03x68 - Happy? Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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03x68 - Happy? Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

Mom: My, my, my...

Mom: Well...

Tsuna: What is it, Mom?

Mom: When I was cleaning, I found a picture I thought I'd lost.

Tsuna: Picture?

Futa: What kind of picture?

Mom: From when your father and I got married.

Tsuna: What?!

Tsuna: You mean your wedding?!

Tsuna: Show me! Show me!

Mom: Here.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Tsuna: Like this?!

Futa: So cool!

Bianchi: Wonderful.

Tsuna: How?!

Tsuna: And why is Dad dressed like this?

Mom: Because your father had a job come up on the day of the ceremony.

Mom: I was so worried that he might be late.

Mom: He made it just in time, but he was dressed like that for the whole reception.

Lambo: Lambo-san wants to see it too!

Lambo: Show me! Show me!

Tsuna: Lambo!

Ipin: Lambo! No!

Tsuna: Don't pull on it!

Lambo: Uh-oh. It's not Lambo-san's fault!

Tsuna: It obviously is!

Tsuna: Mom, sorry.

Ipin: I'm very sorry.

Tsuna: Mom...

Mom: It's fine. You didn't do it on purpose.

Lambo: That's right! Just fine!

Tsuna: You shouldn't say that!

Mom: See? All fixed.

Tsuna: Mom...

Bianchi: That's so nice...

Bianchi: Makes me want to marry Reborn this very second.

Tsuna: Oh, yeah...

Tsuna: Bianchi's in love with Reborn.

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Happy? Wedding

Tsuna: Man, what a beautiful day.

Tsuna: And it's Sunday too.

Tsuna: I should go out somewhere.

Tsuna: What's this?

Tsuna: A wedding invitation?

On Screen,Caption: Mr. Tsuna Sawada Wedding Invitation

Tsuna: Huh?! For me?!

Tsuna: Wh-Who's it from?!

On Screen,Caption: Reborn Bianchi

Tsuna: Reborn and Bianchi?!

Tsuna: No way!

Tsuna: I never heard anything about this!

Tsuna: Isn't Reborn still a baby?!

Tsuna: Impossible!

Tsuna: Are they messing with me?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Yamamoto: Yo, Tsuna.

Gokudera: Boss, We're here to pick you up.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun, let's go to the chapel together.

Tsuna: H-Huh?

Hana: What? You aren't ready yet?

Tsuna: What chapel are you...?

Ryohei: What are you talking about, Sawada?!

Haru: The chapel where Reborn-chan and Bianchi-san's wedding is being held!

Gokudera: She may not be much of a sister, but I should still celebrate this occasion.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: What?!

Tsuna: You mean this is real?!

Haru: Eek! So beautiful!

Kyoko: You look stunning.

Hana: Like a grown woman.

Tsuna: She really looks beautiful.

Bianchi: Thank you.

Bianchi: I've always longed to be a June bride.

Haru: June brides are wonderful!

Kyoko: I'd love to be one too.

Tsuna: Wait! Doesn't that mean a bride who gets married in June?!

Tsuna: It's not June!

Hana: Who cares?

Hana: In the mind of a grown woman, it's June no matter when she gets married.

Main: ,You said it!

Tsuna: That's absurd...

Ryohei: Yeah! Just like how I take everything to the limit!

Gokudera: Don't act like they're anywhere close, turf top!

Ryohei: What was that, squid head?!

Tsuna: Now, now, you two.

Tsuna: This is a day for celebration. You shouldn't fight.

Tsuna: Huh, what?

Tsuna: You're okay with being around Bianchi, Gokudera-kun?

Gokudera: Yup, boss!

Gokudera: Because I can't see a thing with these sunglasses on!

Yamamoto: What is it, Gokudera?

Yamamoto: Tsuna's over there.

Gokudera: Over here?

Tsuna: He really can't see anything!

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: I've seen this wedding dress before...

Mom: That's right.

Tsuna: Mom.

Mom: I let her borrow my dress.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Tsuna: You still had it?

Mom: Of course. I planned on having your bride wear it someday.

Tsuna: My bride?!

Kyoko: That's a lovely wedding dress.

Kyoko: I wish I could wear it.

Tsuna: If Kyoko-chan wears this wedding dress...

Tsuna: She'll... She'll...

Tsuna: Marry me?!

Tsuna: No way, right?

Haru: I'm against it!

Haru: I already decided that I want a Japanese-style wedding!

Haru: As for the reception,

Haru: I'll dress up as a wedding cake!

Tsuna: What the heck?!

Mom: Hey, Tsu-kun.

Mom: Reborn-kun is in the next room.

Mom: Why don't you go and see him?

Tsuna: Uh... Excuse me, Reborn...

Tsuna: It's just like they say, clothes do make the man.

Tsuna: But you should've told me you're getting married.

Tsuna: Hey, Reborn...

Main: ,It came off!

Dino: Who's there?!

Dino: Oh, it's Tsuna...

Tsuna: Dino-san! Reborn's...

Tsuna: Reborn's arm...!

Dino: Don't worry.

Dino: This is just a doll.

Tsuna: A doll?

Tsuna: Then where's Reborn?

Dino: He's not here.

Dino: Or I should say, he ran away.

Tsuna: Ran away?!

Dino: Yeah.

Dino: I called Reborn this morning to congratulate him...

Reborn: I don't know anything about a wedding.

Reborn: Though Bianchi was in an awfully good mood when I woke up from my nap yesterday.

Dino: That was his story.

Dino: So I'm guessing that during his nap...

Bianchi: Reborn, will you marry me?

Main: ,Sure.

Bianchi: Really?

Bianchi: Thank you!

Bianchi: I've been waiting for this moment!

Bianchi: I have to go reserve the chapel and send invitations to everyone!

Dino: That's probably how it went.

Tsuna: So this is all Bianchi's misunderstanding?!

Tsuna: If she finds out that Reborn ran away...

Dino: Yeah, who knows what she'll do after she snaps...

Dino: It won't be any better if we postpone the ceremony.

Dino: Reborn must have realized that and left this doll.

Tsuna: This is supposed to replace him?!

Tsuna: They'll figure out it's a doll in no time!

Reborn: Say that again.

Reborn: Feel like getting Deathperate?!

Tsuna: What's going on here?!

Dino: You fell for it.

Dino: It's really realistic.

Dino: This doll is a decoy created by the latest Vongola technology.

Dino: You can use this remote to make it use simple movements and phrases.

Reborn: Ciao-su. Ciao-su. Ciao-su.

Tsuna: Will this be enough to fool them?

Tsuna: Don't tell me this latest Vongola technology is...

Giannini: You are absolutely right!

Main: ,Yo-yo-yo?

Giannini: I am the one who made this item expressly, at Reborn-san's request.

Giannini: Yes.

Dino: My men are looking for the real Reborn.

Dino: We'll have to rely on the doll for now.

Giannini: Don't worry,

Giannini: my skills are flawless.

Tsuna: You're making me more worried!

Guy: Bianchi-san, do you take this man to be your husband?

Bianchi: I do.

Guy: Reborn-san, do you take this woman to be your wife?

Guy: Reborn-san?

Tsuna: Dino-san!

Dino: Y-Yeah, hold on...

Reborn: I do.

Guy: Now, exchange rings.

Dino: This is bad!

Tsuna: A flying saucer is throwing a disc!

Tsuna: Now!

Bianchi: Tsuna, what are you doing?

Tsuna: Nothing... Nothing at all.

Tsuna: This is bad for my heart...

All: Cheers!

Shamal: How could she get married and leave me alone?

Shamal: Young lady, marry me!

Dino: So far, nobody's realized that it's a doll.

Giannini: Of course!

Giannini: Since I made it.

Tsuna: That's why I'm worried...

Guy: Okay, it's time to start the program.

Guy: First up is an acrobatic sushi performance by an acquaintance of Reborn-san's, Take Sushi.

Dad: Reborn-san. Bianchi-san.

Dad: Congratulations on your marriage.

Dad: We aren't able to offer much,

Dad: but I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Dad: Let's go, Takeshi!

Yamamoto: Yeah! Old man!

Dad: Dance of the Flying Sashimi!

Dad: On to the next one, Takeshi.

Yamamoto: Yeah!

Yamamoto: There! There! There!

Voice: Cool!

Bianchi: Huh?

Bianchi: You aren't going to drink anything, Reborn?

Reborn: No thanks.

Bianchi: Don't be like that.

Bianchi: I ordered it for you.

Reborn: No thanks.

Bianchi: Don't be so stubborn.

Dino: That's bad!

Giannini: Delicate instruments are weak to water!

Bianchi: Huh?

Tsuna: Huh?!

Dad: What?

Gokudera: What's going on, boss?!

Gokudera: Boss!

Lambo: That looks like fun!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants to swim too!

Tsuna: You can't!

Dino: Hey, this looks bad.

Main: ,What?

Bianchi: No...

Bianchi: Reborn would never do this...

Bianchi: Where is Reborn?!

Bianchi: Who hid him?!

Tsuna: This is bad!

Bianchi: Where is Reborn?!

Bianchi: Who hid him?!

Tsuna: This is bad! It's all over!

Dino: Poison Scorpion.

Reborn: Where's Reborn?

Dino: Look here.

Dino: Reborn was so nervous that he fell down.

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Tsuna: This is definitely Reborn.

Bianchi: Nervous, you say?

Tsuna: This is bad.

Tsuna: We couldn't fool her, after all...

Bianchi: I'm so sorry, Reborn.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Bianchi: I didn't understand how you felt.

Bianchi: Forgive me, Reborn!

Tsuna: She was fooled...

Guy: The groom has been soaked by a love-filled event.

Guy: He will now change his attire.

Tsuna: I thought it was all over...

Giannini: It just shorted out because of the water.

Giannini: Don't worry.

Giannini: I made it, after all.

Tsuna: Yeah, that's why I'm worried.

Gokudera: So it was a fake.

Gokudera: You might've fooled my sister, but not me.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun!

Gokudera: I have sharp ears.

Gokudera: That motor sound totally tipped me off.

Tsuna: Uh, well...

Tsuna: Anyone would be mad if his sister was marrying a robot.

Gokudera: Let me...

Gokudera: Let me help you, boss!

Tsuna: Huh?

Gokudera: I'm guessing that Sis set up the wedding herself,

Gokudera: and Reborn ran away, leaving this as a stand-in?

Tsuna: That's exactly right!

Tsuna: He's not her brother for nothing!

Gokudera: There's nothing to worry about now that I'm here.

Gokudera: Fork it over!

Gokudera: This is the job of the boss's right-hand man!

Dino: Hey, you...

Tsuna: But you can't see through those glasses. Will you be okay?

Gokudera: Don't worry.

Gokudera: I'll just take them off from time to time and squint around.

Gokudera: This is how you control it, right?

Reborn: Ciao-su. Ciao-su. Ciao-su.

Gokudera: Who's there?!

Lambo: Is that a toy?

Lambo: It's a toy, right?

Tsuna: Lambo!

Lambo: Can Lambo-san press the button?

Lambo: Just once?

Gokudera: No way, stupid cow!

Gokudera: You can't control this thing!

Lambo: Let Lambo-san use it!

Gokudera: Damn it! Get off me!

Lambo: Lambo-san touched it!

Giannini: Don't be so rough!

Giannini: Treat it with care, please!

Guy: The groom has changed and returned.

Tsuna: I'm begging you, Gokudera-kun...

Tsuna: Please do a good job.

Guy: We will now cut the cake,

Guy: which was made by the bride herself.

Tsuna: A poison wedding cake?!

Tsuna: Another danger to my life!

Guy: The newlyweds are drawn on the second layer of the cake.

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Main: ,Wha--?!

Reborn: Ciao-su. Ciao-su. Ciao-su.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun! What are you doing?

Main: ,Wha--?!

Tsuna: Hey! Lambo!

Bianchi: Reborn wouldn't do this...

Bianchi: Where is he?!

Bianchi: Where is he?!

Tsuna: This is bad!

Tsuna: Lambo, give me the remote!

Lambo: No way!

Ipin: Lambo! No more mischief!

Lambo: Lambo-san won't stop!

Ipin: Ah, Sawada-san.

Ipin: Where am I?

Ipin: I must deliver this ramen to Mr. Kawahira's reception.

Tsuna: Huh? His reception?

Ipin: Yes.

Ipin: Mr. Kawahira's getting married for the third time,

Ipin: but he told me to bring ramen, since he didn't like the food at the reception.

Ipin: I must deliver it right away!

Lambo: Hey, this food isn't bad.

Tsuna: Adult Lambo!

Hana: It's the guy with the cow-print shirt!

Bianchi: Romeo!

Bianchi: I knew something was wrong...

Bianchi: You never learn...

Bianchi: So this was all your doing?!

Tsuna: She still thinks he's her ex-boyfriend!

Bianchi: I'll send you back to hell!

Hana: Please wait!

Hana: You're getting married! An old flame shouldn't matter!

Bianchi: Get out of my way!

Kyoko: Hana. Bianchi-san.

Kyoko: Calm down.

Haru: Eek. This is like a soap opera.

Ryohei: So extreme!

Tsuna: Wh-What do we do, Dino-san?!

Dino: Let me handle it!

Reborn: This... is... a... test.

Bianchi: Test?

Dino: That's right.

Dino: Reborn wanted to see how many tests you could overcome before you got married.

Tsuna: Yeah, yeah. That's right.

Bianchi: I knew, Reborn...

Bianchi: It's fine.

Bianchi: In the face of our love, this is nothing.

Hana: Um... It's been a long time.

Hana: I...

Lambo: Hey, it's the shoo shoo hag.

Hana: There he is!

Shamal: Young lady, after this, would you like to...

Guy: We will now hold a candle-lighting service.

Guy: The newlyweds will light the candles on all of the tables.

Lambo: Lambo-san wants to play with the controls some more.

Tsuna: You can't.

Tsuna: You've caused enough trouble.

Lambo: Nuh-uh, it's cause four-eyes sucks.

Gokudera: Damn cow!

Bianchi: Hayato.

Bianchi: Thank you for coming.

Dino: No!

Tsuna: Dino-san's men aren't around!

Giannini: The remote!

Giannini: This is very bad!

Bianchi: Reborn? What's wrong?

Reborn: Oil spew.

Bianchi: What is this?

Bianchi: What's going on?!

Dino: Whoa... She's gone berserk with rage.

Tsuna: Dino-san! Over there!

Haru: Amazing!

Kyoko: Like magic!

Ryohei: Is this part of the program?

Yamamoto: No, we've seen this before...

Tsuna: It's turning everything it touches into poison cooking.

Tsuna: Bianchi's ultimate attack...

Tsuna: Violet Poison Deeper Crimson!

Dino: This is bad!

Dino: The entire reception's going to be filled with poison cooking!

Reborn: Hold on.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Reborn: Hold on.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: Hold on.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Tsuna: Lots of Reborns?!

Reborn: Hold on.

Hana: Uh?

Haru: Eek!

Haru: A whole parade of Reborn-chans!

Ryohei: Extreme!

Kyoko: I didn't know Reborn-kun had so many brothers.

Tsuna: No way!

Tsuna: What's going on?

Giannini: These are the failures I made.

Tsuna: Failures?!

Giannini: Yes...

Giannini: No. had a memory anomaly.

Giannini: No. had a twisted character.

Giannini: No. had an error in its emotions.

Giannini: Anyway, these are all the failures.

Tsuna: Then why...

Reborn: Now...

Reborn: Which is the real one?

Reborn: If you love me, you should be able to find me.

Bianchi: Reborn...

Bianchi: I understand.

Bianchi: Found you.

Bianchi: You are my beloved.

Reborn: Bianchi...

Bianchi: Reborn...

Reborn: You were wrong.

Reborn: The real me... is right here.

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Tsuna: R-Reborn?!

Reborn: You still have a ways to go, Bianchi.

Bianchi: Reborn...

Tsuna: This is bad! Bianchi's mad again!

Bianchi: I understand.

Bianchi: Thank you, Reborn.

Bianchi: I guess I'm not ready for this yet.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Tsuna: What about the reception?!

Reborn: Don't worry.

Reborn: We're just switching leads.

Mom: Oh.

Reborn: The real surprise is yet to come.

Futa: Big Tsuna!

Futa: I brought your dad!

Dad: Nana!

Tsuna: Dad?!

Mom: Darling.

Tsuna: Reborn set up that whole mess so they could take the picture?

Tsuna: Wh-What are you doing?!

Reborn: You had the day off yesterday,

Reborn: so you'll have to study hard today.

Tsuna: Wh-What?

Tsuna: What the heck?!

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: ...next week!

Col: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Col: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Aquarius Be the leader of a team in a ball sport.

Lambo: ...will be Aquarius.

Dino: Enzio's happy too.

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Col: Number two for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Gemini It's a good idea to ventilate both your classroom and your bedroom.

Lambo: ...will be Gemini.

Lambo: Next week is Lambo-san's!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Reborn: And the top sign...

On Screen,Caption: Libra Better concentration leads to better grades!

Lambo: ...will be Libra.

Reborn: I'm lucky every day.

Reborn: So's Leon.

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

On Screen,Caption: See ya next time!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Crazy Criminal Brother Trio.
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