04x82 - The Strongest Guardian

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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04x82 - The Strongest Guardian

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We were living in peace and quiet, but...

Reborn: This is bad.

Reborn: I can't move.

Tsuna: Reborn got hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Reborn?

Tsuna: Where are you, Reborn?

Tsuna: Lambo!

Tsuna: Hey, give me this.

Main: ,Ouch!

Reborn: A terrible future awaited us.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Tsuna: Where is this?

Tsuna: Is this a coffin?

Tsuna: Wait?!

Tsuna: Why am I in a coffin?!

Reborn: More and more allies were sent to this time.

Main: ,Eek?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Main: ,Huh?!

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss was Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: Two things have become clear so far:

Reborn: The enemy's objective is to eliminate the Vongola Family.

Reborn: Our goal is to reach Shoichi Irie.

Reborn: To that end, we have to assemble the Guardians

Main: ,and begin learning to use the rings and boxes.

Reborn: You'd better get Deathperate, Tsuna.

Gokudera: Yamamoto!

Gokudera: Ya-Yamamoto?

Gamma: If his sword had been surrounded in Deathperation Flames,

Main: ,I might've taken a little damage.

Goku: He's uninjured.

Goku: N-No way... How?

Goku: The fox?

Goku: The fox blocked it?

Goku: You're kidding. I thought I extinguished his Deathperation Flames!

Gamma: Well now, we have a few issues here.

Gamma: When did Vongola X come back to life?

Gamma: You'll have to fill me in on that.

On Screen: ,Target The Strongest Guardian

Gamma: Will you tell me?

Gamma: When did Vongola X come back to life?

Gamma: So you don't feel like talking?

Gamma: Then I guess I'll tell you something first.

Gamma: Wanna know why your prized attack didn't affect me?

Gamma: This is called a Battery Box.

Gamma: It's a Box w*apon that keeps reserve flames.

Gamma: I opened this before my flames were blown away,

Main: ,and the Elettro Volpi remained and protected me.

Gamma: Of course,

Main: ,I wouldn't have brought it if Nosaru hadn't told me about your Box w*apon.

Gokudera: So he prepared in advance knowing the abilities of my w*apon...

Gamma: Anyway, playtime's over.

Gokudera: This is bad...

Gamma: I was surprised by how young you guys are,

Main: ,but you are of the Vongola Family.

Gamma: They excel at controlling information.

Gamma: But,

Main: ,if Vongola X is alive, that's a pretty big deal.

Gamma: A number of my companions saw him shot.

Gokudera: Shot?

Main: ,The boss was shot?

Gokudera: You...

Gokudera: How dare you!

Gokudera: I won't ever forgive you guys!

Gamma: So now, tell me...

Gamma: Why is Vongola X alive?

Gamma: And where is he right now?

Gokudera: Like... I'd ever tell you...

Gamma: Oh, there's another thing I'm curious about...

Gamma: I remember seeing a ring like the one you're wearing.

Gamma: What type of prank is this?

Gamma: Spill it!

Gamma: I only need one person to answer me.

Main: ,I have no need for you.

Gokudera: Stop-

A: We have a situation, Master Irie.

A: Master Irie!

A: Excuse me.

A: Master Irie.

A: Master Irie, please wake up.

Irie: I'm getting tired of this.

A: We have a situation, Master Irie.

Irie: Situation?

A: We see two new rings on the radar. They're quite strong.

A: They could be the Vongola Rings...

Irie: Huh? What was that?

Irie: Are they here?

Irie: Why haven't we found them yet?

Irie: Why would they suddenly appear at the shrine...?

Irie: These don't work.

A: It seems the radars were broken.

Irie: Broken?

A: Here you are.

Irie: You mean all of the independently-operating radars, at the same time?

A: The chance of this happening is close to nil.

A: It's safe to assume that there was human interference.

Irie: Human interference...?

Irie: So you're saying it was an inside job?

A: That's under investigation.

A: But all of Black Spell's rd squad have been deployed to Namimori.

Irie: The rd squad...

Irie: Anything regarding the Vongola, no matter how small it is, even if it's a rumor...

Main: ,Whatever comes up, could you pass it directly to me?

Gamma: All right. Well, roger that.

Irie: Damn it!

Irie: It was that guy.

A: What's the matter?

Irie: I have to contact Byakuran-san.

A: What's wrong?

A: Master Irie, are you okay?

Irie: My stomach... hurts.

Irie: I guess it's starting.

Irie: I wonder if he's here too?

Main: ,Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Tsuna: I can see it!

Lal: A little less than a kilometer left.

Tsuna: There's smoke... There's smoking coming from there!

Lal: So Gamma did go after Gokudera and Yamamoto.

Tsuna: Please be okay...

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun... Yamamoto...

Gamma: You're running out of time. You'd better spill it already.

Gokudera: Why... would I?

Gamma: Oh, did you say something?

Gamma: I see...

Gamma: If that's what you want...

Gamma: I guess we'll be saying farewell here.

Gamma: I have no intent of giving you to the White Spell guys.

Gamma: I'll let the Guardian of the Rain Ring rest in peace too.

Gamma: Farewell.

Tsuna: What was that?

Tsuna: Did something happen to Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto?

Lal: Let's hurry. Something's happening.

Gamma: This power... Who did this?

Hibari: I'll give you a hint on what you want to know.

Hibari: They've come from the past.

Hibari: I'm not an idiot, so I won't get switched.

Gamma: You seem quite well-informed.

Gamma: If you want to join the fight, it'd be best if you named yourself.

Hibari: There's no point.

Hibari: I'm in a bad mood now.

Hibari: I'm going to

Main: ,bite you to death right here.

I-Pin: What's wrong, Lambo?

Lambo: Something smells good.

Lambo: This way!

I-Pin: Lambo, where are you going?!

I-Pin: Wait!

Janini: The meat is done cooking.

Main: ,Eek?

Haru: Umm, we're supposed to add carrots, onions, cabbage, and celery...

On Screen: ,"Russian food you can cook at home"

Haru: Oh, but before that, please cut the meat into bite-sized pieces.

Janini: Okay, leave that to me.

Haru: Tsuna-san and everyone will bring Kyoko-chan back safe and sound.

Haru: So we have to do our part too.

Janini: Despite my appearance.

Main: ,I learned to be an excellent cook when I lived in Italy.

Main: ,Eek?

Haru: Oh, really?

Haru: In that case, let's make some delicious food while we wait!

Janini: There, the meat is cut.

Haru: Okay, let's make a stew with the vegetables.

Lambo: Something smells good. What is it?

Haru: It's tonight's dinner.

Janini: Today's main dish is borscht.

Janini: We're having radish salad with pigs-in-a-blanket.

Janini: And for dessert, we'll be having grapefruit jelly.

Lambo: Lambo-san wants!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants some right now!

Haru: Once Tsuna-san and the others get back.

Janini: And we need to boil it a little longer, or it won't be delicious.

I-Pin: Lambo, you're in the way.

Haru: Huh?

Haru: Lambo-chan, you have a tear on your butt.

Haru: I'll sew it up for you, so take it off.

Lambo: Take it off?

Haru: It'll be okay. I'm good at sewing.

Reborn: While you're at it, change his diapers, would you?

Haru: Reborn-chan.

Lambo: You droop-down eyebrow!

Lambo: I don't wear diapers!

Reborn: You're so irritating.

Main: ,Eek!

Haru: Lambo-chan!

Reborn: There's not enough tomato paste.

Main: ,Eek!

Haru: I forgot it!

Janini: You're awesome, Reborn-san.

Haru: Umm, where was the tomato paste?

Haru: I thought it was...

Hana: Doesn't look all that different.

Kyoko: Yeah.

Hana: Worried about Sawada?

Main: ,Huh?

Kyoko: Y-Yeah...

Hana: Well, stay strong.

Hana: If you do that, he'll be okay.

Main: ,Huh?

Hana: I don't know what he's gotten himself into,

Main: ,but he'll be fine. He'll pull through somehow.

Kyoko: Hana...

Gamma: Hmm? I remember...

Gamma: You're the Vongola Guardian of the Cloud Ring, Kyoya Hibari.

Hibari: So?

Gamma: Given your actions, our intelligence bureau had some trouble with you.

Main: ,They couldn't tell whether you're an enemy or ally of the Vongola.

Gamma: According to one of the most prominent rumors,

Main: ,you seem to be fixated on the world's seven wonders.

Gamma: You seem to be searching for information about the Box Weapons.

Hibari: Is that what you think?

Gamma: I agree that I'm reluctant to entrust my life to some unknown force.

Gamma: So have you figured out who made these,

Main: ,and for what purpose, and how?

Hibari: I don't intend to tell you.

Hibari: I told you. I'm in a bad mood.

Gamma: I guess that makes you part of the Vongola...

Gamma: When your comrades are about to get done in,

Main: ,you can't sit there and watch, right?

Hibari: No, what I'm angry about is

Main: ,how the order of Namimori is being disrupted.

Gamma: Order? Well, whatever.

Gamma: I'm happy that I get to set the new record for taking out enemy Guardians.

Gamma: I'm a a boy too, after all.

Gamma: The hedgehog is cute, but that's some incredible power.

Gamma: It's amazing he can get that much box movement with that third-rate ring.

Hibari: I have a higher capacity as a living creature than you.

Gamma: The ring broke, unable to hold up to the pulses.

Hibari: How about we start?

Gamma: So he's just using his rings and throwing them out.

Gamma: I've never met someone like him before.

Gamma: He's no pushover.

Gamma: He ripped through my tougher lightning flames with cloud flames?

Hibari: Stand up.

Hibari: Nice job avoiding damage.

Gamma: I guess the rumor about you being the strongest,

Main: ,if you really were a Guardian, were true.

Gamma: Sucks.

Gamma: Now I'm starting to enjoy this.

Gamma: Sorry, but there aren't enough openings

Main: ,in this shot for someone to dodge it and survive.

Hibari: We'll see.

Gamma: Number Ball!

Gamma: Bingo.

Hibari: Doesn't look like I'll be able to avoid them all.

Hibari: So, I've decided I'll let just this one hit.

Main: ,What?

Gamma: He figured out the best way

Main: ,to take the least amount of damage in one instant...

Gamma: That's why he put a defensive flame into this left arm from early on.

Gamma: What a guy.

Hibari: You can't run now.

Gamma: But... that's different story.

Gamma: Sorry about this, but...

Gamma: What... is this?

Hibari: I told you. You can't run now.

Gamma: That hedgehog...

Hibari: Yes.

Hibari: Using the fox's flame, he was able to release many needles...

Hibari: Just like how clouds use dust in the atmosphere to expand.

Gamma: I see...

Main: ,The specialty of a Box w*apon belonging to Cloud is propagation.

Gamma: But, our Cloud user never once showed me that organic material could expand so much.

Gamma: What a nonsensical box.

Hibari: No, it has a wonderful power. It's actually very interesting.

Hibari: Time for this to end.

Tsuna: Once we go through here...

Tsuna: That's...

Hibari: You guys are too late.

Gamma: That kid couldn't be...

Main: ,Next time:

Main: ,Information Divulged.
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