05x117 - Storm Fights Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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05x117 - Storm Fights Back

Post by bunniefuu »

Yamamoto: Scontro di Rondine.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Scontro di Rondine

Reborn: You pass.

Gokudera: Okay. SISTEMA C.A.I is almost complete.

Gokudera: All that's left is to figure out...

Gokudera: how to explain this thing to the boss.

Tsuna: Use soft flames as support...

Tsuna: And hard flames to...

Tsuna: Fire!

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: After being sent ten years into the future,

Reborn: we made our move to return to the past.

Tsuna: Open it, Giannini!

All: Let's go!

Reborn: We're after Shoichi Irie, who's in Merone Base.

Reborn: He has to be the key to this entire mess.

Reborn: But this isn't an easy task.

Reborn: Lal Mirch was left incapacitated

Reborn: after her battle with the Magician's Doll, Ginger Bread.

Reborn: And...

Tsuna: I'll end this.

Tsuna: X BURNER: Air!

Reborn: Tsuna, after defeating a difficult opponent, King Moska, fell into enemy hands.

Reborn: And then...

Yamamoto: The floor...!

Ryohei: Whoa!

Gokudera: Yamamoto!

Ryohei: No!

Gokudera: Grab my hand, Yamamoto!

Yamamoto: Gokudera!

Reborn: Everybody was separated after Merone Base's shuffling...

Reborn: Gokudera and Ryohei, Yamamoto and Lal Mirch...

Reborn: Now is the time to show off the fruits of your training.

Reborn: It's do or die.

Gamma: I'll end your suffering.

Gamma: They're frightened...

Goku: What?

Gokudera: It doesn't sound like a kitten...

Gokudera: I'm pretty sure that Uri...

Gokudera: He was sent flying toward the kangaroo...

Gokudera: Inside his pouch?!

Gokudera: That's...!

Gokudera: C-Could you be...

Gokudera: The matured product from the kangaroo's Sun active factor...

Gokudera: Uri?!

Dialogue: On Screen,Target : Target Storm Fights Back

Reborn: What are you doing, Tsuna?

Reborn: Put those contact lenses on.

Tsuna: O-Okay...

Span: What, don't you trust me?

: Huh?

Span: I guess I understand. As a Millefiore, I'm technically your enemy.

Tsuna: N-No...

Tsuna: I'm not doubting you...

Span: Really?

Tsuna: Umm, I don't know... You don't strike me as an enemy, is all.

Tsuna: You saved me when I was unconscious...

Reborn: Tsuna's a giant softie.

Reborn: He always shows mercy, even to people who were his enemies a second ago.

: Wha--?

Reborn: But that's one of the great things about him.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Reborn: And he's a good judge of character.

Tsuna: Huh? Y-You really think that?

Reborn: Don't get cocky. You're still a stupid, gullible loser.

Tsuna: Wait! Wait, don't sh**t!

Span: He's seriously scared of the hologram...

Span: You Vongola are fascinating.

Goku: Are you Uri?

Goku: Don't stick your claws out!

Goku: But that attitude confirms my suspicions.

Goku: You are Uri!

Gamma: Using a big stray cat like that is cheating.

Goku: What incredible flames... Was he holding back before?

Goku: U-Uri?

Goku: You're...

Goku: You're protecting me?

Goku: Wait, Uri!

Gamma: Destroy it.

Goku: Uri!

Gamma: What?

Goku: This is...

Goku: The power of the fully-grown Uri...

Goku: I thought he was just a kitten... A useless w*apon...

Goku: But Uri is part of SISTEMA C.A.I.!

Goku: Turf top!

Ryohei: L-Listen up, Gokudera.

Ryohei: If I go down, those ropes will disappear.

Ryohei: Like me, you've got a nasty habit

Ryohei: of letting the blood go to your head way too fast.

Ryohei: Be patient.

Goku: He knew this would happen...

Gamma: I guess I underestimated the stray kitty a bit.

Goku: Hey, don't screw with me.

Goku: You were talking about me being ready, right?

Gamma: Yeah. I'm ready in a way you aren't.

Gamma: This is no game.

Gamma: I'm putting my life on the line here.

Goku: Shut your trap!

Goku: A game?

Goku: You're the one who couldn't possibly understand how ready we are.

Goku: Just a bit more...

Goku: Just a bit more, and I'll be able to fully understand SISTEMA C.A.I.

Goku: What's going on in there?

Goku: Boss!

Goku: Are you okay, boss?

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-kun...

Hibari: What are you doing?

Hibari: We're not done here.

Goku: How dare you do that to the boss!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun, thanks.

Tsuna: But I chose to do this.

Tsuna: Boss...?

Goku: Once more please, Hibari-san.

Hibari: Of course.

Hibari: Come.

Tsuna: I have to get stronger to send everyone back to the past.

Tsuna: So...

Hibari: What are you sitting around for, Hayato Gokudera?

Goku: This is the boss's resolve...

Hibari: This here's one of my Box Weapons.

Hibari: Now I can show you the full power of SISTEMA C.A.I.

Hibari: I'll show you my... No... Our resolve!

Hibari: Don't underestimate the Vongola.

Hibari: This here's one of my Box Weapons.

Hibari: Now I can show you the full power of SISTEMA C.A.I.

Hibari: I'll show you my... No... Our resolve!

Hibari: Don't underestimate the Vongola.

Gamma: Oh my, how pointlessly fired-up you are.

Gamma: But remember what I said, slick lines and dramatic poses aren't enough to beat me.

Goku: Don't worry.

Goku: I've got my partner here.

Goku: Now!

Goku: Uri, I'm leaving them to you.

Gamma: We've been split up!

Gamma: I'll show you how the Vongola Guardian of the Storm Ring fights!

Gamma: Always on the offensive!

Gamma: An endless storm of att*cks!

Gamma: I'll remember that.

Gamma: You're finished.

Gamma: He's gone?

Gamma: Below?

Goku: No, you are.

Gamma: I can't die yet...

Gamma: Princess...

Nosaru: Tazaru!

Tazaru: Nosaru?

Nosaru: Something weird's going on, Tazaru!

Nosaru: Gamma sent you back here, huh?

Nosaru: I told you to give up.

Nosaru: No! I couldn't catch up to him!

Nosaru: Anyway, weird things are happening outside.

Tazaru: What?

Nosaru: The rooms and hallways are in different places.

Nosaru: What's going on?

Tazaru: So that quake earlier...

: Yeah.

Tazaru: It's probably Irie's doing.

Nosaru: Without a word to us in Black Spell?!

Tazaru: It can't be helped. It's not like we trust White Spell either.

Nosaru: Then, Gamma...

Tazaru: You don't need to worry about him.

Tazaru: He's back at the top of his game.

Nosaru: Why did he come here?

Nosaru: The Phantom Knight!

Nosaru: Gamma's been acting strangely ever since he arrived...

Phantom: Sibling rivalry, is it?

Nosaru: H-He's...

Tazaru: Phantom Knight!

Phantom: Have you recovered from your injuries, Gamma?

Gamma: Why are you here?

Phantom: We need to talk.

Nosaru: Gamma!

Nosaru: Gamma...

Nosaru: Ever since then, he hasn't been himself.

Nosaru: What's the Phantom Knight doing here?

Nosaru: I don't like him.

Tazaru: Nosaru...

Nosaru: What he said to Gamma that one time...

Sho: Any who object may step forward.

Gamma: That'd be me.

Nosaru: Bro!

Gen: I've come per Byakuran-sama's orders.

Gen: I will k*ll any who stand against Irie-sama.

Gen: How dare he speak that way to Gamma!

Gen: It's like he's one of Irie's subordinates!

Gen: But he belongs to Black Spell, just like us!

Gen: He was part of the Giglionero Family too!

Gamma: Okay, we lost 'em.

Tazaru: I never thought I'd escape on a horse in this day and age.

Gamma: Don't whine, Tazaru.

Gamma: It's perfect for heading to the oldest hideout the Giglionero Family has.

Gamma: I can see it.

Gamma: Don't sh**t.

Gamma: It's me.

Guys: It's Gamma and Tazaru!

Guys: You're safe?

Nosaru: Bro!

Gamma: Tazaru's been wounded.

Gamma: Tend to him.

Nosaru: Tazaru!

Tazaru: It's nothing.

Guy: Where's the enemy?

Guy: What happened to the Gesso Family?

Gamma: We lost them somehow.

Tazaru: We're not out of the game yet.

Tazaru: We hit 'em back pretty hard.

Gamma: They shouldn't be able to follow us this far.

Nosaru: Great work!

Gamma: How's the boss?

Guy: W-Well...

Gamma: Where is she?

Phantom: Thank you for being a decoy, Gamma.

Gamma: What happened to the boss?

Phantom: She could not overcome her illness.

Gamma: The room in back?

Phantom: Yes.

Phantom: Gamma...

Gamma: Boss...

Gamma: I'll be back, boss.

Boss: Gamma, thank you for everything.

: Huh?

Boss: This is the last time I'll see you.

Gamma: What are you saying?

Gamma: You're just a bit tired, you'll soon be fine!

Gamma: Besides, we'll wipe out those Gesso bastards

Gamma: and the Family will be together...

: like the old days.

Gamma: I never thought this would actually happen.

Gamma: She was doing so well until yesterday...

Gamma: If only I'd believed her...

Gamma: It's our job to protect our boss.

Gamma: I swore to protect her no matter what.

Gamma: Damn it...

Gamma: If only I'd...

Gamma: It's my fault.

Princess: That's not true, Gamma.

Princess: Welcome back.

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: We don't know what our guest today will do.

Reborn: Be careful, Haru.

Haru: Eek! I-Is he that dangerous?

Haru: Today's guest is M-Mukuro Rokudo!

Haru: Ah! So pretty!

Haru: Is this owl Mukuro-san?

Reborn: Of course not.

Reborn: Come out, Mukuro.

Mukuro: You're so impatient, Arcobaleno.

Haru: Where is that voice coming from?!

Mukuro: I wanted to surprise you.

Reborn: Shut your mouth and show yourself.

Haru: Eek! Wh-What is this?!

Mukuro: Illusions... Real illusions...

Mukuro: Real illusions hiding within illusions...

Mukuro: Illusions born from real illusions...

Mukuro: Lies hidden in the truth...

Mukuro: Truth hidden in the lies...

Mukuro: This is Mist.

Haru: Eek! You certainly surprised me!

Reborn: Isn't that "mist" just dry ice?

Mukuro: Honestly, you're so rude, Arcobaleno.

Reborn: And you're stalling.

Reborn: Get on with it, Haru.

Haru: Amazing!

Haru: Magic!

Haru: Illusions!

Haru: Are you a magician, Mukuro-san?

Mukuro: It's no mere trick.

Mukuro: You don't seem to fear me. What an interesting girl you are.

Mukuro: Perhaps it would be fun to make a new contract...

Reborn: Not a good idea.

Reborn: She's into cosplay.

: It'd be pretty embarrassing to possess her while she's

: dressed up as something weird.

Haru: What? I think my outfits are cool!

Haru: And you cosplay all the time too!

Reborn: My disguises are dignified masterpieces, nothing at all like yours.

Mukuro: I see.

Mukuro: I have an interest in fashion as well.

Mukuro: I find the attire of Japanese students to be especially fascinating.

Haru: I see!

Haru: So you cosplay too!

Mukuro: No.

Mukuro: I'd prefer to not be likened to you.

Haru: What other types of clothes do you like?

Haru: By the way, I like your unique hairstyle too!

Haru: Is it hard to do?

Haru: Ah! I know!

Haru: Want to dress like this with me?

Haru: I'm really proud of it!

Haru: We could all wear these and show them to Tsuna-san and the others...

Haru: Mukuro-san?

Mukuro: Something has come up. I must depart.

Mukuro: Farewell.

Haru: Aw, nuts!

Haru: How about you, Reborn-chan?!

Haru: Eek! He left too!

Haru: Oh well.

Haru: That's all for this week's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: See you again next time!

Haru: And it's so cute too...

Next time: Next time:

Next time: The Princess's Conviction.
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