02x07 - Unmasked

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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02x07 - Unmasked

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 90210...
It's about Mom.

What about her?
She's dying.

What's best for Silver is
that you leave her alone.

I'd like to move in with you.

My kids
are juniors in high school.

I actually have pictures.

This is my son Dixon.

College is a big decision.

I will be going to
California University.

CU isn't going to happen.

You're going to focus
on the SATs?

Yeah, no. I'm going to
date the dean's son.

Are you Richard?

I'm Jamie, by the way.

Hey. There you are.

Jamie, this is...

My roommate, Richard.

I actually thought
you had a crush

on my husband.


Knock yourself out.

Oh, perfect.
Thank you, Kelly.

Oh, what the hell?

I know. Right?

Dude, this blows.
I just snapped a fin.

Who cares about your fin?

I got a big dent in my car.

Relax, man.
It's just a dent.

A big dent.

What, like $500 tops?

You want some cash? I'm
totally cool to split it.

I don't want your money.


So, what do you want?

Uh, an apology.

You hit me. I saw you
backing out and I stopped.

Well, then this would
be your fault, too. No?

Why are you stopping in the
middle of the parking lot?

Are you seriously blaming me?

Well, clearly,
I didn't see you.

Well, maybe that's because
you're a little girl

who's driving a car that's
clearly too big for you.


You know what, dude? Maybe
I do owe you an apology.

I am so sorry that you
are such a sexist ass.

You know, screw you!

Oh, right back at you, loser.

RICHARD: All right,
so for today's main attraction,

you want to go Journey Earth
Jungles or Caves?

Uh, which one's shorter?

More time for our
post-film discussion.

I like the way
you think, babe.

Let's go Caves. There's supposed
to be some sick sh*ts

of hydrogen-eating bacteria.

So, does your mom love the
environment as much as you do?

My mom? Yeah, right.

Been trying to get the
admissions office

to go paperless forever.

Well, maybe we should
double-team her.

Try to convince her
to go green together.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

JAMIE: Hey, guys.

Hey, Jamie.


I, uh, calculated
the electric bill.

Looks like you're
responsible for about 2/3.

Not a problem.
What do I owe you?

It's not what you owe me, man.
It's what you owe the planet.

Just need a dollar amount,

All right, I'm going
to hop in the shower.

The Pi Phi Crush Party
starts in about an hour.

Do you guys want to come?

Oh, no.
We're good, thanks.

Yeah, watching people drink
out of red plastic cups

just kind of makes me
want to barf.


How oblivious is that guy?

He takes, like,
two showers a day.

Doesn't he know
we live in a desert?


People who shower
a lot are so gross.

God, you're great.

So, what do you think?
Should we double-team your mom?

Try to get the admissions
office to go green?

Unfortunately, I don't
think that'll work.

The earth is full of secrets.

Be prepared to unlock them

as we travel deep within
our glorious planet.

Join us on Journey Earth.

Uh, we could do Chinese.

Or Thai.

I think three times a week
is my Thai limit.

And chance
you might want to...

Ooh, we cannot
go out, Dixon.

People could see me.
I could get in real trouble.

We could just say
that we're friends.

Come on. This whole relationship

can't take place
in your apartment.

Uh, well, I would
go to your place,

but you live with your parents.

Hmm. And I am not sneaking in
the window Katie Holmes style.

Dawson's Creek.

Forget it. You
were too young.

Look, baby, just
pick a place.

I'm going to get
changed for work.



You were working
late last night, huh?


Kelly wasn't there, if that's
what you're getting at.

But Mr. Wong looked
very sexy in his lab coat.

Don't do that.
Don't joke about it.

Honey, I apologize
for calling you Kelly,

but that happened two days ago

and it was an honest mistake.

I mean, come on,
do you really think

that something is
going on between us?

What am I supposed to think?

You and I have been
fighting lately.

We're on completely different
pages with the kids.

I got a vibe a couple of months
ago that she liked you.

And now you're
calling me by her name.

Yeah, you got that vibe after we
accidentally ate pot brownies.

Being high doesn't mean
you can't see the truth.

There are plenty of very savvy
pot smokers out there.

You want to take
that anti-drug message

up to the kids, or should I?

Look, I am genuinely sorry
for the slip-up.

And I understand
why it upset you.

The only reason that I
called you Kelly

is because I had
work on my mind.

That's all.

Look, and you're right.


Things have been stressful
around here lately.

With Annie
and the move and...

We've got to start
making time for each other.


So, why don't you come
by the school tomorrow?

And we'll have lunch.




What do you mean, you don't
have the prescription?

My mom's out of pills
and she's in a lot of pain.

Look, I don't care how you get
them, you just have to get them!

I'm sorry. I'm...
I'm just really frustrated.

I called this in yesterday and
you guys--

Yeah. Yeah, fine.
I-I'll try back later.


How are you holding up?

I'm fine.
You don't look fine.
You look tired.

Well, that's because
there's a lot to do.

In case you forgot,
our mom has cancer.

I didn't forget.

And by the way, you don't have
to live with her

to prove to me
that you can.

Look, that might be
why I went there.

But it's not why I'm staying.

You can't be happy.

It's not about me
being happy.

It's about the fact
that she's dying.

Okay, but you're
not her nurse.

Yeah. You're right.

I'm her daughter.

At least one of
us is acting like it.

Left Dixon a message.

No answer.

It's the second practice
he's missed, man.

Coach is gonna be pissed.

Ha... Gnarly pissed.


Check him out.


Gnarly, huh?

You're looking at
the winner of last year's

Amateur 16 and Under O.P. Pro.

And the newest member
to West Bev's Surf Team.

Wait. Are you serious?


That dude is gonna give us

a serious leg up
on the competition.

Uh, yeah, that's not
a dude, buddy.

Ivy! Come here!

She's on the team?

You have got
to be kidding me.

And I want you to prepare
a timeline detailing every...

Sorry. I was at a
doctor's appointment.

Just take a seat.

Your timelines
should include everything

that you deem relevant
to the Civil Rights Movement.

All right, this row...

Turn to your right.

That's your partner
for the assignment.

This row, turn to your right.

That's your partner
for the assignment.


Your place or mine?

How about I just
do the assignment

and put your name on it?

Gosh. If I didn't know better,

I'd think you didn't like me.

I don't.

You're pompous and arrogant

and you totally
screwed with Adrianna.

No, I didn't.

We just wanted
different things.


You know, after we got
off the phone last night,

I could not stop
thinking about you.

Me, neither.

Well, it was 4:00 a.m., so
I fell asleep pretty quickly,

but until then...

See, I couldn't even sleep.

You've got my neurons
firing on all cylinders, Annie.

I was so juiced, I, uh...

started working
on my screenplay.

I thought you had
writer's block.

I did, because I couldn't figure
out who the heroine was.

But last night, it hit me.

She's you.

You're my muse, babe.

How would you feel
about being in my movie?

I'd love to.

Hey, Coach.


Look, I'm sorry
I missed yesterday.

Second time in a week,
man. You're off the team.


You're obviously
not committed.

No. No, I am!

Look, I just had a...
a family emergency.

It won't happen again.

Just-Just give me
one more chance, man.

This team
means so much to me.


IVY: Anyways, so then we find
out that my house in Malibu

burnt down 'cause of those...
those brush fires.

MICHAEL: Your house
burned down?

No way!
Yeah, and get this.

We don't even find out for,
like, another three days.

We were hanging out with, like,
Ray LaMontagne and Ben Harper,

and Ben was, like, "Dude,
I think your house burnt down."

And I was, like,
"Dude, who cares?

It's just a house."

Excuse me?

Okay, guys,

gather up!

How'd it go?

Well, um, I'm on probation,
but I'm still on the team.

Man, I was sweating

back there.

So, the antes

just went up for tomorrow.

Billabong has donated
a limited-edition

handmade board,
which is gonna go to the rider

with the highest
all-around score.

Shut... up!
Pretty gnarly, huh?

So let's get in the water,
let's make this practice count!

Okay? Let's go!

Man, you know, I could
really use that board,
since some douche bag

damaged mine.
You know it was

your fault.

Why don't you just apologize?

I am happy to, once
you apologize for
being a sexist pig.

You're out of your mind.

Oh, my God...

you're right.

I've totally been
acting crazy, huh?


It's just, um...

I'm on my...
my period, you know?

Oh. Um... yeah.

Yeah, no... problem.


You actually bought that.

Dude, you are worse
than I thought you were.





What would Richard
think about this?

What was I thinking?

I cannot believe I did that.

Okay, Naomi,

come on, what are you... what
are you doing with Richard?


I mean, he's so...

not your type.

I... He's nice.

We're getting
to know each other.

Mm. Okay.

Let me walk you to your car.

So, I'm sitting here
with my grandfather
at a football game,

and I must've been,
like, six or seven,

and the first thing I'm thinking
is, "Ew, maroon and black?

I hate those colors together."

But then
the cheerleaders came out

and the marching band
did their thing, and...

everyone was just
yelling and screaming.

They were so into it-- by
the end of the day, I was, like,

"You know, Grandpa, maroon and
black aren't so bad after all."

Oh, that's when I knew
I was smitten with CU.

Mm. You know, it's funny,
I remember the first time

that I realized that I didn't
mind the school colors.


Oh, uh,

you were kidding.
Yeah, I'm kidding.

Maybe a little.

So, are you and your
grandfather close?

We were, yeah.

He-he passed away
five years ago, so...

I'm sorry.

Yeah, it sucked.

We always had a really
special connection.

I was kind of
his favorite.

Well, I'm...

I'm sure you're
lots of people's favorite.

I wish...

I wish you
weren't dating Richard,

because I...
I really want to kiss you.

But you are, so I... I won't.

We should get going.

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

So, uh...

do you need a
ride to school?

Nope. I have a ride.

With that guy
you been hanging out with?

Um, Jasper--
is that his name?

Yeah. Why?

I don't know, he just... seems
a little sketchy, that's all.

Do you even know him?

No, but...

He doesn't hang out with
the West Beverly kids

because they're all
judgmental lemmings...

like you.
Annie, like...

No, it's true.

And-And who are you to be
calling someone sketchy?

If anyone's sketchy
around here, it's you.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you've been sneaking
out of the house at night,

going who knows where,
lying to Mom and Dad.

And where have
you been going?

Exactly. Sketchy, like I said.

Oh, it's so unfair, okay?

Jamie is, like,
the perfect guy,

and I'm stuck with smelly,
shower-hating Richard.

You're not stuck with him--
you can always end your
fake relationship.

And not get into
CU? Yeah, no.

Come on, it's not like
Richard has even invited
you to meet his mom.

Oh, no, he did--
he called me this morning.

She's throwing
some kind of cocktail party.

Ostensibly, we're
gonna stop her

from ung paper
napkins, but still...


So I have to put Jamie out
of my mind, completely,

end of story, because look
what happened to you.

You went after some shiny pretty
boy and got stuck with nothing.

I can't do that.
Thanks for that.
Thank you.

I just mean, I can't let
myself get distracted

by rock-hard abs and
thighs that have driven
countries to w*r.

Okay, what country has ever
been driven to w*r over thighs?

Look, I'm sorry that
the agency double-booked you,

but I really...
I have to have a nurse tonight.

Last night it was just me,
and I can't...

sh**t. Um, I have to go, okay?

But I'm gonna call you back
after class.

Just please,
try to make it work. Thanks.

All right, everyone,

I'll collect
your projects now.

Thank you.

Thank you.


I... I actu...

uh, I forgot it.

It's okay.

You don't have
to cover for me.

We worked at my
house last night,

and I forgot the
project at home.

Silver even called
to remind me, but
I just flaked.


Bring it in tomorrow.

Teddy, you'll
be penalized

a whole grade.


Told you I wasn't
a bad guy.

No one asked you to do that.

Come in.


Uh, hang on one sec.

Now, I assume
that you are here

to talk to the President about
health care reform.

Senior evals, actually.

Oh, well, you've come up
with any new

and exciting ways to
trick colleges into
accepting our slackers?

You okay?

Kelly, what's going on?

It's... it's Silver.

She okay?

Yeah. No.

I don't know.

She moved out.

Our mom has cancer,
and she moved out.


I can't really
talk about it right now.

I have to get
to a meeting.

Um, maybe we
could grab...

lunch later.

I could use somebody to talk to.

Yeah, of course.

Okay. Thanks.

Hey, hon.

Hey. What's up?
Um, bad news.

I'm swamped here.

Could we reschedule our lunch?

Sure. No problem.

Maybe we can go as the Rat Pack.

Right. Like you're
even gonna show.

You've been
ditching everything lately.

I'll be there,
all right?

I was thinking maybe
I could be Sinatra.

And Liam could be
Sammy Davis Jr.

Yeah, I don't...
really do Halloween.

That's lame, man.

Think Navid'll come?
Nah. I don't think

he wants to run into Ade.

Hold on,
hold on.

Uh... got to take this.

Come on, man.


Hey, baby. So, um,

I got a gig tonight that's
gonna go late, so I was thinking

that you could come by
after school.

Uh, I-I can't; I have
a surf meet later on today.

Okay, well,
just come by after that.

I don't leave until 9:00.


You see, there...

there's this
Halloween party that...

I kind of wanted to hit.

You'd rather go
to a high school Halloween party

than be with me?

No. No. Uh...

you know, it's just that

I haven't really
been able to hang out

with my friends lately,
and I don't want to ditch them.

Come on, baby, you hang out
with your friends every day,

while I hardly
ever get to see you.

Oh. You know what? sh**t.
This is call-waiting.

Look, I'll-I'll see you
at 6:00, okay?


I know she's dying,

but that doesn't erase
all the damage she's done.

I'm just trying
to look out for my sister.

Of course you are.

Oh, you should see the way
Silver looks at me, though.

Like I am a horrible person.

Uh... I thought you might

be hungry, but I see

that you... made time
for lunch, after all.

Excuse me.


Deb, wait.

I will not have this conversation here.

And welcome

to the 33rd annual
L.A. County Surf Invitational.

This year we have

West Beverly and Sunset Hills

taking on the top-ranked
Malibu Canyon High School.

All right, guys,
listen up, listen up.

So, uh, Teddy, Paul and
Padma are in heat one.

Liam and Ivy
are in heat two.

Ben and David,
heat three.

And Robbie, Michael
and Kyle are last,

and Dixon's sitting out.

Okay, so the top
two in each heat

is gonna move on
to the semifinals.

The top two

in the semis is gonna move on

to the finals, and the winner,

well, I'm sure I don't have to
remind you guys what's at stake.

Let's have a
gnarly meet, okay?

And the first team
is heading into the water.

* All the furniture

* Is in the garage...

Sunset Hills and Malibu Canyon
go for this early wave.

That's West Beverly's
Kenny Montgomery.

* You got to set 'em up,
yeah *

* Set them up

* You got to set 'em up,
ooh, ooh *

Oh, a vicious wipeout
by Sunset Hills.

Worried about being
schooled by a girl?

Just promise me you won't cry
when I kick your ass.

* Well, Daft Punk is
playing at my house *

* My house

* I waited seven years
and 15 days *

And that's West Bev's Liam Court
up on five feet...

That's Ivy Sullivan
with a great ride.

* And the neighbors can't

* Call the police

And that's Liam Court

cutting off his own teammate
Ivy Sullivan.

Which brings us to the end
of the second heat.

Yo, what the
hell was that?

You totally cut me off, dude.

I was on the inside,
I had the right of way.

Sorry. I didn't see you.

I get it.

Sort of like how I didn't see
you in the parking lot.

Very funny.
That's not what I meant.


Hey, there you are.

Oh, listen,
we're taking off.

We were going to see if
you were going to come by

the Halloween party later.
I can't.

I have to finish
this assignment.


Ade and I were talking, and...

Okay, why do
you have that,

"you might not like this,"
tone in your voice?

Because you might not like this,

but we need
to say it.

Say it.

Um... okay, we just, uh,

we think maybe you've bitten
off more than you can chew.

You know, with your mom.
I've got everything
under control.

We know, but...
See, there are no buts.

I have no choice here.
She's my mom.

Why can't anybody
understand that?

I'm sorry. I can't sit
here and talk about this.

I have too much work to do.

Have fun at the party.


ANNOUNCER: All right, we're in
the final round,

and clearly West Bev has
the competitive edge today.

Our last two surfers
are both Wildcats.

Liam Court and Ivy Sullivan.

Dude, ow, ow, ow, ow.


You okay?

No, I'm cramping up.

Here, let me give you a hand.


* Some people like me now

* Some they don't...

And time's up, as Ivy Sullivan
catches the final break.

* There's so much dead weight

* I can't see straight

* And I don't believe ya

* Here comes the preacher, go!

* I got my finger on the trigger
and I want to pull it, bang! *

Baby, I thought
you weren't going to show.

Come on in.

Sasha, um-- wait.

I'm actually
not staying.

Why not?

Because this relationship
just isn't working.

What do you mean?

I mean, we can't go
anywhere or do anything.

Wh-What do you expect?
You're in high school.

But that doesn't change the fact

that I want to be able to go out
with the girl that I'm dating.

I want to be able
to introduce her

to my friends.
Let her be a part
of my life.

You're just thinking
about this now,

after you've roped me back in
and made me care?

Look, I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

Sasha, I thought we would find
a way to make this work.

We haven't.

So, I think it's best
that we just end things.

Sasha, I-I'm sorry...

Get out of here.

Get out of here.

So you've been seeing
her this whole time?

Man, I had no idea.

Sasha wanted me
to not tell anyone.

So I had to keep it
on the down low.

Now it's over.

Dude, I'm sorry.

Hey, it's cool.

You know, uh, Sasha--
sh-she's a great girl,

but we just--
it couldn't work.

You a farmer?


Your Halloween costume.

I'm not wearing a costume.

So let me
ask you this.

When you say it's over
with Sasha,

is it over, over, or just over
until you see her later

for some hot make-up sex?

No, no, no, it's...
it's over, over.

Absolutely over.

You know, I'm officially back.

He's back.

He's back.

So my friends and
I couldn't decide.

Are you supposed to be, like,
Johnny Depp or a Jonas Brother?

Uh, he's a farmer.

I'm not a farmer.

Worker on a farm.
Whatever, man.

I'm just saying, I wouldn't
have come in costume

if I knew you weren't.

I'm in costume.

I'm a future C.U. sorority girl.

Have you heard from Silver?

Is she going to come?

No, she's still at school
finishing that project.

I feel bad.

Do you think we overstepped?

Yeah, maybe a little.

It came from a good place.
It was just--

it was hard to know how to act
or what to say.

I mean, I've never
had a friend

whose mother was
dying of cancer.


Silver's mom has cancer?


I'm gonna go
get some food.

I'll be back when he's gone.

Well, does she?

You're Rob
Pattinson, right?

I could tell 'cause
of your messy hair.

I'm not wearing a costume.

Oh, after you.

What, you decided to
come as a gentleman for
Halloween or something?


Sorry. I didn't
realize it was you.

By all means, cut
to the front of the line,

since cheating is how
you get ahead.

Okay, look, dude, the only
reason I said I had a cramp

was because you cut me off.

So let's just say I gave you
a taste of your own medicine.

As long as you're
comfortable knowing

you didn't deserve to win.

I can beat you anytime,
anywhere, okay?

You want to bet?

Game on.

This is a su1c1de competition,

which means there
is only one rule:

first one to
wipe out loses.

And as for the loser--

I will drink your blood.

All right, catch some waves.

Let's go, boy.



My boy!

Okay, so...

This is the surprise place
you wanted to take me?

The beach club?

We're here to sh**t

a scene from my movie.

Are you serious?

It's scene 11.

The script.

Your character--
she's gonna go

and, uh, borrow a car,
take it for a joyride.

I'm thinking this Bentley.

Um, and by borrow,
do you mean steal?

No, by borrow,
I mean borrow.

The valets-- they
always leave the keys

right on top of the tires.

The party's just
getting started,

so nobody's even
going to know the difference.

I can't.

Come on, Annie, live a little.

I'm-I'm-I'm sorry.

I just... No.

This is just-- it's
what you got to do

in low-budget filmmaking.

Look, don't you want
to make this movie?

Yes, yes, but...

Remember, you're
my muse, babe.

I know. I know, but...

Maybe we could just
ask the owners.

But then we have to go through
all this paperwork, licensing.

I don't know, I mean,
it's cool, I guess.

Let's just forget it.


I just thought...

Whatever, let's just go.

Come on.


Those aren't
going to help.

I didn't think they would,
but I had to at least try.

Look, I'm sorry
I cancelled on you today.

Kelly's mom has cancer.
She came into my office,

she started crying,
she wanted to have lunch...

Stop. Just stop. You lied.

I omitted.

Okay, I lied, but only because
you're so sensitive about Kelly.

Because she has
a crush on you.
You're wrong.

I'm not. And you know
what's even worse,

is you're playing into it.
Her mother is dying.

I know. I am sorry
for that, I am,

but she should not be going
to her married boss

with her problems.

No, listen to me.

She likes you.

That's why she's
confiding in you.

And you need to stop beingo
obtuse and face what's going on.

I'm going to yoga.

I need to calm down.


What are you doing here?

Look, I know you
don't like me,

but I heard about your mom.

I'm really sorry.
Save it.

I don't need your pity.

I'm not here to pity you.

We're not friends.
I know.

So why are you here?


My mom died three years ago.

Thought you might

want to talk to someone who
knows what you're going through.

But... I get it.

You don't.


I don't... don't want to talk.

I mean...

I do.

So that's why you
moved back East,

to take care
of your mom?


It was like I was living this
weird double life, you know?

When I was at school,

I thought about things like
tests and parties.

But... back home,

it was all oxygen
and nebulizers.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Everyone, my friends,
my sister,

they just, they
just don't get it.

I mean, they think that
I'm taking on too much.

How could you live
with yourself

if you weren't there for her?


I don't, I don't
know how long

we have left.

I keep trying to build some
sort of a relationship...

Trust me, I get it.

Doesn't mean
it's not hard as hell.

I-I've been working so hard
not to admit that, you know?

I just,

I don't want everyone

to jump down my
throat and say "See?

You can't handle it."

You can handle it.

It just gets so
overwhelming, you know?

Sometimes, I just...

I just want to scream.

Come on.

Come on.


I'm gonna show you
how I used to blow off steam.

You won this,
fair and square.



And, look,
you're a really good surfer.

Thank you.
For a girl.

Dude, what is your deal?

It's like you really...

You're kidding?


Whatever, dude.

So I might be slightly sensitive
to gender stereotypes, okay?

Oh, slightly?

Dude, growing up surfing,
I just had to prove myself

to the guys,
over and over and over again.

It was just, it was a pain
in the ass, you know?

Just constantly being...
underestimated or whatever.

Whoa, wait.

Just so we're clear, I never
underestimated you, okay?

I know you're
a great surfer.

I also know you are

lousy with apologies.

Are we back to the car?

We're back to the car.

Why is it so important to you

that I apologize?

Let's just say
I've been underestimated, too.

What, people assume
you're a bad driver?

People assume I'm bad, period.

So, when something's
not my fault,

I don't like to be
blamed for it.

I'm sorry I hit you.

It was my fault.

Thank you.

Can I just say one more thing?


I would have
kicked your ass today

if I hadn't started showing off.

And if it was a girls-
only competition.

You are...


Nothing. What?

Are we have a
staring contest?

No, dude.

But, I mean, if we were,
I would totally win.


Yeah, you're crazy.



Later on.

Screw all of them!

Let's just take the car
and-and never come back.

I'm serious.

We'll disappear,
just the two of us.

Great. Okay.

Now, now, get
to the car.

You're reckless,
you're free.



That was perfect.

You are a
natural, babe.

How did it feel?



Well, let's go.

Fire it up,
floor it.



...seasonal temperatures, we
should reach our normal high

of about 82 month is over,
you'll get five free...

Hey, Kel.

Oh, hey.

Um, I was just calling
to check in.

Want to make sure
everything was okay.

Debbie seemed a little upset
when she left earlier,

and I would hate if it had
anything to do with me.

Actually, it did.

I know this is gonna
sound crazy, but...

Debbie has it in her head
that you have a crush on me.

That's ridiculous.

Yeah, it is.

Listen, I-I got to, I got to go.

We'll talk later, okay?

All right.

Seriously, with the sighing?

I just want to go home.

You know, I
thought going

to a Halloween party would

take my mind off of Navid,
but it hasn't.

Just wait until
my date gets here, okay?

Channel Marilyn; she suffered
a lot in her lifetime.

Marilyn never loved
and lost Navid.

Well, she was pretty
torn up over JFK.

JFK was no Navid, I know.

Actually, on second thought,
you can go home, Marilyn.

My date's arrived.

Okay, wait a second.

That's Richard?

He totally looks
like he showers.

No, that's Jamie.


Hey, you.

I'm glad you called.
I'm glad you came.

Um, my friend
was just leaving.

I'm gonna walk her out.

I'll be right back.


Um, okay, I am

totally confused.

I broke up with Richard.

Apparently. Why?

What happened?

I saw Liam with this girl,
looking all romantic.

And I got upset and messed up,

and I don't want to be
upset and messed up anymore.

And then it hit me.

I'm never gonna get over him

if I'm in a fake relationship,

you know?

Whereas with Jamie,
I really see potential.

He could be the real
getting-over-Liam deal,

you know?

I just have to give him a shot.

Even if it means

studying to get into college.

Well, I think you did
the right thing.

Yeah, me, too.

Oh, you see him in shorts!
Those thighs.

Countries have gone
to w*r, I know.

I know.

Go on.

Even harder.

Really smack it.

It's the only way you're
gonna feel better.


Even harder.

Watch out.




What are you
doing here?

First, I want to apologize.

I know I've been
kind of needy lately.

No, look,

look, it's okay.

That's not why
I ended things at all.

I just feel like we're in two
different places in our life.

Um, well, we're gonna need to
find a way to get in sync.


I'm pregnant.
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