02x09 - Children of the Groom, Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Eight is Enough". Aired: March 15, 1977 – May 23, 1981.*
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The show was modeled on the life of syndicated newspaper columnist Tom Braden, a real-life parent with eight children, who wrote a book by the same title.
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02x09 - Children of the Groom, Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

On November the th

Abby and I are

getting married.

Dad, that's three weeks away!

Don't you think we ought to find

out what they really want?

I don't think they know

what they really want.

Black caviar here.

And then in the center

an ice statue of

the bride and groom...nude.

No, mom's not coming back.

Yes, she is.

She's a good mother.

Good mothers don't leave

their kids for ever and ever.

Did you have a fight?

We just wanted this

very simple wedding

and, uh, the kids planned

this very elaborate one.

Do you love Tom?


It's the first ingredient

of a good marriage

and the rest is

just hardwork.

Oh, mom, I really

want it to work but..

...I just don't know

what to do, you know.

Well, the only advice

I can give you is

make up the quarrel

before you get married.


I thought it was, um..

make up the quarrels

before you go to bed.

- That too.

- Ah, mom.

[theme music]

[music continues]


Do they still get a present

if they elope?

Yeah, I guess so, as long as

they're still getting married.

You know what your thing is yet?


...not exactly.

[horn blaring]

Oh, okay, here comes Abby.

Now you keep quiet and

let me do the talking, okay?


Abby, we'd like

to talk to you.

- You're gonna elope!

- Nicholas!


'Um...could you come

into the house?'

Look, I, I just came back

to, uh, return Tom's car and..

Could you just come into

the house for a minute, please?


Nicholas, go get dad.

So, we've decided to keep

our hands off.

It's your wedding,

and if you wanna elope

then you elope.

Of course, we'd

like a wedding.

But we'll just

give it up.

The important thing is

we don't wanna

see you apart

just because of us.


Well, if that's the way

you feel about it, um..

why don't you get

out of here

so we can talk about it?

- Okay.

- Alright.

- Oh, yeah.

- Great.

- Come on.

- This is nice.

How are your folks?

They're fine.

What did you say to them?

Not much.

- I cried a lot.

- Oh, shucks.

How's Elizabeth?

Oh, she won't even

talk to me.

David says I should

give her time to adjust

to...to things.


You mean me, don't you?

No, no, no. I mean, I think

that she would have reacted

this way to whoever was

gonna replace her mother.

Oh, Tom, if one of your

kids runs away because

you're getting remarried,

well, then--

Abby, I can't change my life

because of Elizabeth.

I love her very much, but there

are nine other people involved.

If I had just gone

and got married

and didn't make such

a big deal out of this

she probably would

have accepted it.

- You think so?

- Yes, I do.

Look, what do you

say we elope?

- Elope?

- Yes!

We can get to Reno

in two hours

and be back in

a couple of hours.

Then the whole thing will

be done and over with.

- What do you say?

- Well, that's just it.

It's so, it's so done

and over with.

Well, you better tell me

what you're thinking

before we have

another battle.

I was just thinking

that the kids

are awfully disappointed.

But they said it

would be alright.

T-they just said that,

because they were afraid

we wouldn't get

married otherwise.

Tom, this wedding..

Oh, I mean, if there

really is a wedding.

Look, it's, it's

really for them.

I mean, we've been

married before

and besides I think

it'd be so nice for the kids

to be at their father's

wedding, and, uh..

And, well, maybe

it'll help them accept me

a little more, too,

you know?

When you married Frank,

was it a formal wedding?

It was a justice of the peace.


You want a formal wedding,

don't you?

I want you more.

Why not have both?

Could we?

- But no caterer!

- No affair by Keith!

Just a simple affair.

Small and dignified.


I love you.


We're gonna have

the reception at home.

Yes, I know it's only six days

before the wedding, but..

No, I, I, I don't think

the Country Club does nicer.

Bigger maybe, but not nicer.

Thank you.

Boy, remind me never to have

my wedding reception there.

Who's next?


You started the affair

with Keith..

...you finish it.



[instrumental music]

You see, I, I was

taught in the, uh..

...seminary to say

something like, uh..

"Now, you two young people..

Do you know what

you're getting into?"

But, uh, in this situation

it just doesn't, uh..

...doesn't seem to fit.

Something. Help me.

Uh-huh. Well, uh..

Perhaps you could

just say, uh..

"As you approach

your middle years--"

"Middle years?"

Hey, "Middle years."

I like that. Let me just

make a note of that, okay.

Oh, early middle years.

Now what?


Oh, let's see, um, perhaps

you might say that, uh..

Well, we've both

known love before.

You've both known..

You've both known love before.

Very good love.

Good love.

And, um..

...to base this love on that..

On that? Okay.

And to remember that love..

...but to build

our own together.


Our own together.

And to honor each other.

And to respect each other.


And in that love..

...to allow each other

to grow independently.


Wait, just a second, let me..

Let me get all

of this, okay.

Yeah, no, uh, right.

Okay, wonderful, I think it's

going to be a lovely wedding.

Well, maybe we should just write

our own wedding ceremony.

Oh? I thought we just did.

Well, I just hope

your Reverend Lowell

is a little less shaky

then young Reverend Corbett.

Oh, no, Reverend Lowell

is an old pro.

How old?

Well, the Gubernatorial

Inauguration of

he swore in

Goodwin Knight.

Oh, that was before my time.

Huh? Oh, yeah,

sure it was.

Well, you can't blame

a lady for trying.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]



'What's the matter, dad,

did you throw your back out?'

[music continues]

- Did you get a tux?

- Uh, yes.

The same one

that I used to rent

for five dollars more

than I used to pay.

Come on, we have to pick

up your folks.

Oh, j-just let me get this

salad together first--

Why? Isn't anybody

helping you?

Well, Tommy and Nicholas

are, uh..

...are cleaning up

the living room

and I don't know

where anybody else is.

Uh, would you get me

two more tomatoes?


Well, they'll be

your grandparents

in a way, Nicholas.

But actually, they'll

be your stepgrandparents.

What does that mean?

It means don't expect

a whole lot at Christmas.

Okay, boys,

you're in charge.


Look, nobody else is home.

We have to go and pick up

the Mitchells.

So you finish up,

the two of you.

- Uh, finish what?

- Oh, it's easy.

You just, uh, turn off

the oven at :

put the soup on

to simmer at :

'and turn off the burner under

the casserole at o'clock.'

And finish up in here.

Oh, and, uh, set

the dining room table.

Oh, and listen, Nicholas,

if you have time

pick some flowers

for the centerpiece.

What's that?

The decorations for

the middle of the table.

We have to do all of that?

Well, if anybody else

comes home, grab 'em.

[vacuum cleaner whirring]

Hey, Nicholas, you got any idea

what time we're supposed

to do all that junk

in the kitchen?


Let's see..

Put a fire under

the casserole at :..

Hey, where you going?

To pick some flowers

for the thing

in the middle of

the table.

Maybe it was...put a fire

under the soup at :.


Oh, well.

The point is, they are

getting married

and you're not

gonna stop them.

I'm not trying to stop them.

I just don't wanna

have any part of it.

Sooner or later you're

gonna have to move back in

and live with Abby.

Why? I'm happy here.


...that makes one of us.

I moved away from the house,

because I wanted to live alone.


Then I'll find

someplace else to live.


Just be sure to lock the door

on your way out.

If you decide to hang around,

don't wait up for me.

[instrumental music]

[door opens and shuts]

[indistinct yelling in TV]

[music over radio]

[music over record player]

Are you here already?

This is our youngest, Nicholas.


'Nicholas, I want you to meet

my mother and father'

'Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell,

and this is my great aunt.'

She'd be your great,

great aunt, my, my Aunt Fealty.

I thought all great, great

aunts were dead.

And I thought little boys

were supposed to mind

their manners.



Okay. Ah, ha ha!

- Well, thank you, Mr. Louis.

- My pleasure, girls.


See ya.


Ah, well, we were gonna

be late for dinner

so Mr. Louis brought us by.

- 'Wasn't that nice of him?'

- Yeah.

Come on, Split, let's

get out of our deserts

and dress for dinner.

Okay, Mode.



'Just come on in and, ah..'

'Yes, we like it,

it's, so many of us.'

We really need

something like this.

Well, just come on in and relax

and I've arranged for a guy

to take us all through

the capital.

You just name the time whenever

it's, ah, convenient for you.

Oh, well, now that won't

be necessary, Bradford.

We've already made

arrangements to do that.

Ah, Governor Brown,

ah, Pat not Jerry

has asked his son

to be our guide.

Oh, Jerry is, uh, sorry,

you mean the governor

is going to, uh..

Well, his father is

a very old friend of mine.

'How has Jerry been?'

Oh, he seems just..

Oh, I don't even know him

or either one of them,

for that matter.

It's no great loss.

We haven't had a decent

governor since Goodie Knight.

Ah, well, now,

Goodie Knight. Heh heh.


Well, I'm a fourth

generation Californian.

And I'm fifth.

Heh, that makes me

sixth, I guess.


Oh, here we are, not ashamed

to admit that we are

home-grown Californians.

And very proud to be.

- That's wonderful.

- Good evening!

Look, who's here. This is

David, my eldest son.

And t-t-his is, uh, Harry

and Katherine Mitchell.

- Hello.

- And this is, uh, Aunt Fealty.

How do you do?

Oh, look, what David

has gone and done.

He went and got some wine.

Ain't that nice?

Right, a French Burgundy.

I figured tonight

was too special

for home-grown Californian.


When are we supposed

to turn this stuff off?


Oh! Oh, no!

Whoa! What's happening?

Oh, the..


Nicholas, Nicholas..

Go get Abby, okay?

Tommy, help me

with the roast.

What's left of

the roast. Ooh..

[alarm beeping]

Aah! Fire!

- Mary!

- There's no fire.

The roast set off the alarm.

Oh, the roast!

Does anyone want a taco?

It's very California.

[instrumental music]

- Aah!

- Oh, Elizabeth.

Uh, no, guess again.

Uh, listen, Nancy, uh..

you can steal these back

after the shower, okay?

Thanks. I thought

you were Elizabeth.

I thought maybe she'd

come back or something.

Nah, no chance.

You know, I called her,

you know

to remind her

about the shower.

She hung up as soon as

she recognized my voice.

Same here.

- Joannie, what are we gonna do?

- Nothing.

- Yeah, but, Joannie--

- Just forget it.


'I mean, she has a..'

'...hang up about this'

'and I think only dad can

straighten it out.'


Yeah, you're probably right.

But he's been so busy lately.

You know, if mom were here,

she'd know how to handle this.

If mom were here, there'd

be nothing to handle.



Hey, Joannie, can I borrow--

Just let me get dressed

first, okay?

And then after that, anything

in my closet is up for grabs.

[instrumental music]

[knock on door]

[music continues]


David's not here.

I came to see you.

Well, you've seen me,

now, I've gotta finish up

some things, okay?

Wait, please.

You know how much

you helped me out

with my Halloween

costume, right?

- So?

- So I figured I'd owe you one.

Here, its my old panda.

His ears are about to fall off,

but still works pretty good.

[instrumental music]

'Now I gotta go.'

See you later.

[music continues]

[doorbell rings]

Oh, she's here.

She's here, you guys!

Hey, you guys, she's here!

She came here with

Dr. Maxell and Daisy!


It's time!

(in unison)


- You ready for this?

- Yeah, come on, let's go.

Oh, this is like Christmas!

I don't believe this!

Oh, dad, you were

supposed to finish.

I know, but I'm having

trouble with this stork?

What is this stork stuff, huh?

- Hi.

- Doesn't Abby look pretty, dad?

- Yeah.

- Will you look at this room.


'It's gonna be yours.'

- Look at the cake, yeah.

- The cake, the cake.

- Behind you.

- Oh, the cake, the cake.

Oh, look at this..


Um, there's this little

baby on the cake.

What is this baby?

[all laughing]

Girls, this is, uh, uh..

I, I don't know what

but, uh..

Well, I love it.

Well, we figured since

you were getting

eight babies at once,

a baby shower

would be the most


But don't worry,

they told everyone

to bring wedding

type presents.

- Oh!

- Happy shower.

Oh...happy stag party.

Which we better be

getting to.

- Have a good time.

- You take care of him?

- Okay.

- Bye, dad.

- Don't be bad.

- Live it up, father.

[indistinct chatter]

Maybe we should just

go to some little bar.

What, and miss our

stag party?

Whose stag party?

Our stag party.

I thought it up.

Well, you're the one

that's not going.

You can go to the shower.

But I've taken a shower,

I wanna go to the stag party.

When you're over .

But I thought this whole thing

up, I mean, I made the plans

I, I finalized the plans

I, I booked all of the..


And I wanna thank you

for that, Tommy.

But you see stag parties are

not good for a boy your age.

They, uh...they do things

to the adrenaline.

I'll take some pictures.

And I thought it was

my stag party.

[instrumental music]

This a great party, Greg.

When Tommy and I throw a

party, we through a party!

- Far.

- Far out.

Uh, who's that with David?

He insisted on coming.

Well, now this reminds me of

the Republican Convention

in .

- Or was it '?

- Oh, Goodie.

- Aah!

- Ah!

[indistinct chatter]

She wants a greyhound.

- What?

- I don't know.

Excuse me.

Mary, what's a greyhound?

How should I know?

That is grapefruit juice

and vodka.

Hey, how do you know

those things, huh?

Oh, I picked it up

in the book.

I thought it may come in

handy for my stag party.


Well, it'll come in handy here.

So get going and hurry up, huh?

Is anyone around here who know

how to make a vodka giblet?

That's gimlet, and yes,

I've got it.

I think I've poured too much

of this stuff, huh?

Well, somebody's bound

to one champagne I hope.

Nicholas, what are you doing?

Aunt Fealty wanted

a screwdriver.

One screwdriver

coming right up.

[piano music]

You don't wanna miss this!

[indistinct chatter]

[music continues]

[all cheering]


Tom, from all of us..

...to you!

[all cheering]

It was the ' convention.

[all laughing]

And that's from

Annie V, alright.

That is terrible.

"This is the Fertility God

of an ancient African tribe."

"Use him in good health."

[all cheering]

W-where are we gonna put it?

The closet. Ha-ha!

♪ The girl that Tom marries

will have to be ♪

♪ Able to cope

with bureaucracy ♪

♪ The girl he calls his own ♪

♪ Will wear aprons wash dishes

and gab on the phone ♪

- Aren't they cute?

- Adorable.

Abby, Abby, there's a

long distance call for you.

- Who is it?

- I don't know, it's a lady.


- Here it is.

- Oh, thanks.

Now, try it out,

I made it myself.


Dottie! Dottie, hi.

Oh, what, d-d-didn't

you get my letter?

Oh, y-you didn't.

Oh, what are you doing

in London, huh?

Oh, what that's, that's great!

Well, see I-I'm getting married,

too, day after tomorrow

and I, I was hoping

that you could, uh..

No, I, I, uh..

I, I guess I can't be your

maid of honor either, huh?

Yeah, well, great minds

and all that, yeah.


...listen the, the best, okay.

I'll miss you.

I love you.



Oh, Mary, Mary, come here.


[piano music]

She was the prettiest

thing you'll ever see.

And now, I have to give her

to another man.

I sure hope you're going to be

real good to my little girl.

[all cheering]

Oh, is it Tommykin's turn?

Uh, no, no.

It's Davidkin's turn.

- Hey, baby.

- Max.

Max, could I speak to you

for a moment?

- Yeah, is it serious?

- Very serious.

Talk to me later.

[music continues]

[knock on door]

(man on TV)

'And the TV watcher, few

messages something coming..'

[knock on door]

'Economy is suffering from a

failure of business confidence.'

'Second, business..'

[knock on door]

'...directly into

the administration.'

'Almost everybody agrees

that the United States'

'cannot achieve its economic

goals with radical reduction'

'in unemployment,

controlling inflation'

'and greater

prosperity generally.'

'Unless the economy grows

at a healthy pace.'


'...threatened by a shortfall

in capital investment..'

Could I talk to you?

'This shortfall is caused'

'in considerable part

by nail biting.'

Do you mind if I

just turn this off?

I was watching something.

I think this might be

a little more important.

Well, maybe it is to you.

But, ah, not to me.


I need your help.

See my friend, Dottie Gordon,

was going to be

my maid of honor,

but she can't.

In fact she's getting married

the day after I am.

Seems to be an epidemic.

I came over here

to ask you if, um..

...if you'd stand up for me?


Why me?

Um...because, um..

...I'll never really be

a part of this family

until you've accepted me.

You can't be my mother.

I don't wanna be.

I'd like to be, um..

...I was going to say, um..

...your sister, but..

...you have enough

of those, huh?

Maybe, um..

Maybe you could

just think of me

as a special friend.

'You know, someone

to, to lean on'

and, um...to listen to you.

See, I'm, I'm an awfully

good listener.

I don't need a listener.

You don't?

Well, I do. Sometimes.

Like, um...right now.



Awful lot is happening

to me, you know.

I mean, all at once.

Pretty soon, um..

...I'm gonna be a

married lady again

and, ah...I'm scared.

So am I.

I'll have eight kids

all at once.

Well, I'll have a new, ah..

...special friend.

I really need you.

I guess I..

...I need you, too.

Will you, um, come back

with me to the shower?

I didn't get you anything.

Elizabeth, all I

want from you..

...is you.

[piano music]

It just makes sense

to do something.

Sure, it does.

Look at old Phil.

Ha ha ha!

I mean, eight kids is enough,

don't you think, Max?


as a matter of fact

you should've come to see me

a couple of kids ago. Heh.

Look at your new


Pasadena must be

a wild town.

Oh, no, no, no,

I'm not afraid

of the kids that

I already have.

'I'm asking about the kids

that I'm going to have.'

No, no, I mean, I mean, that

I'm asking about the kids

that I don't want to have.

I mean, there must be some

really fail-safe way,

you know.

There is a fail-safe way.

But it takes the fun out

of being married.

Max, I need your help.


Tom, the only way to go

is a vasectomy.

I was afraid you'll say that.

There's nothin' to it.

'I've done half the guys

in this room.'

[indistinct chatter]

[music continues]

[indistinct murmuring]

May I have your

attention, please.

Um, it's time for

my gift to you.


[all cheering]

[all laughing]

[crickets chirping]

- Oh, Mary..

- Um!

It's alright.

I'll get you some more.

[doorbell rings]

- I'll get it.

- Okay.


'Now, who is it?'

They forgot the guest of honor.


- He is very drunk.

- Yeah.

'Oh, boy.'

Boy, it must have been

some party.

We got some pictures.

[all laughing]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, he's so cute.

'I hate to ask you'

but they forgot to pay me.

- How much?

- Oh.


- Fifty?

- Ah, j-just a second.

- Can you guys help me out here?

- Yeah, sure.

Is, is that enough? Hm?

- Yeah.

- That's fine.

- Thanks.

- Oh, sure.

- You're the bride, aren't you?

- Yes.

I just want you to know

he's a perfect gentleman.

- You're a very lucky lady.

- Thank you.

- 'Goodnight.'

- Goodnight.


[instrumental music]

- Hey, Abby!

- Hey.

- Hey, how was the shower?

- Oh, it was lovely.

- How was the stag party?

- Oh! I got so drunk.

Oh, so I noticed.

- But when I get sober..

- What?

I'm gonna have a vasectomy.

It's my wedding present to you.

B-but I don't want it.

We're gonna have

our little babies?

Well, not know, but, but

what if I do someday, huh?

Oh, what if? That's

a good question.

Hey, you won't, um, you won't

be upset if you don't have it?

Oh, no. I'll do anything

you wanna do.

- Oh, Abby.

- What?

Do you love me?

- Very much.

- Good.

'Cause I think

I'm gonna be sick.

[instrumental music]

- Okay, you can open 'em now.

- Well..

I couldn't wrap it so good,

you'll get the idea.

- Go ahead, open it.

- Yeah?


This is exciting.

[music continues]

I give up.

It's...your wedding gift.

You mean, you don't

know what it is?

Swizzle sticks?

No, chopsticks!

Oh, of course.

Yes, chopsticks.

Oh, that's nice.

It's just what I needed.

Well, you see, it started

out as a table

and then it was chair

and then it turned

into bookends

and the wood just kept getting

smaller and smaller

until that was all I had left.

Oh, this is nice.

Abby and I can...share them.

Oh, no, no, no, I'm gonna

go get another load of wood

and make you another pair.

Well, listen, don't worry,

it's the thought that counts.

This is nice, Tommy.

- I like it.

- Right.

After all, what do you get

the man who has...nothing?

[instrumental music]

[music continues]


Why can't you sleep?

- You're gettin' married.

- No, that's my reason.

How are you?

I'm just trying to remember

if I was this nervous

before my first wedding.

Got this tick in my eye.

Guess getting married

to somebody you love

always makes you nervous.

I do love Abby.

And of course,

I'll always love Joan.

I'm just trying to figure

if that makes sense.


Of course it does.

You and mom had

years together.

You don't just forget that.

I know.

Part of me feels like

I'm betraying her.

Like I'm hurting Joan

in some way.

How can something so right

hurt anybody?

It is right.

I just wish it was over.


[instrumental music]


'It's my wedding!'


'I know, but that doesn't'

'change the rules, dad.'

'Now, just wait in line.'

Why don't you wait in line

for your own bathroom?

- Yeah!

- Nancy is in my bathroom.

- 'Oh.'

- Oh!

What's taking Elizabeth

so long anyway?

Yeah, she's been in

there ten minutes.

Let me handle this.


I just got into this wedding,

I've got to catch up.

Well, catch up

on your own time.

Daddy, this is a special

occasion for me too.

I wanna look especially

beautiful for you.

Oh, you are beautiful,


Oh, daddy, you just

ruined my make-up!

Now, I've gotta

start all over.

Boy, you really handled

that one, dad.

Listen, every time

I talk to that girl

even when we agree,

she winds up

closing the door

on my face.



'Dad, telephone.'

Oh, ah, save my place.

Uh-aah! No saving.

Okay, thanks.


Oh, w-well, where

are you going?

Oh, no, no, no, not you.

It's somebody else.

'You've got your pajamas on.

Where are you going?'

Across the street. They said

I can use the bathroom.



Uncle Henry! Where are you?

At the Sacramento airport.

Oh, no, what?

Dad, they're bringing

the tables and chairs in.

Oh, yeah, um..

Oh, gosh, that's wonderful,

Uncle Henry.

J-just, just sit tight.

Don't make a move without me.

'Right, you can't. I'll be,

I'll be right there.'

Oh, listen, David, can you pick

up Uncle Henry at the airport?

I thought you didn't

invite Uncle Henry.

So did I,

but I don't know, can you?

No, I can't. I've gotta pick up

the cake after I finish this.

Oh, hi. Listen, can you

pick up Uncle Henry?

Ah, no, dad. I won't even

get in the bathroom

for another half an hour.

- Uncle Henry?

- Uncle Henry.




What're you doing?


What you doing

with my doors?

No, you can't have doors

between rooms at a reception.

Interrupts the flow.

But I just..

Well, be careful

with those now.

- W-where does this go?

- Oh! Uh..

The Sequoia National Forest.

Don't waste my time, man,

I got too much to do.

There's...looks like a good

place. Right there.


[phone ringing]

Uh, is this where

Thomas Bradford lives?

Oh, I'm Tom Bradford.


I'm Tom Bradford, too.

♪ Happy wedding to you ♪

♪ Happy wedding to you ♪

♪ Happy wedding Tom and Abby ♪

♪ Happy wedding to you ♪♪

Best wishes, James

and Lila Harrison.

Oh, that was beautiful.

- Oh, you liked it?

- I loved it.


That was Dr. Max.

'He's trying to deliver a baby

before the wedding.'

Gee, I'm sorry. I don't think

I have anything on me.

Oh, no. That's okay, dad.

I'll take care of it.

Well, ah, what time

do you get off work?

[instrumental music]




Where is everybody? Mary?

[music continues]

[music continues]

Nobody told me a thing. I didn't

know they were all going.

Mary had to go pick up Abby,

and all those other people..

[phone rings]

And Tommy had to go pick up

that other mister.

'And David had to pick up

the cake and stuff.'

Hello, hello, hello.

Ooh, Uncle Henry.

Ah, oh, gosh. I forgot that..

Well, listen, why, why..

Hello. No, why don't you just..

Take a cab!

Oh, no. Don't tell me I have

to drive Abby's car!

Just a second, dad.

[engine cranking]

[engine revving]

[indistinct chatter]

- 'We're late.'

- 'Come on, dad.'

Come on, you guys.

[organ music]


Quick! Get out your flower.

- Where have you been?

- Oh, I was...never mind.

Dad, dad. Which minister is

supposed to speak first?

Well, how should I know.


'Well, they are fighting

over it.'

Well, then, t-tell them

to toss a coin.

How do I look? Alright?

Ah, nervous.

Yeah, I should look

nervous 'cause I am.

Ah, come on, you guys, they're

gettin' ready to start.


I-is everyone out here ready?

Uh, Nicholas,

do you have the ring?

[all cheering]

Oh, thank goodness.

Mr. Bradford, look, we gotta get

down front now, come on, okay?

- Okay, you like it?

- Okay, okay, you look fine.

- Goodbye.

- Okay, you come with us.

- Come on.

- Let's go.

- See ya.

- Hey, you guys.

- What?

- Come on.


Dad, there is nothing

to be nervous about.

Remember, you've done

this before.

Well, some things don't

get easier with practice.

Well, just remember

you're among friends.

["Wedding March" on organ]

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here

for the most wonderful

and yet demanding

of institutions.

'The act of matrimony.'

'Both these people

have known love before'

and yet it is this past love

on which they're going

to base their future love

to work and grow together.

'They both know honor

and respect'

'yet can remain independent'

'and still act as one'

'when faced with

the trials of life'

'and the demands of family.'

(Reverend Lowell)

'Tom, Sandra Sue "Abby."'

You both bring

to this marriage

a maturity that will

be your greatest tool.

This combined with endless

patience and compassion

will seal your destinies,

and that of your children.

'In times of stress,

try to recall what first'

'brought you two together.'

And let that memory

be the touchstone of

your decisions.

God bless you, Tom.

'God bless you, Abby.'

May I have the rings, please?

Tom, Abby.

With this ring,

I thee wed.

With this ring,

I thee wed.

I now pronounce you

husband and wife.

[organ music]

[music continues]

[theme music]
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