01x36 - Times

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x36 - Times

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hoobledoop, tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite hoobs

down to earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove and Tula ♪

♪ We're hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now, the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in HoobLand ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorette's are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob, hoob hurray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The hoobs are here ♪

♪ So, what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- Hoobadoob, Tula.

What are you doing?

- I'm twiddling my

twiddle-tuff groove.

I'm having twiddle time.


- Well, it's funny

you should say that,

'cause look what I found.


- Oh, Groove, it's

the hooby time wheel!

- Yeah.

- I wondered where that was.

- Yeah, now we can

spend the whole day

working through all

our hooby times.

Right now, it's--


Sorting time!


Now, I need to sort

something out, but what?

♪ What ♪

♪ Oh, what ♪

♪ What ♪

♪ Oh, what ♪

- I know what.

My round and soft

things collection,

my round and hard

things collection,

and my round and prickly

things collection.

- But I was having

twiddle time, Groove.

- Round and hard,

hmm, round and soft.

- A question!

It's time to think of a quest.

What are you doing, Groove?

- Prickly, I think.

There we go.

It's sorting time, Iver,

so I'm busy sorting.

- But I think it's twiddle time.


- No, it's sorting time, Tula.


There, that's better.


- Twiddle time.

I think you'll find

that's better, Groove.

- Actually, it isn't twiddle

time or sorting time.

It's thinking of

a question time.


- Soon, it's going to be going

to see the tiddlypeeps time.

What if we go to

see the tiddlypeeps,

and it isn't a good

time to visit them?

- I've never thought

of that before.

- Hey, all this time we've

been visiting the tiddlypeeps,

and we've never known

if it was a good time.

- So, when is a good time

to visit the tiddlypeeps?

- [Electronic

Voice] Hubba Hubba.

- When is a good time to

visit the tiddlypeeps?

That's an excellent question

for today's Hoob News.

- It is?

I mean, yes, it is, isn't it?

Glad you agree, Hubba Hubba.

- Abso-hooby-lutely.

In fact, it's just the

sort of information

I need for my Hoobapedia.

Hoobs everywhere

will love to know

when it's a good time

to visit the tiddlypeeps

just in case they come

to the peep planet.

- Could you email Roma to

let her know the question?

- Of course, Tula.

No problem.

- It's hooby hopping time now.


- Hooby hopping time, splendid!

One of my favorite hooby times.


Hop, hop, hop.

Now, now, I've found

something on HoobNet here

about one of the

tiddlypeeps favorite times.

Have a look, and

see what you think.

(upbeat music)

Oh, look.

There's a tiddlypeep

washing its hair.


Yes, peeps are very

clean, aren't they?

They do love their water.

There's a peep under

a lot of water.

Ah, I know what time this is.

It's bath time.

- Hop, hop, hop,

oh, sorry, Tula.

Hop, hop, hop.

- What?

Bath time certainly

looked like a good time

to visit the

tiddlypeeps, didn't it?

- Yes, they all seemed to

be having hoob loads of fun.

- All those lovely bubbles!

- All that splashing!


- Splashing?

- Splashing?

- Doesn't splashing

meaning getting wet?

No, thank you.

- Hmm.

Getting wet is not

the thing for hoobs,

so maybe bath time

isn't such a good time

to visit the

tiddlypeeps after all.

- There must be a good

time to visit, but when?

♪ When ♪

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

♪ When ♪

♪ When, when, when, when ♪

♪ When ♪

- I don't know when,

but now, it's--


Hooby humming time!


- If tiddlypeeps have bath time,

do they have other times

like hooby hopping time,

or hooby sorting time,

or hooby humming time?

Groove, will you

please be quiet?

- Hey?

Oh, sorry, Iver.

- Or just plain old hooby time

where you do nothing at all.

- Seems like a good idea to me.

- I wonder.

(upbeat music)

♪ Time, time, time,

time, time, time, time ♪

♪ Time, time, time, time,

time, time, time, time ♪

♪ I wonder if the peeps time

is just the same as hoob time ♪

♪ And as a curious hoob ♪

♪ I will find out ♪

♪ Does a hoob go to sleep at

the same time as a tiddlypeep ♪

♪ Then, we'll have

to make a list ♪

♪ So, we can find out all about

if peeps have sorting time ♪

♪ And making time ♪

♪ Do they have hooby

thinking time ♪

♪ Is there hooby sandwich

time at the same time as us ♪

♪ And twiddle time

to humming time ♪

♪ to lovely hooby bonding time ♪

♪ Or just being a

hoob at hooby time ♪

♪ At hooby-hooble-diggle time ♪

♪ Then, there's hooby box time ♪

♪ The land of hooby not time ♪

♪ Before our hooby

wake up time ♪

♪ To greet a hooby morn ♪

♪ Sorting time and making time ♪

♪ Do they have hooby

thinking time ♪

♪ Is there hooby sandwich time ♪

♪ At the same time as us ♪

♪ And twiddle time

to humming time ♪

♪ To lovely hooby bonding time ♪

♪ Or just being a

hoob at hooby time ♪

♪ At hooby-hooble-diggle time ♪

♪ Then, there's hooby box time ♪

♪ The land of hooby not time ♪

♪ Before our hooby wake up

time to greet a hooby morn ♪

♪ To greet a hooby morn ♪


(upbeat music)

- Hooby galooby, it's hooby

sandwich time at last.

- We've got to figure

out if tiddlypeeps

have different times like we do.



- Or is bath time the

only time they have?

- It can't be.

They're not taking baths

all the time, are they?


- Does anybody else

want a hooby sandwich?

- [Electronic Voice]

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- How's it going, hoobs?

Have you answered

the question yet?

- How about a hooby

sandwich, Hubba Hubba?

- Is it hooby

sandwich time already?

- No, no, no.

It's still answer the

question for Hoob News time.

- We need to find out

about other kinds of time

that tiddlypeeps

have, Hubba Hubba.

- Hmm.

Other tiddly times, eh?

Well, why don't you

go and ask them?

- That's a hooble dooble

duper idea, Hubba Hubba.

- I'll drive, Iver.

Let's get those

Motorettes singing!


(upbeat music)


- Is it hooby sandwich

time again already?


- Seatbelt.

- [Both] We're off to

see the tiddlypeeps!

(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road, we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪


♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road, we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪


(soft music)

- Hoobledoop, tiddlypeeps.

Hoopledoop, tiddlypeeps.

- [Kids] Hello.

- Want to do a hooby hello?

- [Kids] Okay.

- Hoobledoop.

- [Kids] Hoobledoop,

woop, woop, woop.

- I can hardly hear you.

Why are you being so quiet?

- It's rest time.


- Pardon?

- It's rest time.

- I'm sorry, you'll

have to speak up.

I can't hear you.

- [Kids] It's rest time!

- Rest time.

- Rest time.

- Rest time.

- Yes.

- Why didn't you say?


What is rest time?

- When we try and have a rest.

- Oh, I see.

That's why you're

speaking very quietly.

- Yes.

- Well, I won't disturb you.



- [Kids] Shh!

- Iver!

(upbeat music)


- Rest time looked like

a hoobly-groobly time

to visit the tiddlypeeps,

didn't it, Groove?

- Yeah.

Hooby sandwich, Tula?

- They all looked

so snug and cozy.

Oh, thank you, Groove.

- Well, we still haven't

found a good time

to visit the

tiddlypeeps, have we?

- Haven't we?

We thought rest time

looked hoob-acious.

- Hoob-acious, Tula?

I'm not so sure.

- Why?

♪ Why, why, why ♪

♪ Why ♪

- I'll show you why.

I'll pretend to be a tiddlypeep,

and I'll pretend it's rest time,

and you pretend to visit me.


- Ready.

- Hello, tiddlypeep.

- Shh, I'm resting.

- Would you like a cheese

sandwich whilst you rest?

- Shh!

- But, Iver--

- Shh, it's rest time!

- But, Iver--

- Shh!

- Oh, you're not

letting us talk.

- Exactly, Tula.

You see, we hoobs need

to talk, don't we?

If we can't talk, we

can't ask questions.

- And we hoobs have to

ask questions, don't we?

So, rest time is not a good time

to visit the tiddlypeeps, is it?

- Now, would you like

a hooby sandwich, Iver?

- It isn't hooby sandwich

time anymore, Groove.


I'd say it's hooby make time,

and I know exactly

what I'm going to make.

Have you got any big

circles of cardboard

in your collection, Groove?

- Might have.

- Wait a minute!

It's still answer

the question time,

and then it'll be

time for Hoob News.


- I've got triangles,

I've got rectangles,

I've got squares, and oh,

wait a minute, here we are.


And a big circle.


- Thanks, Groove.

- Oh, dear.

- [Electronic Voice]

Roma, Roma, Roma.

- Oh, good, it's Roma.

Let's hope she can help,

not like some hoobs

I could mention.

- Hooble-doop-hoobs.

- Hoobledoop, Roma.

- I'm standing outside a school,

a place where

tiddlypeeps normally go

to run around and be noisy,

but something rather strange

is happening in there right now.

The tiddlypeeps are all

sitting on the floor,

listening to a big

peep reading a story.

Get this, hoobs.

The really strange part

is that the tiddlypeeps

are all being, wait for

it, very quiet indeed.

Except for sometimes, they

all burst out laughing.


At other times, they suddenly

(gasping) gasp in amazement.

- How weird is that?

- Very weird, Groove,

but even weirder,

the big peep reading the story

is reading really quietly.

I've no idea what the story is,

but it must be

absolutely hoob-acious.

One way of finding

out, I suppose.

This is Roma Hoob,

hoping that if I hurry,

I might still be able to

catch the end of the story.


- [All] Hooble-toodle-do!

- Well, story time seems like

a hoob-acious time to visit.

I mean, all hoobs love

stories, don't they?

- Yeah.

Do you think it's

hooby story time now?

- Oh.


- Or is it time for Hoob News?

We've found the

answer, haven't we?

The best time to visit the

tiddlypeeps is story time.

- No, I think it's hooby

sandwich time again.


- There's a problem.

When tiddlypeeps listen to a

story, they have to be quiet.

- So, it's like rest time?

We couldn't talk.

- That's right.

We'd have to listen.

- But when I visit the

tiddlypeeps, I want to talk.

- [Electronic Voice]

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Here's Hubba Hubba.

- Hooble-doop, Hubba Hubba.

- Hooble-doop, hoobs.

How are you getting on?

- Well, it's not

time for Hoob News,

if that's what you mean.

- No, it's still

hooby sandwich time.

- In that case, I've just

found a story on HoobNet

which might help you.


- [Narrator] There was

once a table called Terry,

who lived in a house

full of happy children.

But Terry the

table wasn't happy.

He was sad.

Why was Terry sad?

Because the children kept

on leaving him, but why?

You see, every day at tea time,

as soon as they'd

finished eating,

the children would all cry out--

- [Kids] Please may

we leave the table?

- [Narrator] They'd rush

out into the garden to play,

leaving Terry the

table all alone.


While naturally, this

made Terry think.

- What's wrong with me?

I'm a perfectly nice table,

and I do a very important job.

- [Narrator] Then,

he had an idea.

(electricity crackling)

The very next tea time, when

the children all cried out--

- [Kids] Please may

we leave the table?

- [Narrator] Terry shouted--

- No!

You can't leave me.

I'm fed up with being left.

I'm coming with you.

- [Narrator] The children

rushed out into the garden,

and Terry rushed out after them.


Terry and the children

had a wonderful time,

laughing and playing until oops,

Terry tripped, and

grazed one of his legs.

So, Terry decided that maybe

it wasn't such a good idea

to play in the garden after all,

and that perhaps, tables were

really meant to stay indoors.

But from that day on,

the children never left him

straight after their tea,

but stayed and played

games on him instead.

From that day on, Terry the

table was much, much happier.

- Nice story.

- Great story.

- Great story, great story.

At last, a tiddly time

where it's okay to talk.

- Yeah, and there's food.



- Tea time definitely

seems like a good time

to visit the tiddlypeeps.

- The trouble is you

can't leave the table

when you're having tea.

- Why would you want

to leave the table

when there's all that

hooby groovy food on it?

- So, that I could

go outside and play,

like the table wanted to.

- Good point, Tula.

If we visited at tea time,

we'd have to sit at a

table, and stay there.

- [Electronic Voice]

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Did you find

that story useful?

- We liked it, but we

don't think tea time

is the best time to

visit the tiddlypeeps.

- Oh, well then, why don't

you ask the tiddlypeeps

when the best time to

visit the tiddlypeeps is?

- Do you know

something, Hubba Hubba?

That is a hoob-acious idea.


- Well, I do try to help.

- And I try to make

the sandwiches.


- We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps.

- Lets get those

Motorettes singing!

(upbeat music)


♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road, we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps,

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪


♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledoop, tiddlypeeps!

- Hoobledoop, Iver.

- What are you doing?

- We're playing.

- Playing?

Oh, of course you are!

It looks hoob-acious fun.

- It is.

Playing is the best

time of the day.

- What would you call

that part of the day?

- Play time!

- Hooba-galooby!

- Play time.

- Play time, hoob-acious.

- Do you want to join in?

- Oh, oh, could I?

Could I?

- Of course you can.

- What do I do?

- Here you go, Iver.

Throw the ball.

- Right.

Here you go.



Ready, to you, to you,

to you, come and get it!

- [Kid] Quickly, let's get him!


- Come and get me!

(upbeat music)

Throw it!


- This is so

completely hoob-acious.

Play time is the best time.

- Yeah!

- So, have you had a

fun time then, Iver?

- Oh, I've had

hoob loads of fun.

Thank you so much, tiddlypeeps,

but it's time I went

back to the hoob mobile.


- [Kids] Hooble-toodle-do!


(upbeat music)

- You know, play time has

got to be the best time

to visit the tiddlypeeps.

- I'd rather go at tea time.

- I think we've found the answer

to today's question, don't you?

- Time for Hoob News,

and look what I've made.

- What is it, Tula?

- It's a tiddly time wheel.

- Hooby galooby, Tula.

It's just like our

hooby time wheel.

- Yes, except it shows all

the different kinds of times

that tiddlypeeps have.

- Bring it into the

hooby studio, Tula.

It's time for Hoob News!

(upbeat music)

♪ Well, we play in

the engine room ♪

♪ Do da, do da, do da ♪

♪ We play in the engine room ♪

♪ Do da, do da, day ♪

♪ Sliding down the pipes ♪

♪ Blowing down the tubes ♪

♪ Motorettes in

the engine room ♪

♪ Moving the bus for the hoobs ♪

♪ Play time is the

best of times ♪

♪ Do da, do da, do da, do da ♪

♪ Play time is the

best of times ♪

♪ A do da, do da, day ♪

♪ Playing through the night ♪

♪ Playing through the day ♪

♪ Motorettes in

the engine room ♪

♪ All we do is play ♪

- [Electronic Voice]

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Well, hoobs.

Are you ready to give me all

you've got on the best time

to visit the tiddlypeeps

for my great hoobapedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba.

- Then, take it away.

(upbeat music)

- Hoobledoop woop to

all you hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver, I'm Tula,

and I'm Groove.

Today, we've been

asking the question

when is a good time to

visit the tiddlypeeps?

- [Iver] We already

knew that there are lots

of different hooby times.

- [Tula] Like twiddle

time, for instance.

- And sorting time.

♪ Does a hoob go to sleep at

the same time as a tiddlypeep ♪

♪ We'll have to make a list,

so we can find out all about ♪

♪ If peeps have sorting time ♪

♪ And making time ♪

♪ Do they have hooby

thinking time ♪

♪ Is there hooby sandwich time

at the same time as ours ♪

♪ And twiddle time

to humming time ♪

♪ To lovely hooby bonding time ♪

♪ Or just being a

hoob at hooby time ♪

♪ At hooby-hooble-diggle time ♪

- [Iver] What we didn't

know is that tiddlypeeps

have lots of different

times of their own.

- [Tula] Like bath time.

- But bath time is not a good

time for a hoob to visit,

because hoobs don't

like getting wet.

- [Tula] Then, Iver went

to ask the tiddlypeeps,

and they got there in

the middle of rest time.

- I found out that rest

time's not a good time

to visit the tiddlypeeps,

because you have to be quiet.

- [Groove] Hoobs don't

like being quiet.

- [Iver] Next, Roma told us

that tiddlypeeps listen to

stories during story time.

- [Tula] But we

decided that story time

wasn't a good time to visit,

because it's another

tiddlytime when you can't talk.

Then, we heard a story which

told us all about tea time.

You can talk at tea time.

- [Iver] But you

can't leave the table.

- [Tula] Then, Hubba Hubba

suggested another trick

to the tiddlypeeps.

- It was then I

discovered a good time

to visit the tiddlypeeps.

Play time!

- Play time!

Hoob hoob hooray!

- Hoob hoob hooray!

- Hooble-dooble-duper.

So, it's thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

Remember, whatever

time you're having,

make sure it's a hoob-acious

time, and hooble-toodle-do!

- [All] Hooble-toodle-do!

- Well, I definitely

know what time it is now.

- Oh, let me guess now, Groove.

Time for cheese sandwich?

- No.

- Really?

What then?

- Time for two

cheese sandwiches!


♪ Hubba Hubba's in HoobLand ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob, hoob hooray ♪

♪ The hoob mobile

is coming your way ♪

♪ The hoobs are here,

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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