01x18 - Homes

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x18 - Homes

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send four of

my favorite Hoobs down to Earth

to find out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

Iver! Groove!

And Tula!

- We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

We want to know ♪

- Ya-hey!


♪ Hubba Hubba's In Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere Far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep The engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile Is

coming your way ♪

- Ha-ha!

- Oh!

(laughing) Wahey! Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here So what

do you say? (exclaims) ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

Hoobledoop, little hooby plants.

And how are you

all this morning?


Oh dear.

You don't look very

hoobelly groobelly at all.


Oh. No, no. Don't droop.

Huh, what's the matter Tula?

Hoobledoop, Groove.

For some reason,

the hooby plants

are not looking at all

hoobelly groobelly. (Shrieking)

Oh. They're drooping. (laughing)

So they are. But, look,

there must be

something we can do to

cheer them up.

Yes. But what?

♪ What? ♪

♪ What, what, what? ♪

♪ What? ♪

♪ What, what, what? ♪

Oh, Groove.

This was a hoobacious

idea of yours. (laughing)

I'm sure they'll

stop drooping now

they're down here

inside with us.

Yeah, I'll go up to the roof

and get some more, shall I?

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh!

Oh! Sorry, Iver.

Groove, where are you going?


Where did all these hooby

plants suddenly come from?

- Upstairs.

- Tula,

what are all the hooby

roof garden plants

doing down here

in the hoobmobile?

Well, Groove and I were

just thinking that perhaps

being with us for a while

might cheer them all up.

Besides, having them

inside makes the

hoobmobile feel more

homely, don't you think?


Well, yes. But I don't think--

Where do you want

this one, Tula?

Um, no idea. You choose, Groove.

I don't know, okay.

Oh, excuse me, Iver.



Groove, do be careful please.

- [Groove] Let's try over here.

Let's just, oh, ah sorry.

(chuckling) Sorry, Iver.

Groove, will you hurry up?

We need to find a

question for Hoob News.

I can't decide.

- [Tula] I've just

been telling the

hooby plants how lucky they are.

Hmm. In what way?

To have the hoobmobile

as our home.

Oh. Um,

could you find a

place for this, Iver?

And again.

This? Me?

Well, you're right,

Tula. We are lucky.

But, I'm not sure we

really want to clutter

up the hoobmobile

with hooby plants.

I mean, what other

creature on land

lives in a home that

it can take with it?

Hubba hubba, hubba hubba.

What other creature

on land lives

in a home that it

can take with it?

Now that's what I

call a hooble dooble

duper question

for my Hoobopedia.

Just the sort of thing Hoobs

everywhere will want to know.

I think so too, Hubba Hubba.

Good. And I hope Iver

and Groove agree,

wherever they are.

- We're here Hubba Hubba!

(laughing) Hooby

galooby, so you are.

(laughing) I thought you were

a hoobocactus, my good Iver.

(laughing) I'll tell you what,

let me have a look on Hoob

Net to see if I can find

anything about homes

to get you started.


Take a look at this.

Oh, there's some birds

in a home in the grass.

Oh look, there's a

spider, making his home.

Ooh, all these creatures

seem to be taking things

to their homes, not taking

their homes with them.

There's a horse, pulling

a home behind it.

Well, there were hoobloads of

different homes

there, weren't there?

Yeah, but you

couldn't move about in

them like we do

in the hoobmobile.

Hmm. Wait a minute.

There was one home we saw

that did move, didn't it?

The one belonging to the horse.

So, maybe the horse takes his

home with him like we Hoobs do.

Yeah, that's a hooby

groovy idea, Tula.

I know. Let's ask Hubba

Hubba if we can print

out a picture of that

horse and his house.


Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

Hubba Hubba, could we

print a picture of the

horse's house that

you found on Hoob Net?

Of course you can, Tula.

Let me see now.

Mm-hmm, there. Here it is.

- [Groove] Oh, that's

hooby groovy, Hubba Hubba.

I'll print that out.

I'm not sure that

that horse would

actually fit inside that house.

Well, someone will

know the answer to it.

Yes, they will.

But who?

♪ Who? Who? Who? ♪

♪ Who? ♪

♪ Who? Who? Who? ♪

Why, the Tiddlypeeps, of course.

Well, they're bound

to know if that's

the horse's very

own little house.

(laughing) The Tiddlypeeps

know everything.

Hubba Hubba, you are

abso-hooby-lutely right.

- Yeah.

- Why, thank you, Iver.

I'll take the picture to the

Tiddlypeeps. And I'll drive.

And I'll talk to my hooby plants

to see if it makes them feel

any more hoobelly groobelly.



I'm off to see--



Perhaps, Tula, you'd

like to take them

back upstairs and

talk to them there.


- Seat-belts!

- Yeah.

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!


♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

They're smart! They're fun!

They know!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where

Why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them Off we go ♪

♪ Yoo-hoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart

They're fun They know ♪

There. All ready.

When the weather gets

nice, we can take it out.

Oh! Hello.

- [Hoobs] Hello!


- [Tiddlypeeps] Iver!

Oh. (laughing)

- Mwah!

Hello, Isha.

Oh, hello, Emma.

How about doing me a

hoobacious hooby hello?

- [Tiddlypeeps] Yes.

- [Both] Hoobledoop!

Hoobledoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

(laughing) Fantastic.

Now, I need your help.

Can I ask you a question?

- [Piddle Peeps] Yes.

Does a horse live

in this little home?

- [Emma] Nope.

Are you sure?

Yes, Iver, I'm

absolutely positive.

The horse pulls it along.

But why would he

just pull it along?

Peeps travel inside it

whilst the horse pulls it.

- [Iver] How hoobacious is that.

Would you know of

another sort of home

that you can take

anywhere with you?

- [Tiddlypeeps] Yes.

This one.

Is that a little home that

you can take around with you?

Yes, it's a tent.

You can take it

with you anywhere.

Tula! Groove! Look at this.

Ask Hubba Hubba to send

us a tent off Hoob Net.

I think we've got the answer!

- [Groove] A tent.

Thank you so much Fiddly Peeps,

I'll have my picture.

Thank you. Thank you, Isha.

Thank you, Emma, and

thank you, Megan.

Hooble toodle doo!

- [Tiddlypeeps]

Hooble toodle doo!

Come on, little hooby plant.

The tent has arrived

from Hubba Hubba.

Mind the plants, Groove!

- [Iver] Has it arrived?

Has it-- (yelps)


Oh, Tula!

I really would rather you put

the hooby plants back upstairs.

Well sorry, Iver, I will.

It's just that having them

down here somehow reminds me

so much of home.

I'll move them back up just as

soon as we've

tested out our tent.

Hmm? Oh yes.

Well the one that

Tiddlypeeps had

didn't look anything like that.

Yeah, are you sure

this is definitely a

home that a creature

can take with it?

There must be some

way we can make it

look like the one

the Tiddlypeeps had.

Yes, but how?

♪ How, how, how? ♪

♪ How, how, how, how? ♪

♪ How? ♪

Here's how. Tada!

One tent.

Oh, Groove, that's hoobacious.

I should say it is.

But can you move

about with it Tula?

I mean, is it like

the hoobmobile?

Will it travel?

Hmm. There's only

one way to find out.




Hmm. Oh, hooby bother.

Hooby blow. Look at

my poor hooby plant.

Tula, never mind

the hooby plants,

at this rate we're

not going to answer

the question in

time for Hoob News.

Hubba hubba, Hubba hubba.

Hoobledoop, Hoobs.

How did the tent go down?

With a crash, Hubba

Hubba. (laughing) Sorry.

It's definitely

not a home you can

travel around in

like a hoobmobile.

No, it's the sort of home

that you take with you

and put up when you get to,

well, wherever you're going.

Except, we didn't manage

to put it up very well.

Hooby Galooby.

Is that giant plant

actually talking?

No, Hubba Hubba.

- It's me.

- (laughing)

So it is, Tula. (laughing)

Oh. Oh, come on.

Cheer up, Hoobs,

Perhaps it will help

if you have a little

look at a story I

found on Hoob Net.

This just might help you

to answer the question.

Hold on. Here it comes!

- [Narrator] Darren, a

very small hermit crab,

looked around his rock pool,

and sighed.


Everyday, Darren

was stuck with the

same, boring old starfish,

the same moaning anemone.


I'm bored with living in

the same old rock pool,

day after day.

- [Narrator] Said Darren.

I really wish that I had a

home that I could take with me.

Then, everyday I could ramble

around all over the seabed,

and never get bored.


- [Narrator] Darren

bumped into a jellyfish.

I'm looking for a

new place to live.

- [Narrator] He said.

How about living

inside a witch's purse?

- [Narrator] He pointed

to a witch's purse

and Darren wriggled

his way inside it.

But what he didn't know

was that a witch's purse is

where a fish called a skate

laid all her eggs.

And when Mrs. Skate returned,

she was not at all

amused at finding Darren

crouched in there too.

Get out, you horrid little crab.

- [Narrator] She cried.

Then, just as Darren thought

he'd never find a home

he could take with him,

he spotted just the thing.

It was an old tin

can on the sea floor.

He could easily fit inside that.

He could even roll

around inside it.

I don't want to

live anywhere else.

- [Narrator] He said.

My new rolly polly tin

house is fantastic.

I can roll around in it all day,

all over the seabed.

And best of all, no one

knows I'm inside it,

till I stick my head

out and go, boo!

That's it! At last

we've got to the answer.

A hermit crab lives in a home

which he can take

around with him.

- [All] Hoob hoob hurray!

♪ Hoobs travel round

In our hoobmobile ♪

♪ We take it wherever we go ♪

♪ But we've been finding out ♪

♪ If there's anyone else about ♪

♪ Who takes their house Around ♪

with them We really need to know

♪ At first we thought A

horse could be the answer ♪

♪ A tent seemed Like

a good idea as well ♪

♪ We put one up in here ♪

♪ But it soon

Became quite clear ♪

♪ That it wasn't What we

wanted, down it fell ♪

♪ And then I found you

all A lovely story ♪

♪ A hermit crab had

come up With a plan ♪

♪ He wanted a new home ♪

♪ In which he could be alone ♪

♪ And he found one ♪

♪ In an old tin can ♪

♪ Rolly polly

Little hermit crab ♪

♪ Making a terrible din ♪

♪ You've cleared up

Our confusion and

Provided a solution ♪

♪ A hermit crab lives

In a rusty tin ♪

♪ Rolly polly

Little hermit crab ♪

♪ Making a terrible din ♪

♪ You've cleared up

Our confusion and

Provided a solution ♪

♪ A hermit crab lives

In a rusty tin ♪

♪ Yes, a hermit crab

lives in a rusty tin ♪

So, there we are.

We're all ready for Hoob News.

We are? Of course

we are, Groove.

Hermit crabs live in tins.

Well, there are no hermit

crabs living in this tin.

No? No, just hooby beans.

Aw, hooby beans?

Well they won't be living

in it for long. Thank you.

I'm not sure that the hermit

crab is the answer, Iver.

What do you mean?

A tin can is his home,

and he takes it around with him.

(mumbles) But the crab kept

changing his home, didn't he?


(mumbles) It didn't stay in

the same home all the time.

I can't understand a word

you're saying, Groove.

I think he said that the crab

didn't stay in the same home

all the time. You

know, like we do.

(mumbles) Yeah, that's

exactly what I said.

Hmm. The crab kept

changing homes.

I see.

Oh. Yes, you're right.

Hooby bother, will we ever get

the answer to this question?

Tula! These hooby plants--

Oh. Sorry, Iver.

But the more you keep

knocking them over,

the more droopy they get.

And the more droopy they get,

the longer they

need to stay down

here, so I can cheer them up.

We must be able to find

some other creature on land,

apart from us,

who lives in a home they

take around with them.

Yes, but where?

♪ Where, where, where? ♪

♪ Where? ♪

Roma. Roma. Roma.

Well, hey. Here comes Roma.

Maybe she knows where we

can look for the answer.

Hmm. I do hope so.

Hoobledoop, Hoobs.

Hubba Hubba's asked me to

find out all about homes.

And I've come here

to the bottom of a

very deep blue sea.

As you can see,

this is home to hoobloads

of different creatures.

But so far,

I haven't found any sort of home

that a creature takes with it.

In fact, the only

thing I found, Hoobs,

is this.

I'm told that this is

something called a clamshell.

Who knows?

Maybe something called

a clam lives in there.

If that's true,

then this shell

would be its home.

Ooh. Though I have to say,

this particular home

would definitely

not be to my taste.

Not hoobacious at all.

Far too dark and

(sniffs) a bit smelly.


Wait a minute, Hoobs.

(gasps) Hooby Galooby!

There really is something

living in there.

Well, it's extremely soft,

and rather slimy.

Probably not the

kind of thing that

could really leave

its shell very safely.

So, that means the

clam would have

to take its home with it, Roma.

Well, I suppose

you're right, Tula.

How about that, Hoobs?

Some creatures live in

the strangest places.

This is Roma Hoob,

at home with a clam.

(laughing) Ah,

Hooble toodle doo.

- [All] Hooble toodle doo!

So, now at last we know another

creature who takes

its how with it--

Like Hoobs do, it's called...

(mumbles) A clam.

Oh, sorry.

A clam. Yes, a clam, that's it.

We've found the answer.

Oh, hey, would you

like some hooby beans

- to celebrate?

- Hmm.

Don't mind if I do, Groove.

Oh. Oh, no, no. Wait,

wait. Iver, Groove.

What's the matter, Tula?

Sorry to spoil your

hooby bean feast,

but I just had a thought.

The question was,

what creature on land lives in

a home that it can take with it.

Yes, and it's a clam.

Yes, but listen! Listen!

The clam we just saw,

well, it doesn't live

on land, does it?

No, it doesn't live on land.

It lives under the sea.

- Under the sea?

- Mm-hmm.

Oh no, you're right, Groove,

a clam lives under the sea.


Oh no, what are we going to do?

Calm down, Iver.

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

Hoobledoop, Hoobs.

- [All] Hoobledoop, Hubba Hubba!

Have you found the

answer, Hubba Hubba?

Well, I'm sorry, I

haven't I'm afraid.

But I do have one

more suggestion.

Yes, can you thing of a

really clever Tiddlypeep Yes?

who might know the answer?

Oh, well, there are

so many clever Tiddlypeeps

to choose from.

Yeah, how about Harry?

Yeah, cause our friend

Harry would know.

Yeah, let's go and find him.

Shall I email him and let him

know we're on our way, Iver?

Good idea, Tula!

I'll drive.

(chuckling) Oh, yeah.


♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

They're smart! They're fun!

They know!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where

Why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them Off we go ♪

♪ Yoo-hoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart

They're fun They know ♪

Oh, I wonder where Harry is.

He said he'd meet me here--

- [Tula] Behind you!

Oh, Tula, Groove, here he is.

I wonder what he's looking at.

(laughing) Oh. Hoobledoop, Iver.

Hoobledoop. Come,

see what I found.

Oh, don't tell

me, don't tell me.

I hope it's something

utterly, superbly, hoobacious.


- [Tula] Oh.


If that isn't the

funniest looking thing

I've ever seen in my

entire hooby life.


It's called a snail.

A snail?

- [Harry] Yes,

and see its shell.


Can you see this Groove? Yeah.

- [Harry] That's its little home

that it takes

everywhere with it.

What'd ya know...

hooby galooby.

It takes its shell

everywhere it goes?

- Yes.

It carries its little

house with it all the time.

That's right.

You know, you have

just found the answer

we've been looking for all day.


A Hooble dooble dooper!

I must get back

to the hoobmobile.

We've got a Hoob News to do.

Hooble toodle doo!

Thank you.

So, now we know.

Yeah, Harry's a really hooby

groovy Tiddlypeep,

isn't he, Tula?

Did you see the--

(yelps) did you--

Did you see that, Groove?

There really is another creature

that travels around inside

his house like Hoobs do.

- [Groove] Yeah!

And maybe after Hoob News, Tula,

we can move all the hooby plants

back up to the roof garden.

Maybe we can, Iver.

I think that the

hooby roof garden

really is their favorite home.

Come on then, into

the hooby studio.

♪ Slippery snail ♪

♪ Moving so slow ♪

♪ Leaving a slimy

trail As you go ♪

♪ Slither along ♪

♪ Quiet as a mouse ♪

♪ Carrying with you

Your own special house ♪

♪ Slippery snail ♪

♪ Moving so slow ♪

♪ Leaving a slimy

trail As you go ♪

♪ We stay indoors ♪

♪ No need to roam ♪

♪ This is our very

own Mobile home ♪

♪ Slippery, slithery

Slippery, slithery ♪

♪ Slippery, slithery trail ♪

♪ Slippery, slithery

Slippery, slithery ♪

♪ Slippery, slithery snail ♪

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

Well, Hoobs,

are you ready with your

news for my Hoobopedia?

- [All] We're

ready, Hubba Hubba.

Well, take it away!

Hoobledoop! Whoop! To

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver. I'm Tula.

And I'm Groove.

And today we've been

asking the question,

What other creature on land,

lives in a home that

it can take with it?

- [Iver] First we looked

at lots of animal homes.

- [Groove] And we

thought that, perhaps,

a horse lived in a house

on wheels like ours.

- [Tula] That turned out

to be a hooby booboo.

But the Tiddlypeeps

did have a little home

that you can take around

with you, called a tent.

- [Iver] And after Hubba

Hubba ordered one for us,

we tested it out to see if

you could travel around in it.

- [Tula] And we found

out that you couldn't.

- [Iver] Then Hubba

Hubba found us

a story which he

thought might help.

But that was all about

living inside a tin can.

- [Tula] I looked inside

one of our tin cans,

and found that only

hooby beans lived there.

- [Groove] Which was

really good to know.

- [Iver] But it didn't help

us answer the question.

- [Tula] Then Roma found us

a creature called a clam,

that carried its own home

around with it everywhere.

- [Groove] But, unfortunately,

clams only live under

water, not on land.

- [Iver] Then,

just as we thought

we'd never find the answer,

Hubba Hubba suggested,

we found a Tiddlypeep to ask.

- [Tula] So, Iver went to

visit our friend Harry,

and he had the answer.

There is another

creature on land,

who lives in a home

he can take with him

and he's called...

- [All] A snail.

A snail! How Hooble

dooble dooper!!

So, it's thanks

once again to Iver,

Tula, Groove, and Roma,

for giving Hoobs everywhere,

a little peep into

the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever

your home may be,

have a nice day and

hooble toodle doo!

- [All] Hooble toodle doo!

Right, let's get

these hooby plants

back upstairs to

the roof garden.


- [Tula] Groove!

- [Iver] Groove!

I'm coming, I've just got

one more spoonful to have.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland, ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere Far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep The engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile Is

coming your way ♪

- Ha-ha!

- Oh!

(laughing) Ya-hey! Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here so

what do you say (exclaims) ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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