07x06 - Infiltration... The Uranium Base

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x06 - Infiltration... The Uranium Base

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Infiltration... The Uranium Mine

In order to power-up the Decepticons'
w*r capabilities, we will need
a large amount of energy.

By taking the Beta Uranium
ore from this mine

and refining it on the Thunder Arrow,
we will have a vast amount of energy.


Begin the operation at once!

Yes, Emperor!


-Good morning! -Morning!

Come home soon today!

Now, what day is it again?

Huh? You forgot!?

I couldn't possibly forget,
today is your birthday, Sam!

I'll buy you a nice present!

I'm off, then!

Have a good day!

Have a good day!

Mr. Frank!

It's a Decepticon attack!



The Dinosaur Force will transport
the refinery's uranium ore.

Don't butt in, I'm their
leader! Troops, forward!






I'm sorry!

Neo Uranium Mines calling
Autobot Headquarters!

The Decepticons have
taken over the mines!

The Decepticon occupation of the
Neo Uranium Mines was immediately
reported to the Autobots.


Most of the workers escaped,

but close to a hundred of them in
the tunnels didn't make it out and
were captured by the Decepticons.

With this many captured, the
Autobots won't be able to do a thing!

Damn it!

We won't let the Decepticons
have a shard of the Beta Uranium!

Supreme Commander,
let's set out at once!

Hey, kid.

You talk as if it's that simple.

Just see what happens when
we make a wrong move.

Many innocent lives will be lost!

Protecting lives will be our top priority.

The captured miners are in this
tunnel in the north mountain.

Our only option is to enter
through the abandoned section.

It'll be difficult getting there.

Nah, I'll just make a sonic drill
by converting a sonic blaster!

Very well, I'll leave it to
you, Braver and Laster.

One more might be necessary...


-I'll go, sir!

You could lose your life
on this mission, kid.

I know that much!

I'll leave the infiltration of the
abandoned section to you three.

Once you succeed, we'll come
in to assist you immediately.

Yes SIR!




Okay, let's go!

Mr. Frank, the output of the fans that
blow air into the mines has dropped!

This is bad!

Damn it, it's no use!

The air system has been destroyed!

At this rate, everyone trapped in the
mines will die of oxygen deprivation!

It seems to be going smoothly!

You two kids.

Be sure to get Braver and
Laster's show of professional
skill into your heads.

Sheesh, the Lieutenant Commander
always treats us like children.

The Lieutenant Commander always
ridicules me and the Multiforce!

The angle is perfect!

He loves to call us "kid" all the time...

He never considers our opinion!

You still don't understand
the Lieutenant Commander.

I don't?

There are times when his battle
instincts surpass even those
of the Supreme Commander.

We did it! We made it to
the abandoned section!

...there we go.

We've got to get all of it out before the
Thunder Arrow comes to pick it up!

Chinchinchin, chichinpui!

Chinchinchin, chichinpuiii!


Stop being an idiot!

I'm sorry!

By the way captain, what are we
going to do with all these rocks?

Extract the Beta Uranium from
them, and convert it to energy!

It'll be enough energy
to blow away the Earth!


The air system fans have stopped!

We need oxygen! Let
us go to the surface!


Drillhorn! Keep a close eye on them.

Yes sir!

What can we do!?

Mr. Frank!

Something has entered the abandoned
section of the north mountain!

Autobots! The Autobots
have come to the rescue!

In that tunnel, a cave-in has...!

Let us out of here!

Nng, silence!!

If we continue drilling northward
from this point, we should
reach the mining area.

What's this!? We've hit bedrock!

Damn it, it's not working!

If we could just get through,
we'd be in the mining area...

This is no time to be whining!

Okay, all three of us will use our energy
to amplify the power of the drill!

We've come this far...

They ran into the bedrock...

Ready the expl*sives.


We'll help the Autobots
by smashing the bedrock!

But with it all the way down there...

There's a shortcut to the
point where the Autobots are.

I'll go too!

No, I'll go alone.

You should escape.

Once I've finished, I'll escape as well.


There's no time! Hurry
and get the expl*sives!

What the-!?

Human germ!


I can't just stand here!

Patience requires courage...

We must wait and trust
in Laster and the others.


Hey, what's wrong?

Faint noises are coming
from inside here!

It is the Autobots!

What a relief!

Who are you?

My name's Frank.

In the mining area nearby, many
of my comrades are suffering
from oxygen deprivation.

Please help them!

I'll set expl*sives on the
opposite side of the bedrock!

Okay! If the three of us hit it
with our laser at the same time,
we might be able to break it!

We can't, it's too dangerous!

But this might be our only
option for breaking this bedrock.

He's a human!

I'll be fine!

Even now, many of my
comrades are dying!

There's no time!

Okay, we gonna do this?

It'll explode in minutes!

Be careful!

Be careful!







They did it!

We're saved!




What's this hole?

Filthy Autobot!


I'll put a hole in your guts!!



Please escape through here!

Wingwaver calling Shuttle Base!

Wingwaver calling Shuttle Base!

Please send Galaxy Shuttle to the
entrance on the north mountain!


We're saved!

The Decepticons are carrying
out the Beta Uranium ore
from the refinery storehouse!


Blacker, let's go!

Yes sir!

Commander, I will go as well!

You stay here.


You did a good job, Wingwaver.

That was the first time you called me
by my name, Lieutenant Commander!





That's enough.

Until the Thunder Arrow arrives,
you will protect the Beta Uranium
from those Autobot scum!

Just wait a minute! I'm their leader!

You think this is a time for bragging!?

Troops! Take care of the Autobots!

Let's go!




Idiots!! What do you
think you're doing!?

Die, Blacker!


Eat this!

Where am I? Who am I?

You're the captain!

This is no time to be playing around!

This is no time to be playing around!
-I'm sorry!

What a pitiful bunch.


Damn you, Star Saber!




Damn you, Star Saber!

Unite! Merge to form Dinoking!



Making many innocent people
suffer because of your greed...

...is unforgivable!

With this Saber Blade, I
shall beat you into hell!

Silence! Eat this!!

See if you can take
Dinoking's DINO POWER!

Star Saber's Final Attack
- Sword of Wrath!

If you can take it, then do so!!

I'll get you for...


Mr. Star Saber, thank you!

Sam, I'm the one who
should be thanking you.

Your father is a very brave man.

Our power alone did not win this battle.

The bravery of those who work in
the mines brought victory to us!

Be sure to take what the
Commander said to heart...

...you kids.

Until the evil desires of the
Decepticons have been defeated,
the Autobot warriors have sworn

to overcome suffering no
matter how painful, and fight
with newly found courage.

Preview for the Next Episode

After we find a Decepticon energy base
in the Amazon jungles, we set out
for reconnaissance of the area.

However, the Decepticons'
tight security detects
Blacker and the others,

forcing them into a difficult situation.

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"expl*si*n!! The Energy Base"

Now, you together with us,

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