04x80 - Discord

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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04x80 - Discord

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We were living in peace and quiet, but...

Reborn: This is bad.

Reborn: I can't move.

Tsuna: Re-Reborn got hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: H-Huh?

Tsuna: Reborn?

Tsuna: Where are you, Reborn?

Main: ,Tsuna's so dumb...

Tsuna: Lambo!

Tsuna: Hey, give me this.

Tsuna: No way.

Tsuna: Did I go into the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: Am I travelling ten years into the future?

Main: ,Ouch!

Reborn: A terrible future awaited us.

Reborn: Whoa! The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Tsuna: Is this a coffin?

Tsuna: Wait!

Tsuna: Why am I in a coffin?

Reborn: More and more allies were sent to this time.

Haru: Eek?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: Two things have become clear so far:

Reborn: The enemy's objective is to eliminate the Vongola Family.

Reborn: Our goal is to reach Shoichi Irie.

Reborn: To that end, we have to assemble the Guardians

Main: ,and begun learning to use the rings and boxes.

Reborn: You'd better get Deathperate, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh? What is this?!

Giannini: We've received a distress signal.

Giannini: It's an SOS from an ally.

Tsuna: An ally?

Giannini: It's a secret signal assigned to the Vongola.

Giannini: We've traced its source.

Giannini: I'll put it on the monitor.

Tsuna: Th-That's Hibari-san's...!

Tsuna: Hibird!

Reborn: There's a transponder on him.

Giannini: This is bad!

Giannini: The signal is getting weak!

Main: ,Huh?

Reborn: It's making a turn.

Giannini: A stationary camera won't be able to follow it!

Giannini: I'll switch the monitor to the radar!

Lal: What happened?!

Gokudera: What was that alarm?!

Tsuna: Guys! We've got trouble!

Tsuna: Hibari-san's bird is sending out an SOS!

Lal: What did you say?

Gokudera: That Hibird thing?

Lal: What's its location?

Giannini: It's currently moving through the seventh district at km/h

Main: ,while rapidly descending.

Giannini: ...

Giannini: ...

Giannini: ...

Giannini: I-It disappeared!

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Discord

Reborn: The spot where the signal died, what's there?

Giannini: Hold on.

Giannini: I'll bring it up at once.

Giannini: There it is!

Giannini: A shrine!

Yamamoto: Namimori Shrine?

Yamamoto: What's Hibari doing there?

Giannini: The signal was weak,

Giannini: so it's possible that the battery just died.

Tsuna: N-No way!

Tsuna: The battery ran out?

Reborn: Or it could have been shot down by the enemy.

Tsuna: The enemy?

Tsuna: Then we have to hurry...

Lal: It could be a trap.

Tsuna: A trap?

Lal: There's a possibility.

Tsuna: Wait...

Tsuna: What are we supposed to do, then?

Reborn: Either way, it's our only lead on Hibari.

Reborn: We can't sit around twiddling our thumbs.

Giannini: However, please observe...

Giannini: Each point is a detected ring.

Giannini: Which means there are at least this many enemies on the surface.

Tsuna: {\an}What?!

Tsuna: {\an}Huh? That many?!

Giannini: And there's a remarkably strong ring among them.

Giannini: Most likely at a captain level.

Lal: It must be Gamma.

Tsuna: Gamma?

Lal: The captain of the rd squad.

Main: ,Those brothers you fought belong to that squad.

Lal: Lightning Gamma.

Lal: A man who's buried many well-known hitmen and Mafia elite.

Lal: He's crushed more organizations than you could count on both hands.

Tsuna: Such a dangerous guy is...

Gokudera: Gamma-schmama.

Gokudera: You don't need to worry, boss.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun?

Gokudera: I've been training independently since yesterday.

Gokudera: I've powered up considerably after trying out a bunch of stuff.

Main: ,You sure have.

Tsuna: Huh?! I didn't know that!

Tsuna: I was just sleeping...

Gokudera: You were injured.

Gokudera: Of course you were.

Tsuna: B-But...

Yamamoto: That's right, Gokudera.

Yamamoto: What were you making by yourself after your training?

Tsuna: Making?

Giannini: Were the tools I lent you yesterday of use, Gokudera-sama?

Gokudera: Yeah, they worked just fine!

Gokudera: Boss, have a look at this.

Main: ,What is it?

Gokudera: I finished customizing my box!

Tsuna: This guy's always crazy about this stuff...

Gokudera: Are you taken away?

Tsuna: No.

Gokudera: This is necessary to make the box strong!

Gokudera: Everybody does it!

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: Haru.

Yamamoto: Yo.

Gokudera: You're too late.

Haru: It's terrible!

Yamamoto: We know.

Tsuna: We were just talking about Hibird.

Haru: No!

Haru: Kyoko-chan's missing!

Tsuna: Wh-What did you say?!

Haru: Have you looked everywhere?

Gokudera: Didn't she just go to the bathroom?

Haru: She left a note.

Haru: "I'm going home real quick."

Haru: "I'll bring some snacks for Lambo-kun and I-Pin-chan."

Yamamoto: Sasagawa did that...?

Gokudera: She didn't strike me as the reckless type.

Reborn: She must have been really worried about Ryohei.

Haru: Now that I think about it, she looked kinda down yesterday...

Tsuna: I-I didn't notice...

Haru: That must have been when...

Haru: I'm sorry!

Haru: If I had paid more attention to Kyoko-chan...

Tsuna: It wasn't your fault!

Tsuna: I need to be more...

Giannini: Even so...

Main: ,It should be impossible to leave this base without anyone knowing.

Tsuna: Huh?

Giannini: Because the six hatches all have voice-print and fingerprint locks.

Giannini: I'll check the history to be sure...

Main: ,Wha-?

Giannini: I was in the middle of fixing the lock on hatch D...

Giannini: There's a record of it being opened...

Tsuna: How could you forget something so important?!

Giannini: I-I'm terribly sorry...

Tsuna: Wh-What do we do?!

Lal: Calm down, Sawada.

Lal: We've received a distress signal from the Guardian of the Cloud Ring's bird.

Lal: You should decide our course of action from a comprehensive perspective.

Tsuna: Comprehensive perspective...?

Reborn: Our first priority here should be to retrieve Kyoko.

Reborn: Next would be a search and investigation into Hibird.

Lal: Assuming that Ryohei Sasagawa's sister hasn't been captured by the enemy yet...

Haru: Kyoko-chan...

Lal: If she hasn't been captured, we need to avoid any fights.

Lal: It would be better to send a small force to bring her back.

Gokudera: The same could be said for the Hibird search.

Gokudera: It'd be better to move in a small group.

Yamamoto: Then how about splitting up and doing both at the same time?

Gokudera: You think it'll be that easy, amateur?

Gokudera: The boss is injured!

Yamamoto: That's right.

Lal: Then should we postpone the search for the Guardian of the Cloud Ring?

Reborn: No.

Reborn: If the SOS is actually from Hibari, we can't waste too much time.

Gokudera: That's true...

Tsuna: Amazing...

Tsuna: It's like an actual council of w*r...

Gokudera: What do we do, boss?

Tsuna: Huh?

Yamamoto: Decide for us, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: M-Me?

Lal: Of course.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: You're the boss.

Tsuna: No way!

Tsuna: How could I decide...

Gokudera: We simply follow you, boss.

Yamamoto: It's up to you, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun... Yamamoto...

Tsuna: Then I'm going too!

Tsuna: We'll go after Kyoko-chan and Hibird at the same time!

Gokudera: If that's what you think, boss, I'm in!

Yamamoto: Now that that's settled, we need to get ready.

Tsuna: Uh...

Tsuna: Could you help us work out the details of the operation?

Lal: Very well.

Lal: The problem lies in how to divide our forces,

Lal: especially since each team runs the risk of being crushed without proper teamwork.

Tsuna: U-Uh... Could you explain what you mean?

Lal: It was already simple enough!

Reborn: Yamamoto.

Reborn: You don't have a w*apon, do you?

Yamamoto: Guess not.

Yamamoto: I just have the two boxes my future self had,

Yamamoto: though I can't open one of them.

Yamamoto: And I have a practice sword.

Reborn: I found this.

Yamamoto: Shigure Kintoki!

Reborn: It didn't seem to go well with the Rain Rings the future Yamamoto used.

Reborn: He used a normal sword that didn't transform,

Reborn: and stored Shigure Kintoki here.

Reborn: But you have the Vongola Ring.

Reborn: The compatibility between Shigure Kintoki and the Vongola Ring is unknown.

Reborn: You decide if you're going to use it.

Yamamoto: I'll take it with me.

Yamamoto: Because I'm my old man's...

Yamamoto: The Shigure Soen Ryu's successor...

Tsuna: Yamamoto...

Reborn: Decided?

Lal: Explain it to everyone, Sawada.

Tsuna: Okay. I'll give you your assignments.

Tsuna: Lal Mirch and I will go after Kyoko-chan.

Tsuna: I want Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto to look for Hibird.

Gokudera: I-I'm with Yamamoto?

Tsuna: Huh? Th-That's bad?

Gokudera: No... I-If it's an order from the boss,

Gokudera: I-I'll be more than happy to...

Yamamoto: You sure don't look happy.

Lal: Gokudera and Yamamoto will take hatch B and head for the shrine.

Lal: Sawada and I will use hatch D and head for the Sasagawa residence.

Lal: There's a chance that the enemy is jamming communications.

Lal: If that's the case, we won't be able to stay in contact.

Lal: If something comes up, you shouldn't expect any help.

Lal: Keep that in mind.

Yamamoto: Sure.

Gokudera: Fine by me.

Lal: The general rule is to avoid fighting.

Lal: But if you find yourself in a situation where you can't,

Lal: use your own judgment.

Haru: Tsuna-san...

Yamamoto: If all goes well, we'll have Hibari on our side.

Gokudera: Shut up...

Tsuna: Uh, can I ask a question?

Tsuna: I-If Kyoko-chan has been captured,

Tsuna: what should I do?

Lal: You shouldn't fight with the enemy when you haven't had enough training.

Lal: But if you insist, I won't be able to stop you.

Lal: Promise me this:

Lal: You must put the ring on your finger and go into hyper mode.

Man: Do you know anything about the girl who lives here?

Man: Her name is Kyoko Sasagawa.

Lady: N-No idea... Sorry.

Kyoko: I'll never be able to get into the house...

Kyoko: What do I do, Brother? Tsuna-kun?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun?

Lal: What is it?

Tsuna: I just felt...

Lal: There aren't any enemies around here.

Lal: Let's hurry.

Tsuna: Y-Yes!

Man: Captain Gamma!

Gamma: Oh? That's good news.

Gamma: I'll head out immediately.

Man: Yes, sir!

Nosaru: What is it, bro?

Gamma: We've caught a rabbit in our net.

Nosaru: We'll come with you!

Gamma: No, I can handle this alone.

Gamma: Maintain your position until you receive new orders.

Gamma: This is when we have a good chance of catching other rabbits.

Hana: Quiet.

Hana: They'll find us if you're too loud.

Kyoko: This voice is...

Hana: I finally found you.

Hana: But when did you cut your hair?

Hana: Shh.

Hana: Huh?

Hana: Kyoko, did you shrink?

Kyoko: It has to be...

Kyoko: The future version of...

Kyoko: Hana!

Hana: And your face looks younger too...

Hana: Am I dreaming?

Hana: Everything that's happened the past few days has felt like a dream.

Hana: Well, I don't mind if it's all a dream.

Hana: Come on, stop crying.

Hana: Still, what did you all do?

Kyoko: Huh?

Hana: Some dangerous people are looking for you.

Main: ,Right...

Hana: Anyway, it's dangerous to stay here.

Hana: Come to my place.

Hana: Oh, and I have a message from your brother.

Kyoko: From Ryohei?!

Hana: Come on. Let's run!

Main: ,Okay.

Tsuna: How did it look?

Lal: It doesn't seem like Sasagawa's sister has been caught yet.

Tsuna: Really? That's good.

Lal: But if she hasn't been found by their heavy surveillance,

Lal: what could that mean...?

Lal: Hide!

Lal: It's Gamma.

Tsuna: Th-That's him?

Lal: Did he find something?

Lal: That direction...

Lal: It couldn't be...

Yamamoto: This was where Hibird disappeared?

Yamamoto: Reminds me of the summer festival.

Yamamoto: Wonder if there's some kind of connection between Hibari and this shrine...

Yamamoto: Hey, know what we'll do if we really can't avoid a fight, like Lal Mirch said?

Yamamoto: If that happens, we'll show them our teamwork.

Yamamoto: Based on our weapons, I'd be up front, yeah?

Yamamoto: I'll charge in, so you use that chance to...

Gokudera: Don't get the wrong idea.

Gokudera: I've put up with you this whole time for the boss's sake.

Gokudera: I have no intention of joining forces with you for any other reason.

Yamamoto: You hate me more than I figured.

Gokudera: Of course!

Gokudera: A carefree baseball freak with no worries, like you,

Gokudera: belongs to the group of people I never want to talk to in my life.

Gokudera: I can't even stand being near you.

Yamamoto: Now you...

Yamamoto: Fine, we'll both be doing as we please.

Guy: What happened?!

Guy: Did you get them?

Guy: They disappeared?

Guy: What?!

Guy: A swallow?!

Yamamoto: Don't really know to use the swallow,

Yamamoto: but I guess it doesn't matter!

Guy: H-Hey!

Gokudera: That's right! Over here!

Gokudera: We trained ridiculously hard when we fought the Varia.

Gokudera: I won't lose if we both have rings.

Yamamoto: That was kind of using teamwork.

Gokudera: Don't butt in where you aren't needed.

Gokudera: I can handle this myself.

Gamma: I heard that the Vongolian Guardians turned tail and ran away to various places,

Gamma: but we've got some real cuties here.

Gokudera: Lightning...

Gamma: You're definitely the Guardians of the Rain and Storm Rings,

Gamma: but you look a lot younger than your pictures.

Gamma: In fact, too young.

Gamma: So the information Irie was after...

Gamma: Did the Vongola drink from the Fountain of Youth or something?

Gamma: Oh, well...

Gamma: Though, if I fight you, it'll feel more like punishment than a battle.

Gamma: It wouldn't be very mature of me to fight children.

Gokudera: I'll beat this loudmouth.

Gokudera: Don't butt in.

Yamamoto: Yeah, yeah.

Gokudera: I still have the deposit I set up for the other guys.

Yamamoto: Deposit?

Main: ,Hmm?

Gokudera: There's nowhere for you to run!

Gokudera: Die!

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: That Gamma guy was headed for the place Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto are?

Lal: The shrine would be the only significant structure in that direction.

Tsuna: Then the enemy found them?!

Tsuna: That's bad...

Tsuna: What do we do?!

Lal: It'll be impossible to rush to their aid with all these enemies on the lookout.

Tsuna: But...!

Lal: And even if we ran over to make it four against one,

Lal: I doubt our current strength would be enough to defeat Gamma.

Tsuna: H-He's that strong?

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun... Yamamoto...

Gokudera: I scored a hit.

Gamma: Not too bad.

Gokudera: What?!

Yamamoto: It didn't do anything!

Gamma: Oh, right. I haven't introduced myself yet.

Gamma: My name is Gamma. Pleasure to meet you.

Gokudera: This guy is...

Yamamoto: The one Lal Mirch mentioned...

Yamamoto: The super strong...

Yamamoto: Gokudera, we should probably work together here.

Gokudera: Shut up!

Yamamoto: Gokudera, you...

Gokudera: I said that I have no intention of joining forces with you.

Gokudera: Scram.

Yamamoto: Okay then.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Combination.
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