01x12 - Kryptonite Kills

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x12 - Kryptonite Kills

Post by bunniefuu »

[tires screeching]


[music continues]

[tires screeching]


[music continues]

[wind whooshing]

[intense music]




[music continues]

[music continues]

[indistinct chattering]

[chattering continues]

Now I see why T.J.

transferred to gemology.


Earth to T.J.

Come in, T.J.

[snaps fingers]

Hey, you're

blocking my view.

Whoa, I didn't know you had such

interest in gems and minerals.

Well, minerals, no,

but, uh, that Ronnie Lawler

that's a gem I wouldn't mind

exploring every facet of.

Forget it, Teej.

She's gone, man.

(Lana) Yup, she's fallen head

over heels for Lex Luthor.

Heaven only knows why.

(Lana) I thought she

was smarter than that.


You know, Lex, we've done

so much in the last few days.

What the, the helicopter ride

and the yacht trip, everything.

I feel so lucky.

And you should,

my dear.

It'snot every girl who

gets noticed by Lex Luthor.

Well, I'm very selective.

(male #1)

Very selective.

[door opens]

Sorry I'm late, class.

But I just received

a remarkable parcel

from my associates

in Addis Ababa.

And I wanted to share

their discovery with you all.

I am pleased to say..

that we have found..

an energy-radiating


It shattered upon impact

with the Earth

and is like nothing man

has ever seen before.

In fact, we believe

it may be an actual

fragment of another world.

A world, which

in all probability

was destroyed by

an incredible expl*si*n

which propelled these stones

through the cosmos

right here to Earth.

- Excuse me.

- Clark!


Clark, are you alright?

I've never felt

like this before.



Are you okay, Clark?

[intense music]

Stand back.

Stand back.

Please, give him some room.

- Ah..

- Oh, Clark.

Oh, that poor guy.

Yeah, he fell like

a ton of bricks.

- Did you see it, Lex?

- Shut up, Leo, I'm thinking.

Sure, I know you don't like me

to talk while you're thinking.

You're the boss and when the

boss tells me to shut up, I do.

You don't have

to tell me twice

because I'm pretty smart

about things like that.

That's what I like

about you, Leo.

You always do everything

exactly the way I tell you.

Uh-uh-uh, stay put, son.

A fall like that could give

you a concussion or worse.

I've called the infirmary,

where are they?



No doctors,

no hospitals, please.


He's avoided doctors

ever since we were kids.

He's weird that way.

Veronica, my sweet.

- I'm feeling better.

- It was scary.

One minute you were

sitting there and the next

you were,

you were out of it.

(T.J.) Well, anyway,

you're okay now, right?


[dramatic music]

I knew it was just

a matter of time

before I got what I wanted, Leo.

- Do you know why?

- Because you're lucky, Lex?

No, no, no, luck has

nothing to do with it, Leo.

People like me

deserve everything we get.

[snapping fingers]

- You need us, Mr. Luthor?

- I certainly do.

Remember that machine you guys

made for me about a month ago?

What was it you called it?

An electro-polarity discharger.

The one we couldn't

find a power supply for?

Plutonium isn't easy to come by

and no way it'll run without it.

Just bring the machine here.

I think I've got something

better than plutonium.

Leo, my man, turn on

the music, please.

Something dramatic, I think.

Perhaps a little Grieg.

Peer Gynt Suite 1, Op. 46,

if you don't mind.

You got it, boss man.

[knocking on door]

["Peer Gynt Suite No.1, Op.46"

on player]

Excellent boys,

settle up.

[music continues]

Mmwhat is it?


[music continues]



[music intensifies]


[music continues]


Ohoh, uh..

- We didn't mean it.

- It was an accident.

- It's never happened before.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


Don't be ridiculous, boys.

We finally got your

invention working.

And that's cause

for celebration.

W-w-will there

be girls there?

When the lights go out

all over the town

there'll be so much

confusion and panic.


You'll be able to walk

right in and take anything

your little nerdy heart

desires, Oswald.

Leo, mobilize my frat boys.

First National Bank

ought to be easy pickings.

Don't forget about the cash

boxes. They ought to be ripe.

And the finest

jewelry stores in town.

[intense music]

Gentlemen, tonight we

paint this town black.

And then rob it blind.

[music on radio]

- I'm gonna do it.

- Do what, T.J.?

I'm gonna ask Ronnie out.

If she'd just

give me a shot

she'd see that I was

way cooler than Lex.

Go for it, what

you got to lose?

Huh, my head.

I mean, if Lex sends one

of his g*ons after me.

(man on radio) Looks like we're

experiencing technical difficulties here

at Radio Station W-E-I-L.

Some kind of power surge.

We've got turn ta..

There's trouble

at the electric plant, I bet.


Oh, no, no, I don't

want you fainting again.

Come on, come on.

I'll cover for you, buddy.

[theme music]


It's working, it's working!

Look out, girls,

here we come.

[theme music]


[music continues]


He-he-he grounded it.

Let's get out of here before

he does the same thing to us.

[sizzling continues]

Great, hold that pose!

[camera clicks]


[sizzling continues]

[camera clicking]

T.J., get out of here, this

thing could blow any minute!


I-I'm okayhow are you?

I'm a little buzzed,

but it's wearing off.

[telephone ringing]

Luthor here.

What is going on over there?

All of my lights are still on.

What? Superboy lit up

like a Christmas tree?

Forget the girls!

Contact the frat

boys immediately.

Tell them the heist

is postponed indefinitely.

No, no, dump the machine,

but save the rock.

You did? Good.

Because I'm sure I'll find

another use for it

once the heat dies down.

And I think I have just

the place to keep it..

[intense music]

where no one

will ever think to look.


[bell donging]

Ronnie, hey. Hey, Ronnie.

Oh, hi, T.J.

Hey, how's Clark?

Gosh, it was a nasty fall

he had the other day.

Well, now he's okay. He's always

doing things like that.

Yeah? He should take

better care of himself.

- Lana and I look out for him.

- Yeah?

Listen, Ronnie, I was

thinking maybe you and I

we can go out sometime, you

know, maybe a pizza and a movie?

Pizza and a movie?

Oh, I mean,

that sounds nice, but..

I can't, I mean, I don't think

Lex would understand that.

Uh, no offence here, Ronnie

but Lex Luthor isn't exactly

Mr. Popularity here at Shuster.

You see, nobody

knows Lex like I do.

He's, he's kind,

considerate, generous--

Arrogant, obnoxious--

No, no, that's just

a defense, T.J.

to hide how shy

he really is.


Why, Veronica

that is the nicest thing

anyone has ever said of me.

And speaking of generous..

[snaps fingers]

For me?

Oh, Lex, you shouldn't have.

[intense music]

Oh, it's beautiful.

Of course, it's not

an actual space stone.

It's just

a remarkable simulation.

- I had it made just for you.

- Aww.

Lex, how can I ever thank you?

I'll think of something,

my dear.


What happened?

I just got stepped on

by tyrannosaurus Lex.

Veronica, my darling.

Your necklace look particularly

beautiful by candlelight.

Oh, my necklace.

- Well, what about me?

- I was coming to that.

But first..

Chicken flambe a la Luthor.

Ohoh, my, Lex.

You keep outdoing yourself.

Nothing but the finest

for you, my dear.


Have I told you the story

of how I came upon

this tantalizing recipe?

[telephone ringing]


You know I'm busy.

Okay, make it fast.

The police? But how could

they find the machine?

I specifically told

those idiots to lose it.

Dammit! This is

gonna be serious.

- Lex, what's wrong?

- Those blithering idiots!

- Who?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

- But who are you mad at?

- Shut up, Veronica.

Hey, Lex!

I said, I don't

wanna talk about it!


[intense music]


- Professor.

- Oh, Clark.

How nice to bump

into you.

I've gotta get

somewhere fast.

Make haste slowly,

don't always be running.

[alarm ringing]


[ringing continues]


Let's get out of here!


[crackling continues]

[dramatic music]


We're trapped.

No. Heat rises.

Let's get on the floor.

[dramatic music]




[intense music]



- Lex, we gotta help him.

- You help him! I'm outta here.

[music continues]

Superboy! Superboy!

Come on!


[alarm ringing]


- Lex, you're okay?

- I'm fine, I'm fine.

But the rock

is still in there.

Oh, no, I'm not

going up there.

Be a sport, Leo,

and get it back.

Don't make me say please.

I'm not going up there.

[ringing continues]

[siren blaring]

[blaring continues]


[dramatic music]

[crackling continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

Put me down!

- Come on!

- I got the girl, Lex.

You didn't tell me

Superboy was in there too.

Forget them,

where's my necklace?

Oh, you left me

up there to die

and you are worried

about your stupid necklace?

You are worse than scum, Lex.

You are murderous scum!

A boyhood ambition of mine.

I always was an overachiever.


I never wanna see you

again, Lex Luthor!

[Lex chuckling]

- Not just yet, my pretty.

- What?

Oh, you want this

piece of junk, huh?


Just take it!

[dramatic music]



No! No!

I'm Lex Luthor. This can't

happen to Lex Luthor!

[indistinct chattering]

Well, at least, I'm rid

of Superboy forever.


Looking for something, Lex?

No, no, no, uh..

[camera clicks]

[T.J. chuckling]

I know you're trying

to impress Veronica

but don't you think this

is going a little too far?


No, I like a man

with style.

Oh, do you hear that, Lex?

Hey, how about one more?

And this time say cheese.


You're looking good, Lex.

(male #2) I'm sure the lead

shielding will protect you.

(Superboy) I still wish I

knew where they came from.

Well, we may never know.

And though they may

be of value to mankind

you say the risk

to you is too great.

Well, something tells me

you will be an important

force to mankind in the future.

More important

than any stones.

Thank you, professor.

I know just the way of getting

rid of theseforever.

(male #2) That was

every last piece of it.

[theme music]


[music continues]


(male #2) That was

every last piece of it.


(Superboy) I only wish

I could be so sure.

[theme music]

[theme music]
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