01x18 - Terror from the Blue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x18 - Terror from the Blue

Post by bunniefuu »


[tires screeching]

[tires screech]

[music continues]



Oh, no. Not again.

Eddie, when are you gonna

stop with the scams?

Forget I asked. I've had

my quota of lies this morning.

Ah, how can I help you,

young lady?

I have an appointment

with Lieutenant Harris.

Oh, yeah.

Here, put him in a holding cell.

- You're Lana Lang, right?

- Right.

From the college?

You're gonna do a number on us?

A paper for my poly psych class

on police

and community relations.

Anyway, Lieutenant Harris

had to go out.

He said, he'd be

about half an hour.

You can wait

in his office if you like.

Yeah, no. I think I'll just

take a walk, thanks.


[dog barking]

[dramatic music]

You picked

a strange place to meet.

Only because

we're friends, Slade.

I didn't want anybody

to hear anything

we don't want them to hear.

What are you talking about?

Talking about the shakedown

racket you're running, Slade.

You and who knows

how many other cops.

Dirty cops.

- You're outta your mind.

- Oh, come on.

You got your hand

in prostitution

gambling, laundries..

There's only one way to go.

Turn yourself in and

save the tax-payers some money.

Hey, all I've heard is talk.

You never make it stick.

Oh, no. I'll make it

stick alright.

I'll make it stick, Slade.

The only way you'll dodge

hard time is by giving me

the names of

the others involved.

You know me

better than that, Harris.

Listen to me, Slade.

Listen to me.


You can plea bargain.

Maybe, get a year.

Two at the most.

I'll put in a word with the DA.

[dramatic music]

Give me a day

to think it over, okay?


[man whistling]




- Lana!

- Lieutenant Harris!


Oh, my god.

[Harris coughing]

Dirty-dirty cops.

Sergeant Coyle, headquarters.

Trust him.

[tires screeching]

Get her!

[intense music]

(female #1)

We better get some help.

(male #1)

Is he still alive?



- Aah!

- Hey!

What do you think

you're doing?

[door closing]

Second floor.

[music continues]

[police siren]

Wait, Kinneran.

We got her.

[music continues]

Find her.

She can't get far.

And get Williams and Green

down here, to help us.


Hey, where you been, Kemosabe?

You were supposed to drive

Lana down to see Harris.

I got hung up.

Hung out to dry

is more like it.

Lana waited around

as long as she could.

She left a note

for you somewhere.

I saw it.

Yeah, I want Willams

and Green down here.

Got the suspect cornered, but

I'm gonna need some backup.

Um, operator?

Police headquarters.

Hurry, please.

Let me talk to a Sergeant Coyle.

Yes, sure I know

how the department feels.

I'm gonna get this cop-k*ller.

(man over radio)

Well, don't

The good news is,

he's still alive.

What's bad is, he's given

less than a 50-50 chance.

Well, at least

he's got a chance.

Saying a lot for a guy

with three slugs in him.

Where did you say he is?

[phone ringing]

Yeah, who's calling?

Sergeant Coyle,

I was with Lieutenant Harris

when he was shot.

This is Sergeant Coyle.

You say you saw

Lieutenant Harris shot?

- Where are you now?

- I'm at Staten and 4th.

- Okay, don't move.

- No, I won't move.

I'll stay right here.

Hurry, please.

I'm scared.

We're on our way.

Come on, Bebe.

Don't do this to me.

It's the rock stars that get

all these backstage groupies.

Not us lowly stand-up comics.

[flat tone]

All we ever get is..


Are you sure Vick wasn't

putting you on there?


[car honking]

No luck.

Keep at it.

Harrison, go completely under.

Look, don't worry.

We got it handled.

Okay, you betcha', Bebe.

Tomorrow night,

front row seat. Uh-huh.


Lana says she's tired

of being stood up.

Says that I'm no one

she can depend on anymore.

Her exact words.

Whoa, that must've been

some letter, huh?

Ah, don't worry, Clark.

She'll forgive you.

- I mean, she always does, huh?

- I hope you're right.

Now, how did you

manage that trick?

Construction on a new middle

school will begin in the fall.

Another cop sh**ting

in Crescent County

has left a police lieutenant

unconscious and hospitalized.

The officer was shot three

times in the back this morning.

The identity of the attempted

k*ller is as yet unknown.

[phone ringing]

At this hour

Detective Zeke Harris

remains in a coma

and in critical condition

at Crescent County

General Hospital.

We'll have more on that story,

later on in the newscast.

- Hello?

- Clark, it's Lana.

Was that weird

about Harris, or what?

Are you at the hospital?

Tell him, we're pulling for him.

Harris is alive?

Oh, God.

No, I-I-m not at the hospital.

I'm in a phone booth.

I saw the whole thing,

it was awful.

Harris said

that dirty cops did it.

Lana, Lana, take a breath.

Take a breath.

You okay?

I am now.

I called Sergeant Coyle.

Harris said to trust him.

He's on his way down

to pick me up now.

Okay, good.

Uh, we'll meet you

at police headquarters.

[machine g*n firing]

[tires screeching]

This is no time

to drag your feet, Clark.

Lana's in trouble.

I told you before,

she's okay now.

It's Lt. Harris

that's in trouble.

I'm sure he's got

the best doctors, Clark.

It's not the doctors,

it's those cops.

I mean, they won't let him

come out of that coma.

You go pick up Lana. I'm

gonna go to Crescent General.

Well, there's no way you can

stand off k*ller cops.

Power of the press, T.J.?

I mean, if I'm at Lt. Harris'

side nobody'll make a move.

Get going, man.

Stakeout her dorm.

Bug these friends of hers.

Find her.


(woman on P.A.)

Dr. Davis, telephone please.

Still in here, eh?

Now, how's he doin'?

Not too good.

He's still in a coma.

Look, why don't you go take

a coffee break or something

and I'll cover for you?

- Alright, thanks.

- Sure, no problem.

[machine beeping]

This ought to make it

look like a spasm.


We could do this the easy way

or the hard way.


[machine beeping loudly]

He tried to pull the plug

on Harris.

You know any cops

you can trust?

Get 'em down here. Keep someone

at his side, at all times.


[machine stabilizes]

Take good care of him, Doctor.

He's a very special friend.

[door opening]

Well, somebody's

feeling better.

- It's Oscar, right?

- That's right.

You remember anything else?

You were very nice to me and you

didn't ask a lot of questions.

- Thank you.

- Oh, you're welcome.

Mm, hey, Oscar,

do you have a phone?


Ohhold on,

let me get it for you.

Mm, thanks.

Can I get you

anything else?


(Lana's voice message)

After that last left, follow

and you'll see some

car wrecks scattered around

and you can't miss it.

And Clark, I know how worried

you and T.J. must be

but this person who's helping

me is just wonderful

and I'd like you to meet him.

So, hurry, Clark.

I miss you.

- Wanna hear it again?

- No, I got it.

Stay put in case Kent or his

roommate show up tonight.

So she's taken up

with some ex-hippie

50 miles off the interstate.


Just perfect.

You made

a difference, Oscar.

Your generation managed to leave

its mark in so many ways.


Well, so will yours, Lana.

At your age

it's all ahead of you.

Ah, this is

the berth we stood in.

[dramatic music]

Trouble. We're pickin' up

somebody in Kent's room.

(Lana's recorded message)

'Hurry, Clark. I miss you.'

I asked Clark if I could

stop by. I hope you don't mind.

No, anytime, Superboy.

What's the scoop?

How is Lana?

We went out of our skulls

when she wasn't at the station.

She's alright.

I know where she is.

But so do the bad cops.

There was a second click

on that message.

[soft thud]

Those damn raccoons.

- Save our place.

- Okay.

[Oscar grunting]

Run, Lana, run!


[tires deflating]

Alright, Superboy, way to go.


Run, Lana!

[tires screeching]

[intense music]

Just like the other day, Lana.

Just you and me.


I wish I had k*lled you then.

You're gonna beg me

to k*ll you now.

[theme music]



Thanks, Superboy.

Thank you, Oscar.


Well, the doctors say,

another week and you'll be back

on the street, Lieutenant.

Ah, the streets.

That's where I belong.

Where a man can eat

a hot dog for lunch in peace.

Did you come through

for me, T.J.?

Look out for the nurse.

I'll see you later, Lieutenant.

- Bye, T.J.

- Bye-bye.



I'm sorry about

the other morning

and I-I really screwed up.

What else is new?

I mean, I could've helped.

You? Against all those K*llers?


Where you going now?

I still got

my poly psych paper to finish.

I'm going to the library.

You, uh, mind if I come along?

It sounds like a good idea.

Well, if you're sure

you have nothing better to do.
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