01x24 - One Party Can Ruin Your Whole Summer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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01x24 - One Party Can Ruin Your Whole Summer

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 90210

Your father called us yesterday.

My stepdad.

He requested your records.

He's looking at military schools.

I'm in a bit of a pinch financially.

I went through a lot of money very quickly.

I'm glad to help.

I got,like,20 cases of beer

and topher's brother brought over


thank you,phoebe abrams.

I am really stoked about the afterprom party

at phoebe abrams's house tonight.

I will be there with the beverly hills police department.

Who the hell told him?

I know who it was.

Why did you tell your dad about my party?

Is that what everyone thinks?

They don't think.

They know.

You're a rat.

The sophomore prom queen is erin silver.

I don't know exactly who I am.

But I do know who I am not.

Some weird zombie prom-loving loser.

Why did you get me this corsage?

You looked in my facebook page,didn't you?

You like me.

Dude,I'm so sick of looking at you.


Y water just broke.

I think I'm going into labor.

oh,I'm definitely getting some tonight.

So,anyway,his dad left when he was a kid.

It was just liam and his mom against the world.

She was a housekeeper for this billionaire

family out in long island.

Whatever.Long story short.

Last year,liam walked in on the billionaire screwing his mom.

Oh,how awful.

I know.Right?

Then she marries the guy.

Turns out he's a complete son of a bitch.

I mean,no wonder liam has trust issues.

Are you listening to me?


Liam sounds great.

You had me at trust issues.


You don't get it.

Tonight,everything changed.


Well,honey,that's great.


Total emergency.

Not only has my party been ruined,

thanks to principal loser,

but now nobody's stepping up and they're.

uh,and that's a good thing since after proms are highly illegal

and will lead to suspension,

which will lead to missing finals,

which will lead to summer school.

Did you fall on your head?


Jen's not a grown-up.

She's my sister.




Um,jake manditsky said that he could have the party at his house,

but then his parents said at the last second

that they're not going to their beach house and now.

Well,there's no parents at my house.

I'll throw it.

I don't think so.

Sweetie,I'm sorry,but there's no way I'm going to

have a bunch of high school kids trashing my house,

spilling beer all over my furniture

and vomit wine coolers on my rugs.

It's actually my furniture and they're my rugs

since I'm paying for everything.

What's that supposed to mean?

In fact,since I'm the only one paying rent,

it's actually my house.

If I feel like throwing a party at my house,

I'm going to throw a party at my house.

but you are more than welcome to come.

You don't want to do this,naomi.

So.let's do it!

Afterprom party at my house.

Spread the word.

Party at 174 west hollybrook.


Party at my house tonight.

Keep it on the D.L.

Benedict annie is right there.

Drop it,penelope.

Annie's not the one who told.

Don't worry about her or them.

I like that wrap,by the way.

You look really good tonight.

I mean,like a model-- a really,really
short model,like,a regular model

standing in the distance-- but you look

Well,thank you,naomi.

Oh,my god.

Everyone who's anyone is going to be at my party tonight.

oh,my god.


Ade just went into labor.

Oh,my god.

Oh,I have to get to the hospital.


Please,you have to take care of my house.

You have to be the hostess.

Make sure that nobody vomits wine coolers on the rugs,okay?

Absolutely.Don't worry.

Thank you so much.

Okay,ggot toO.



Oh,is this it?


Ours had different rims than this one.

Man,is it just me,or do most limos look very similar?

We'll find it.


Yo,congratulations,prom king.


Dixon,why do you have to be like that?

You can be enjoying the fact that you won.


What does that mean?


It's just hard to enjoy something

when your girlfriend thinks it's stupid.


Adrianna is having her baby.



Navid is with her and naomi is going to
meet her at the hospital.

We've got to get to naomi's 'cae I promised

that I would take care of her house,and there's,

like,200 people on their way there now.

We got to hurry,guys.

All right,but the only problem is someone stole our limo.

Navid and adrianna probablyook it.

yeah Yo,duncan.

Can we get a ride,man?

Yeah,no problem,man.

Hop aboard the white stallion.

You are the man,D.


She's coming?

I don't want that rat in our limo.

Phoebe,I swear I didn't tell anyone about your party,okay?

I swear.

Come on,pheebs,be a sport.

They need a lift.

Yeah,if you could just drive me to my house,I could get my car.

It would be so great.


Just don't talk to me or look at me.

Honestly,phoebe? - You're talking and looking.

Thank you.

Sorry I have to abandon you.

I mean,on prom night and everything.

Don't worry about it.

I'll see you later tonight.

You'll go to the party?

Well,it's your party.

Of course I'm going.

You know what's crazy?

What's that?

My mom has been sending me to this therapist for months now.

This chick costs $200 an hour,

and I've barely said five words to her.

I spend one night with you,

I end up telling you my whole life story.

Well,500 bucks,we'll call it even.

this probably goes without saying,

but that stuff that I said-- that was private.

Of course.

Doctor-patient confidentiality.


Come on,man.

Move the car.


Oh,my lord!

That is just crazy talk.
- Excuse me?

Yeah,I thought so.

I told karen I thought so.

Ma'am,this is pretty urgent.

What's the matter,kid?

You get in a fight on prom night?

Well,I feel your pain,but it's not urgent,okay?

So take a seat and I'll get to you when I get to you.


- She said I never said a word to her,which is ridiculous.

'cause I can remember the exact second I told her.

Oh,my god,navid,what is taking so long?

My girlfriend is having a baby!

She's having a baby?

Yes,she's having a baby.

Yeah,I am having a baby.

90210 Season 01 Episode 24

Beautiful dreamer,wake unto me starlight and dewdrops whoa!

Are waiting for thee heard in the day lulled

by the moonlight have all passed away.

I am going sprinkles,heath bar,chocolate chips,

chocolate fudge,yogurt- covered raisins on top.

Diabetic coma.

You think I should lose the yogurt raisins?

Yeah,that's the problem.

Who knew you were such a sugar fiend?

What can I say?

It's the only vice I have left.


What vices did you have?

A huge barbecue chicken problem.

But that's a conversation for another time,

when there aren't so many impressionable minds around.

Sounds intriguing.

all right!

Let's give it up thfor e wildcat crooners.



Will you save my spot in line?


So,what do you think?

Oh,it's great.

Everyone looks like they're having so much fun.

Yes,they are.

Hey,how come you're not wearing your t-shirt?


I completely forgot.

Hey,what are you doing?

You lost our place in line.

I just a text.

Adrianna is in labor.


What on earth are you doing down there?

I'm cleaning.

Naomi asked me to keep an eye on the house.


She throws this party,and she's not even here.

What are you looking at?

If you're supposed to be cleaning,clean.

I'm going outside to resist taking up smoking again.

It's never easy.

Me and silver-- it.

I don't know.

Relationships are work.

That's what they always say,right,man?

Well,this one is a lot of work.

I mean,sometimes I just wish I had a regular high school girlfriend

who liked stuff like prom and going to see her boyfriend play lacrosse

and didn't think walking on the third street promenade meant

she was a consumerist sellout.

Silver isn't easy,man.

Of course not.

I mean,who wants some boring regular high school girl?

I mean,silver's got spirit and attitude.


You know?

All I mean is.

I think you and silver are great.

And everything worth anything just takes work and patience.


I hear you,man.

But what can i do?I mean.

I love her,man.

I mean,when she's across the room,I miss her.

You know,speaking of which,

I'm going to go see how she's doing,a right?


I'm going to run to adrianna's room.

Can you hold this?


We'll wait here.

I can't believe we haven't heard from annie or dixon.

Well,I'm sure they're on their way.

Hey,where'd you get those,piglet?

I may have snuck them out of the postprom-a-palooza.

Come on.


After the piglet dig?


Oh,thank you!

I'm not ready.

It's too soon.

I'm supposed to have three more weeks.

It's going to be okay.

Greg and leslie aren't even here yet.

They're getting a flight.

They'll be here at 5:00 A.M.

Get ty.

I need him to sign that parental waiver.

He hasn't signed it yet.

I will call him.

I will get him down here.

Have you calleom your aunt'S.

She'll be here soon,okay?

I don't even have a toothbrush.

Don't worry.

Your breath doesn't smell that gross.


Did you get a hold of brenda?


I left her a message.

She must still be in china.

What is she doing in china?

She's supposed to be here.

It's too soon.

See?I'm not ready.

Nothing is ready.

calm down.


I don't know.

The baby's heart rate's dropping.

What does that mean?

We need to do a c-section now.

Just stay calm.


You're gonna be okay.



Just go.

OK,he watch the jackets!

And go!


Ryan.what are you doing?

It's you.erupting like a volcano.

Is the lava not reading?

Maybe I need to do some more crosshatching.

She's beautiful.

Do you want to hold her?

Come on,ade.

Just take a look.



just take her out of here.


just get some rest,okay?


It's a girl.

she's great.


Six pounds,two ounces.

18 inches.

How's ade?



she's fine.She's resting.

Can we see the baby?

Yeah,sure.She's down the hallway in the nursery.

I'll go with you guys.

Hey,navid,quick question.

Do you know where dixon and,and,uh.



Do you know where annie and dixon are?


You don't think they're still at your house?

My house?


Uh,my house.

They might be,yeah.

I'm gonna go see the baby,okay?

Clearly,they lie.

Looks like it.

Do you really think they went to an afterprom party?


They must have.

Well,how are we gonna find them?

They're not answering their phones. - I don't know.

Maybe we should get in the car and drive around.

Drive where?

I don't know.

oh,man,suddenly I am so tired.

Why are you laughing?

Oh,my god,the way you yawned!

Like,like,like a lion.

did you just.

I did!

Did you just make yourself yawn?

I did!

I did.

Nowe hav to try it.

Come on.

Try it.Make yawn.


I feel weird.


almost like I am stoned or something.

Yeah,at's how I feel.

I-I keep losing my train of thought and I have the munchies!

The brownies!

you think they were.

Pot brownies?


oh,my god!

Uh,where's dixon?

In the other room deejaying.

Always the life of the party.

Can I ask you something?


What do you think about me and dixon?

I think both of you guys are great.

No,I meanlike,as a couple?

We're just so different.


prom royalty,you know?

And I'm not.

Allyactu,technically,you are.

Come on.

Is that who you think I am,what,a prom queen?

No,no,and I'm glad that you're not.

Dixon loves you,silver,and prom is like a once-a-year thing,

which means there are still 364 non-prom nights

where your differences won't seem so drastic.

So you think we work?

Yeah,I think you guys make a great couple.


Okay,I just needed to hear that.

are you wearing dixon's jacket?

I bought him this boutonni?re.

You must have picked up his jacket by mistake.

Yeah,I guess.

I got you,man.

hey,dixon,I think we,uh,mixed up our jackets.

Oh,uh,man,I knew this felt a little tight.

You know,with my broad shoulders and everything.


Hey,um,you want a song?


No,man,you're doing great.

Good job,man.

All right,thanks,man.

You see,the problem is we can't drive anywhere because we're stoned.


Maybe we should call a cab.


Should I call one or should I put on the list to call one?

Why are we whispering?

I'm not sure.


Everything okay?

Just making a list.


It's good.

Should we tell her?


I grabbed a few brownies from the post-prom-a-looza,

and we suspect that they contained cannabis.

Now,see,that you should have whispered.


The nerds had pot brownies.

so,you two are high?

Yes,we are!

We are!

And it,it,it couldn't be worse timing

because we cannot drive to find the kids.

Where would you drive exactly?

I have no idea.


Everything is gonna be okay.

You have great kids.

I'm sure they're safe.

There's nothing you can do.

Can we at least get some snacks?

Yes,I will go to the vending maand ine get you some snack

I can't be sure they're gonna have barbecued chicken,

but maybe they'll have barbecued chips.

Oh,barbecued peanuts,pork rinds?

she has a crush on you.


I'm serious.

That is the pot talking.

It makes you paranoid,remember?

You see that guy over there?

15 minutes ago,I thought he was the narc that was onto us.

Is he staring at us?


hey,uh,are you okay?


annie the rat.


I'm cool.


I'm fine.

I'll just head home.


how you gonna get home?

I guess I'll walk.

I don't know.

Can you drive me?

Yes,I can drive you.

All right.

Okay,come on.

Wrap around.

Let's go.


Having fun?



'Cause you look bored.

You caught me.

I'm,um,naomi's next-door neighbor.


What's your name?

I'm liam.


why do I know your name?

'Cause I just told it to you.

I know.

I heard a crazy story about you.

Yeah,you're the one whose mom was a maid,right?

Until she ended up shagging her boss.

Where did you hear that?

Oh,just a bunch of girls were gossiping about you.

Is it true or was naomi just exaggeratg?

Because she does have that tendency.

I mean,you know.

she's your girlfriend,right?


Naomi is not my girlfriend.

You know.

I think that you and i could find a way to make this night a lot more fun.






You're here.

I thought you were supposed to be in china.

My show got extended.

I leave for beijing tomorrow.

But when I heard that you were here,

I rushed right over right after curtain.

You're playing cleopatra?

That's crazy.I just played cleopatra.

Well,that doesn't surprise me.

You and me,we're two of a kind.

I mean,think about it.

We both love drama.

We both live pretty dramatic lives.

Yeah,we do.

How's the baby?


Healthy,you know.


she's fine.

Do you want to go for a walk?

Um,I'm not sure I'm allowed to do that.

Who's gonna stop you?

You are with the queen of egypt.


Let's go to the cafeteria.

Maybe get some jell-O.


I love jell-O.



We are two of a kind.

"Jim walsh"?

That's not a relative of yours,is it?

Yeah,that's my father.

He's dying,actually.

Oh,my god.

I'm so sorry.

Oh,you know what I hope they have?

Jell-o with those little marshmallows.

Your dad's dying?

Could go any minute.

But shouldn't you be with him?

Too painful.

Of course,it's painful.

I'm just not ready.

But you'll never be ready,will you?

I-I just think if you don't say good-bye,you're always gonna regret it.

Have you met my dragon?

handsome,isn't he?



You have to say good-bye,brenda.

If you don't,you're gonna always regret it.



I've got to go to china.



I want to hold my baby.

Okay,on three.




so,how long have you had a thing for my girlfriend?


The way you're looking at her,man.


No,I wasn't looking at silver.

I was just staring off.

I think,actually,something got caught in my contact lens.

The way you were talking about her before.

Well,come on,man,I think silver's great,you know,but as a friend.

And as my friend's girlfriend.

You swear?

Of course.

So why do you have a picture of her in your pocket?


I got it for you.

you're lying to me.

Dixon,just let this go.

So you're,you're just gonna lie to me?

I thought I was your friend.

I am your friend.

And I didn't do anything,so just back off.

But you wanted to.

You wanted to do something.

Says who?

Just admit it.

Admit what?

Okay,you guys have to come swimming.

The water's fine.

What's wrong?

Don't lie to me,man.

Drop it,dixon.

Admit it.

Drop it.

I mean,you're king jock,right?

So,man up!

Admit it!


I like you,silver.


Thank you so much.

I really appreciate it.

You sure it's okay if I go?

Come on.

You've been here all night.

And you have about 200 people waiting for you at your house.


I'll be back here first thing tomorrow.

And by "first thing," I mean mid-afternoon.

Definitely before dinner.

We'll be here.

Here's the form.


I also want to give this to you.

A cigar?

Yeah,it's what they give new fathers,right?

So here.

You're a good guy,navid.

You've really been there for adrianna,which I respect.

I also respect your left hook.




Trail mix?

Oh,no,I'm good.

You sure?

It's really good.

I'm sure it is,but I'm not high.


It's weird.

I forgot how this makes you feel.


You know,earlier,I actually thought you had a crush on my husband.


Oh,I know,it's insane.

Just,we women,we get a little jealous,and,well,add pot into the mix.


oh,I know.

It's me.I'm stoned.

That's why I swore off this stuff in college.

Hey,savanna,have you seen liam?

Oh,my god,this party is a-ma-zing!

Thank you.


I think maybe he went upstairs.


You're back.

What have you done?

Who is she?

She's nobody.

And she's gone.

I don't ever want to see you again.

Golly,my sister can be so high-strung.

And she has such hilariously bourgeois ideas about fidelity.

Now,where is my louboutin?

Here we go.

Your sister?

Are you kidding me naomi is your sister?


She was getting a little full of herself.

She needed to be knocked down a peg.

Trust me: It's good for her.

You used me.

it's not like you didn't have fun,right?

If I were you,I'd consider myself lucky.

But she is your sister.

I mean,she's gonna hate you.

Oh,she'll never know it's me.

I mean,you're not gonna tell her.

Because she'd be devastated.

And you're just not that cruel.

Give me my shirt.

I forgot how cute teenage boys are when they're upset.

You are a bitch.

Don't be vulgar.

and yes,I am.

Only when it's absolutely necessary.


How could you?


You slept with liam in my bed.


W-what are you talking about?

Don't lie to me.

Naomi,I didn't do anything.

What is this?

It's my wrap.

Which I found in my room.

How did it get there?

I don't know.

I haven't even been in your room.

Must have been somebody else.

I was with phoebe abrams.


She hates you!


Look,I know she does.

But she got so drunk so I had to drive.

Stop lying to me!

Stop it!

Naomi,I wouldn't do that to you.

What are you talking about?

You already have!


Ethan ring a bell?

And I forgave you 'cause apparently I was an idiot!

Okay.Naomi,please stop,okay?

This is crazy.

she acts like she's this innocent girl from kansas.

That is not what she is!

Maybe at one time.

Not anymore.

She ratted out the party.

No,I didn't!

No one wants you here.

Why are you still here?

Get out of my house,kansas skank!

That's for charlie.

get out!

Get out!


screw you,naomi!

Screw all of you!

Hi,um,I was calling.

I was concerned about some underage

drinking going on at a party
near my house,174 west hollybrook.

The house belongs to naomi clark.

Where's your dragon?

Honey,did they give you painkillers?


Am I awake?

No,I am not awake because you're in china.

Okay.I got back a couple hours ago.

I'm real.


ade,he is beautiful.

It's hard to believe it was her all this time.

you know?

Inside me.

Pretty amazing.

Yeah,really amazing.

uh,sorry to interrupt you guys,but,um,greg and leslie are here.


Yeah,they're parking downstairs.


this is why I didn't want to hold her.

This is why.


Now I have to say good-bye.

How am I gonna say good-bye?


look,I know that this is tough,anthis isyour decision.

All I can say is that adoption is a wonderful gift.

And I'spm eaking from experience.

That's why I was in china.

I adopted a little girl.



She's with my mom and dad right now,

and I cannot wait for you to meet her.

Trust me,that couple you chose,you are making them so happy.

And they're gonna make her so happy.

Yeah.I know they are.

you're gonna be really happy,okay?

Thank you.

You're gonna be happy.



What was that?

I never wanted to say anything.

I don't know what to do with this,okay?

I mean,you're one of my best friends,but that's it,right?

We're just friends.

I don't think we're just friends.



And I don't want to be just friends.

I don't think I could take it.

I want to be something more.

or I don't want to be anything.

It's up to you,silver.

Just think about this: Why are you out here talking

with me instead of inside talking to your boyfriend?

it's okay,darling.

It's okay.

I'm here and I'm gonna take good care of you,I promise.

I promise.

you ready?

Yeah,I'm ready.

Thank you.

What's her name?


That'a really pretty name.



I did the right thing,right?

You did a really good thing.

Hey,naomi,it's liam.

Look,I know I messed up.

I need to talk to you.

Get out of bed!Get dressed!

What the hell?

You're coming with us to stembrook.

It's a wilderness therapy program.

Now get dressed!


You can't make me do this!

Yes,we can.

Your stepfather's fed up!

All this skipping school,stolen credit cards-- it's over.
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