19x02 - Shell Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x02 - Shell Game

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc had risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


thank you



watch out



sorry no problem em man how cool would

these be if they cut their Stone like

thicker sword just just be glad we

haven't met anything that will require

that type of power true

still be cool


I'm here to offer my help to the most

evil leader yet

who are you hmm you don't look familiar

hands off I am armored evil wearer of

the Invincible shell you're not worthy

to catch me worthy who are you to say

that you're not worthy to talk to

Masters Android keep out the taxi

tentacles to yourself great what do you

want Oh Master's Android your honor I

don't mean to cause trouble I just want

to go create sweet human misery then

stop talking and do it

that's what I'm talking about baby

finally a nice relaxing day

bring on the r r baby


Jaden yeah



hey looks like someone dropped their

cell phone

Spike part of being a samurai is doing

good deeds we have to get that back to

its rightful owner

but first let's see if there's any uh

cool games

okay uh can I take that for you sure


oysters chocolate sauce brussels sprouts

you sure you got everything you need for

this recipe sure I am

that sounds um interesting

secret is the mixed ingredients in just

the right way

explain that to the paramedics what oh

um nothing

near the stadium you go I'll call the



got it let's go

make it stop it's the phone ringing it's

probably the person who lost it hello

all right come on the owner of the phone

is supposed to meet some friends in

front of the Arena

we can give the phone to them there

was me

that's right

brand new inferior fools psylock wow

that's enough how dare you talk to me

like that how dare you talk to me at all

no more talking's fine by me maybe I'll

have some fun with these lousy lamos

before I take them down you're the one

going down Nylock ah you're nothing but

a joke now let's see what would be the

funnest way to mash them to bits enough

of this right

what you are really going to attack me

check this out


it's just too hard

I told you no matter what you do you

wretches can't even touch me guys

guys you okay better now that you're

here sorry we're late what's his story

he's a ball don't underestimate him we

can't even Dent his shell I'll take a

shot at it Hydro flow

don't worry Kevin I got this

don't you get it I'm Invincible no way

my turn Earth slicer


leave now or you'll need someone to

carry you away



hey you're here oh


what was that all about no idea go help

those guys get to safety we'll hold off

this Nylock

go quick you got it nothing will happen

to them on my watch right behind you but

hurry back we have to stick together

against this cream how about I just mess

you together

and my Invincible shell triumphs

oh no ah you got lucky I'm trying out

but I'll finish you later hey come back

how can we stop him if nothing we do

even slows them down


nothing gets through his armor

how are we gonna fight him

find a way you must have some weakness

may I remind you that not one of our

att*cks damaged him at all

one of them like Jaden said there must

be some crack in his defenses

that's it

what you have an idea yeah I think I

cracked the code

we just need the right Ranger

with the right attack

in the right order

we'll beat him as a team yeah speaking

of Team

where's Antonio


even though that armored Devil's a bit

Moody he's one tough cookie his attack

really put a dent in those pathetic

Rangers what would you have him do next

what else he should take that shell of

his back to Earth and start scaring Some

Humans no I think he heard you here he

comes now get him back to work as you


oh that sansu water did the trick it's

time to deliver more misery

now where is it where is he if only I

mean sound that told you where it was

I haven't taken Ramos somewhere



you know me probably out fishing holla


Antonio please call us back

I wonder what he's got himself into this


seriously that guy's a troubled magnet

guys he may be a jokester but Antonio

takes his stuff seriously he wouldn't

just ignore our calls

he could be in real trouble

we have to worry about him later right

now even now like to stop and a plan to

put into action




oh man what a nice relaxing day

so on a roll

fools again but this time we're shutting

you down hard you just proved how

foolish you are thinking you could win

time for Kevin's plan phase one right

first we'll use his own speed against

him now symbol power barricade

you should hide

that was Stone Cold Rangers us wanted

you nothing now phase two you got it

I'm still fine I can't lose we're not

done yet my wind will make my Flames

stronger wow

you're right it did make them stronger

that actually tickled a bit now phase



you still can't see the writing on the

walls can you nylons


that should do it

all you did was clean my indestructible

Shell thanks for the wash you sure

that's all we did


ah my shell it's cracking

your armor may be able to handle any

single attack but with the right att*cks

in the right order even your armor isn't

strong enough first we softened your


then we raised its temperature with our

enhanced heat and wind attack

last the water quickly cooled your hot

shell making it brittle so now it's time

to break your Invincible armor for good

impossible let's end this shell game yep

time to get cracky

think again Rangers ha my shell won't

break that easily

your fancy combo attack can't defeat me

you lameos are even Lamer than I thought

guys I think I could do this if I can

get to a show without him noticing but

Emily I need your help whatever you need

I'm there we may only have one shot at

this then take this Super Samurai mode

should give you the powers you need the

Black Box are you sure I'm ready finish

your plan Kevin I know you can do it

thanks Jaden Emily come with me and make

sure you guys keep this creep occupied

you got it

so you come back for more

hands off

Emily now

your turn right

you should have hidden that hole like

your wimpy buddy Super Samurai mode

can't defeat me I think again my new

Super Samurai powers make you so much

more powerful you don't even stand a

chance against us good try blue let's

play ball this guy's Relentless

dragons disc

super spin swords

Kevin way to go you're the man you're

the man Super Samurai mode is awesome

yeah thanks guys but now the real

challenge begins

yeah your problem's about to get a lot

bigger mega mode power

Dragon balling sword

Turtle folding Zord



Samurai Ranger force

grab something swords

samurai ranger fire


lion folding Zord



man I make this suit look good


let's do this


oh fun target practice

Samurai Rangers swords combined


all right

Samurai Megazord we are united

let's do this being a super samurai has

its advantages

super mega blade

power those discs teams





no luck Rangers my shells healed and as

good as new I'm invincible


don't you lameos get what Invincible

means yet you lose no matter what

you guys know what we have to do time

for our shell shocking combo you got it

Kev Beatles oil


Samurai a*tillery

all right first hit him with heat you

let's do this

oh no Deja Vu

swordfish sword

Samurai a*tillery


now let's cool them off with some water

not again

Tiger Zord

Samurai a*tillery


tiger drill charge

I'm Invincible stop this now stop stop

it's still not enough to bust a show we

need to up the power I wish Antonio were

here but with the black box we have the

next best thing his swords Super Samurai

Union disc clawzord we need you

words combined



all right everybody now we're ready

Super Samurai power can't be beat right

we've got a message for you Nylock

you've worn out your welcome here it's

time for you to hit the road the only

thing I'm gonna hit is you

oh I'm shaking in my boots

this is no laughing matter Nylock

double katana


wait that didn't do it I told you I was

indestructible I win you lose time to

call out the big g*ns Super Samurai





what I guess my Shell's not all it's

cracked up the beans

samurai rangers Victory Is Ours


we're never gonna find out who that

phone belongs to I have faith Spike I

bet my samurai intuition will lead us in

the right direction we have to follow

the guidance of the universe

faint and Fortune direct our hand

hey that's where we found the phone in

the first place

good enough for me

I'm glad he's okay yeah now it won't

feel so bad about giving him grief or

making us worry about him

Antonio's Morpher

looks like we're gonna bail him out

again I I know he doesn't even know it's



hey guys I think you dropped something



do you have any idea what Mentor would

do to me if I lost this thing yeah about

that you didn't check your messages all

day did you

34 missed calls what did I miss

are you guys all right

should we make a sweater about it

hey hey guys what happened hey come on

you can't just leave me hanging here oh

man I was having such a wonderful day

hey guys wait up

I'm surrounded by useless minions that's

norlock was weaker than a soft shell

crab and you Dr Rue are too soft to the


that's not fair you know the Ranger

Super Samurai Powers could be a big

headache yes I have one now those

samurai rangers will pay for my pain

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