19x03 - Trading Places

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x03 - Trading Places

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


quiet down you pesky pets your singing

is no replacement for die you obnoxious

little furballs a guru shouldn't you be

doing something Yes master absolutely uh

like what like figuring out a way to get

rid of those lousy Rangers

before I decide to get rid of you Ranger

travels I'll get rid of those

polychromatic pests permanently who are

you you don't look familiar the name's

switch-based I work for a different

master and the madness Mayhem and misery

game he prefers to remain anonymous I'm

sure you understand understand I don't

even know what you just said my boss has

instructed me to help out with your

little Power Ranger problem really

please leave everything to me and only a

few short hours those rangers will be


there we'll just sell some of these

Priceless treasures and we'll have more

than enough money to buy new Karate


who's gonna buy all this junk food

all day for a picnic yeah thanks for

inviting us Antonia my pleasure

it'd be your pleasure once you taste my

habanero hollandaise hamburger a little

bit of this a little bit of that I'll

try to think once can I help something

come on

wow what is up with that guy


maybe they're doing yoga


with one sap I've trapped their Spirits

into useless junk and the Power Rangers

are next






so who else can I zap how about I put

your spirit into this chair those

rangers should be here by now

go help those people I got this rain


just like the others they're in a trance

or something what did you do to all of

them wake them up nah I don't think so I

said wake them up

too easy surprise

I think it's time for a change

time to make a switch

is he okay Jaden wake up switch based

you've done it again time to finish him

off just one blow and the Red Ranger is


history is not my best subject well then

let me school you no in

1492. I took out the Rangers pink and



time for another switcheroo

cried out already I need sansu river

water to recharge this isn't over yet


all those people are frozen and that

nylon thinks destroying the gnome would

destroy Jaden

time to make a switch he must have

switched Jaden's Spirit into the gnome

oh no Jaden

man that's messed up

you think they're

awake in there we're awake we hear you

so this dialogue switches people's

Spirits into objects yeah and then the

victim's bodies take the shape of the



back and forth back and forth who knew

being a fan was so boring boring

let's stop spinning soon


what should we do Mike

let me see so the monster tried to

destroy the gnome huh

that Nylock tried to smash The Gnome

after Jaden was switched into it

object gets destroyed

the person does too all those people we

have to save them

but how do we figure out what they

turned into

for any of them

perhaps if you defeat the Nylock then

everyone will be free

then we'll have to train hard until the

Nylock returns sounds like a plan




could this get any worse


oh you agree stop that

keep laughing in a few hours you'll be

yesterday's news


I gotta hand it to you switching humans

out of their bodies and into worthless

junk it's pure genius yeah well you

ain't seen nothing yet oh really

the trapped humans are miserable sure

but any minute now the real fun will


the real fun humans don't like piles of

useless stuff sitting around so that

means one thing they're gonna start


the humans will take the objects to

adopt for a recycling center to be

crushed or melted down

hey what are you doing

I have a really bad feeling about this

they'll destroy the helpless humans and

they won't even know they're doing it

Well Done switch Beast I like your style

and the Rangers are next


I think this is gonna leave our bodies

sitting out like that

where should they put us I don't know a

hospital Maybe



thank you

it's been quite a while since I've seen

you practicing by yourself

it's also been a while since I tried

taking on a Nylock by myself

I remember when you fought that long arm

Nylock you did great

I did lousy

if Jayden hadn't been watching my back

that Nylock would have clobbered me

but you were the one who figured out how

to beat it

besides you won't be by yourself


what happened to the others like I can't

let that happen to you

nothing's gonna happen to me

we'll beat this lilac together



one thing though

I saw what you did to Kevin

when we do switch everyone back

it's gonna be really mad at you


when I get back in my body Mike is so

gonna k*ll us oh come on you look kind

of cute cute


what's that smell oh


it's not my fault I'm a fish out of


I'll put them in the refrigerator before

he spoils

the Gap sensor

hey you can't leave me out here


before you go

I think you're going to need this

the black box

I'm not sure I can handle this you can

do it Mike

I know you can


all right

I have an idea


it's pretty risky

and a little bit crazy

sounds like a mic plan what is it

all right here's what we do


you can't do this to us


thank you


oh no oh no do not poop on me


oh that was close


thank you

whoa there Kitty don't even think about


somebody ow


they're singing my favorite song so you

like music do you

then let's dance





Ranger ready



Samurai Ranger ready


okay greeny what should we switch you

with something nice and easy to smash




yeah nice what

what did you guys do to me my plan

worked high five yeah okay Mr Nylock now

that you've had a taste of your own

medicine how about you tell us the quick

and easy way to switch everybody back

you sneaky snakes oh I feel all gross

and heroey tell us the secret or you're

gonna get it oh yeah as loathsome as

this body is I'll bet you don't want

anything to happen to it back off our

Greenie gets it oh you don't like my

body well then we'll put you somewhere


here Nylock have a ball what


penalty kick oh ow I think something's

wrong with this ball it feels a little



okay em I think we've made our point

that was just cruel I think you broke a

rib serves you right you monster now

tell us how to switch everybody back or

we'll make your life really miserable

why you Iota quit stalling Nylock

we're waiting

well ah fine I'll do it yes

all right hold completely still

ain't gonna hurt

like we're alive we're alive


Antonio buddy you're okay







hey I hate myself

Mike is that you whatever he did I'm me

again not for long switch black

okay Mike let him have it oh yeah

thank you Super Samurai mode




how are you I'm feeling super super spin


let's finish this

with pleasure

of a good job


time for my supercharged powers to

switch you up Nylock you can't defeat me

Super Force vortex

hey super green ranger that really was

super ready for the big switch

Super Samurai combination


to the Black Box the two of us can

control all of the swords




Fair falling sword



we are united you're a sneaky tricks

won't save you

we don't need tricks to whoop your sorry

butt you ready Emily yeah let's do it

we're doing pretty good don't you think

yeah let's show him some of our Mega

moves huh

all right


big finish


talk about a switch hit




Rangers victories are


we really did it

Just the Two of Us yeah let's never do

that again

it's a deal good


it's lucky Samurai loses I actually

believe switchby's strategy would

finally get rid of those Rangers once

and for all

oh music could calm you but we're

missing guy you

die down your furry freak don't mention

her name I've heard enough get out



you poor little thing did Master zandred

cast you out like he did me I missed you

I'm missed you I miss playing my

harmonium Master zandred burned it and I

look forward to returning the favor

at least I have you to talk to

I can't believe you changed bodies with


I never would have thought of that it

wasn't like I wanted to and it was way

creepy but it was the only way I could

think of it and you did it by yourselves

just the two of you

it was mostly Mike

no way we were cheap well if it weren't

for you I'd still be a gnome

yeah thanks guys



so you're not even mad about this

you took pictures

thank you


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