be in court again.

Good thing that's just a Halloween decoration.

You're guilty.

[all gasp]

-Boo! -[Brody] Mick.

Gotcha. You guys got the treats, I thought I would pull the trick.

-[grunts] -[chuckles]

Good one, Mick. Now, let's go get some more treats.

-[Calvin] Yeah. -That would be great.

[Sarah] Oh, Mick.

[theme music playing]
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