19x10 - The Strange Case of the Munchies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x10 - The Strange Case of the Munchies

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


that's it

Mike are you okay

Point good job Mike Emily

you are too nice you are gonna need to

toughen up

hey guys

am did you forget about the big sale oh

yeah come on go ahead em you've been

working hard we'll pick this up later


your mission grenator is to make the

humans suffer as they never have before

once they get hit with my dirt they'll

eat everything in sight

hit with his dirt what's he going to do

spew out his toxic dirt as his unique

attack it will cause humans to eat and

eat until it gluttonous bellies burst

and when the Rangers come to help they

will become his victims as well



Power Rangers


oh this is cute look at this one oh I

like that me too this is awesome let's

go try them on okay cool




Emily interesting but

nah but what I'm just trying to be as

tough as you and the others


um you're tough in your own way

Emily you are too nice you are gonna

need to toughen up


hey Spike you see anything you like

great thanks hey it's that girl Mia

go on Romeo thank you so much have a

good day thanks this is your big chance

you gotta talk to her before she leaves


I can't no


that's yours oh hey



Spike don't just stand there oh yeah

we're on our way

oh she's gone oh


I'd look we have a wallet

and a driver's license

her picture sure is pretty oh yeah that

and we have her address now all you have

to do is take this back to her and you

can be her hero



now they'll eat till they explode

I'm starving

hey I'm so thirsty

hey yes keep eating I knew


what's going on here

there's enough Nylock well look who's

coming to dinner the samurai rangers

what did you do to them my black dirt

creates an appetite for self-destruction

now these dummies will eat and eat and


this ends right now


let's go



let's go power


you boogers hungry let me serve it up

for you hey

how you holding up fine

I've got to prove that I must have as

the rest of them

here's my chance

Emily what are you doing


let's see how this grabs you


how about a game let's play dodgeball

I'm starving so very



I love playing dirty tricks

it feels like I had a sand sandwich

when can I get another oh I'm so hungry

don't worry I'll protect you

I'm out of dirt you lucked out I'll have

to reload and get you properly I may be

trying out but after a dip in the San

Souza River I'll make you like all the


I'm gonna fix this

I'm so hungry I got a bunch of bunch I

need more Chow bananas

this is crazy

and it's all because of me they took

that hit because I was trying to prove I

was tough

sorry boss I was so close

no you have made them cry out with

hunger and thirst their Agony will raise

the level of the sansu river so that it

seeps more into their world

to watch them explode


let me tell you about the lady Spike

when you return this wallet to her you

will give her the thing that every girl

wants a hero

this is your big chance imagine her

opening her front door

oh yeah I found this

hero snap out of it


but my True Heart Belongs to the Pink


Mia is nice

then let's go

whoa not only is your future girlfriend

pretty but she's Rich too

Antonio no give me that


what now


you told me to never give up

hero I'll never give up thinking you're



I'm sorry we're not interested in buying

anything today





she isn't here right now

uh can you wait right there I'll be

right back who are these guys

thank you




Spike it's a dojo


it's got everything a samurai needs to

train me it probably comes to the train

hey maybe they'll train us



hey I was gonna eat that

look at this

what's going on in here oh


well sir we we saw the door happened to

swing open after you left and


we saw the dojo and we want to sign up

for training lessons or Samurai and


there's no training today they work hard

we never give up never ever

wait there


Emily you have to get rid of those two

out there they think this is a dojo they

think they want to be samurai what are

you talking about

oh no

that guy Mia met from the factory

that other guy must be his friend

I have an idea


attention so

you guys want to become


get down and give me 500 push-ups


is there a problem

man no man


498 to go I'll be back

see I knew it I can be tough



500 wax on the dummy


if you're going to keep eating like this

then I'm going to make it healthy

what are you doing

being creative now guys

hold these until I say quit


the dialogue is back I gotta go

you're not okay you're barely hit me

oh no


did I say you could turn

I have to go help Jaden

don't move and when I said don't move

I meant don't



my arms feel like jelly

I know what you mean


now they're all too busy eating to stop

me wrong you forgot to finish the job

oh you again that's right it takes more

than a handful of dirt to stop me

back for seconds I'm impressed Jayden

hold on


Go Go Samurai


bombs away

Emily I know you're not fully recovered

so I'm here to step up oh this will be a

piece of cake

now it's your turn to feel the need to



I'm tougher than you think and it's time

to prove it

let me show you how it's done

oh yeah oh yeah

I'm not gonna give up

wow she is tough hey Emily here you're

doing great the Black Box really thanks

you are a glutton for punishment

time to shut your dirty mouth make me

quick pleasure take this


oh no this isn't good



what happened

why do I have mustard all over me


what are we doing


no time to explain the knocks returned

box High Trails but wait the back way

got it


thank you

I prefer melons in my belly




thanks for hanging tough em huh Jayden

Emily we're coming we've got your back

forget that dirt he threw at you he's

about to bite the dust

I don't know what he ordered but he's

gonna get served you can do this em



thank you

Samurai Gigazord we are united

and United you fall

not today not any day

I've got some more dirty tricks for you

heads up

that Mr Smiley is grinning and winning

don't worry I'll stop it

eight sword disengage

hey get off me I can't see Jayden now's

our chance get him you gotta them hey



nice yeah samurai rangers Victory Is

Ours Let's Hear It For The Not So Mellow

Yellow yeah I knew she could be tough

when it counts you did it em thanks guys

but I have something else to finish with


who what is it yeah what's a hurry I

can't explain now later

remember never give up



where do you think you're going

yeah you only came here to give me a

backer moment

here we go now


good job

tomorrow I won't be so easy on you



who ate everything

huh hey has anyone seen my wallet

you dropped it in the store


don't ask

what exactly happened here today

only knew

the toughest day ever

right Emily

you said it

thank you


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