19x07 - He Ain't Heavy Metal; He's My Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x07 - He Ain't Heavy Metal; He's My Brother

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


Hey where's that guitar music coming





can I help you

hey guys the name's Terry I'm Mia's





I can't believe


you're Mia's brother yep all my life

well welcome to the Shiva house

whoa this is cool

so where is my sis anyway oh she told

Kevin to get some groceries

you're looking to better cook are you no

we we've learned that lesson

this is good with the blade

as long as it's not a kitchen knife

so it brings you to town Terry I'm

volunteering at the Children's Hospital

over summer break

my parents think it'll get me into med

school down the road is there a big

demand for guitar playing doctors


no I'm also trying to put together a

concert gig I was hoping he would sing

Mia sings oh she's awesome when we were

kids we were going to be the world's

greatest then

but you know the whole Power Ranges



speaking of which uh we'd love to stay

but oh don't sweat it go save the world

I'll just hang out with Mentor he seems


be right here


obviously these movers have no class I

think they need to study up on their

fighting skills you heard school's out

for the summer


not so fast guys it's time for some

extracurricular activities

let's play a little five on one

is anyone up for Dodgeball you guys keep

this up and I'll have to keep you after


last one down is a rotten egg

now remember kids you need to learn to

play nice

fastest mist

finally so it looks like you handled it

I thought you were nearby

speaking of being needed we're needed

back at the Shiva house why what's going

on Mia's brother dude you have to meet

him he's like this Zen guitar player my

brother with his guitar yeah and he

wants you to sing in his band uh he does

wait your brother has a rock band

sweet I've got to meet him I'm gonna go

grab my guitar and I'll meet you there

in a few don't let him leave

hey Terry

Terry sis

hey it's been a long time oh

Terry you haven't met Kevin you're blue

right yeah I heard a lot about you man

I'm glad you got my sisters back

it's a great guitar can I see it go for

it oh perfect so what are you doing here

I'm getting the band back together we've

got a concert on Friday and I was kind

of hoping you'd sing with us oh no

oh come on Mia we want to see you rock

out on stage come on yeah you could sing

that's you outside for a minute

hey what gives Terry you're supposed to

be thinking about your future this

summer not playing gigs it's just one

show here it's not like I'm going on a

world tour be realistic you got a better

shot getting in a med school than

becoming a rock star

sound just like Mom and Dad well maybe

they're right

we're just trying to look out for you

well thanks but I can look out for


I'm sorry I even bothered coming here

I'll get my stuff


you don't want to help me I get it

I'll find somebody else to sing


you must be the musician brother

yeah that's me so do you play as well as

Mia Cooks dude I hope not I'm just

messing with you hey I'm Antonio you're

not leaving are you because I was hoping

to jam with you

um I don't know if I'm really up for


do you sing

I sing a little when I'm down at the

pier the fish never complain then let's

go Jam I want to hear those golden pipes

I hear that's your color I'm golden

that's a good one that tick Master take

your medicine your defeat by the samurai

rangers has mastered Android and I sit

to our stomachs merely a minor setback

your plans haven't worked let's see some

real results

I will achieve a different outcome using

the powers I possess I will take out

those Rangers once and for all you

should know that your chances to prove

yourself are getting thin the clock's

ticking much louder than you think your

time is running out




what's the matter Uncle Buck

Samurai's path it's elusive

no matter how hard we try it always

seems just out of our grasp

well maybe we need longer arms

what I'm saying is perhaps we need to

seek another path towards samuritus

let's Close Our Eyes concentrate and

think on it



that's it

what we're gonna recycle old paper the

Samurais Warrior Instinct must be

tempered with an appreciation of art

Beauty and culture culture what we're

gonna make yogurt

no Spike we are gonna make music


cause they long





all we want to have is

every day


three four every



soldiers come and join us



man we are definitely tied you said it I

can't wait


hey Terry

uh Mia's not in right now but you're

welcome to come in and wait no thanks

I've got a lot of these to pass out

cool thanks hope to see you there


featuring Antonio


you guys think you're tough or what

Tough Enough

we've got a hot new music act that is

like nothing you've ever seen before

it's gonna set the music world on fire


we're listening so hot in fact that we

fear for our own personal safety we need

a security detail

for our concert appearance later tonight

to protect us from our crazy fans


these guys we need you to whisk us off

the stage and out of the building the

moment our performance is complete risk

don't stop for anything until we're a

safe distance away got it

what's in it for us ah well

how does

five dollars sound


all right

you got yourself a deal five dollars

in advance

why can't Terry just focus on his future

and not his rock band


I do sound like Mom

we did used to have some fun

I hope I know you understood


the world's greatest band

thank you

I'm pretty well invite her to our

concert chicks dig rock stars

pretty girl hey


now I like attack

I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a hurry but

I wanna invite for me okay thanks but I

really have to go thanks again


I think I'll cut in on your phone




I hit back to the netherworld if I were

you but you're not

thank you

this is much better with you Rangers out

of the way I can finally put my plan

into action it's a nightmare come true

dream on serrator what whatever your

plan is I'm here to stop it

he stopped me

you've got Spirit I'll grant you that

super spin sword





that hurt good great job that was

awesome you think you've won this

party's just getting started the high


whoa cheerleading boogers well their

team's going down we've gotta take this

up a notch you're right Mia use the

samurai combination disc right I'll form

the Samurai Megazord

Samurai combination I'll pilot the bull


okay BullZord let's get to work

just waiting on Mia all right


you guys ready for a wagon ride yeah you



time to put a charge into them


we need you

closer transformation


cool battle Zorn East ready perfect

timing watch out incoming

hang in there guys

Jaden it's time to show them what the

bullsword can really do good idea let's

up the Annie shall we hold it

shuffleboard transformation

full Megazord armed for battle now let's

show these creeps that we mean business

get ready

let's go

Return to Sender oh yeah that's right

Fight Fire with Fire baby come on guys

let's finish this we're with you come to


revolving laser blaster

and that's how we rock and roll

samurai rangers Victory Is Ours


you gotta rock with the left yeah yeah

all right let me show you something

how was that Mia aren't you coming to

the concert I think I'm just gonna turn


Mia is there a problem between you and

your brother

must be volunteering at the hospital not

playing some gig

okay but after that long battle

we're kind of gonna blow off some steam


fly for Terry's concert great

it's a concert for charity now prepare

yourself for the after chain funky Pizza

spiky spike in the first boat now listen

when I tell you cause I ain't no liar

I'm spiky Spike and I'm here to spit

fire I give you the word my Rhymes are

don't say your haters back off did you

just can't go ain't no way

I'm here on the stage I went to the zoo

I saw some monkeys in the cage



else wow we could basket this Glory


hey gotta get you out of here but

they're fans that's who you pay us to

get some away from come on

we're on next

is Mia out there I don't see any of our



ah man I'm sure they'll be here come on

let's go rock the house ladies and

gentlemen give a warm welcome to the

rebel records

got some time to share the sun is

everywhere you take my hand let's do it


Shake It Up and Dance


now we're gonna show you how we do it

right every day



now we're breaking free everyone can see

it's our time we're grooving together







you guys were awesome thanks for

inviting us wow look at you Mr Rockstar

it was an incredible experience but

can't beat fishing

you're awesome you're cool man

you could have told me the concert was

for charity

you could have asked



I wouldn't trade saving the world for

anything but

I'll admit that I was a Teensy bit

jealous when I found out that you're

playing for the world's greatest band

you know what I really want to do is be

a doctor




actor who seriously rocks

it's my baby brother



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