07x03 - Attack! Leozack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x03 - Attack! Leozack

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


This is your fault, Jan!

The Galactic Defence
Force is protecting us!

Attack! Leozack


In order to execute his plans
to steal Earth's energy,
Deszaras, evil incarnate,

brought his henchmen with him
to Earth to defeat the one who
stood in his way, Star Saber,

and set an ominous
scheme into motion.

The universe trembles at the
sound of my name, Leozack,
second in command.

I have now returned with
the results of my search!

Meanwhile, after the Autobots' space
station had been destroyed, their
Supreme Commander, Star Saber,

had landed Galaxy Shuttle near
a lake somewhere on Earth,

and was preparing a defence
structure to protect Earth
against Decepticon att*cks.

Supreme Commander.

Nothing out of the ordinary
at present. It's quite peaceful.

What did the Multiforce have
to report from their patrol?

They returned earlier.

Nothing out of the ordinary in
southern or eastern Europe.

No enemy activity goes unnoticed
by the watchful eye of us
Brainmasters, no mater how small.

No matter what, we'll
protect the Earth...

...until the very end!

Right. I'm counting on you.

I will put forth all of my efforts as well.

I don't see Jan anywhere...

He's playing outside
with the Multiforce.

Here we go!

Over here!

Hey! Over here, I said!

What's wrong!? Faster, faster!


It went over the line!

It went over the line!
-I'll get it! MULTI-OUT!

More to the left! More to the right! Aa!

Forward! I mean back! Back!

This isn't working...


You're no good, Holi!

Your legs were moving around
wildly so I couldn't see, Jan!

You always put the
blame on someone else!

And you always blame me, Jan!

Shall we call it a day?

But I want to play some more!

But you start school tomorrow, right?

You've got lots of preparing to do!

Oh right, Jan will be going to school.

Lucky me!


According to the data I
have, it's not much fun.

That's not true! I'll make lots of friends,

and I'll be able to study, and...

I think it'll be fun...

Hmm, I wonder.

Jan's right.

Supreme Commander!

He'll learn many things at school
and will become more mature.


I'll do my best!


You don't have to worry.

I'll go to the school with you tomorrow.

Everyone will go together.


Good morning!

Good morning, Illumina!

Did you hear the big news?

There's a transfer
student coming today!

Oh, really!?

A girl?

Or maybe a boy!?

I don't know!

I just overheard it while
I was on cleaning duty!


Which do you think it is, Illumina?

It'll be wonderful either way
since we're getting a new friend!

If it's someone arrogant, I'm
gonna give him a beating!

You shouldn't be violent!




What is that!?

I don't believe this!

A police car, too!

You're too fast, Supreme
Commander! I was at full speed!

The police car spoke!!

What's going on!?

Good morning!

Sorry I scared you!

G- good morning...



Okay, me too!





Your leg!

That's strange...



I'm Mabel, the headmistress.

And you're the son of the
mineralogist Dr. Minakaze?

Yes, please call me Jan!

And this is the Supreme
Commander of the Autobots!

Oh my...! This isn't proper!

Forgive me, this way is
much less impersonal.

I'm sorry for causing such a
commotion at this time of day.

I'm Jan's foster parent, Star Saber.

A pleasure to meet you.

l- I see. I am pleased to meet you.

There, I've completed the paperwork.

If you could just sign here...

Oh... I suppose that's
not quite possible.

It's only a formality, so I
suppose it's not necessary.

It's only a formality, so I
suppose it's not necessary.
-Forgive me.

I will send a reduction
of my signature later.

I will send a reduction
of my signature later.
-lf you please.

I heard on the news that Professor
Minakaze and his associates achieved

better results on their research
on Mars than they expected.

That's correct.

The Minakazes and the
research staff were on their way

back to Earth with their valuable data.

This energy is tasty! It's rich
and doesn't have much of a-


Hurry! This data must make it to Earth!


It's okay, don't worry. I contacted
the Autobot Galactic Defence Force.

It's no use. But at least Jan can be...!


Please, take care of our child!

Grow and be strong!

Pull out!


I'm too late... Damn Decepticons!

And we've been acting as Jan's foster
parents, continuing to raise him.

Jan has grown up strong and healthy
as a member of the Autobots.

But since the w*r against the
Decepticons has been escalating,

we didn't have an opportunity
to bring Jan to the Earth.

We finally made it to the Earth.

We'd like to see how Jan
matures around humans.

I understand.

Well then, why don't I introduce
Jan to his classmates?

Please do, headmistress.

The oil is boiling within your humble
second in command, Leozack.

Star Saber's life shall be my gift to you.

Please look forward to it.

With just this one deed...



Are you guys planning on going too?

Yeah. Those were our orders.

Don't get in my way!

Boss, I can't swim!

Can I just sleep at the base?

Don't be stupid!! Just
use floaties and goggles!

I'm sorry, captain.

When adding fractions,

first you determine the lowest
common denominator, and then...

Hey, are the Autobots powerful?

Of course! All the
Autobots are powerful,

but the Brainmasters
are really powerful!



There's only four beings in the whole
universe who have the Brain Power!



Be quiet and pay attention!

Yes sir!

What's Brain Power?

I'm glad you asked!

Brain Power is...




And Skill! It's an awesome mecha
that gives these abilities a power-up!

When someone has the Brain Power,

they become one of the most
powerful warriors in the universe!

Well, that's what I heard
from Holi, anyway.



-Jan, tell us more!

Tell us more!

Oh for the love of...



And not just that...

This is supposed to be a secret, but...

Looks like he's not
disappointed with school.

Try not to make
everyone hate you, Jan!



Is it an ally, Supreme Commander?

It's a Decepticon!

No! If a battle starts here,
then the school will be...!

Headmistress, get the
students to safety!

Lure him away from the school!

Lure him away from the school!
-Yes sir!



This is a learning place for children!

If you want to attack me,
then take it somewhere else!

You'll need years more
experience if you think you
can choose your death place!

You stubborn...!

You're new, aren't you?

I am the supreme Decepticon warrior!

For now the position of second
in command is enough,

but even Emperor Deszaras fears
my true power! I am number one!

Any Autobot I target is defeated!

I am the brave warrior whose name
thunders throughout the galaxy...

The one they call - Leozack the Deadly!


This is no ordinary w*apon!

My Electromagnetic Nunchaku...

...will send you to hell, weakling!!



Don't lose! Beat that Decepticon!

It's dangerous here!
You're the last ones left!

Everyone, get outside!



They're over here, too!

They're gonna squash us!

Holi! Give Blacker and the
Brainmasters the order to scramble!

I've already contacted them!

Very well then!

We won't let them lay a
finger on the children!


Destroy, destroy!

They're destroying the school!

How could they!

Damn those Decepticons!

What are you doing?
Get to safety, quickly!


We can't escape! There's
Decepticons below!

Oh no!

Damn it, as soon as the
Decepticons got here...

This is all your fault, Jan!

This is all your fault, Jan!

All this happened right
after you transferred here!

That's right!


It's Jan's fault!

Wait! I don't think this has
anything to do with Jan!

The Decepticons came
to attack the Autobots!

But Jan's the one who
brought the Autobots!


It's all Jan's fault!

Do something, Jan!

It's your fault!

You're mistaken.


The Decepticons att*cked the
spaceship carrying Jan's parents.

The Decepticons would steal from
the Earth regardless of the Autobots.

That's right! And the
Autobots' Galactic Defence
Force is protecting us!

Saying that it's the
Autobots' fault is cruel!

If the Autobots weren't here, even
more terrible things would happen!

But you... but you...

Thank you, Illumina.

But for now, we just have
to escape somehow...

But how?

I don't...

That's right. I've got
to protect everyone.

Jan! Until backup arrives,
protect everyone in the V-Star!


Pilot it!? Me!?

Believe in yourself! Now it's
your turn to protect everyone!

Believe in yourself! Now it's
your turn to protect everyone!


Don't push! Don't push!

Okay, me too!


Supreme Commander!



Sorry to keep you waiting,
Supreme Commander!

Damn you! Where did
you weeds come from!?

The Autobot Brainmasters are here!

We'll handle these small fish!

Small fish!?

What do you mean,
small fish!? Small fish-!


Dinosaur Force, unite!

The six-robot combiner,
Dinoking is here!!

Do I look like a small fish now!?


We will never forgive you for going
so far as to attack Jan's school!



And Skill combined!!


You will now face Road Caesar!

Who do you think you are?!

Get away from the school!

Go away!

No problem!

Jan's jet!

Jan's jet!
-It's gonna crash!

Jan! Don't give up, Jan!

Damn it! Get off!

Get off!

Okay then, take this!

He did it!

He did it!

This is the end!!

Supreme Commander, combine!


There's no parachute!


Don't be so reckless, Jan!



I won't let you get away
with any more v*olence!

I swear someday I'll...!

Pull out!


Don't forget this!

They did it!

They won!


Take that, Decepticons!

I'm truly sorry for involving
you in this terrible crisis.

No, please continue to fight
for the sake of the children
and the beautiful Earth.

You do not have to ask, we will
take care of the Decepticons.

Being able to pilot something
like this is amazing!

Yes, you risked your life to protect us!

Yes, it was wonderful! You
seem so different now!

No, I was just caught
up in the moment.

No, I was just caught
up in the moment.
-Hey, Jan.


Sorry about earlier.

Sorry about earlier.

I did a good job too, right?

How'd everyone like to go for a drive?


-Yeah! Let's go, let's go!

...heavy! This is too many! Too heavy!


Whaddya mean!?

Hey, hey! Help meeee!

Preview for the Next Episode

The Decepticons add new warriors
to their ranks, the Brestforce,

and attack an energy refinery.

We will protect the Earth's
energy no matter what!

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Multiforce, Unite!!"

Now, you together with us,

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