01x17 - Life's a Drag

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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01x17 - Life's a Drag

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 90210:

Miss Silver, I am transferring you
out of this class.

What is this about?

Calling me a child-molesting pervert
on your blog

and almost costing me my job.

- Did you she what she wrote?
- She got carried away.

- So, I'm back in your class?
- Yeah.

- Hey, Naomi.
- That's not fair. You know my name,

- but I don't know yours.
- Liam.

What if you send him champagne,
telling him to meet you by the pool?

I just knew
that I wanted to stop thinking,

so I took all my mom's sleeping pills.

Annie, tell us a story of your life,

something really painful.

I took these sleeping pills from
my mom's medicine cabinet.

It wasn't a story! It's her life!

I know what I did was wrong
and I'm ashamed of myself.

I love you and I wanna be with you.

I wanted to get something permanent
to symbolize our love.

I wanna introduce a student
who's gonna be joining your class.

You're in high school?

My mom had to sign for that
bottle of champagne you sent,

which sort of tipped her off
that I wasn't enrolled here.


Can we talk?

Look, I'm sorry I sent the champagne
to your house.

I didn't mean to get you in trouble.
I thought you lived alone.

Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.

It was a really stupid thing to do
and I'm sorry.

Can we start over?

Hi, I'm Naomi.

Hi, Naomi.

Turn off your cell phone.

Turn it off.

- Hello?
- Good morning, Miss Clark. It's 7:30.

Yeah, I know. I'm up, I'm up.
I'm wide awake. Thank you.

- Have a nice day.
- Bye.

Right shoe. Where's my left shoe?
I can't find my left shoe.

- Where is it?
- Relax.

I can't. We just had sex
in the media room.

- I know.
- If somebody would've walked in...

The janitor's
gonna have to get his kicks elsewhere.

I'm the principal's son.
I can't get caught like this.

So media room,
much better than under the bleachers.

But not as good as the cafeteria.

Where do you want to try next?
Someplace really freaky.

- I got one.
- Toss it to me, baby.

- How about a bed?
- A bed?

- In a furniture store?
- No.

A tanning bed.

A bed of roses?

Huntington Gardens.
I love that idea!

Come on, would you stop that?

Hey, wait up.

Come on, don't do that to me.


So I have a hunch that Mrs. Winters
is gonna give us a pop quiz today.

Whenever it rains,
the next day, she gives us a pop quiz.

Maybe the humidity
makes her vengeful or...

Hey, can you wait up? Your legs
are longer than mine. It's not fair.

Oh, sorry.

- Eth, is this ever gonna end?
- What?


This you being mad at me

and me apologizing
over and over and over again.

You can stop apologizing.
I hear you.

Then what? What is it?

I don't know. I just feel like...

I don't know. Like I don't know you.

Because of this one thing?

Because I told Rhonda's story?

When I was watching you
tell her story, I was horrified,

but I was also impressed.

You are a very good actress, Annie.

I had no idea who you were.

And that makes me wonder
who we are.

So try to think about these poems

in terms of positive
and negative space.

The positive space is the words.

And the negative space is the meaning
that we impose on those words.

You know, rarely does a poem just,
you know, come right out

and say something straightforward.

No kidding. That's the problem.

Not the problem.

It's the beauty.

You know, it's up to us
to interpret poems,

to understand them,
to make them valid.

So, please, I beg you,
don't let your poems down.

And not that any of you
would wait until the last minute,

but just a friendly reminder,

your poetry presentations
do begin tomorrow.

I gotta say
I'm loving this assignment, Matthews.

When did we lose the "mister"?

- Do I not command respect?
- This poem that you assigned me,

I absolutely love it.

- Shoutout to Lord Byron.
- I'll be straight with you,

I have never really liked
love poems before, you know.

They're so, like, over-the-top

and grandiose or sappy
or just full of crap, you know.

I'll take that as a metaphor.

I never really got them, you know.
It's like:

My love is like a rose

Your eyes are like
A filthy swimming pool

I'm not familiar with that one.

Poetry was this foreign language
to me, okay?

And now I get it.

And I don't know if it's because
I actually know what love is

or because you somehow
broke through this thick skull of mine.

But suddenly these poems,
it's like they're not gibberish anymore.

Love is like a rose.

It is.

Miss Silver,
I do believe you're inspired.

And I also believe
you could lay off the coffee a little bit.

Okay, I wanted to check with you.

I wanna show a film
as my presentation.

I've been working on it and I'm fairly
sure it's gonna blow your mind.

Sounds good. I take it you're familiar
with the equipment in the media lab?

You have no idea how familiar
I am with that equipment.

What formula would you use
to find the volume?

Mr. Court,
so glad you've decided to join us.

Would you like to tell us
what formula you would use

to find the volume
of a triangular prism?

No idea.

It's one-half times length,
times width, times height.

- That ring a bell?
- Nope.

Well, where did you leave off
in your last math class?

Do you know how to figure out
the area of a rectangle?

How to classify triangles?

Okay, well, it looks like
you have to play a little catch-up.

Who would like
to go over past exams with Liam?

For extra credit, of course.


Yeah. I could really use
the extra credit.


What kind of guy drops out of
high school to work as a bartender?

What kind of guy
barely speaks to you

before he throws you
up against the wall and starts to...

Show you the banana in his pants?

Yeah, that was a dream.

I know that, okay?

I don't have a lot to work with.
He's a complete enigma.

Well, you know what they say:

"The way to a man's heart
is through math. "


What was I supposed to do?
I have to get him to forgive me.

I mean, if it was Ethan,
I'd just give him pot stickers.

Those always put him
in a good mood.

God, I don't know anything
about Liam.

I mean, I don't know where he stands
on the whole pot sticker spectrum.

Okay, well, putting a pin
in the pot sticker issue,

did you Google him?

Hi. Of course, I did.

He has no digital footprints,
no MySpace, no Facebook.

Well, how does he
SuperPoke people?

He's a complete mystery.

Josh in history class
says he's in a g*ng.

No. That doesn't seem right at all.
He's a complete loner.

I definitely couldn't see him
wearing a do-rag.

Did you hear
about the cooking-meth rumor?

Yeah, from Sally.

She also said she went on a date
with Rob Pattinson.

Yeah, she's clearly full of it.

Hopefully, I'll find out
real information from him today

during the tutoring session.

Yeah, not this afternoon, you won't.

Your enigma is driving away.

Hey, Spielberg, I gotta get through.

- Enjoy.
- Wait. Look at me. Look at me.

It's so good. Wanna try?

And got it.

Now I'm dizzy.

So, what was that shot for?

Okay, that's the shot when the heroine
experiences love for the first time.

You know, her entire world
just starts spinning.

That's pretty cool.

- Far be it for me to toot my own horn...
- By all means, toot away.

Dixon, it's crazy.

It's like the moment that I decided
to do the poem as a film,

this whole entire concept
just came to me,

scene by scene and shot by shot.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do,
you know.

I can't wait for you to see it.

- What's next?
- Well, I do need to refuel.

So, what can I get you?

How about...

...an order of Dixon,
dressing on the side.

Hey, you and me in the storage room,
right now.

I'm working.

Yeah. You work in the service industry,

All right, you know,
I gotta go on break in a minute.

You don't think this is too big
for the kitchen?

- No.
- All right.

Did I ever tell you
that you are the love of my life?

The last time was when I was carrying
a gigantic teak bookshelf up the stairs.

Well, what can I say?

Seeing you carry heavy objects
reminds me how much I love you.

- That plant is too big for the kitchen.
- Annie.

You're supposed to be at rehearsal.

I quit.

What? Why would you quit?

You know, it was such a small part,
it really wasn't worth my time.

Okay, come on.
What is it they say:

"There are no small parts,
just small actors. "

Yeah, well, whoever said that
got the lead.

Besides, I'm not sure that being
in the play is good for me and Ethan.

What do you mean?

It's not a big deal. Okay?

There will be other plays.

And I just need to focus
on my relationship right now.

- Do something.
- What do you want me to do?

You wanna tackle her
and force her to go to rehearsal?

I don't know. But she should be
focusing on herself

and what's important to her

and not making decisions
based on some boy.

- I agree.
- Well, then, let's do something.

Ground her
or forbid her from seeing Ethan.

Honey, really?


Yes. I don't know.
And don't honey me.

She is making a huge mistake

and you are refusing
to do anything about it.

And that plant
is way too big for the kitchen.


Jeez, Matthews, you scared me.

Sorry about that.

I'm taking off.
I wanted to see how you're doing.

I'm great, actually.

This project has made me realize
that I wanna be a filmmaker.

I'm gonna make movies.

That's cool. I gotta say
I like movies better than blogs.

It totally makes sense.

I've always been a visual person.

It's just I'm crap
at painting and drawing.

So film is this perfect medium
for me.

You know,
I don't have to create the image,

I just have to capture it
and then connect them.

- Well, just thank me at the Oscars.
- You got it.

So look, I know everybody
gets 10 minutes for their presentation,

but I can't cut it down to that.

Maybe if I make
some really big trims,

I can get it down to 45 minutes.
What do you think?

Are you out of your mind?

Aim for 10, all right?
We have other students in the class.

You just lost your Oscar shoutout.

Well, I'll survive.

Oh, good, you're awake.

Silver, what are you doing here?

Morning, baby.

I'm gonna rock your world.


- Hey, what are you doing?
- What do you think?

I don't know.

Wait. You wanna have sex here?

You're the one
who wanted to do it in a bed.

Yeah, but my parents
are right down the hall sleeping.

That's funny. I didn't sleep a wink.

Oh, but I finished my movie
and baby, it's a masterpiece.

Wow, okay. Cool.

Now I'm ready to celebrate.

Whoa, hey, Silver, take it easy.

My movie, it's all about love
and you are my inspiration.

Well, let me inspire you later.

Dixon, you are gonna freak out
when you see my film.

Of course, I ran into a little glitch,

because Matthews is insisting
on the 10-minute thing.

But then I realized it's gonna be
wasted on a classroom anyway.

So I'm gonna rent a theater.

- Are you kidding?
- It's a bit expensive,

but it's a huge investment
for my future.

And you're gonna come
to the screening, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

As long as
my parents don't find you in here.

- Dead people can't go to screenings.
- You're so cute when you're nervous.

I'm much, much less cute
if I'm dead.

- Trust me.
- Fine. Fine.

I wonder if Scorsese has such
a hard time getting morning action.

Yeah. Yeah.

It's gonna be amazing.
I love you.

I love you too.

Come on, come on.

- You will give me coffee.
- Good morning, Dad.

When the machines finally wage w*r
against their human oppressors,

do you think they're gonna start big,
supercomputers, subway system,

or do you think they're gonna send out
the foot soldiers?

You know, electric pencil sharpeners,
digital clocks, coffee makers.

- Coffee makers?
- Never mind.

Just the ravings
of a caffeine-deprived Luddite.

You all right?

Yeah, yeah, sure. Just thinking.

You know, why is it so hard
to understand women?

And, thus, the beginnings
of another classic comedy routine.

- Sorry, Mom, no offense.
- None taken.

- What's with the coffee maker?
- I think it's busted.

- Women troubles?
- No, no, no.

Silver's just very emotional, you know.
She's so over-the-top with things.

- Well, she is a teenager.
- And a woman.

What's that supposed to mean?
Have you tried plugging it in?

See, women may be
crazy emotional,

but sometimes
they are great with gadgets.

What, you think women
are crazy emotional?

Well, come on, hon,
that thing with Annie yesterday?

- You got upset for no good reason.
- It struck a nerve.

This whole idea of a young woman
giving up what she cares about

for the man in her life.

I guess sometimes I feel like I've
given up too much of my photography.

Well, I never wanted you
to give up anything.

I know.
I wanted to take a bit of a break

to help us get adjusted to California
and everything,

but now I'm missing it.

Somewhere there's that elusive
balance between family and career

and right now that balance
is a little bit off.



"Went to school. Peace, D."

I think that we missed the opportunity

to give a very inspirational
parental pep talk.


- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

Look, sorry
I've been sort of avoiding you,

but I just wanted to sort things out
in my head before I talked to you.

Okay. So you're all sorted then?

Yeah. Yeah.

I have a girlfriend.

And, yes, we're going through
a rocky patch,

but we're trying to work it out.

Great. Well, I'm thrilled for you both.

No, I still want us
to be friends, though.

Well, I'm sorry, Ethan,
but it's not up to you.

Being friends is not what I want.

We had a connection
and you can deny it all you want,

- but it was still there.
- No, I'm not denying it.

But I'm with Annie.

- And that's that.
- Well, I can't just pretend

that I don't have feelings for you.

And that's that.

So where does that leave us?

I guess that we're just... not friends.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to tutor you.
Remember, you ditched me yesterday.

It's because I don't need a tutor.

Look, Liam, I'm really sorry
about the champagne.

I feel really bad.

It was an honest mistake.
I didn't mean to get you in trouble.

Can we just start over?

Hi, I'm Naomi.

What do you want from me, Naomi?

- Nothing.
- So why are you here?

I'm here to tutor you in math,
of course.

Of course.

Well, knock yourself out.


So we'll just start with the basics.
We're studying angles.

Here we go.

There's different types of angles.

- These two are not acute.
- Not acute?

No, they... Acute angles
are less than 180...

Less than 90 degrees, I mean.

These are congruent.

- Supplementary.
- What?

Interior angles on the same side
of the transversal are supplementary.

They need to be on opposite sides
of the transverse to be congruent.

- How do you know that?
- I told you, I don't need a tutor.

Now, I would love to hear you
to take a whack at obtuse angles,

but I gotta take off.
So how about you get off my car?

What do you say
you take me with you?

It's not your kind of scene.

I'm willing to take that risk.


But don't say I didn't warn you.

You're in for a long ride.

Please, un-quit the play, okay?

We desperately,
desperately need you.

- I can't.
- Why not?

This whole acting thing,
it's messing with me.

Doesn't it feel weird

constantly putting yourself
in someone else's brain?

Are you kidding? I love it.
It takes me out of my own.

Yeah, well, I don't wanna forget
who I am right now. I can't.

I gotta get back to being the girl
that Ethan fell in love with.

This is about Ethan.

Kind of.

We're having problems.

Something really bad happened
the night of the Valentine's dance.

Yeah, I know. I heard.

You did? How?

Well, Navid, he kind of saw.

Navid saw?

Wait. What are you talking about?

You first.
What exactly did Navid see?

Well, I don't even know if it's true.

Navid's vision
does weird things at night.

- Adrianna?
- He thought he saw a baby alien once

- and it turned out to be a squirrel.
- Adrianna, what did he see?

He saw Ethan and Rhonda kissing
in the parking lot

after the Valentine's Day dance.

I cannot believe you fooled around
with my boyfriend!

- Can we go somewhere?
- You're such a hypocrite, both of you,

going around talking about honesty
and how the accident changed you

and all the great things you wanna do
to expand your horizons.

Little did I know
expanding your horizons

was actually code
for becoming a lying, cheating whore.

Okay, look, I am not that kind of girl.

I thought you guys were over.

- Well, guess what, we're not.
- Yeah, I know.

Ethan explained that things have been
kind of rocky between you two.

He also said that as long
as he had a girlfriend,

that nothing was gonna happen
between us.

Great. So you're just lying around
ready to pounce?

No, of course not.

I totally get why you're mad.

But this isn't a conversation
to have with me.

It's a conversation
you need to have with your boyfriend.

It's me.

I heard about you
and your valentine.

I'm so angry,
I can't even find words.

Except I can.
Yeah, a couple, like liar and cheater!

Great work today, you especially.

- Excellent.
- Ms. Casey?

- Yeah.
- Hi.

So look, I made a mistake
in quitting the play.

I don't even know
what I was thinking.

Well, I do,
but I think differently now.

And I would really
like to play Charmain again.

Is it too late?

I'm sorry, Annie.

Cammy Zuggler
is now playing Charmain.

Maybe next semester.

Are you okay?

She wouldn't let me back in the play.

No, I meant about the Ethan stuff.

I'm really sorry.

Why? You didn't kiss Rhonda.

Yo, Annie. Juno.

A bunch of us
are gonna go hang at Griffith Park.

- You want in?
- Negatory.

I have a date with Navid.


I'll go.

Hey, it's me.

I heard about you
and your valentine.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- It's good to see you.
- Thanks.

- Hey, Mary, Kendra.
- Hi.

- Welcome.
- Thanks.

- Ladies.
- Good luck.

Where is everyone?
I put a big invite on my blog.

- Well, it was kind of last-minute.
- Our school is full of losers.

What could they possibly have
going on tonight?

Sir Matthews, welcome.

- Way to get around the time limit.
- I didn't wanna butcher the narrative.

Yeah, well, jeez, I'm excited.

Oh, I have an idea.

Would you do a little introduction
before the film?

You know, kind of like they do
at the ArcLight.

Yeah, sure. Why not?

You are the best teacher ever.

So when did you stop
going to school?

Oh, me and my mom moved here
in January, so January.

How did you do it?

She told me to enroll at West Beverly.
I didn't.

How were you gonna cover up
all the report cards and stuff?

My mom's not really
the report-card type.

So long as I'm going, she's happy.

When she found out I wasn't,
not so happy.

I don't get it.
I mean, you're obviously smart.

Why not go to school?

School bores me.

The bell rings and the cattle move
from room to room every 45 minutes.

I'm all for learning,

just not exactly
what they want me to learn

or how they want me to learn it.

See, I'm an autodidact.

It means self-taught.

- Yeah, I know what it means.
- Sure.

There's a whole world of knowledge
and experience out there,

things that you don't learn at school.

That's what I'm interested in.

So where are we exactly?

A long way from Beverly Hills.

You scared?

What? No, of course not.

Why you clutching your purse
so tight?

This purse happens to be
worth more than your car.


This is a V8 engine,

360 horsepower,
500 pounds of torque on tap.

I can guarantee
it's worth more than that purse.

I'm about to race these guys.

So your little adventure ends here.

Drag racing.

That's what
you autodidact yourself about?

Racing is physics and math

and a hell of a lot of fun.

But it's also dangerous and illegal,
so I'm gonna call you a cab.

What do you think?

I think...

...I'd rather go for a ride.

Hello, everybody.

I would like to introduce the first film
from a new auteur,

the inspirational, the enthusiastic,
the unusual Erin Silver.

It's been a pleasure teaching her

and I look forward
to teaching her more in the future.

And, you know, with that said, enjoy.

- Way to go, Silver.
- You rock.

Can't wait to see it.

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies

And all that's best
of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes

Hey, it's pretty cool.

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies

I'm in it?

Just you wait.

I love you.

One shade the more
One ray the less

Had half impaired
the nameless grace

Which wave in every raven tress

Or softly lightens o'er her face

Where thoughts serenely
sweet express

How pure, how dear
their dwelling-place

Oh, my God.


You filmed us having sex?

You're upset?

Yeah, Dixon!

I love you.

What's wrong with you?


All right, that's enough.
Let's shut it down. Shut it down.

Dixon. Dixon, stop. Wait!

One lap, to the pier and back!

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Faster! Come on, go faster!

Go! Faster, faster!

Go! Go!

Oh, my God, he's gaining on us!
Floor it! Go! Go, go, go!

Yes! Yes!

That's what I'm talking about!

Oh, my God.

That was so fast.

That's the idea.

So, what's next?


Do you guys have wine spritzers?

That was a joke.

Dixon. Wait!


I honestly thought
you would like my movie, okay.

You thought I would like it?

It's about our love, us connecting.
Don't you see?

What I saw was that you hid a camera
and filmed us having sex

and then showed it to everyone!

- But Dixon, it's not like...
- You have no boundaries!

I didn't think I needed
to have boundaries.

I thought that we were in love.

You know what, Silver,
just stay away from me.

Just stay away from me.

No. No.

I'll destroy the movie. I will.

Just don't be mad at me, okay?
Please, do not be mad at me!

- I am in love with you, Dixon!
- Are you out of your mind?

Right there.

Can I help you with that?

Yeah. Thank you.

What do I get in return?

For slobbering all over my beer?
I'll go with nothing.

Hey, I'm Milo.

Naomi. Please, excuse me.

Well, wait.
Where are you going, Naomi?

My friend is just... Oh, look.

That ain't cool, bro.

Oh, man, what's your problem?

I don't have a problem. You do.

Let's go, Naomi.

Something to help you find balance.

It's a lens.

You are an amazing photographer
and you need to stick with it.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Good lens?
- Yeah.

I think it's a lens
for a video camera actually,

but it's a beautiful lens.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Your soup is burning.

No, it's not.

But something is.

- What the hell?
- Oh, my God.

What's going on, Dixon?

Gonna have to take a boat there.

Didn't she ruin your sweatshirt?

- The stars seem so far away.
- I know.

Like little pinholes.

Can I say something?

Ms. Casey is a n*zi.

Shush. You, shush.


Having fun with my girlfriend?

So I'm still your girlfriend, then?

Because Rhonda seems to think
that we're going through a rocky patch.

You know what?

- I'll let you guys handle this.
- Yeah.

What were you doing with that guy?

I was not kissing him.

I'm sorry, but I didn't kiss Rhonda,
she kissed me. I should have told you.

Oh, but why bother being honest

when you can just spend your time
giving me hell?

I have been apologizing every day,

I have been apologizing to you
in my sleep.

I even gave up
being in the stupid play

- because of you.
- You quit the play? Why?

Because I was trying to convince
myself that that was the problem.

I wanted that to be the problem.

Because if that's not it,

- then what is our problem?!
- I don't know.

Look, I don't wanna keep fighting.

Me neither.

Let's... end this.

We're in two different places.
It's not your fault.

It's because we've grown apart.

And I did feel something
with Rhonda.

Oh, my God.

You're gonna go out with Rhonda.

This is not about Rhonda.

I've had girlfriends
since I was 12 years old.

And I don't want
a girlfriend right now.

I need to figure out who I am.


I guess you were right.
That was not my scene.

Hey, Kelly. It's Ryan.

Listen, I need you to call me back.

Silver made a film and...

Yeah, I don't wanna get into it
on your machine.

So just call me back. Okay.


You didn't think
I'd put it together, did you?

- What? What are you doing...?
- No, just stop talking.


It was a nice try, Matthews.

You think that I'm dumb?

Well, I'm not dumb.

It took me a little while,
but I figured out what you were up to.

You said to me that
you liked movies better than blogs.

You think you could be referring
to the blog that I posted about you?

I wonder.

You never got over it, did you?

You pretended to.
You pretended to forgive me.

You even invited me
back into your classroom.

All so that you could encourage me
to make this movie.

This was all a setup.

- Silver?
- No, stop!

Drop the puppy-dog face. I'm over it.

I know that you don't want me
to succeed.

All you wanted was revenge.

Listen to me.
You know that's not true.

You managed to turn Dixon
against me.

You managed
to ruin my relationship,

the one thing that I care
the most about in this entire world!

Wait, wait, Dixon?

Stay away from me!


Do you wanna know
how I figured it out?

Last night in the media lab,
you said to me,

"Are you out of your mind?"

And then tonight,
Dixon just now said to me,

"Are you out of your mind?"

That is not a coincidence!
You got to Dixon!

You told him lies about me!

All so that you
could teach me a lesson!

- What kind of teacher are you?!
- Silver, listen...

Okay. What do you want from me?

I want you to fix all of this!
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