19x06 - The Bullzord

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x06 - The Bullzord

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


that pathetic human is just a young boy

how could he possibly be one of the

feared Guardians his people have guarded

the awesome power of the BullZord for

300 years don't be deceived by his looks

he has unique powers

so you shall see to it that the

bullsword will be mine but the Bulldogs

hidden somewhere it's sealed away well

then find it and unseal it that boy is

the key to capturing the bullsword I

will be his shadow until the deed is

done see to its crustord failure is not

an option this is an important piece of

the puzzle my grand plan is falling into

place soon all will kneel to my supreme



samurai forever



thank you


hey guys

how'd it go

it was fine

did you leave the door open no


hello oh

you must be the Red Ranger


I brought you this

I need you to free the bullsword


does your father know you're here

no I jumped the fence

Cody's family are Guardians of the first

sword that ever appeared in this world a

bull Zord with immense Primal power

Cody's family have been Guardians

for 300 years

the bullsword came into our world

through symbol power

but it went out of control and ravaged

the countryside

so the grand Shogun sealed it away

in a secret location


only his family know the secret

bull sword isn't bad he just wants to be


once I break the seal hold on you want

to unleash a sword that went on a


you won't do that now you can control it

with this disc

we need to check this out


we'll take you home


excuse me can we talk to you

where I Know Who You Are

my son went to see you

why are you hiding in back of them Cody

you left without telling me

Bulls are dead

I just want to be sealed up like that I

can feel it

and the Red Ranger here can help us set

him free no one can control that Zord

Cody not even the Red Ranger you've

endangered yourself and the Rangers

he put everyone around us at risk

now you've got chores to do

sorry I'd come all this way

I'll prove it so this is the grand


Cody really cares about that Zord

doesn't he he started talking to the

bullsword when he was three years old

he thinks it understands him does it

maybe but it can't be trusted

300 years ago the grand Shogun entrusted

us with this task

to guard the Boozled with our very lives

he ordered that it remained sealed today


and for all eternity

Cody's gone


adults think kids don't know anything

but I know this discontained the

bullsword I just hope it can release him

from inside the mountain

right where I want to go

so the Bull's Arch cockpit is in there

I know you want to be free like everyone

else but if I break the seal you have to

promise you won't do anything bad

you have to listen to me too



time to finally break the seal

I hope this works

or release

wow it really worked

come on you're free now

So It Begins


oh no this is what I was afraid of he's

figured out how to break the CEO the

Bulls horde is escaping from the



with that boy still inside the boulevard

capturing them both will be Easy Pickins

here this disc will give you all of your

powers back


now I just need to draw the power symbol

don't worry the symbol power will calm

you down ready

two two


hey why didn't that work why won't the

full sword stop


I knew this would happen no one can tame

it and now no one could stop it no way

we're gonna let it Rampage we have to

try Samuraizer


gold power

stop why aren't you listening to me


and the boy that's inside it I need them

both unharmed do it we need that power


oh no what have I done


playing around let's show it

looks like the nylon are trying to get

the Bulls or too

and cars inside we need to save him


Dragon folding sword yeah

I'm ready claws or transformation

cool battle Zorn East Let's Dance



get ready to rumble


you moogers are about to go down


we've got to get clear of these moogers

and catch up with that bull Zord

nothing good

whoa the Bulldog came back

what's happening


what's that noise

oh no they've got it

we've gotta save Cody


look it's broken free

why aren't you listening to me

you gotta take this BullZord by the

horns I'll handle the moogers

slow down big guy

please don't hurt my friends stop

no don't

hold on

we can't back down

we need to get control of this thing Mia

try to knock some sense into it

way to go

since we can't steer this bull we'd

better try riding him instead hang on if

I could just reach these chains


what's happening

he's charging I can't take much more of


it's too strong

capturing that BullZord is gonna be more

difficult than I thought

I thought I knew you I thought I could

control you

but you're too wild and now you won't


what have I done


come back it's like Cody's stuck on a

runaway train

I tried to get to Cody

but the Zord escaped

we'll find him somehow

you should have listened to me

worried about him now

his bond with the bullsword even our


so strong

let's send the Zords out to finally

Cody's location and we'll try again



the Raging sword spreading fears

throughout the human world you've got my


oh I've got news for you

crust or lost the Zord I'll find him

again I just need a little more time

serrator promised me vast rewards and I

plan to collect you'll see

yes we'll see indeed

oh so radar makes big promises then

let's crust or do all the work

and they say I'm slippery Serena can

torment the humans all he wants as long

as he plays by my rules

I hope the swords find you soon Cody

I miss you so much son

hey look the Zords are back they must

have found Cody's location

Let's Roll


take this it's the original Power Disc

my ancestors use to create the Boozled

300 years ago

it's the only possible way to tame it


ah there it is at last we found it

they must have tracked it down too hey


so it's you don't let them get to the

Bulls or



oh God


keep them busy while I get the Bulls art

on that kid

I've got held Cody yeah

we've got it covered here stop him

ah there's my big bully gotcha

listen to me please

you want it to be free

but if you don't stop now they'll seal

you up again

only this time it will be forever

your time is up Guardian

get out of the way I'm taking the Bulls

ORD and I'll use it to destroy your

world no you won't


how dare you thr*aten the kid

oh no he's running wild again


no he's heading for the cliffs

your father gave this to me he believes

in you Cody now you need to believe in



it's not working it's not working don't

give up Cody you can do it


Super Samurai mode


go on Cody do it now


yes the full Zords flying us to safety

you did it you tamed him Cody

we did it

nice work

now let's see what this bull disc can do


the grand Shogun wow you have summoned

the power of your ancestors now and

forever our power is your power Cody

if we can't have the Bulldog then nobody



now it's time for you to go we want you

safe we'll take care of this monster I


thank you for believing in me and the

bull sword you did great but let's get

you back to your dad symbol power home

now to unlock the Bulls Megazord mode

Let's see what you've got


Mega Mode Power full Zord transformation

check out this Nylock for good

oh Megazord armed for battle yeah can

you believe it the Bull Megazord and

Jaden are about to clean house well well

you failed Nylock no way were you taking

control of this Megazord me but even a

bull can

up to my blazing

blazing well I've got a surprise for you



nothing but a big bully

shoulder blaster

what he's back on his feet again this

has gone on long enough Shogun Mode


power of the ancestors blood disc power



oh no this is the Primal power

revolving laser blaster

final strike


samurai rangers Victory Is Ours


here we are as good as new thank you Dad

I'm proud of you son our ancestors would

be proud of you too

hope we're not interrupting

hey guys

we wanted to say goodbye before we took


thanks to you we

fight the nyloc with and now you can go

back to your normal life as

I help you guys a lot more I've got some



yep you need to rest up Mia's right but

maybe we'll call on you again soon we

can always use help from a friend





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