01x27 - Owning Up

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x27 - Owning Up

Post by bunniefuu »

(slow whooshing sounds)

- Hooble-doop, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobipedia.

Here they come!

(slow whooshing sounds)

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

- Iver.

- Groove.

- And Tula

- [All] We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Yay!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughs) Whoa!

- Wha-hey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do ya say ♪

- [All] Hoobs!

(calm music)

- Aw, Groove, look at this!

- Yeah, it looks exactly

like an ice cream-asaurus,

doesn't it, eh? (laughs)

- What?

Oh that, yes, it's a hoobacious

ice cream-asaurus, Groove.

Now will you please

help me tidy up.

We haven't thought of a

question for Hoob News yet.

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh!

- Yeah, I've just gotta

take these two pictures

up to the roof garden to dry,

and then I'll be right with you.

D'you know, I think

that that is the best

ice cream-asaurus

painting I have ever done.

I really do.

- I don't believe you

sometimes, Groove.

I don't believe, oh.

- Wow, is Groove

making a collection

of hoobasaur pictures?

- He's making a mess,

I know that much.

- (gasps) Look,

there's a jellydactyl!

Oh, and a chocolate chipatops!

That is my favorite!

- Would you mind

giving me a hand?

- Of course.

- Oh.

- (gasps) Look at this one!

Groove's a great artist,

don't you think, Iver?


(sad guitar chords)

- (gasps) Ahh! Ahh! Iver!

- (gasps) What have you done?

- (stammering) It

was an accident!

- Groove is going to be so

upset when he sees this.

- Oh, this is terrbile.

How could I be so clumsy?

- He told me this

was the best picture

he's ever painted.

- Oh Iver, what should you

do when you spoil something

that belongs to somebody else?

- (echoes) Hubba, Hubba.

- What should do you if you

spoil something that belongs

to somebody else?

What a fascinating question

for today's Hoob News.

- Ah yes I suppose it

is rather interesting.

- It's perfect, just

the kind of thing Hoobs

everywhere will want to know.

We all spoil things

accidentally sometimes.

- Well I think it's a

really urgent question.

I need an answer right now.

- And when you find the answer,

it will go straight into

my great Hoobipedia.

- Hoobledoop, Hubba Hubba.

- Hoobledoop to you Groove.

- Have we got a question yet?

- Yes, it's what would you

do if you spoil something

belonging to somebody else?

- How'd we come up with that?

- I just thought it'd be

a hoobly-groovily thing to

find out about, hahahahahahaha.

- Good idea.

I mean Peeps but spoil things

often enough, mustn't they?

- Oh, yes and I wonder

what they do about it.

Will you email Roma, Hubba-Hubba

and ask her to find out

about spoiling things?

- Of course Tula.

But first I'll look on Hoobnet

(mechanical whirring)

to see if I can find you

something to get you started.

(whooshing sounds)

Now, take a look at this

- What? Oh, I love this.

(slow whooshing sounds)

(bouncy music)

- Ooh, she's polishing something

with a cloth, that Peep.

So's he.

Oh now, they're

sweeping and washing.

Washing down the pavement.

And that Peep's washing

something with a cloth there.

She's using a broom.

Oop! More squirting with water.

Well they've made a

bit of a mess there.

Oh they're clearing it up!

(slow whooshing sounds)

- Oh! If Peeps make a mess,

they just clean it up.

- Yes, simple. Come on Iver.

- Yeah and I've got to

tidy up my pictures.

- Whoa no, you could

do that later, Groove.

Why don't you sit and relax?

- Oh thanks, yeah

(all laugh)

- Come on Iver.

- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

- You keep a lookout.

I don't want Groove

to see this picture

until I've made it

look as good as new.

(dramatic music)

- How you getting on, Groove?

- [Groove] (groans) Relaxing

nicely, thanks Iver.

(Tula screams)

- Now look what I've

done! It's even worse.

- Oh! Poor Groove.

He spent ages on that painting.

- He's going to be so upset.

- Oh!

- What shall I do?

- Well I think... Well you

better think of something.

He's coming!

- Oh.

(Groove humming)

Are you sure you've

finished relaxing, Groove?

- Ah yes, thank you Tula, I

just came to see my pic... Oh.

That's odd. It was right here.

- What was?

- My hooby groovy picture

of the ice cream-asaurus.

It must be here somewhere.

- (echoes) Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba

- Oh look, there's Hubba Hubba.

I wonder what he wants.

(slow whooshing sounds)

Hooble-doop Hubba Hubba!

- I've been searching

through my Databases

and I found a story

from a Tiddlypeep.

I think it might help

you with your question.

(slow whooshing sounds)

(groovy music)

- [Tiddlypeep] It was the

day before the family holiday

and the little monsters

were very excited.

- Yippity dee, yippity dee,

we're off to the

see, you and me.

- [Tiddlypeep] Monster

Mum was very busy

getting everything

ready for their trip.

(Monster Mum humming)

(bouncy spring sounds)

- Stop dancing around me!

- [Tiddlypeep] She cried.

- Go and play upstairs.

(bouncy spring sounds)

- [Tiddlypeep] The

little monsters ran

into their mother's bedroom

and began bouncing on the bed.

(bouncy spring sounds intensify)

One little monster bounced

off the bed (crash)

and broke her mothers

gongle dongle.

- Oh no!

- [Tiddlypeep] Cried

the little monster

- What should we do?

- Hide it!

- [Tiddlypeep] Said her brother.

So the little monsters hid

the broken gongle dongle

behind the wardrobe

in their bedroom.

Later that evening, Monster Mum

put the little monsters to bed.

- We've an early bus to

catch in the morning.

- [Tiddlypeep] She said.

- So you must get some sleep.

- [Tiddlypeep] When she'd

finished all the packing,


Monster Mum felt very tired.

(Monster Mum sighs)

She went to set

the gongle dongle

to make sure it woke

her up in the morning.

(Monster Mum gasps)

But the gongle dongle

had disappeared!

So she had to go to

sleep without setting

it's wake up gong.

Morning came. The little

monsters slept on and on.

And so did Monster Mum.

They didn't wake up

until lunch time!

- Oh no!

- [Tiddlypeep] Cried

the little monsters.

- We've missed the

bus to the seaside.

(groovy music)

- [Tiddlypeep] And all because

of a hidden gongle dongle.

- [Tula] Oh.

(slow whooshing sounds)

- You know, if the

little monsters

hadn't hidden the gongle dongle

then Mum might have

been able to fix it.

- Yes, hiding things

is a bad idea.

Don't you agree Tula?

- Maybe I put the picture

on the roof garden

to dry in the sun.

I don't remember doing

it, but you never know.

(soft tense music)

- Iver, what am I going to do?

- It's not fair to have

Groove look for his picture

when you know where it is.

- Well, I know, but if he

sees it he'll be so upset.

I just need some

time to put it right.

(Tula gasps) What we

need is a hoobythink.

(Tula and Groove humming)

(bouncy upbeat music)

♪ When you're stuck for

an answer or what to do ♪

♪ Stop! Hmm. Think it through. ♪

♪ Take a deep breath

in, think it out. ♪

♪ Work it through,

don't scream and shout ♪

(bouncy upbeat

music intensifies)

♪ Think it through,

don't go boo-hoo. ♪

♪ Think it through,

you'll feel brand new. ♪

♪ If you think it through,

if you think it through, ♪

♪ if you think it

through. Yeah. ♪

(Tula and Iver humming)

- Mah

- Did you think of anything?

- Yes, I thought of asking

Hubba Hubba's advice.

- (echoes) Hubba, Hubba.

(slow whooshing sounds)

Hooble-doop Tula.

How can I help?

- Oh, Hubba Hubba, I feel awful.

I just don't know what to

do about Groove's painting.

- Well, why don't you

ask some Tiddlypeeps

what they would do if

they spoiled something

belonging to somebody else?

- Oh yes, of course,

the Tiddlypeeps!

They'll know what to do!

- I'll go Tula. Let's get

those Motorettes singing!

- Iver! Why don't you take

Groove's picture with you?

It might give the

Tiddlypeeps some ideas.

(Iver laughs)

(whimsical music)

- Seatbelt.

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps!


(upbeat music)

♪ Yeehaw! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ On the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ If we need to know who, what,

where, why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go. ♪

♪ Yoohoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see the

Tiddlypeeps, on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

- Jason and Sophie, I'm

so glad you're painting

because that's exactly what

I've come to ask you about.

- Yes

- What's the matter, Iver?

- Well you see, Tula

has accidentally

spoiled Groove's painting.

- What was it supposed to be?

- Well it was supposed to

be an ice cream-asaurus.

Have you got any ideas?

- Well maybe Tula could

paint another picture

just like the one Groove did.

- Hoobacious idea!

- Maybe we could paint some

ice cream-asauruses too.

- Hoobacious!

(light uplifting music)

They come in all sorts of colors

and they have long

necks and long tails

and they have long tongues

for licking up ice cream, yes.

(stammering) They

have little cones

on the top of their heads

where Hoobs have twizzle tufts.

- How's that?

- Oh!

- Oh! That's hoobacious!

- And that?

- Hoobybrilliant

- Fantavyhooby! Thank you

Tiddlypeeps, thank you.

May I take them back with me?

- Yes of course you can.

- Hooble toodle doo!

(Iver laughs)

(upbeat music)

- Oh I wish I could

remember exactly

what Groove's

painting looked like.

- Oh, Tula look, here's

Groove's painting.

Does this help?

(soft music)

- No, not really.

- [Groove] Iver, Tula!

- It's Groove!

- [Groove] I fell asleep

on the roof garden.

Have I missed anything?

- Oh, make him go away.

- I don't like this Tula.

- Oh, please, Iver.

Just for two seconds.

- (stammering) Ahaha,

Groove come over here.

I've got something

to show you. Look!

- Aw look, yeah,

hooby groovy pictures.

- The Tiddlypeeps painted

them especially for you.

- They look kind of like

an ice cream-asaurus.

- That's exactly what they are!

- Well, no, not exactly, no

'cause this one looks more

like a what's-for-tea-rex.

If I could show you my picture

I'd be able to make

some kind of comparison.

- No, Groove!

- What?

- How about a game of Hoobarama?

- Not right now, thank you Iver.

- How about a

drink of Hoobofizz?

- No I'm not thirsty, I

need to find my picture.

- Tula!


Be my guest.

(Iver clears throat)

- What? It was here all along.

(Groove laughs)

No, wait a minute,

this isn't my picture.

Who did this?

- I did.

- Did you do it for me Tula?

- Yes?

- Oh, thank you. I can

add this to my collection.

If only I could find my picture.

(Tula crying)

- Oh no! What am I

going to do Iver?

- I don't know!

- (echoes) Roma, Roma.

- There's Roma. She'll

have some ideas.

- Maybe I left it

in here somewhere.

(slow whooshing sounds)

- Hooble-doop Hoobs.

Roma Hoob here, reporting from

the middle of an African plain.

- Hooble-doop Roma!

- Shh. Look, I

can't stop for long,

I'm in a spot of bother.

I just trod on an

ostrich's nest by mistake.

When the ostrich finds out

she's going to be furious!

I was going to say

'Sorry', but unfortunately

ostriches don't speak Hoob.

Hooby goloobey, I think

they're coming closer!

There's only one thing to

do at a time like this.

- What?

- Run!

This is Roma Hoob,

reporting for Hoob News

being chased by an ostrich!

Hooble toodle doo!

(all laugh)

- Oh, poor Roma.

- Yeah, you know, running away

was the only thing she could do.

- Yes Groove.

- Yeah.

I know! Perhaps my picture

blew off the table,

flew through here and went out

through the Hooby Studio

and onto the balcony.

I'll just go and check.

(reedy upbeat music)

- I'll have to run

away, but where?

(ominous music)

♪ Where, where, where, where? ♪

- No, I don't know where!

- Did you say something Tula?

- (echoes) Hubba, Hubba.

- Hubba Hubba!

- Have you found the answer

to your question yet?

- Not yet, but there's

something I'd like to try.

- Is it something you could

try on the Tiddlypeeps?

- That's it! I'll run

away to the Tiddlypeeps.

- Sorry?

- I mean I'll go and

see the Tiddlypeeps.

- Oh, well, I'll

drive you there Tula.

Let's get those

Motorettes singing.

(reedy upbeat music)


(upbeat music)

♪ Yeehaw! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ If we need to know who, what,

where, why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go. ♪

♪ Yoohoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ On the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

- I saw the Hoobmobile outside

- Then a Hoob

should be here too.

- Hello?

- Tula? Tula?

- Where are you, Tula?

- Tula, what are

you doing there?

- I've run away.

- Why?

- Well you see, I

did a terrible thing.

I spoiled Groove's

special picture

that he'd spent ages painting!

When he finds out the

truth he'll be so upset.

I can't bear it!

So I've decided to run away.

- But running away won't

solve the problem, Tula.

- Oh, I know, but I don't

know what else to do!

- Tell him the truth, tell

him it was an accident.

- And say sorry.

- But what if Groove's

cross with me?

- He won't be cross.

Groove's your friend.

- Yes. Okay.

So, if I say

'I'm really sorry I spoiled

your picture, Groove'

and tell him how it happened,

you think he won't be too upset?

- No, I'm sure he'll understand.

- Thank you so

much, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm going to go back and

talk to him right now.

Hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(upbeat music)

- No, it's not on

the balcony either.

Did Tula go and see

the Tiddlypeeps about

spoiling things?

- Yes, Groove, yes.

(reedy upbeat music)

- Hoodle-doop Tula!

What did the Tiddlypeeps say?

I missed it I'm

afraid, I was looking

for my painting on the balcony.

- Groove!

- What?

- I know where your painting is.

- You do? Hooby

goloobey! Where is it?

- Come with me please.

(Groove laughs)

(electric guitar)

- Oh dear

- Picture, yeah.

Tula! What happened?

- I accidentally spilled

the water pot all over it.

(Groove groans)

- I'm so sorry, Groove.

♪ Groove, I'm sorry, ♪

♪ I wish we'd done

this sooner. ♪

♪ I'll take this chance

to make it up to you, ♪

♪ This little hooby crooner ♪

♪ Will apologize in song. ♪

♪ Put right what

I've done wrong, ♪

♪ Then I hope you can forgive

your good friend, Tula. ♪

♪ Trying to wipe away

the mess I've made ♪

♪ Just wasn't clever ♪

♪ And trying to

paint a second one ♪

♪ Was just no good altogether ♪

♪ Then I hid it somewhere ♪

♪ But that just seemed unfair ♪

♪ So then I really

thought I'd have to ♪

♪ Run away forever. ♪

♪ Don't worry, no

need to get upset ♪

♪ Or feel you should

be in my debt. ♪

♪ There's no point

when in the end ♪

♪ It's okay 'cause

you're my friend. ♪

♪ Oh Groove, you've

been so kind ♪

♪ It's a weight

right off my mind ♪

♪ To know I haven't

lost my hooby friend ♪

♪ It means so much to me to

know that you'll still be ♪

♪ A pal to this grateful

Hoob until the end. ♪

- Hooba hooba


- Come on then you two,

time for Hoob News!

- We're coming!

- Yeah.

Could you hold on a

moment Tula please.

There's something

I need to tell you.

- What's that?

- Well the reason I was

trying to find my painting

was because I was going

to give it to you.

- Oh Groove!

- Yeah, you see,

I've accidentally

broke your necklace.

I thought that if I painted

a picture it might--

- You broke my

necklace? Which one?

- Oh, the blue one

with the sparkly bits.

You see I thought if

I painted a picture--

- The blue one with

the sparkly bits!

But that's my favorite!

- I know, I'm really sorry Tula.

- That's okay,

Groove. I understand.

It was an accident.

- Oh, good, thank you.

- Hoob News?

- Yeah, we're coming.

(Groove and Tula laugh)

(raucous music)

- Time to polish the engine.

- Is it?

- Absolutely

- Where are the dusters?

- Don't ask me.

- We don't know!

♪ Oh who stole the dusters

from the engine room? ♪

♪ Was it you, Number One? ♪

♪ Who, me? ♪

♪ Yes, you. ♪

♪ Couldn't be! ♪

♪ Then who? ♪

♪ Was it you, Number Two? ♪

♪ Who, me? ♪

♪ Yes, you. ♪

♪ Couldn't be! ♪

♪ Then who? ♪

♪ Was it you, Number Three? ♪

♪ Who, me? ♪

♪ Yes, you. ♪

♪ Couldn't be! ♪

♪ Then I wonder who. ♪

♪ No one stole the dusters

from the engine room, ♪

♪ They were here all along

right through this song. ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hurray,

let's clean away? ♪

♪ Let's polish the engine up. ♪

♪ One, Two! ♪

♪ Achoo! ♪

- (echoes) Hubba, Hubba.

(slow whooshing sounds)

- So Hoobs, are you ready to

give me what you've got on

what to do if you

spoil something

belonging to someone else?

- Just about Hubba Hubba

(ripping sound)

- Then take it away!

(dramatic upbeat music)

- Hooble-doop woop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question:

- What do you do if

you spoil something

belonging to somebody else?

- This question

came about because

Tula spoiled Groove's painting

of an ice cream-asaurus.

- [Tula] First, we found out

that when Peeps make a mess,

they clean it up.

I tried cleaning

Groove's picture

but it only made it worse.

- [Iver] Then we heard a

story about some monsters

who hid their mother's gongle

dongle when they broke it.

- [Tula] I hid Groove's

picture, but it was horrible

watching Groove look for it

when I knew where it was.

- [Iver] Next we asked

some Tiddlypeeps for help.

They said we should make

Groove a new picture

and they painted hoobloads

of ice cream-asauruses!

- [Tula] I tried to paint one

exactly the same as Groove's.

- [Groove] But I

knew it wasn't mine.

I wanted my own painting.

- [Tula] Then Roma

sent a report,

just after she'd ruined

an ostrich's nest.

The only thing she

could do was run away.

So, I ran away to the

Tiddlypeeps and hid.

But the Tiddlypeeps told me

that the best thing to do

was to tell Groove the

truth and say sorry.

Which is exactly what I did.

- So, the answer to the question

'What should you do

if you spoil something

that belongs to

somebody else?' Is:

- Tell the truth and

say you're sorry.

- So it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever you

are and whatever you're doing

have a nice day and

hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(slow whooshing sounds)

- Groove, do you

think I could have

that picture you did of

the chocolate chip-asaurus?

- Yeah, sure Tula.

Where did I put it?

- It's here. I ripped it.

(Groove gasps)

I'm sorry.

- Oh, Iver, that's all right.

I can always do another one.

- What? Oh (laughs)

thank goodness!

- Don't worry.

(all laugh)

(upbeat music)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hurray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way! ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here so ♪

- [Hubba Hubba] Ah ho

♪ Your stay ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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