03x10 - Blessing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ascendance of a Bookworm". Aired: October 3, 2019 - June 14, 2022.*
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Anime series based on a light novel and manga series written by Miya Kazuki and illustrated by Yō Shiina.
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03x10 - Blessing

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: Main gets dragged into a dubious plot

Narrator: and lets her mana go berserk.

Main: Lord Sylvester, you liar.

Main: You promised to protect me.

Main: where did you get that?

Main: He gave it to me after he went hunting.

Main: He said it was a protective charm.

Ferdinand: I see.

Ferdinand: That is a powerful protective charm indeed.

Main: What do you mean by that?

Ferdinand: That's only...

Ferdinand: if you are prepared to become Sylvester's daughter.

Main: If that is how to save everyone...

Main: Then I will proceed.

Ferdinand: If you've made up your mind...

Ferdinand: pray to the wind and protect them.

Ferdinand: Protect them from my mana.

Main: Everyone here... My family...

Main: I'm going to protect them!

Main: Lord Karstedt!

Sylvester: Sorry to keep you waiting, Main.

Main: Lord Sylvester!

Sylvester: Ferdinand, that's enough. Well done.

Sylvester: you may put down your shield as well.

Main: Wait. Is the head priest's rank lower than his?

High priest: Oh, Sylvester! You came at the perfect time!

Sylvester: What is this mess?

Sylvester: Let's hear what's going on...

Sylvester: Uncle.

Main: What?

Bindewald: And who's that supposed to be?

Karstedt: This is Aub Ehrenfest.

Bindewald: H-He couldn't be...

Main: Aub... Ehrenfest?

Gunther: that's the lord.

Main: The lord?

Main: Huh?

Main: What?

Main: What?!

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ep Sign: Chapter Thirty-Six Blessing

Benno: Otto, Lutz, what happened?

Lutz: And so Mister Gunther and Main went to the cathedral.

Otto: Come to think of it, Main said something strange.

Otto: She said we needed to call for help in that situation.

Benno: And?

Lutz: She used her blood seal on the black stone hanging from her neck.

Benno: Damn it! It's too early for that!

Lutz: Huh?

Tuuli: Main's okay, right?

Lutz: Main... will be okay.

Sylvester: You may look up.

Sylvester: Is there anything you'd like to say, Count Bindewald?

Bindewald: I'd like you to punish that commoner!

Sylvester: Commoner, you say?

Bindewald: This little brat named Main!

Bindewald: She used her magic against a noble!

Bindewald: She is truly a dangerous, treacherous little commoner!

Sylvester: You seem to have the wrong idea about something.

Sylvester: This girl you call a commoner

Sylvester: is my adopted daughter.

Bindewald: Absurd!

Sylvester: Main.

Sylvester: The proof...

Sylvester: is right here.

Bindewald: And what's that?

Sylvester: A magic item that finalizes a contract once a blood seal is used.

Sylvester: Do you understand now? Main is already my daughter.

Sylvester: Which would mean that you att*cked a relative of the lord of this domain.

Bindewald: No...

Sylvester: Count Bindewald, you not only entered this city illegally,

Sylvester: but you att*cked its lord's daughter as well as her knight bodyguard.

Sylvester: You will be taken into custody. Seize him!

Sylvester: I will sentence you once all of your crimes have become clear.

Sylvester: Uncle.

High priest: Sylvester!

High priest: I knew none of this!

High priest: This was all devised by Count Bindewald!

High priest: I just did what I was told!

Sylvester: You're making excuses?

Sylvester: That's rather unsightly, Uncle.

High priest: It's the truth! You have to believe me, Sylvester!

High priest: I didn't do anything wrong!

High priest: Tell that cur to untie me at once!

Sylvester: And now calling him a cur...

Sylvester: My little brother.

Main: Little brother?

Main: These two are brothers?

High priest: Who cares about a younger brother who has some whore as a mother?

Sylvester: I ask that you refrain from insults.

Sylvester: Though our mothers are different, he is still my precious little brother.

High priest: Don't let him fool you, Sylvester!

High priest: I'm sure he's the one who coaxed you into adopting as well!

High priest: Nullify this adoption at once! This is my warning as your uncle!

High priest: You are my precious little nephew! I wish you no misfortune!

High priest: Sylvester! I'm...

High priest: I'm saying this for your own good!

Sylvester: And now crocodile tears...

High priest: I'm worried about you from the bottom of my heart!

Sylvester: As the lord, I will cast aside any attachment I have for you as a relative,

Sylvester: and place judgment upon you.

Sylvester: Uncle, you went too far.

Sylvester: I cannot turn a blind eye any longer.

Sylvester: This commotion you caused

Sylvester: is worthy of the death penalty.

High priest: What?!

Sylvester: That goes for all of your accomplices, too.

Sylvester: Take him away!

High priest: Sylvester!

Delia: Lady please take care of Dirk for me.

Main: Delia...

Flashback,Delia: Why weren't you there to help me?

Main: Lord Sylvester, I have a favor to ask of you.

Sylvester: Name it.

Main: Would you consider sparing Delia?

Sylvester: And why is that?

Main: Delia was only deceived.

Main: I don't believe she had any involvement in their evil deeds.

Sylvester: Be that as it may, if she was involved in this incident,

Sylvester: she must face some punishment.

Sylvester: As the daughter of the lord, you may decide her punishment.

Sylvester: Let's see what you decide.

Main: For her punishment, I order that Delia return to the orphanage.

Main: You will be no one's attendant.

Main: You will spend the rest of your life taking care of Dirk and all of the other orphans.

Main: That is your duty from now on, Delia.

Delia: Thank you kindly.

Sylvester: Are you Main's biological father?

Gunther: Yes. My name is Gunther.

Sylvester: We will now finalize this contract for the adoption.

Sylvester: Go summon your family.

Gunther: Yes, sire.

Gunther: Thank you very much.

Tuuli: Dad, what happened to your arm?

Gunther: It's no big deal. Main's waiting for us. Let's go.

Lutz: Mister Gunther, where's Main?

Gunther: I promise I'll explain everything to you later.

Gunther: Just wait for me.

Arno: Perhaps you should get some rest.

Fran: I'm fine.

Arno: You're so inflexible, Fran.

Fran: I could say the same about you, Arno.

Fran: Why didn't you tell me that the head priest was in his hidden room?

Ferdinand: You may take your leave.

Sylvester: let's talk about your future.

Main: Am I going to become Lord Karstedt's daughter first

Main: and then become yours, Lord Sylvester?

Ferdinand: Well, a former commoner girl

Ferdinand: being adopted is quite different from a noble girl being adopted.

Sylvester: You are the beloved daughter of Lord Karstedt's third wife, who perished.

Main: Talk about illegally messing with someone's family register.

Sylvester: As for the Gilberta Company...

Sylvester: I considered having them close up shop...

Main: What?!

Sylvester: But they are absolutely necessary to keep the printing business

Sylvester: as one of this city's industries.

Sylvester: I will let you continue your relationship with them.

Main: Thank you kindly.

Sylvester: Regarding your birth family...

Sylvester: You are going to become the daughter of the lord.

Sylvester: Your name will change.

Sylvester: Seeing your family...

Sylvester: will be prohibited from now on.

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ferdinand: Come in.

Tuuli: Main!

Main: Tuuli!

Tuuli: are you okay?

Tuuli: The look on Dad's face was scary when he came to get me, and he was injured.

Tuuli: And now even Mom and Kamil have to come to the cathedral...

Tuuli: I was really scared that something might've happened to you.

Tuuli: I'm so glad you're okay!

Gunther: Tuuli, you need to bow, as well.

Tuuli: Huh?

Sylvester: In order to conclude this incident without further issue,

Sylvester: it has been decided that Main will be adopted by me.

Sylvester: The commoner Main is now dead.

Gunther: Understood.

Tuuli: Is this my fault?

Main: It's not.

Tuuli: But then why...

Tuuli: Dad must've known.

Sylvester: All of you are obstacles to Main becoming your lord's daughter.

Sylvester: I thought of having all of you dealt with, too.

Sylvester: But then Main would probably go berserk,

Sylvester: so I'm allowing all of you to live.

Sylvester: But I cannot allow you to see her as her family any longer.

Sylvester: Once you sign the contract, I will allow you to continue seeing her.

Sylvester: read it to them.

Main: "You are to announce to everyone around you that Main has died."

Main: "If you are ever to encounter Main from now on,

Main: you will not claim to be her family."

Main: "You will treat Main as a noble."

Main: Those are the terms of this contract.

Tuuli: So if I sign this contract, you won't be my little sister anymore?

Main: Mm...

Tuuli: But I don't want that!

Main: I don't want this either,

Main: but I don't want to put you in danger anymore, Tuuli.

Main: Something might happen to Mom or Kamil next.

Main: I don't want to put my family in danger anymore.

Tuuli: But...

Main: Even if we're not family anymore...

Main: Even if I can't call you my big sister anymore...

Main: I still want to be able to see your face, Tuuli!

Main: I'll keep doing my best to make picture books and toys for you and Kamil, Tuuli.

Main: So please... let me at least see you.

Tuuli: please don't cry.

Tuuli: I promise I'll do my best to learn how to read, so I can read these books you're making.

Main: Tuuli, once you become a professional seamstress,

Main: I'll send you my clothing orders, so I want you to make them.

Tuuli: I promise you. I'll make you all your clothes, Main.

Main: I love you, Tuuli.

Main: I couldn't be prouder of my older sister.

Effa: Main...

Effa: You're leaving your parents far too early.

Main: I'm sorry, Mom.

Effa: You get sick easily, so you need to be careful.

Effa: Make sure you listen to everyone around you,

Effa: so you don't cause them any trouble.

Effa: Don't go running off on your own.

Effa: Make sure you help out when you can,

Effa: and make sure you don't rely too much on others.

Main: I usually just listen and say, "Yeah, yeah," to all of this,

Main: but knowing I won't hear this anymore is just...

Effa: I love you, my dear little Main.

Main: I love you, too, Mom.

Main: Mom, do you want me to write your name for you?

Effa: I've been practicing how to write, as well.

Main: Dad, is it okay if I hold Kamil?

Main: I'm going to be making picture books just for you, so make sure you read them, okay?

Main: Is your arm okay, Dad?

Gunther: Yeah, I'm fine.

Main: I'm sorry. This is all my fault.

Gunther: And I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, Main.

Main: No, you always protected me, Dad.

Main: If I ever get married, I want to marry someone who'll protect me just like you.

Gunther: You're just supposed to say that you want to marry me, Main.

Main: I want to marry you, Dad!

Gunther: I've always wanted my daughter to say that to me,

Gunther: but now that my wish came true, my daughter's leaving me...

Gunther: This is too much to bear.

Main: My name is going to change, and I won't be able to call you "Dad" anymore,

Main: but I'll always be your daughter.

Main: I'll protect this whole city.

Gunther: The whole city, eh?

Ferdinand: restrain yourself!

Main: No, I need to use this mana,

Main: because it was born from the love that I have for my family.

Main: I'm going to use it for my family!

Ferdinand: Main...

Main: The king and queen of the Gods, who rule upon the sky so high,

Main: are the Gods of Darkness and Light, husband and wife.

Main: The Eternal Five that rule upon this land...

Main: The Goddess of Water, Fruhtrane.

Main: The God of Fire, Leidenschaft.

Main: The Goddess of Wind, Schutzaria.

Main: The Goddess of Earth, Geduldh.

Main: The God of Life, Ewigleben.

Main: Hear my prayers and bless us.

Main: I offer you my heart.

Main: I offer you my prayers and gratitude...

Main: Please repay them with your divine protection!

Ferdinand: This is...

Main: Give us the power to heal pain.

Gunther: My wound... is all better?

Main: The power to continue toward our goals.

Main: The power to ward off evil.

Main: The power to endure hardship.

Main: Bless my loved ones with these powers.

Main: This is my last blessing to all of you.

Main: Tuuli.

Main: Kamil.

Main: Mom.

Main: Dad.

Main: Everyone...

Main: I love you.

Sylvester: The contract spell is now complete.

Sylvester: The one who stands before you now is Rozemyne.

Sylvester: She is the daughter of an upper-class noble.

Gunther: If you'll excuse us.

Effa: May you stay well and healthy.

Tuuli: Goodbye...

Main: Thank you very much for coming by today.

Main: I pray that we get to meet again from the bottom of my heart.

Tuuli: Morning, Lutz. Did something happen?

Lutz: I guess Main really isn't here.

Tuuli: No, Main is gone.

Benno: If you've got time to cry about it, get to work!

Benno: I don't care if it's Main or Rozemyne.

Benno: What does she desire more than anything?

Lutz: Books!

Benno: Precisely!

Benno: There's only one thing we need to do.

Benno: And that's business!

Ferdinand: In order to ensure she lives up to everything that being the daughter of the lord entails,

Ferdinand: I'll need you to guide her as sternly as possible.

Fran: As you wish.

Fran: I will give this task my all.

Tuuli: I'm going to be able to make hair accessories at Missus Corinna's!

Effa: That must be thanks to Main's blessing.

Gunther: I'm home!

Gunther: I ran into Gil at the square and was able to find out how Main's been doing.

Effa: Oh, thank goodness.

Tuuli: Hurry up and tell us, Dad!

Ferdinand: Your job will be to spread the printing business as a new industry throughout this do

Ferdinand: Rozemyne.

Rozemyne: I understand.

Rozemyne: I'm going to protect everyone.

Rozemyne: And to do so, I'm going to create even more books!
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