07x08 - The Underground City of Terror

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x08 - The Underground City of Terror

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Swiftly, discreetly, and precisely...

The Underground City of Terror

This operation will be carried out
swiftly, discreetly, and precisely.

But should we not account for
the possibility of the Autobots
interfering, great Emperor?

Uh, b- but of course, I can handle any
number of Autobots that might come!

l- it's just that these guys
are still inexperienced.

Your objective is to
steal electric energy.

That is all you need to consider.

B- but we can't just forget
about the Autobots...

I will not repeat myself!

Go, now!

Yes, Emperor!

The Emperor is being careful in
his strategies. It's surprising.

Hn! I don't like it!

Why should we have to lurk
around just so the likes of the
humans don't discover us!?

We're not Earth-moles!!

If we're going to do this,
it should be with glory!

Hey now, Leozack.

It might not be such a good thing if the
Emperor heard you talking like that.

SHUT UP!! Understand this. I
like going straight for the k*ll!

The k*ll, you hear me!?

I am your leader!

You three would be wise not
to do anything that would
get egg on my face!

Okay, it's clear. Go!


What could this group of Decepticons
led by Leozack possibly be doing

in the middle of an
American metropolis!?

Meanwhile, the Multiforce were on
patrol in various parts of the Earth

looking for Decepticons while

keeping in contact with the
other Autobots under the
command of Star Saber.

Asian quadrant, all clear.

Nothing unusual reported over
the Atlantic Ocean, either.

The Decepticons have
been rather quiet lately.

What could they be up to...


The report from America
hasn't come in yet.

Let's move the Shuttle Base.

Yes sir, Supreme Commander.

...and came in!

...and came in!
-Really? Aah!

-What the...!?
-What the heck!?

Not good!!

It wouldn't be good if it hits me... The
Emperor's orders were to be discreet.

Swiftly, discreetly, and precisely...

What the-!?

Help! Help me!

Okay, begin rescue training exercise!


Okay, exercise complete.

Still a little too slow.

What is it? A Decepticon attack?

Those vile Decepticons
have invaded a subway...


But why would they invade a subway?

A subway uses a great
amount of electricity.

The Decepticons may
be after that energy.

Laster, let's have a look at any
data relating to the subway.

Here is a map of the routes.

This is...

This subway system is quite chaotic.

In addition, the inside of a
subway is very confined.

We would have much difficulty
moving around if we were to enter it.

That's probably what the
Decepticons planned.

They're trying to confine us in an
area where we can't fight them easily.

This will require precaution.

I'll go on ahead!


Everyone hurry!


Be quiet!

It's an infiltration, isn't it?

Don't blame me if you get scolded
by the Supreme Commander!

Fine, fine, just hurry!


Damn it!

Why should someone with the
potential to become the next
emperor such as I have to do this!?

I've had enough!

I'll do this my usual way!

Now this is how it should be done!

Those Decepticon animals
in a place like this...




Supreme Commander! We will head
out to perform rescue operations!

And we'll whack those
evil Decepticon moles.

Hold on.

Something bothers me.

They aren't on the rampage.

Rather, they appear to be
investigating something.

I believe that their real target
might be the subway's
power distribution centre.

Where is the power
distribution centre?

Don't worry, I'll go.

I want everyone to head
to the damage areas.



-- Y- yes sir!

You stowed away?

I want to help, too! I promise
I won't cause any trouble!

I can't win with you...

But you can only help
with rescue operations!

No acting on your own!

No acting on your own!
-Yes sir!

Okay everyone! Let's
give it all we've got!

Look at all that smoke...
We won't be able to get in!

Leave it to me!

I'm here! Hurry with the injured!

Okay, I'll be back soon!

Okay, top speed to the hospital!!

I'm getting a strong energy reading...

Okay then. I'll try entering from here.



We're taking the electrical energy!

Whoa, there! You won't take anything!

Move, you Autobot punk!

If you don't, I'll put a hole
in your guts with my drill!

Hah! The only thing you could put
a hole in with that weak drill is tofu!

You dare to joke!?





How'd you like that? In these
close quarters, you're no
match for my Brest Animal!

I won't be defeated!

So what if you have a Brest Animal!

Let's go!!


Star Saber! So you knew
this is where I would be.

Impressive as always.

You must be rather desperate
to come here yourself.

But I won't let you get away with this!

Prattle all you like!

Ho ho, so you have some
ability after all, Autobot.



You ready!?

If you release a large amount of energy,

then you will also destroy
this electrical equipment.

You can't use energy weapons,
and your mobility is limited.

Just as I calculated.

The situation is unchanged.
My abilities are still superior!

The situation is unchanged.
My abilities are still superior!
-Are they now?

Try the taste of your own w*apon!!



In a place such as this, you are the
perfect prey for a Brest Animal.

I will be taking the energy now.

I smell energy!

Who dares to interfere!?

An Autobot of course! Who else
would interfere with a Decepticon!?

Can't you even figure that out?!

You...! Prepare to die!

You're too close to sh**t!

Wh- what have you
done!? Now I can't sh**t!

You're a loudmouthed lunkhead.
Shut up and come with me!


Where are you taking me!?





-You're weak, Killbison.

Even if a Brainmaster or two beats
you, don't be messing around!

We only need to consider
stealing energy, eh?


We can take the energy at our leisure
after we've beaten the Autobots.



Meanwhile, the Autobot
Rescue Team were

bravely performing rescue
operations in the damage areas.

Everyone who can move,
please get to the surface!

The wounded can ride with me!

No, the stairwell collapsed!

Now we can't get to the surface!

Now we can't get to the surface!
-Oh no, what can we do now?

-Oh no, what can we do now?



I've got to do something!
Holi Holi! Come in! Holi!

Don't call me Holi, it's
"Captain", you hear me?

So what happened? Where are you?

You don't seem to intend
to give up interfering.

It seems that Deszaras is
weakened when both of his
Brest Animals are released...

V-Star! Stop Deszaras!


I was careless... For now, I'll
make do with just this energy.

You running!?

Emperor Deszaras has retreated! We
should hurry and get out of here!


The Emperor retreated!?

Hn! I won't retreat!

Being cocky isn't going to
be of any help! Hurry up!

What will you do, Leozack?
Your comrades have all left!


Next we meet, I swear I'll flatten you!

Just you wait!

Hah. He's nothing but talk.

This should do it.

Everything's fine now!




Okay everyone, quickly now!

Supreme Commander, all of the
Decepticons have been driven off.

Good work. The energy theft
was also kept to a minimum.

The rebuilding will require
more power than the fight
did, Supreme Commander.


All of the wounded have
been taken to the hospital!

Good work.

Everyone did well while being
at such a disadvantage.

I expect the same for
the rebuilding work!

Yes sir!

Preview for the Next Episode

A new soldier has been added
to the Decepticon Brestforce.

His name is Hellbat!

Able to produce hypnosis waves, he
att*cks an energy research laboratory!

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"The New Warrior, Hellbat"

Now, you together with us,

The New Warrior, Hellbat
Now, you together with us,

The New Warrior, Hellbat

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