19x09 - Runaway Spike

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x09 - Runaway Spike

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


ah yuck more medicine

I don't think daiyu will ever return

well you did break her harmonium she

deserved it oh

the thing she cared about silence get me

some more medicine Master zandrid it

seems you're still not feeling well it's

writer what do you want I want you to

meet my newest Protege duplicator never

heard of him

that's all about to change this Nylock

Will Make History he'll raise the Sanju

River higher than any before him right

everyone promises but no one delivers ha

well I will deliver they've never seen

the likes of me I'm so cool the humans

won't know what hit him

I bet this guy blows kisses at himself

in the mirror

come on Spike

training leads to gaining that's it put

you back into it


no pain no gain no pain no gain



come on Spike



what's in the envelope


Durant's overdue


I guess we spent too much time training












wow wow

where is serator

he's taking too long he isn't to be

trusted but let's see what he offers us

if he can fix my sword

I won't mind the weight

my urge to use it is overwhelming


then I think my furry Ward friend and I

will stay up here

here you go Kevin

good morning everyone good morning hey


wow kind of early for a jog huh

you're a credit to the samurai life

hey guys guess what

I brought you breakfast lunch and dinner

great catch Antonio the fish are really

biting there's more than I can catch

what's going on it's not too early for



how about I make breakfast for everyone

uh I'm late for training uh me too

I forgot I'm on a diet I just gotta go

oh no time got fish to catch


I already ate




Samurai worked together

don't worry about the rent

thank you for the job Mrs nugget your

garden will be so perfect that you will

win in a walk





you won't regret giving me this job Mr s






you're fired

only a little expl*si*n


oh my goodness


I'm cool and I rule human fools

now look at Tech no way Victory hurry


thank you

telling you all this child's play you

humans act more like chickens not luck

what hey leave them alone

God get out of here get up go on get to

safety that way

hey you there did you hear me


your fun and games are over Nylock oh

really so you're the big bad Samurai

Rangers and you're another Nylock

looking for trouble I'm not just another

Nylock I'm duplicator I work for

serrator and I'm the coolest and the

best in the best

so Raider what is he up to this time let

me handle Mr Cool here

time for me to cool your jets


you're just jealous because I'm cooler

than you I mean you're only a ranger ha

to find cool

ow okay this is cool

where'd he go

you see us yeah you don't what's going

on this guy's all over the place but not

for long I might just split

yeah long enough for this

gotcha too cool for school

you think you can catch me but you can't

you see I've got some news for you

there's more to me than meets the eye

a lot more he cloned himself they're

mirror images

let the real fun begin

stay sharp

Fire Smasher


hey which is the real one

you've got to be kidding all this and

that guy's still sitting there


which one could he be


ready or not

Rangers rangers on the ground

that's pretty lost but guess what I

found I know who's the coolest guy

around not you oh yeah you're finished

not cool I'm dried out you got lucky

this time Rangers

no way he's gone

hey guys you can head back without me I

want to check on that guy over there

okay we'll see you back at the house

the monster is gone

are you okay

tell me I'm a good listener

I'm a loser okay I said it there you go

you happy why do you think that because

because I got fired from three drops

today I mean if I can't keep a normal

job how can I ever expect to be a

samurai a samurai

yeah I've um been training

well I've heard that part of being a

samurai is to never give up no matter

how hard things are you keep going until

you make it

you have to believe in yourself

I'm sure the right job is out there just

waiting for you


what's your name


mia huh

wow we took a beating

his mirror Mojo was too much

hey how's that guy

said he wanted to be a samurai huh I

know I was surprised too

I just told him that a true samurai

never gives up

you know after a battle like that

that's a good thing to remember

there's gotta be a way to beat this guy


all right Spike

it's getting late you're not home

I'm coming to look for you little buddy


okay there must be a way to pick this

Nylock out from his face

yeah something about the real one we

didn't notice

they're mirror images right


guys I think I have the answer

the light sword it's almost dark outside

now it's high-powered beam could shine

through the nylock's tricks cool can't

wait for him to show his face again

when he does he's going down




oh thank God

it's go time


I will not lose this new job no I'm Not

Afraid of the Dark I'm a security guard

I protector just like a samurai I have

no fear no fear at all

no fear



spiky I'm so glad I found you


I'm recharged now I'll freeze those

rangers out with my coolness power up



Red Ranger ready keep charging up Elsie

cool ranger ready ready

Hank Ranger


green ranger ready stop Yellow Ranger

ready gold ranger ready come on LZ

rangers together

lousy Rangers

I'm getting bored fooling you it's just

too easy you're the one being fooled

Nylock never underestimate a samurai we

never give up let's show him show this

if you want to show I'll give you a show

guys change the plan LZ isn't charged

how do you like that guess our plan

wasn't so bright we have to hang on

until Light Zord is ready


yeah nice yeah yeah come on Light Zord

we need your help

tell us as soon as the light sword is

ready I will miss me up here Rangers

losers I told you you'd never catch me

and now you pathetic Rangers are Easy


my mirror man and I are invincible come

on Elsie I believe in you shine through

those clones so we could see the real


okay I think we're ready

we're a great team but it's time for you

to shine LZ let there be light

oh what's happening oh

not cool that was excellent yeah nice

now that you're alone let's see what you



oh that's totally uncool what now

flashing strikes

not so cool now are ya way to go Antonio

Mia you do the honors

the Black Box leave it to me


the first Samurai mode


pink is the New Black


for a spin sword


nice not so fast Rangers now I'm



Megazord we are united

let's get light sword in on this light

Force megamone Power


just what I wanted time for me to turn

out the lights on all of you go on Elsie

it's your first get in there and light

this guy up


that was below the boat not cool



a double hitter

you know two against one isn't fair

what we hit him and we're seeing double

no way Antonio Shine the beam from the

light Megazord don't worry

move that will take these clones out for

good watch this battle this scatter shot



whoa yeah finish him off Mia with



let's give him a proper send-off


Shogun Mode


this is so not cold

way to go MIA yeah yeah all right Mia

now that was cool thanks guys samurai

rangers Victory Is Ours

thanks for trying all those jobs Spike

don't worry it'll work out yeah it must

be nice to fish all day

hi how's it going I'm great well not


hey I have an idea

how about you go out for that guy some


I bet he'll pay for every fish you catch



never give up


I got another one that made six already


man I got nothing


wow you guys got the magic touch wait

hey yeah whoa I got one finally

okay I was looking for this booth



all right

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