01x22 - Smells

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x22 - Smells

Post by bunniefuu »

(ethereal techno

swooshing sound)

- Hoobledoo, Tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(techno music, The

Hoobs theme song)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are! ♪

♪ Iver, Groove, and Tula! ♪

♪ "We're Hoobs!" ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Yay! ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland, ♪

♪ and Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing, ♪

♪ "We keep the

engines spinning!" ♪

♪ "Hoob-hoob-hooray!" ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is coming

your way! (laughs) ♪

- Wahey!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

(whimsical flute music, humming)

- (sigh) Now is there

anything else I need?

I've got my Hooby necklace

and I've got my best

bow of my twizzeltut.

Oh! Hoobledoo, Groove!

- Hoobledoo, Tula!

Oh, look at that!

What's with the hooby

jewelry and the fancy bow?

You must be going

somewhere rather special.

I've been invited to

a Tiddlypeeps party!

- Hoobie galoobie,

lucky you, Tula!

I bet there'll be lots of

yummy things to eat there


But you know,

I really feel like a

little yummy something

to eat right now! (chuckles)

- You always feel

like a little yummy

something to eat, Groove!

- Yes but the thing

is I can't decide what

(boing sound)


Nope, I can't see anything.

- That's because you're not

looking properly. (laughs)

- Hoobledoo, Hoobs!

- Hoobledoo, Iver!

- I don't suppose either of you

have thought up a question

for today's Hoob News.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Iver,

I've been too busy

thinking about

what I want to eat.

- And I'm too busy getting

ready to my Tiddlbypeep party.

- Tula, you'll look

hoobly groobly.

- Well, I know I'll

look hoobly groobly.

- Well, how d'you feel then?

- Well I feel pretty

hoobly groobly too.

- So, what's the matter?

- Well, how do I smell?

- How do you smell?

- Yes, how do I smell?

- Oh, er, right? Well,

let me um, have a sniff


(upbeat music)

Let me see, you smell,

you smell of

- I smell of what?

(laboring music)

♪ What, what, whaaaaaat ♪

♪ What? ♪

- You smell of Hoob, Tula.

- Oh!

- Oh don't be upset, Tula.

We all smell of Hoob

because, well, we are Hoobs!

- But, I wanted to

smell especially nice

for the Tiddlypeeps party!

- Oh! Oh dear. Um, Groove,

how could Tula smell

especially nice

for the Tiddlypeeps party?

- [Echoing Voices] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba

- How could Tula

smell especially nice

for the Tiddlypeeps party?

Now that's what I call a

fan-tabby hooby question

for today's Hoob News!

Hoobs everywhere

will want to know

how to make you smell

especially nice, Tula!

And all the things you find out

can go straight into

my great Hoobapedia.

- Will you email

Roma Hubba-Hubba?

And ask her to go looking

for a nice smell for me?

- Of course, Tula!

And in the meantime, let me

see what I can find on Hoobnet

that's nice and smelly.

Ah! Take a look at this!

(electronic whirring)

(upbeat electronic music)

Now, what have we got here?

Oh! Hoobloads of cheese!


Whoop! Ooh I bet they

smell Hoobacious!

Lots of different

cheesy cheeses,

having lots of

different cheesy smells!

(techno buzzing)

- Oh, cheese has got to

be the best smell ever!

- (laughs) Wait a minute!

That's it!

If only Tula could

smell of cheese,

then she'd really smell nice

for the Tiddlypeeps party!

- Yeah, you're right, Iver!

There must be a way we can

make Tula smell of cheese!

- But how?

(upbeat music)

♪ How How How ♪

♪ How How How ♪

♪ How How how ♪

♪ How how how? ♪

- She could carry this piece

of cheese around with her.

- I didn't know

we had any cheese!

- That's because you

didn't look properly.

- (laughs) Well, we've

only got this one piece

but it would be perfect!

It's really whiffy.



- But, I can't just

carry it around with me.

What if we play

games at the party?

I'll need both my paws.

- Hey, why don't I put

it on a bit of string

so that you can wear

it around your neck

like a hooby cheesy necklace?

- Yes, a hooby cheesy necklace.

Oh, Groove! That

would be perfect!

A fashionable jewelry item

and a hoobly groobly

smell, all in one! Ha!

(upbeat piano music)

- Do you know, I think

me may have found

the answer to our

question in record time!

- Um, Iver, what

is that loud noise?

- Well it sounded like

someone eating something

with a big gulp!


- [Tula And Iver] Oh! Groove!

- You've eaten the cheese!

- Oh, I'm sorry Tula!

I just couldn't help myself.

Oh look, I'll find

you something else

that you can smell

of, don't worry.

- Well, it better smell

as good as cheese.

- Yes, yes I know, I know Tula!

- Oh! What's that?

- Oh, this is my

collection of things

that smell hooby groovy


- Wait, wait I can

smell something!

Something even

cheesier than cheese.

(upbeat music)

- [Tula And Iver]

Cheesier than cheese?

- Ah, yeah! An old peep sock!

I've got another one in

here somewhere as well.

- Oh! Ah, There we go!

- Oh! Groove! Can I

wear them to the party?

- Of course you can, Tula,

it's the least I could do!

- Oh, yes! I'm going to smell

even cheesier than cheese!

Hoob hoob hurray!

- Wait a minute!

Don't you think we

should just check

if this cheesy smell

is the right smell

for a Tiddlypeeps party?

- Yes, we should, but how?

♪ How How How ♪

♪ How How How How How How ♪

♪ Hooooow ♪

(echoing voices)

♪ Hubba, Hubba, Hubba ♪

(techno buzzing)

- I know how, by visiting

some Tiddlypeeps of course!

They'll know if the cheesy

smell is the pleasy smell!


- Thanks, Hubba Hubba.

I will put them on my

paw so I can stick them

right under the

Tiddlypeeps noses.

And they can they get the

full cheesy effect! (Sniffs)

- Oh, I think I better drive

if you are wearing those socks!

- Yeah, I would. (Laughs)

I'm gonna stay here

and sniff my hooby

groovy smell collection

while we drive along.

(breathes in deeply)

- Seat belts?

- Seat belts!

- [Together] We are off

the see the Tiddlypeeps!


(upbeat music)

♪ We're off the see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps. ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪


♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

(music crescendos and fades)

- Hello, everyone!

Want to do a hooby hello?

- [Children Together] Yeah!

- [All Together]

Hoobledoo, Hoobledoo,

whoop, whoop, whoop.

- Ew, what's that smell Tula?

- It's this pair of old socks

from Groove's collection

of things that

smell hooby groovy.

(Groove chuckles)

(Tula breathes in and sighs)

- I don't think they

smell hooby groovy!

They smell really cheesy!

- [Groove] Yeah, and?

- Don't Tiddlypeeps like cheese?

- We like eating cheese but

the smell can be a bit whiffy.

- So these cheesy socks

wouldn't be a good thing

to wear to a Tiddlypeep party?

- No!

- Oh, I better take them off,

straight away.

(children make

noises of disgust)

- Oh dear.

- Ah, so what

smells do you like?

- Oh, lots of things,

newly mown grass.

- Sweet buns.

- Strawberries.

- Are you getting this Iver?

- Yes, thank you.

- Anything else?

- Oh yes, new books.

- New shoes.

- Clean clothes.

- Clean clothes?

So, I could make these

socks smell nice.

- Yes, you just

need to wash them.

- Did you get that Iver?

- Yes, yes.

- You need to wash

these old socks.

- Yeah.

- Thanks, Tiddlypeeps.

You've been really helpful.

I'm going to get back

to the Hoobmobile

so we can wash these

socks right away.


- [Children Together]


(upbeat music)

- Just as well Tula asked

those Tiddlypeeps, eh, Groove?

- Yeah, if she turned

up at the party

smelling of cheese, it would've

been a real hooby boo boo.

(both laugh)

- Right, I'm going

to ask Hubba Hubba

to send me some of those smells

that the Tiddlypeeps

like so much,

while you wash

these socks, Groove.

- Oh, do I have to Tula?

- Mmhmm.

- I really love the cheesy pong!

- We all do Groove.

But Tula needs to see

what they smell like

when they're clean.

She might want to smell of them

when she goes to the

Tiddlypeeps party.

- Okay.

(laboring brass music)

Well, farewell sweet smell.

(breathes in deeply)


- [echoing Voices]

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.

(electronic buzzing)

- Ha, well jiggle

my twizzletaff Tula.

The Tiddlypeeps

idea of a good smell

is completely different to ours.

Well, never mind.

I'll send you some strawberries

and some newly mown grass

and some nice sweet buns

from Hoobnet right away.

- Thanks, Hubba Hubba.

Now, my nice clean socks

must be ready soon. But when?

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

♪ When ♪

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

♪ When ♪

♪ When, when, when ♪

♪ When ♪

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

♪ When! ♪

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

♪ When! ♪

- There you go, one pair

of freshly washed socks.

They now smell

(sniffs) ugh, clean.

(Tula sniffs)

- Oh, well if a clean

sock smell is good enough

for the Tiddlypeeps, then

it's good enough for me.

And this time I'm

going to put them

where the Tiddlypeeps put them.

- Are you sure you're

going to be able to dance

with those on?

(Tula grunts)

- Abso-hooba-lutely, Iver.

And I'll show you how.

(upbeat dance music)

♪ I'm ready for the

Tiddlypeep party ♪

♪ I smell hoobacious

and look a treat ♪

♪ I knew something was missing ♪

♪ But now I look complete ♪

♪ With these white socks ♪

♪ On my hooby feet ♪

♪ I twist and turn to

the Tiddlypeep beat ♪

♪ In these white socks ♪

♪ Hooby ankles glean ♪

♪ They're so hoobly

doobly groovily clean ♪

♪ In these white socks

I'll dance the party away ♪

♪ Shake and move

and sing and play ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps in

their party frocks ♪

♪ Tula Hoob in her

clean white socks ♪

(upbeat music continues)

♪ With those white socks

on her hoobly feet ♪

♪ I twist and turn to

the Tiddlypeep beat ♪

♪ In those white socks

hooby ankles glean ♪

♪ They're so hoobly

doobly groovily clean ♪

♪ In those white socks

she'll dance the party away ♪

♪ Hooby shake, hooby move,

hooby sing, hooby play ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps in

their party frocks ♪

♪ Tula hoob in her

clean white socks ♪

(music ends)

(Tula laughs)


- I smell something cheesy.

(all sniff)

(relaxed guitar music)

- What, what is it?

What smells cheesy?

- [Groove And Iver] The socks!

- They're cheesy again!

(Groove cheers)

- Oh no, all my dancing

must have made the

socks cheesy again!

(electronic whizzing)

- Never mind Tula, I

think your other smells

have just arrived

from Hubba Hubba.

(Tula sighs and chuckles)

- Hey, don't worry Tula, I'm

sure the sweet bun or the grass

or the strawberries

will be just right.

(whimsical music)

(birds chirping)

(door closes)

(whimsical music ends)

- No, there's

nothing cheesy here.

But do you know what Tula?

(breathes in deeply)

Hmm, those sweet buns

smell really hooby groovy.

Can I have one?

- No, no Groove, no. Tula might

want to smell of that bun.

(upbeat music)

(Tula sniffs)

- Oh, I can't decide which smell

I want to smell of the most.

- [Echoing Voices]

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba

(electronic buzzing)

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba again!

- Don't worry Tula, I just

found a hoobacious story

on Hoobnet which I think

might just help you.

Take a look.

(electronic whirring)

(ethereal music)

- [Narrator] Walter

Whiff had the biggest

and most wonderful nose

in the whole wide world

which is why every year

he was chosen to judge the

Eurovision Pong contest.

That was when all

the best smells

from all kinds of

countries gathered together

for a grand smell competition.

This year it was a

shiny shoe, a sweet bun,

a new book and a strawberry.

- "I smell nicer than you"

- [Narrator] Said

the bun to the book.

- "Oh, I think you'll find

"that I smell much

nicer than you."

- [Narrator] Said the book.

- "I smell nicer

than all of you."

- [Narrator] Said

the strawberry.

Just then trumpets sounded.

(trumpets play and

narrator imitates trumpets)

And the judge arrived.

- "It's Walter Whiff,

the boy with the biggest

"and the most wonderful nose

in the whole wide world."

- [Narrator] Said the shoe.

Walter went from one

smell to the other.

His big nose sniffing.

But he couldn't seem

to make up his mind.

He liked the strawberry 'cause

it reminded him of hot days.

The new book 'cause

it reminded him

of reading in front of

the fire on cold days.

He liked the new shoe

because it reminded him

of how much he was growing.

And the bun reminded him

of eating lovely food.

- "This year I love them all."

- [Narrator] He said.

- So this year, they all win.

- [Narrator] The

smells were very happy

and agreed that although

they all smelled different,

they all smelled good.

(electronic whirring)

- Walter Whiff couldn't

decide which smell he liked,

so in the end, he

picked them all, Tula.

- That's it, I'll smell

of all these things Iver.

Oh, you are such a

hoobly groobly hoob.

Let's try this out.

Hmm, now, I just need to find

a way of wearing them all.

- I know how.

- How?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how ♪

♪ How, hoooow, hoooooow ♪


- There's how.

- Oh thank you Groove.

Right here's me

arriving at the party.


Now, take a sniff.

(upbeat music)



(Tula gasps)

- Don't I smell nice?

- Well, the problem is

there are so many smells,

you don't really

smell of anything.

- Yeah, you're just like

a big, smelly jumble.

- Oh no. I don't want to smell

like a big, smelly jumble.

Oh, hoobyble.

- [Echoing Voice] Roma.

- Oh, Tula, here comes Roma.

I'm sure she'll have sniffed

out something hoobacious.

(electronic whirring)

(uplifting music)

- Hoobledoo hoobs.

- Hoobledoo Roma!

- I've come here to the

sunny island of Hawaii.

The peeps here wear these

big garlands of flowers

called leis.

They're hoobaciously

fashionable don't you think?

(Roma laughs)

But that's nothing

compared to how they smell.

(breathes in deeply)

Hooby galooby hoobs!

I can't even begin to describe

the delicious flowery aroma

that's wafting up my hooby

nose at this very moment.

I've sent you one so that you

can have a big old snifaroo

for yourselves.

- Aah.

- One sniff

and you'll be in hooby heaven.

Ooh, ooh and one more

thing before I go,

I have to show you this,

it's a type of dancing

the peeps do here in Hawaii,

the famous Hawaiian

Hula Hand Dance.


Hoobacious, eh?

This is Roma Hoob off to

hula dance the day away.


- Hoobletoodledoo Roma!

(electronic whirring)

- Oh, that must

be Roma's lei now!

- Oh, I'm so excited!

I'm sure it will smell

absolutely hoobly groovily.

- Yeah.

- Here it is, here it is.

Here it is! And

smelling is believing.

(breathing in deeply then sigh)

- [All Together] Hooby heaven!

- So we've got our answer

and it's nearly time

for Hoob News.

- Does that mean I can

have the bun now Tula?

- Not yet Groove, we still

have to test out this smell.

- [Echoing Voices] ♪

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba ♪

(electronic whirring)

- And what better

way of testing it

than going to a

Tiddlypeep party, Tula?

- Just what I was

going to say Hubba.

- I'll drive you

there Tula, come on!

Let's get those

motorettes singing.

(whimsical music)


(upbeat music)

- Yeeha!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ Tiddlypeeps, the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪


♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledoo Tiddlypeeps!

- [Children] Hoobledoo Tula!

- Wow, this is hoobly groovily.

There's food and

decorations and everything.


What are you waiting

for? Let's party!


- You smell really nice Tula.

- Do I?

- Yes, it's a lovely smell.

- A perfect smell for a party.

- Ah, did you hear that Iver?

The Tiddlypeeps think

these flowers smell perfect

for a party.

- What is that you're wearing?

- It's called a lei.

It's hoob loads of flowers

all joined together

to make a necklace.

- It's really pretty,

I wish I had one.

- So do I.

- Well I tell you what,

have you got any cheese

amongst all this party food?

- Yes, loads.

- I'll swap you my lei

for a hoobly groovily

piece of cheese.

- Yeah!

- Groove ate all of ours.

- No problem!

Here you are Tula.

- And here you are.

Oh well, thank you for

the cheese Tiddlypeeps

and thank you for a great party.

And thanks for helping me

find the answer for Hoob News.


- Hoobletoodledoo!

(upbeat music)

- Hooby Galooby, Tula's

bringing some cheese back,

how about that.

- What a hoobly

groovily party that was.

The Tiddlypeeps loved the

smell of those flowers.

- It's just as well Tula, it's

time for Hoob News, come on!

- Can I sit near

the cheese please?


Can I?

♪ Lavender's blue,

smelly, smelly ♪

♪ Lavender's green ♪

♪ When I am king,

smelly, smelly ♪

♪ You shall be queen ♪

♪ Motorette's white,

smelly, smelly ♪

♪ Motorette's pink ♪

♪ Motorette's quite

smelly, smelly ♪

♪ Whiff, sniff, pong, stink ♪


- [Echoing Voices]

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba

(electronic whirring)

- Well now Hoobs, are you

ready to give me your Hoob news

for my Hoobapedia?

- We're ready Hubba Hubba.

(drum roll and dramatic music)

- Hoobledoo whoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question,

- "How could Tula

smell especially nice

"for the Tiddlypeeps party?"


- We decided that a Hoob's

favorite smell is cheese.

So perhaps I should

smell like cheese.

- But we only had

one piece of cheese.

- And Groove ate it.

- But I did sniff out something

even smellier than cheese.

Some old socks.

Well, the Tiddlypeeps

told Tula all the smells

they liked best.

And they all turned

up in the story

so we ordered them

from Hoob Net.

- I couldn't make up my

mind which one I liked.

So I wore them all.

And smelled like a

big, smelly jumble.

- Then Roma told us all

about the garlands of flowers

they wear in Hawaii.

- So if you ever want

to smell especially nice

for a party, then wear...

- [All Together] A

garland of flowers!

- Abso-hoobie-lutely.

Roma sent me one too.

So I'm just off to

let Auntie Hattie Hoob

have a whiff of it.


And so it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember, have

a fantabi-hooby day

and hoobletoodledoo!

- Hoobletoodledoo!

(all laugh)

♪ Hubba hubba

hubba in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ Yay ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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