19x19 - The Sealing Symbol

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x19 - The Sealing Symbol

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai

previously on Power Rangers Super


why are you laughing because you didn't

defeat me can't you feel all the evil

Powers stored in my harmonium surging

destruction will unleash a cloud of pure

and magnificent misery

I've never seen the San Tzu River Rise

this quickly if this doesn't bring

Masters Android around I don't know what


this can't be happening


are you thanks to you I'm back I repay

my debts now the humans World shall fall

to me




all right

you look shocked Rangers I don't blame

you now with my renewed power nothing

can stop me


nothing's injury he's returned


your harmonium brought me back day you

the final tune it played was powerful

my misery did it your centuries of

suffering Unleashed All That Power and

now the San Tzu river is surging I've

never heard you play anything like it I

didn't play it for you I played for

Decker huh this is the end of me

but it is also the end of my sadness

so many years have held on to my sorrow

but now

you should have embraced the Nylock

alive I was never truly a nylocke

my heart remained human


perhaps you can still


go be with Decker if you like huh hey

what's he doing her


no stop

but part of you will stay with me


what did he just do to her

whoa no that's for you Samurai Rangers

where is the Red Ranger that deceived me

all this time I want him Red Ranger

careful guys keep your distance over


I am the Red Ranger and your downfall

today you will be sealed

permanently ah what can a little girl

like you do

today is the end of the Rangers The Only

Thing ending is

you okay yeah Lauren I'm fine now listen

I'm going to use the ceiling symbol

against Masters Android but it takes

time to write so I need you to keep him

busy got it got it Kevin take the Black

Box gladly thanks the shark disk it'll

help us cover you while you seal xandred


check mode

whatever happens protect Warren right

remember only Lauren has the power to

finish him off got it

I have no business with you small fish


no glory

gotcha get your hands off me


here goes



the plan their father said in motion

has at last come to fruition

these Rangers are a great team

I've done all I can to prepare them for

this day

let's hope it's enough

everything I've ever done has been for

this one moment



is for you father

Break Free if you can

get in my way

now as for you

hey nice job way to bring it LZ

no I told you come on we gotta keep the

pressure on him

you're nothing but pests

team needs me

I'm coming guys super spin swords


what's up

pathetic okay almost done almost done

not today not ever


yes it worked

gone she did it amazing we won


I can't believe it

I really did it father

I finally sealed Master's Android

at last


Masters Andrea what impossible


hey what's with that white patch on his

chest I never saw that before


this is far from over Rangers

not work but no nylon can stop the

ceiling symbol this white patch dials

human side is what saved me he must have

absorbed IU's body he's not pure Nylock

anymore and now I don't need sansu water

to keep me from drying out phew oh when

dayu merged with him she really came

through her human half-shielded Masters

Android from the ceiling power

how can we stop him now

you can't


no huh Lauren

I got this simple power teleport


I'll finish you Rangers later

die you die you

served me well nothing can save the

humans now

Master xandered beat is bad

if the ceiling symbol didn't work

what else can we do he's immune to the

ceiling power

he doesn't need Sandy water

we almost had him

I feel so sorry for Lauren

she spent her whole life learning the

ceiling symbol

and it was all for nothing



Lauren you okay


it's beautiful isn't it


kind of reminds you of what we're all

Fighting For

Lauren you know what's coming next don't


that cloud of Sorrow the die You

released probably has the Sansa River

ready to burst


I think we'll stop Masters Android from

sailing his evil ship right into our


I let everybody down Jaden

you the Rangers


and especially dad


I'm handing the leadership of the

Rangers back to you

I came here to seal Masters Android but

that didn't work

now the right thing is for you to lead

the team again you have a great team


they need you now

the whole world needs you


I'll do my best

it's time to finish what dad started


I'll call a meeting right away and tell

the others

thanks to day you the sanzu rivers

finally about to overflow and since

you've absorbed her Humanity now when

you go to the human world you won't have

to worry about drying out or the red

rangers lousy ceiling symbol this may be

the best day ever yes


of course I will miss you die you but

her sacrifice will bring us our greatest


uh Joe do you want to say something to

honor her memory she served her purpose

let's go

tomorrow Master's Android must be


but before then I have something to say

as you know the ceiling symbol failed to

stop him

I wasn't able to get the job done

I'm handing the leadership of the team

back to Jaden

really I thought you might like that



Jaden is the best chance that we have


thank you Lauren


all right listen up Master standard is

more powerful than ever

it appears that he's unbeatable

but I have a plan

we're gonna take him out with Brute


that's that's your plan Lauren's attempt

to seal Master's Andrea didn't work but

it definitely weakened him

die is human Essence may have saved him

but it also created a weak spot that we

can exploit

forget sealing him if we can hit that

spot with a strong enough blow we'd be

able to destroy him

yeah but we'll need more power and

you'll have it

thanks to this

the Sheba fire disk

I'm too hurt to join you in battle

but I've used every last ounce of my

strength to pack that disc with as much

simple power as I could

hopefully it'll be enough to help you

defeat Masters Android once

and for all nice

thanks Lauren for everything you've done

to help us

no doubt it will be a tough battle

but we're a strong team and I believe

together we can accomplish anything yeah

yeah the rangers together yes yeah

such spirit

I pray they come back






what this looks like an invasion

whoa look at all those spots I've never

seen so many go off all at once before

it's floating into our world

looks like the battle for our world has


it's time to make our stand and to feed

Master xandroid for good


thank you

finally escape the new world now we'll

show these humans what suffering really


this world belongs to the nyloc now

that it does



this is really it you still happy you

decided to become a samurai are you

serious being a ranger is the best thing

that ever happened to me I wouldn't

trade it for anything me either No Place

I'd Rather Be I guess I don't have to

ask you all if you're ready for this

then Jayden

as long as you're with us

we're ready for anything


no matter what we're up against we're in

this together all the way

looks like they spotted us right let's

do this

Samurai Ranger ready Samurai Ranger race


all right


we can beat these

I'd say this is old good we can get rid

of them once and for all right

sounds like a plan

oh it's an epic win for you the Red

Ranger seal didn't work the human world

is flooded and now you can sail wherever

you want Master

rule I haven't won not yet but soon when

the Rangers are defeated and they come

crawling begging for mercy then my

victory will be complete that would be


Rangers yeah the hour of your

destruction is at hand prepare to meet

your doom Take Your Best Shot Masters


no we will


there on his chest that's where he

absorbs Humanity

only weak spot

I may only get one shot to strike him

there so I've got to make it count Super

Samurai mode get me in close flanking

positions Mia and Emily in the front

Mike and I in the rear Antonio aha watch

our backs I'm on it right ready I'm in

position Mike and I will shield you you

just focus on hitting that spot

it's time

get me to Masters Android no matter what

the cost



this is my one chance to finally take

him down


fighting onward

to their Doom

clear Jayden go for it

good super spin sword my sister can seal

you but I can still destroy you



I knew this would be your weak spot I

see not a bad strategy Red Ranger huh

but you won't defeat me that easily

are you okay impossible you really

thought that you could destroy me this

isn't over Sandra

your one chance at Victory now I

shattered on the ground never win

flames of the Netherworld


well I'm waiting beg me to spare you you

thless Rangers no matter what you do to

us we'll never bow to you even now your

spirit can't be broken perhaps you just

lack the proper incentive if you won't

beg for yourselves then I'll capture the

other Red Ranger and see if you'll beg

to spare her

Lauren no


to be continued



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