01x04 - The Russian Exchange Student

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x04 - The Russian Exchange Student

Post by bunniefuu »

[car honking]

Okay, Professor.

We're all set for the

demonstration at Fort Henderson.

I've personally

confirmed everything

with the state department

and the military personnel.

Good boy, Jeff.

I can always

depend on you.


What happened?

Professor Gordon,

are you okay?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

I'm alright, I'm alright!

What are we gonna do,


All the information

on your formula

was stored in that computer.

Now it's been destroyed.

Well, don't worry.

I've got a duplicate disk of the

formula stored away in a place

that only I know about.

I didn't know you had a backup

disk, Professor. What a break.

Professor Gordon.

What happened?

Somebody sabotaged

the computer.

Was anybody in here

while Jeff and I were out?

She was.

[theme music]

[music continues]

- Who is it?

- It's just us, Natasha.

Come in.


Natasha, what are you doing?

Going back to

the Soviet Union.

I'm will not stay

where I'm not wanted.

Come on, what do you mean

not wanted? I want you.

I-I, I-I mean..

Thanks, TJ.

But the professor does not.

The computer in the lab

blew up yesterday.

He thinks I did it.

Come on, Natasha.

You know that can't be true.

Yes, it is.

He doesn't like me nor trust me

because I'm a Russian.


I'm Elena Borchek.

Soviet Council.

Give me five minutes, please.

Oh, Natashok, Natashok.

Everyone is so upset.

You must reconsider.

I thought you were

my friend.

I thought you cared

about my feelings.

I am, but you can't just

think about yourself.

The Soviet and U.S. governments

have gone through lot of trouble

putting together

this exchange program.

'Besides, I hand-picked

you for this project.'

I don't care.

I want to go home.

The professor does

not want me here.

Don't worry about

the professor.

The U.S. State Department

has contacted him already

and he has apologized.

I don't want

to be forced on him.

He'll only hate me more.

I'm sorry, Natasha.

You have no choice.

Were you, uh, were you gonna

leave without saying goodbye?

I would've written

from Moscow.

Well, I wouldn't

have answered.


How do you say,

"I love you" in Russian?

[speaking in Russian]

Do we have to go

to the concert tonight?

It's music from the Balkans.

I thought you were dying to go.

I know, but..

I'd rather be with

you alone tonight.

If this project didn't

mean so much to me

I'd tell 'em to stuff it.

She's too nice

a person, Professor.

I don't believe

she'd do anthing--

They've no right

to make me keep her.

Don't let her

out of your sight.

Yes, sir.

Good morning, Professor.

Good morning, Jeff.

Hi, Natasha.

We have to get ready

for the test demonstration.

Jeff will tell you

what to do.

I don't know what to tell you.

He's just in one of those moods.

Oh, yeah, TJ.

What happened?

You make me buy tickets

to the Bulgarian music festival

then you never show up.

I got tied up.

Lana, tell him

how long we waited.

What do you mean tied up?

Cool it, Clark. Can't you see

TJ's blushing?

Blushing? I'm not blushing.

This is, this is a sunburn.

You know it's really

weird about Natasha.

I mean, like,

you know the Professor

blaming her for

that computer glitch.

Well, they don't call him

"Uptight Gordon" for nothing.

But you know,

anything's possible.

What, you saying she did it?

She's no criminal.

TJ, we are covering a story

on the professor's formula.

It is our job to think

and to-to question things.

Why only question

things about Natasha?

How about the hundred others

going in and out

of that building?

Only three people

had access to the lab.

Only one's not

an American, right?

Whatever it is

you have for Natasha

has made you

lose your objectivity.

Yeah? I think your prejudice

has made you lose yours.

Guys, guys, um,

let's lighten up here.

I'm just furious.

Oh, that's real good.

That's good.

- I don't believe him.

- Clark, Clark.

Just be a little bit

more understanding.

It's the first time TJ's ever

had a girl he's really liked.

I know that.

[indistinct chattering]

Professor, can you tell me

a little about your project?

Well, uh, I've come close

to developing a formula

that improves

the efficiency of gasoline

and, uh, this is the first

in a series of tests.

Well, um, what would that do

for the price of gas?

Uh, cut it by ninety percent.

But the important thing is this.

'It would help solve

our energy needs'

reduce the pollutions

in our oceans and forests.

That's quite

impressive, Professor.

About the expl*si*n

in the lab yesterday

do, do you have any idea

what caused it?

Yes, it was an

electrical short.

Electrical short, huh?

You think there will be

anymore student exchanges

between the Unites States

and The Soviet?

Let's just say that I didn't

hand-pick the participants.

'Uh, this is a very sensitive

project, you have to be careful'

and I don't know this or any

other Soviet student very well.

Will you excuse me, please?

Hope I get a shot with his

beady little eyes closed

just like his mind

and his heart.

Like mine, TJ?


[engine revving]

[dramatic music]


[all clamoring]

Did you see that, Clark?

- Clark?

- What about Natasha? Natasha!

[siren wailing]


Are you alright?

Yes. Yes, I think

I'm alright.

Thanks to you, Superboy.

I'm glad I could help, sir.

Wait, wait a minute.

- Professor, what went wrong?

- I don't know.

'But you can be sure

that I'm going to find out.'

Is there anything

I can do, Professor?

No! Not a thing.


He hates me.

I didn't do

anything to him.

This is the container from

which you poured your formula?

Yes. And I tested

the contents.

Somebody mixed ether

into the formula.

Result, expl*si*n.

Lieutenant Harris.

Oh, you again, kid.

That's alright.

They're from the college paper.

You're sure only you three

had access to the formula?


Lieutenant, I found this

in one of the lockers.

Any idea what this

might be, Professor?


Where'd you find this?

I found it in one

of the lockers right over here.

Whose locker is that?


[phone ringing]

- Oh, come to see your friend?

- Yes, sir.

- Too late.

- Why?

She left with

the Soviet Council.

I knew they'd have

to let her go.

No. We let her go on

condition that she'd be out

of the country in three days.

- Three days.

- I'm sorry, TJ.

The only way we can

get them to let her stay

is if we can prove

she's innocent.

Thought you were ninety percent

sure she was guilty.

You've had a lot of wrong

thoughts these last few days.

I'm sorry. I was really outta

line. That's history, huh?

So we all agree

that only three people

had access to the lab, right?

We're in sync that

Natasha's innocent, right?

You and I are TJ,

but what switched you?

I never said

she was guilty.

So that leaves

two possibilities.

That's Jeff

and the professor.

The professor won't

sabotage his own project.

You don't know

what his problems are

or where they might lead him.

Okay, Clark you take

the professor, I'll take Jeff.

- Okay'

- Oh, wait. What about me?

You be the

message coordinator.

Uh, we'll call in about

every thirty minutes.

- Uh-huh.

- Whoopee!

I can't talk now.

I'll come over

as soon as I can.

Yes, don't worry.

Everything's all set up.

[dramatic music]

[knock on door]


Excuse me, Professor.

I don't have time

to talk to you now.

Especially about

that girl.

I'm not so sure

she's guilty.


How dense can you be?

The janitor saw her in the lab

after Jeff and I left.

And the ether was found

in her locker.

Bear with me for one moment.

Let's, let's-let's say

she really is innocent.

No, no, no, no, no.

I trust Jeff unequivocally.

I wasn't thinking of Jeff.

Your subtlety astounds me.

Why would I discredit

my own formula?

I'm just covering

all the bases.

If Superboy hadn't saved me

I would have been k*lled

in that expl*si*n.

I'm a physicist.

I know the power of expl*sives.

Will I be stupid enough to cause

an expl*si*n that might k*ll me?

I have work to do.

- Thank you, Professor.

- Mm-hmm.

Lana? Yeah, I-I'm outside the

Atwater Oil Company building.

I'm going in after Jeff.

[dramatic music]

The Atwater Oil Company.

When did he call?

Um, just a few minutes ago.

Alright, bye.

The Atwater Oil Company.

Professor Gordon's formula..

it's for gasoline.

We're almost home free,

Mr. Drake.

I've got the professor thinking

Natasha's worse

than Stalin himself.

Well, I don't give a damn

what the professor thinks.

All I care about is

destroying that formula.

Because if we don't,

it's going to ruin my company

and probably every other

oil company in the world.

Well, don't worry.

He's only got one backup disk.

[door opens]

[camera shutter clicks]

I'm sorry. Am I in your way?

I don't care about the shirt,

but this camera. Really, guys..

What the--

He was taking

pictures of the door.

- His name's TJ

- Hey, Jeff. What a coincidence.

He's from the school newspaper.

Always sticking his nose

where it doesn't belong.

Look, I was just

taking a few pictures.

Yeah, of our door.

Sorry, fellas. Didn't realize

the door is off-limits.

Argh. You can take the film out

of this and I'll be on my way.

You're not going anywhere.

Listen, I gotta

get back at the lab.

So it was you

all the time, huh?

You set Natasha up!

Get out of here.

Take care of your problem.

And he's mine.


Send him home to mama.

No, no. Via the shortcut.

You're not getting

away with this.

The state and the Russians

won't be too happy about this--



Please, don't do this, guys.

Just a minute, please.

Wait, save the camera.

Oh, no. Wait. Would it mean

anything if I said sorry?

No, no, you can't..


If I don't thank you

before, before I faint

I-I want you to know you

restored my faith in you.

Take a few deep breaths

and you'll feel better.

Come on.

And you can show

that I'm innocent?

The professor's the guilty one.

The proof's in the lab.

Yeah. Jeff's the one.

He's going back to the lab.

Superboy's after him

and I'm going there also.



I'm sorry, Natasha.

My own stupid

prejudice blinded me.

Aw, very touching speech,

professor. Come here.

No. What are you doing?

Let her go!

Soon as you stop

playing hardball.

How about I blow away

this pretty face?

Why are you doing this?

A million dollars,

give or take a few thousand.

And do I get the disk,

Professor? Or..

Alright, alright.

In the lower drawer.

There's a false bottom.

Press the knob on the right.


I'm afraid you two have

outlived your usefulness.


In case you're

wondering, Professor.

I'm setting the fire

Natasha started.

The poor thing dropped the

formula while trying to escape.

As usual the communist are inept

at their task. Right, Professor?

So long, Professor.

Thanks for everything.

[glass shattering]



My formula. In his pocket.

I'm sure he'll be more than

happy to incriminate his friends

at Atwater Oil in exchange

for a lighter sentence.

- If the deal's right.

- Just get him out of here.

But why do you have to go?

I mean you were

proven innocent.

The professor has been asked to

continue his studies in Russia

and he asked me

to assist him.

- That is really great.

- Congratulations.

We're gonna miss you.

- Goodbye, Natasha.

- Bye.

See you, guys.

Well, I'm not

gonna miss you.


I got a billion

pictures of you.

I guess I'll be surrounded

by you forever.


I'll never forget you.


Never, never, never.

[speaking in Russian]


I'll be seeing you.

[theme music]
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