01x11 - Getting Better

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x11 - Getting Better

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hooble-doop tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hooba-pedia.

Here they come!

♪You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪Iver, Groove and Tula ♪

♪We're Hoobs ♪

♪And they're ready to go ♪

♪Hooo ♪

♪Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪We can all get learning all

the things we want to know ♪

♪Hubba Hubbas in Hoobland, and

Roma's somewhere far away ♪

♪Ooo, Ooo, Ooo ♪

♪The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

♪The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Haha!

- Yay!

- Ah!

♪The Hoobs are here

so what do you say?♪


- Groove spies

with his hooby eyes

something the color pink.

- (gasps)

The window!

- Nope.

- Aw.

- C'mon Iver you have a go.

- Huh? Oh

- (gasps) I know, I know.

A little pink rag from

your collection of your

pink raggedy things.

- Yes! Haha

- Hahaha I won, I won.

- Tula, can we stop playing now?

- Oh okay, what do you

want to play instead?

- Actually I don't

want to play anything.

- Huh? Not anything?

- No.

- Are you all right Iver?

- I don't think so.

I don't feel very

hoobly groobly.

- Well if you don't

feel hoobly groobly

what do you feel?

- I feel very tired.

Oh .

- And peculiar.

- What sort of peculiar?

- The sort of peculiar that

stops me feeling hoobly groobly

I don't feel like playing

anything or doing anything

or even thinking up a

question for Hoob News.

- Oh dear, what

are we going to do?

- I don't know Tula,

we need to ask someone.

- But who Groove? Who?

♪Who, who, who, who, who, who?♪

- I feel so unhoobly groobly

- Groove you don't

suppose that Iver's

not feeling very well.

- Not very well?

- Yes, I've heard that

sometimes peeps and tiddlypeeps

are not very well.

Maybe this "not very well"

thing is happening to Iver.

- (sighs)

- Oh c'mon Tula we never feel

not very well in Hoobland.

Do we?

- No, so I really

don't know what to do.

I mean, how can we

help Iver feel better

when he's not very well?

(ringtone echoing)

♪Hubba, Hubba♪

- How could we help

Iver feel better

when he's not very well?

Now that is a fantabby

hooby question.

- I agree Hubba Hubba,

but do you think Hoobs

everywhere would be

interested in it?

- Oh certainly Iver, after all

other Hoobs might visit

the Peep Planet and feel

not very well and they'll need

to know how to feel better.

- But where do we start?

- Let me see what I

can find on Hoobnet.

Um, ah, I've got some

pictures that might help you.

Have a look at these.

(electronic warbling)

Ooo, woohoohoohoo!

What hoobly groobly

fun, jumping!

They look well.

Oh look it, ooh, oh!

Why I don't see anyone

looking not well here.

Look at that!

Oop (laughs) look

a big hoobledigger!

(electronic warbling)

- Those peeps look really

well, not like Iver at all.

- Perhaps it was all that

running around that made them

feel so good.

- I know, Iver, you run

around like the peeps

we've just seen,

and then you'll feel

as good as they do.

- Okay, I'll try.

- You can chase me if

you like. (giggles)

(laughs) Can't catch me.

- Oh dear

- (giggles) Do you

feel better Iver?

- No, I feel even worse,

and now I'm all

cold and shivery.

- Oh, now what are we gonna do?

- I think running around

was a very bad idea.

- Yeah, and we still don't

know what's wrong with him.

What's making him feel

this not very well.

- Well, if we can find

out what's wrong with him,

then maybe we'll know how

to make him feel better.

(hubba hubba ringing)

- Thank goodness you're

here, Hubba Hubba.

We've tried to help

Iver feel better,

- But now he's even worse.

- You could try asking the

tiddly-peeps. They'll know!

And I'm sure they'll want

to help. They all love Iver.

- (stuttering) They do?

- Of course they do,

Iver. That's a great idea,

thanks Hubba Hubba.

- C'mon Groove, you

drive and I'll go

and see the tiddly-peeps.

- Yeah.

- (stuttering) And I'll

just stay here, and shiver!

- Seatbelt Groove?

- Yeah.

- [Together] ♪ We're off

to see the tiddly-peeps! ♪

- ♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps help

us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues,

they tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about. ♪

♪ (Horns playing) ♪

♪ Yee-Hoo! ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps,

if we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, when,

where, why, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go. ♪

♪ Yee-Hoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

♪ And how! ♪

- Hello tiddly-peeps!

- Oh it's Tula!

- Do you want to

do a hooby-hello?

- Yes!

- [All Together] Hobble-doop,

hooble-doop, woo! Woo! Woo!

- I'm so pleased to see you.

I could really do

with your help.

- What's the matter?

- My friend Iver isn't

feeling very well.

We've tried to make him

feel better, but so far

it hasn't worked.

- What did he do?

- Well, we got him to run

round the Hoob-mobile,

but it only made him feel worse.

- I'm not surprised! When you

feel ill, you need to rest.

- If you're really ill,

sometimes you need

to go to a doctor.

- A doctor? What's a doctor do?

- A doctor works at

what's wrong with you,

and sometimes to

give you medicine.

- Yes, but only if

you really need it.

- This is so interesting.

But, I don't know

any Hooby doctors.

I know!

Maybe the tiddly-peeps can

tell me what's wrong with Iver.

He's tired, and he

feels cold and shivery.

- It sounds like

he's got a cold.

- A cold? Really?

- If he's cold and shivery

you should wrap him up warm.

- Does anything else happen

when you've got a cold?

- Yes, you sneeze, like this,

(children sneezing)

- Wow!

That is amazing!

Thanks tiddly-peeps,

you've been really helpful!

Now I better go back

and look after Iver.

Hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(Iver shivering)

- There, this big pink

blanket from my collection

of pink raggedy things will

keep you nice and warm.

You can have a lovely

rest in the hooby-pod.

- Thank you, Groove.

(yawning) You're a

really kind hoob.

- Are you warm enough Iver?

- Yes, thank you two

but I feel much better.

- Groove, it's working,

Iver feels better!

- Yeah, and you will tell us

if you want anything else,

won't you Iver?

- Yes, thank you, Groove.

- You just have a

nice, long, rest.

- Thank you, Tula.

- He seems a bit better, Groove.

But I'd still like to know

what's wrong with him.

- Yes.

(Iver sneezes)


- You sneezed, Iver!

- How hooby-groovy is that?

Do it again!

(Iver sneezes)

- Haha!


(Iver sneezes)

- Hahaha!

- Hey Tula! This sneezing

thing is hoobly-groobly!

(Iver sneezes)

- Yes!

And now we know

what's wrong with him!

He's got a cold!

(Iver sneezes)

- I want to sneeze

just like Iver.

I want a cold.

- Oh no you don't, Groove.

You really don't feel well

when you've got a cold.

- Oh, I wonder where

colds come from?


- Well, Iver's cold must

have come from somewhere.

(Iver sneezes)

(Hubba ringtone)

- Oh, goodness, Iver!

That was a hoobacious sneeze!

(Iver shivers)

- Now, how are you getting

on with your question, hoobs?

Have you found out how

to make Iver feel better?

- Well, we found out

that he needs to rest

because he's got a

cold, Hubba Hubba.

But we were just

trying to work out

where the cold came from.

- Ah!

Good idea!

Now, as it happens, I

found a tiddly-peep story

on Hoobnet, that

might just help.

- [Little Girl] In the land

of the rosy noses there lived

lots and lots of rosy noses.

There were big noses,

long noses,

pointy noses,

and knobbly noses.

Then there was poor,

small rosy nose.

Who didn't have anything

special about his nose at all.

Not only was his

nose very small,

but it was also very quiet.

All the other noses honked,


or snorted,


or even played a tune.

♪ Diddly-Dee! ♪

One day, small rosy nose's nose

started to tingle and twitch!

He didn't know

what was happening.

And then-

(Rosy nose sneezing)

He sneezed!

It was the biggest sneeze

any of the other rosy nose's

had ever heard.

They were very impressed.

But small rosy nose was

a little frightened.

He had never sneezed before.

- Don't worry!

- [Little Girl]

Said big rosy nose,

- You've just got a cold,

you'll soon feel better!

- [Little Girl] But just then,

big rosy nose sneezed as well!

(rosy nose sneezing)

So did pointy rosy nose


Soon, all the rosy noses in

the land of the rosy noses

were sneezing.

- Oh no!

- [Little Girl]

Said big rosy nose,

- We were too close

to your sneezes,

and now we've all

caught your cold!

(all sneezing)

- [Little Girl] But

small rosy nose's sneeze

was the biggest by far.

(rosy nose sneezes)

- [Little Girl] From that

day on, everyone agreed

that although small rosy

nose's nose was small,

it made more noise than

all the other rosy noses

put together.

- So that's how

you catch a cold.

From sneezes!

- (shivers) You don't want

to catch it, believe me.

- Oh Tula, we better

get out of the way

when Iver sneezes or

we'll catch his cold

just like the rosy noses!

(Iver sneezes)

- Is it safe?

(Iver sneezes)

- (crying) Hooby-galooby,

I'm really sorry,

I just can't keep the sneeze in.

- There must be

something we can find

that Iver can sneeze into so

he doesn't sneeze all over us.

- Yeah, but, what?

- ♪ What, what, what? ♪

♪ What! ♪

- Here's what!

Your little pink rag

from your collection

of small, pink, raggedy things.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

(Iver sneezes)

- That's better.

- Yeah, I knew that little

pink rag could come in useful.

It's a hooby-groovy,

hooby nose blanket!

- Oh dear.

- What's the matter Iver?

- I feel hot, now!

And I don't like it!

And my throat hurts.

(Roma ringtone)

- It's Roma.

Maybe she'll have

an idea about how

we can make you feel better.

Hooble-doop, Roma!

- Hooble-doop, hoobs!

Today, I'm reporting

from a desert.

A desert is a place

that's covered in sand,

and it's very, very hot.

- Oh, just like Iver, Roma!

He's very hot, but

he's not in a desert!

- No?

Well I am!

And this desert is

called the Sahara.

And it's in Africa.

You wouldn't believe how

hot a desert can be, hoobs!

It's so hot, you

could bake a hooby-bun

just by putting it on a rock!

- You could bake a hooby-bun

on Iver's head, too.


- Oh, poor Iver.

He can't be feeling

very hoobly-groobly!

- No, he isn't.

So how do you stay cool

in the desert, Roma?

- Well, when it's this hot,

you always have to carry

some water with you

to keep you cool.

Everytime I get too

hot, all I have to do

is drink some of my water,

and I feel so much cooler.

Ah! Oh, hooby-bother.

(sigh) This is Roma

hoob, reporting,

(sigh) from a very hot desert.

And can I have some

more water please?

- Of course, Roma!

We'll send you some

more straight away!

- Thank you, Tula!

Hooble-toodle-doo! Phew!

- Aw.

I'll ask Hubba Hubba to

send her some more water

through Hoobnet!

- Now Iver, if I

get you some water,

maybe you won't feel so hot!

And it might help

your sore throat?

- But why am I hot?

I'm not in the desert like Roma!

- Oh, I don't know.

Maybe the hotness is

coming from your cold!

- Oh!

(sips water)

Thanks Tula!

- Right, that's sorted!

Roma will be feeling

cooler in no time.

- And I'm feeling

cooler already!

It's made my throat feel better.

Well a little bit.

(Iver sneezes)

- ♪ Poor Iver, you've

caught a nasty cold. ♪

♪ Now rest is best, stay

there, do as you're told. ♪

- ♪ Snuggle in your

cozy hooby-pod. ♪

- ♪ I'm feeling most

peculiar, rather odd. ♪

- ♪ It'll soon get better,

it won't get any worse. ♪

- ♪ Especially with me as

your little hooby-nurse. ♪

- ♪ At first my head

feels very hot, ♪

♪ Then suddenly I'm freezing! ♪

- ♪ Freezing! ♪

- ♪ Then out of the blue

comes something new! ♪

♪ I'm starting on

the sneezing! ♪

(Iver sneezes)

- ♪ Sneezing. ♪

- ♪ At first you

get an itchy nose, ♪

♪ Then that itch just

grows and grows! ♪

- Just look at Iver!

♪ Oh, I'll be blowed! ♪

♪ That little hoob is

going to explode! ♪

(Iver sneezes)

- I'm getting in the stew!

(Iver sneezes)

Oh what's happening? I ju-

(Iver sneezes)

- ♪ Oh what a hooby-wheeze,

I really love that sneeze. ♪

- ♪ But even though a sneeze

is a hooby-groovy sound, ♪

- ♪ And I want so

badly to match it. ♪

- ♪ The best thing to do,

when someone goes a-choo, ♪

♪ Is to duck down quick! ♪

- ♪ Or you'll catch it! ♪

- ♪ So I'm sneezing, in

my little hooby-blanket. ♪

♪ Trying not to

give my cold away. ♪

- ♪ We'll both

take care of you, ♪

♪ we'll be here to

see you through. ♪

- ♪ A patient must be patient ♪

- ♪ And with patience

then that patient ♪

♪ Will be better

in a day or two. ♪

- ♪ Yes you'll be better

in a day or two! ♪

(Iver sneezes)

- Are you feeling better, Iver?

- A bit better, Groove,

yes, but, um, now I'm bored.


- You know I've been

resting for ages,

I haven't got anything to do!

(Hubba ringtone)

- Hooble-doop, hoobs!

Are you still not

feeling better, Iver?

- A bit better, Hubba Hubba!

- But now, he's bored.

- Hmm, maybe you should ask

the tiddly-peeps again, Tula.

Tiddly-peeps will know what

to do when isn't very well

is feeling bored.

- You're right!

Stay there Iver, Groove

is going to drive me

to the tiddly-peeps again!

- Yeah! Oh!

- Uh, thank you!

Thank you!


- ♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps! ♪

♪ On the road we go! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps! ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps, ♪

♪ If we need to know, ♪

♪ Who, what, when,

why, when, and how! ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go! ♪

- Yee-hoo!

- ♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps, ♪

♪ On the road we go, ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

- I do hope you'll be able to

help me, Iver's got a cold.

- (gasp) Oh no!

- Poor Iver.

- We got him to rest, we've

kept him warm with blankets,

we've given him hoob-loads

of water to drink,

and do you know

what's wrong now?

- No, what?

- Iver is bored.

So I've come to see you,

because I thought you might

have some ideas for

cheering him up.

- I know! What about

reading a story?

- Oh!

What a hoobacious idea!

A story book, thank you so much!

Um, is it an exciting story?

- Yes, if Iver reads this,

he won't be bored at all!

- Oh, hooble-dooble-dooper!

Iver loves stories!

Has anyone any other ideas

on how we can help Iver?

- We could make him

some get well cards!

- [Together] Yay!!!

- Get well cards! Yes!

(folk music)

- These are for me?

- Yeah!

(folk music)

- Oh, thank you, tiddly-peeps!

These are hoobly-groobly!

Iver will be so happy

when he gets all of these!

And he won't be bored at all!

Anyway, I'd better

get back to him.


- [Children] Hoolble-toodle-doo!

(happy music)

- "Dear Iver, I hope

you feel better soon."

Oh that's so nice.

All the tiddly

peeps are so kind.

- And look at this!

- Oh, I'm going to read

that just as soon as we've

done Hoob News.

- Are you well enough

to do Hoob News?

- Am I well enough

to do Hoob News?

Tula, I have never

missed a Hoob News.

And I never will.

- Well, you're to get

straight back into your

hooby-pod afterwards and

I'll read your book to you.

- Have you got your

hooby nose blanket?


- ♪ A-ring-a-ring-a-monkey,

I'm feeling kind of funky. ♪

♪ A jiggity-bing! ♪

♪ I'll make a silly sound. ♪

- That doesn't sound

quite right to me.

- It doesn't?

- No. Try this.

♪ A-Ring-A-Ring of candles, ♪

♪ we're wearing

bright new sandals! ♪

♪ A-Wiggly-Bop! ♪

♪ We all bounce around. ♪

- That's nice but it's

still not quite right.

- Well I like a good wiggly bop.

- ♪ A-ring-a-ring of roses

a pocket full of poses, ♪

♪ A tissue! ♪

♪ We all fall down. ♪

- Oh, that's good.

- I want to try!

- I knew you would!

- ♪ A-ring-a-ring of roses,

a pocket full of poses, ♪

♪ A tissue, a tissue,

we all fall down. ♪

♪ A tissue! ♪

♪ We all fall down! ♪

- Are you ready with

your news, Hoobs?

Ready to tell me everything

you know about helping

Iver to feel better?

- We're ready Hubba Hubba.

(intense music)

- Hippity-whoop!

To all you hoobs out there.

Welcome to-

(Iver sneezes)

- Hoob News.

- The news show for hoobs-

(Iver sneezes)

- Everywhere.

- (sniffles) And today we've

been asking the question-

- How can we make Iver feel

better when he's not very well?

We wanted to find out

what was wrong with Iver,

so we went to see

the tiddly-peeps.

- And the tiddly-peeps told

us that Iver should rest.

And they also said:

- It sounds like

he's got a cold.

- We put Iver in a hooby-pod,

and gave him a special blanket

from my collection of

big, pink, raggedy things

to keep him warm

- Iver started to sneeze,

- Then we heard a story

about the rosy noses.

- And that's when we found out,

that if you sneeze

on other people,

then they'll catch your cold.

- So I gave Iver a

hooby nose blanket

from my collection of

small, pink, raggedy things.

- But soon he complained

that his throat felt sore,

and he started to feel hot.

But Roma told us what

to do about that.

- Everytime I get too

hot, all I have to do is

drink some of my water,

and I feel so much cooler.

- Groove and I decided that

we would look after Iver

until he felt better.

- But then Iver

started to feel bored,

so off we went to

the tiddly-peeps,

for some more advice.

- The tiddly-peeps made

Iver some get well cards

to cheer him up.

And they gave us a

book for him to read,

so he wouldn't be

bored while he rested.

(Iver sneezes)

- Bless you, Iver.

And so it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma,

for giving hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember wherever you

are, don't catch a cold!

Have a lovely day!

And, hooble-toodle-doo!

- [Together] Hooble-toodle-doo!

(Iver sneezes)

♪ Hubba Hubba in Hoob land, ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away. ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh. ♪

♪ The motorettes are singing, ♪

♪ We keep the

engines spinning! ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The hoob mobile is

coming your way! ♪

- Haha!

- Yay!

- Ah!

- ♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪
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