01x33 - Waiting

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x33 - Waiting

Post by bunniefuu »

(electronic whooshing)

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobopaedia.

Here they come!

(mystical music)

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs and

they're ready to go ♪

- Oh!

♪ Now the wheels are turning,

we can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Ya hey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughing) Oh!

- Wahey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

(liquid bubbling)

- [Iver] Fill the Hooboblubber

tubs to the very top, Tula!

(liquid bubbling)

- [Tula] I love Hooboblubbers.

- Me too.

(liquid bubbling)

- Hoobalicious!

- Yeah!

- Okay, lets eat them!

- [Groove] Yeah! (laughs)

- No, no, no, stop!

- What's wrong, Iver?

- Have you forgotten?

We have to wait.

- Why?

♪ Why, why , why ♪

♪ Why ♪

- We have to wait for

the Hooboblubbers to set.

- Wait?

- Wait?

- But we can't wait.

We want to eat our

Hooboblubbers now!

- It's no good

eating Hooboblubbers

when they're all runny.

They need to be

blubbery, not runny.

- Yeah, Iver's right, Tula.

Otherwise they'd be

called Hooborunnies,

wouldn't they? (laughing)

- Oh, I suppose so. (sighs)

- How long do you think

we're gonna have to wait?

- Could be hours.

- Oh, days!

- Weeks!

- Or years!

- (laughs) We shouldn't

have to wait that long.

- But what can we do

while we're waiting?

- Hubba Hubba!

(electronic whooshing)

What can we do

while we're waiting?

That's a

Hoobledoobledooper question

for today's Hoob News, Tula.

- Oh, thanks, Hubba Hubba!

- I know one thing I can do!

I can email Roma,

and let her know that

we're finding out about waiting.

- Waiting can be a

whole new section

in my giant Hoobopaedia.

- (laughs) Hey, Hubba Hubba!

I can't wait to

see that. (laughs)

- Ooh, and look at this, Hoobs.

I found some pictures on

Hoobnet of Peeps waiting.

Let's see what they're doing.

It might give you some ideas.

(electronic whooshing)

(gentle music)

Ah, well these

Peeps are waiting.

And they're waiting.

Oh, so are they,

they're not doing much.

There's more Peeps

waiting there,

but they're not doing anything.

Just waiting.

They're waiting there,

but they're not

doing much, are they?

Nope, just sort of

standing and waiting.

(electronic whooshing)

- So that's what Peeps

do while they're waiting.

- [All] Nothing!

- (laughs) That's Hoobygroovy.

I really like doing nothing.

- Well, I don't,

nothing is boring.

I'm going to see if those

Hooboblubbers are ready.

- Well I think that

doing nothing is quite,

you know, relaxing

(Iver chuckles)

(Tula sighs)

- Well, are they ready yet?

- No.

- Oh.

- Not ready.

- Hubba Hubba

How's it going, Hoobs?

- They're not ready

yet, I'm afraid.

Still runny, not blubbery.

- Which means you'll

have more waiting to do.

- [Tula] You're

right, Hubba Hubba.

- Ah, good.

So I can carry on doing nothing.

- Tula and I don't want to

do nothing, Hubba Hubba.

We want to do something

while we're waiting.

- Well, why don't you go

talk to some Tiddlypeeps?

You might find out what sorts

of things they wait for,

and what they do while

they're waiting for them.

- I'll go.

- And I'll drive.

- And I'll do nothing.

- Good luck!

- Let's get those

Motorettes singing!

- And get this

Hoobmobile moving!

(seat belts clicking)

- [Tula] Seat belt?

- Seat belt!

- [Both] Were off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!

(upbeat music)

♪ Yeehaw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ Yahoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

(upbeat music)

(Tula popping)

- Hello!

- [Children] It's Tula!

- Do you want to

do a Hooby hello?

- [Children] Yes!

- [All] Hoobledoop, Hoobledoop.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

- So, what are you

Tiddlypeeps doing here?

- We're waiting to

slide down the slide!

- That's just like us,

except Groove, Iver, and I

are waiting for our

Hooboblubber to set.

It's taking forever.

(Iver chuckles)

- Yeah.

- So, what are the things

that Tiddlypeeps wait for?

- We wait for buses and trains.

Is that so?

- We wait to see the doctor.

- We wait for our

dinner to be ready.

- Oh, waiting to

eat is terrible.

Especially when you're hungry.

(Tula popping)

Are you waiting now?

- Yes, we're waiting

to go down the slide.

- You are?


- Because we all want to go

and we have to wait our turn.

- Hmm, I suppose

it wouldn't work

if you all slid down it at

the same time, would it?

(Groove laughing)

- No, you have to

go one at a time!

- Otherwise it's dangerous.

- You're quite right.

- 'Cause you'd bang

into each other.

- What do you do

while you're waiting?

- We stand in a line, like this.

- Oh, that looks

like fun. (chuckles)

Oh, thank you, Tiddlypeeps.

This has been really useful.

I've got to get back

to the Hoobmobile now.


- [Children] Hoobletoodledoo!

(upbeat music)

- Well the Tiddlypeeps do a

lot of waiting, don't they?

- Yes they do, Groove.

(door boinging)

Oh, still not set.

- Right, we know what

to do while we wait.

- Nothing?

- No, we stand in a line,

one in front of the other.

We form a queue.

- Hoobygalooby,

let's give it a try.

(Iver coughs)

- Ahem.

- Well come on, Groove!

- Oh, you don't need me.

- Yes we do!

We need more than two Hoobs,

to make a proper queue.

(Groove sighs)

(all chuckling)

(gentle upbeat music)

(Tula sighs)

- It isn't quite right, is it?

- No, no.

Do you know, I think

we're meant to line up

next to the thing

we're waiting for.

I mean, that's what

the Tiddlypeeps did.

- Oh, of course!

Silly us.

Come on, to the Hoobofridge!

- Oh!

(gentle upbeat music)

- Move Groove!

- Move Groove!

- All right!

- I'm glad we're not the only

ones waiting for something.

- No, no, just think, there

are Peeps queuing for things

all over the world,

right now. (sighs)

(Groove sighs)

- Tell me again, why did the

Tiddlypeeps form a queue?

- Because they

needed to take turns.

It would have been

dangerous for them

to do the same thing

all at the same time.

- Oh.

But, Tula!

We don't have to take turns.

We've got a Hooboblubber each.

They're not dangerous.

- You're right, Iver.

We don't have to

stand in line at all!

(Iver laughs)

- Oh, good!

I can go back to doing nothing.

- I know what we could do.

- Yeah?

- We could check the

Hooboblubbers. (chuckles)

- Oh.

(door boinging)

(gentle music)

- Oh.

They are still not ready!

It's not fair!

The Hooboblubbers must

be ready soon, but when?

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

- When?

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

- When?

♪ When, when, when ♪

- When?

♪ When, when, when when ♪

- When?

- We don't know when.

You'll just have to wait, Tula.

- I know.

But what are we going to

do while we're waiting?

- Hubba Hubba!

Hoobledoop, Hoobs.

- Hoobledoop, Hubba Hubba.

We're still waiting.

And we still don't know what

to do while we're doing it.

- Ah.

Some Hoobs on the planet Garp,

have discovered that

Garpians jump up and down,

on one leg, with a

claw on their nose,

while they're

waiting! (laughing)

- Well, I'd rather

do nothing, I think.

- Well, I don't

like doing nothing.

Lets pretend to be Garpians.

- Oh, Hoobelly

groobelly idea, Iver.

So we jump up and

down on one leg,

with a claw on

our nose. (laughs)

(both humming)

(gentle music)

(Groove laughing)

- What's so funny?

- You can't wait the

way that Garpians do.

Jumping up and down on one leg,

with your claws on your noses.

- Why?

- Why?

- Because you haven't

got any claws.

You've got paws.

- (laughing) Very good, Groove.

Now, I've thought of

a fantabihooby thing

that you can do, Hoobs.

- [Both] What's that?

- Listen to this story some

Tiddlypeeps sent to Hoobnet.

Well, you never know, it

might give you some ideas

about what to do

while you're waiting.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] One

day, an old woman

was walking home

from the market,

when she saw three

poor, hungry, brothers

sitting at the roadside.

- Those bags look heavy.

- [Narrator] Cried

the youngest brother.

- [Boy] We'll help you

to carry them home.

- [Narrator] The old woman

gave each brother a seed,

to say thank you

for their kindness.

The eldest brother took his

seed straight to a farmer.

He sold it to him

for a silver coin.

"Yippee," he cried.

"Now I can buy a loaf of bread!"

The bread lasted for two days.

But once it was gone,

the eldest brother

soon felt hungry again.

The middle brother planted

his seed in the ground.

Within a few weeks it had

grown into a leafy sh**t.

He dug up the sh**t, and

took it to the farmer,

who bought it from him

for two silver coins.

- I'm so glad I waited.

- [Narrator] Said

the middle brother.

- I can buy five loaves

of bread with this.

- [Narrator] The

five loaves of bread

lasted for whole days,

but once it was gone

the middle brother

soon felt hungry again.

- Oh, bother!

- [Narrator] He said.

- If only I had been more

patient and waited longer.

- [Narrator] The youngest

brother also planted his seed.

Within a few weeks it had

grown into a leafy sh**t.

But he didn't sell

it, he waited.

Many months went by,

he was very hungry,

but still, he waited.

The leafy sh**t

grew into a tree.

By this time the youngest

brother was very, very hungry,

but still he waited and waited.

Then, one day, he saw

that the tree was covered

in hundreds of juicy pears.

He shared the pears

with his two brothers.

- [Brothers] Thank you!

- [Narrator] They cried.

- [Brothers] Because

of your patience,

we'll never be hungry again!

(electronic whooshing)

- Well, that passed some time.

- Yes, yes.

But what do we do now?

- Nothing.

- There must be

something else we can do,

while we're waiting.

But what?

♪ What, what, what ♪

♪ What ♪

- I know what,

we'll have patience.

Just like the youngest

brother in the story.

- Okay, so where

do we get patience?

- Oh, I don't know.

They didn't say in the story.

- I know.

I'll see if I can find

some in the Hoobofridge.

And while I'm here, I'll

check on the Hooboblubbers.

- Well?

- No, they're still too runny.

And there's no patience

in here, either.

- Hmm.

Do you know, I think

that having patience

just means that you should

wait without getting,

well, fidgety and cross.

- Hmm, well in that case.

I'm not very good

at having patience.

I'm getting very fidgety while

we're doing all this waiting.

- Roma.

- Ah, that's Roma.

Let's see what she's

found out about waiting.

(bus engine rumbling)

- Oh, Hoobybother!

Oh, hang on!

Wait, wait for me!

Come back!

(Roma sighs)

It's Roma Hoob, here.

For the past hour I've

been waiting on a bus.

- Oh.

- And as you may have noticed,

I just missed it.

- [Groove] Yeah.

- And why have I missed it?

Because I got so stuck into this

Hoobledoobledooper story,

while I was waiting,

that I wasn't paying attention.

Well, I'm not going to get

caught out like that again.

Instead, I'm going to pass

the time singing a song.

(Roma coughing)

♪ Hoobledoobledoo ♪

♪ Hoobledoobledoo, ba,

ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ♪


- She's very good, Roma.

- Oh, Hoobybother!

(sighs) I was so busy

singing while I was waiting,

that I missed another one!

(Hoobs groaning)

This is Roma Hoob, still

waiting at a bus stop,

and reporting for Hoob News.

(bus horn honks)

Oh, I say!

Can any one give me a lift?

(electronic whooshing)

- Oh, poor Roma.

- She'd have been better off

doing nothing, if you ask me.

- Yes.

It just goes to show,

you mustn't get so

busy doing something,

while you're waiting,

that you forget what

you're waiting for!

- That's why it's

best to do nothing.

- Hmm.

Singing a song is a good idea.

I think it's a Hoobacious

thing to do while we wait,

and if we sing a song,

we won't miss our bus

like Roma did, will we?

Because, that's not what

we're waiting for! (chuckles)

♪ Hooby dooby doo ba do ♪

(gentle upbeat music)

♪ The awful thing about

all this waiting ♪

♪ Is that it doesn't

involve that much ♪

♪ It's not exactly what

you'd call exciting ♪

♪ Waiting for a

blubbery Hoobylunch ♪

♪ Lets sing a song

to pass the time ♪

♪ It's the perfect

thing to do. ♪

♪ Make up a tune,

invent a rhyme ♪

♪ Waiting time will

soon be through ♪

- But what are we

gonna sing about?

- What you do while

you're waiting.

♪ We tried standing in a line ♪

♪ In fact, it's called a queue ♪

♪ I stood in front of Iver ♪

♪ I stood in front of you ♪

♪ But that was really boring ♪

♪ No kind of fun at all ♪

- We found ourselves

three fed up Hoobs,

just staring at the wall.

♪ Then we gained patience ago ♪

♪ We didn't know

quite what to do ♪

♪ I was patient for a while ♪

♪ Then I was patient too ♪

♪ The patience thing was okay ♪

♪ But we couldn't

make it stick ♪

♪ Patience had it's moments ♪

♪ But it didn't do the trick. ♪

♪ Waiting, waiting,

waiting, waiting ♪

♪ For our blubber tubs to set ♪

♪ Waiting, waiting,

waiting, waiting ♪

♪ But they're not ready yet ♪

♪ Waiting, waiting,

waiting, waiting ♪

♪ For our blubber tubs to set ♪

♪ Waiting, waiting,

waiting, waiting ♪

♪ But they're not ready yet ♪

♪ They're not ready yet ♪

- Well, are they ready yet?

- No.

- I don't think

they'll ever be set.

- Oh, yes they will.

We've just got to do a bit

more waiting, that's all.

- (sighs) I can't

take much more.

- [Hubba Hubba] Hubba Hubba!

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba.

- Oh, don't despair, Hoobs.

Why don't you go and find

some more Tiddlypeeps,

who are waiting for something

and see what they're

doing while they wait.

Well, the Tiddlypeeps

are sure to give you

lots of

Hoobledoobledooper ideas.

- You're right, Hubba Hubba.

- Well go on then, what

are you waiting for?

Get those Motorettes

singing! (laughs)

(upbeat music)

- I'll just stay

here and do nothing.

(upbeat music)

♪ Yeehaw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Ya hey!

- Yahoo!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- [Tula] Ooh.

- Ooh, a game.

- Ooh.

(gentle upbeat music)

(Iver popping)

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

- [Children] Hoobledoop, Iver!

- Oh, you're playing one

of my favorite games!

Hooby Upsy Downsy.

- We call it Snakes and Ladders!

(Tula laughing)

- Oh, I see!

Who's turn is it next

to throw the dice?

- Mine.

(dice rattling)

- One.

(Iver laughing)

Oh. (chuckles)

So, why are you playing

Snakes and Lampposts, then?

Oh, no, no.

Snakes and Ladders?

- It's just something to

do while we're waiting.

- Oh, so you're

waiting too, are you?

Oh, I'm glad to

hear that, you see,

because Tula, Groove, and I,

we are desperate to

find something we can do

while we're waiting for

our Hooboblubbers to set.

Well, we tried queuing up.

We've tried patience.

Doing nothing.

- Yeah!

- We even tried singing a song.

None of it worked.

But playing a game, (gasp), oh,

that's a really Hoobacious idea!

- It just helps you

forget how hungry you are.

- Exactly, and that's

very important.

Because I am dying to

eat our Hooboblubbers!

- Oh, and me.

- Can you hear

my tummy rumbling? (chuckles)

(tummy rumbling)

- Yes, I can!

- Oh!

- My tummy's rumbling too!

- Yes?

So it is. (laughing)

Do you have any other

ideas of things we can do

while we're waiting?

- Yeah, could do some drawing.

- Oh, yes.

- Or you could play

a game with a ball.

- Hoobygalooby, why didn't

we think of that before?

You, Tiddlypeeps, you're

so clever, aren't you?

What we'd do without

you. (chuckles)

Tula, get out out our

Hooby Upsy Downy game.

And don't you start without me!

I'm coming back

to the Hoobmobile.

Thank you so much.

And I hope your dinner's

ready very soon.

(Iver sniffing)

Ooh, smells good.

- [Children] Hmm!

- Hoobletoodledoo!

- [Children] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Very nice.

(Iver popping)

(upbeat music)

- One.

- One.

- Two.

- Two.

- Three.

- Three.

- Four!

- Four!

(both laughing)

- I love Hooby Upsy Downy!

- Yeah, me too.

It's almost as much fun as

doing nothing. (laughing)

- Oh, Hoobledoobledooper!

We haven't played this for ages.

- Yeah, I know, and it's

your turn now, Iver.

We've been waiting for you.

- Oh, thank you!

(upbeat music)

(Iver laughing)

Tula, it's your.

(door boinging)


- Yes!

The Hooboblubbers are ready!


They're lovely and blubbery,

and not runny at all!

- Hoob Hoob, hooray!

- Hoob Hoob, hooray!

- We can eat them now!

No more waiting!

- Hubba Hubba.

(Hoobs giggling)

Hoobledoop, Hoobs.

Well, it's time for Hoob News.

- It is?

- Oh, don't tell me

you've forgotten?

- But--

- No, no, no!

Of course we haven't,

Hubba Hubba. (laughing)

Is it really time for

Hoob News, right now?

- Yes, quickly!

Come on, take your places.

- But our Hooboblubbers.

- Yes.

Oh, nevermind, we'll

just have to wait.

(Tula groans)

(upbeat music)

♪ Oh, why are we waiting ♪

♪ It gets our lowest rating ♪

♪ It's waiting we're

hating, we hate to wait ♪

♪ This is so boring ♪

♪ Soon we'll all be snoring ♪

♪ Waiting needs ignoring ♪

♪ We hate to wait ♪

♪ We'd rather be singing ♪

♪ And round the

engines swinging ♪

♪ Our voices loud and

ringing, we love to sing ♪

- Hubba Hubba.

Are you ready, Hoobs?

Ready to give me what you got

on waiting for my Hoobopaedia?

- Yes, let's get

started straight away.

- Yes, yes. (coughs)

Hoobledoop whoop, to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula!

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question.

- What can we do

while we're waiting?

The reason we asked this

particular question,

Is because we made

some Hooboblubbers.

- [Iver] And as all you

Hoobs out there know,

You have to wait

for them to set.

- [Groove] We found out

the Peeps often do nothing

while they wait.

So that's what I did.

Its Hoobygroovy.

- [Tula] But Iver and I

didn't want to do nothing.

I went to see the Tiddlypeeps,

And they showed me

how to form a queue,

While you're waiting

to take turns.

- [Iver] So then we tried it.

- [Tula] But we realized,

we didn't have to queue

for our Hooboblubbers

because we had one each!

- [Iver] Then Hubba

Hubba sent us a story

about three brothers.

The youngest one had patience,

Which is why he

didn't go hungry.

- [Tula] I looked

in the Hoobofridge,

For some patience, but

what did I find instead?

Hooboblubbers that

still hadn't set.

- [Iver] Then Roma gave

us a couple of ideas

about what to do while you wait.

Read a book.

- [Tula] Or sing a song.

♪ Waiting, waiting,

waiting, waiting ♪

♪ For our blubber tubs to set ♪

♪ Waiting, waiting,

waiting, waiting ♪

♪ But they're not ready yet ♪

- [Tula] Even after

singing a song,

the Hooboblubber

still hadn't set.

So we went back to

the Tiddlypeeps.

- [Groove] They told

us that you can play

Hooby Upsy Downy,

while you wait.

So we started to play,

and before we knew it.

- [Tula] The

Hooboblubber were ready.

And that's it for

today's Hoob News,


(Iver chuckling)

- Oh, come on, toodle-doo!

- Ah.

Yes, right.

So it's thanks, once again, to

Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma,

for giving Hoobs

everywhere, a little peep,

into the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever you are.

Where are you?




Oh well, nevermind.

Remember, wherever you are,

have a Hoobledoobledooper day.

And Hoobletoodledoo!

(Hoobs laughing)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughing) Oh.

- Ya hey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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