07x19 - Battle of Wrath!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x19 - Battle of Wrath!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Battle Up of Wrath!!

Jan and Holi had come along
with Braver to visit the Schaeffer
Energy Plant in America.

Braver was a member of the
technology development
project for this plant.

Wow, awesome...

Look, that spaceship
just returned from Mars.

From Mars?

Yes. It brought back ore
from Mars for this plant.


When ore from Mars and other planets
plus ore only found on the Earth

are mixed in this furnace, a powerful,
concentrated energy is created!

Wow, they can create amazing things!

A select project team developed it.

Now it's the most
famous kind of energy!

This contains Schaeffer Energy.


Schaeffer Energy is even used by us
Autobots as a portable energy source.

Huh, I didn't know that.
You use it too, Holi?

I have one too, of course!

Here, see?


Schaeffer Energy is very
important to us Autobots.

Oh, it's time for the conference.

I'll contact you after it's over.

Holi, you handle things from here!

Holi, you handle things from here!


I wonder where that spaceship is
going? Planet V? Planet Micro?

I hate Planet Micro!

What's with this sudden remark!?

It makes me think about bad memories!

Bad memories?

Like Liokaiser!

The Supreme Commander
nearly losing to Liokaiser...

Just thinking about it
makes me frustrated!


Deszaras must have used
up his energy reserves

when he activated his
fortress in the Dark Nebula.

when he activated his
fortress in the Dark Nebula.

Very likely.

Therefore, the Decepticons' energy
plundering will probably become
more aggressive than ever.

Supreme Commander...

We'll have to make sure each of our
powers and abilities are in top shape.

Defence as well as offence will be
of greater importance from now on.

Our energy has been used up.

But we have gained a major
advantage now that we know
that my fortress can be activated.

Steal energy!

I promise that the fortress will be
released from the Dark Nebula!

And then Star Saber... all the
Autobot scum will be slaughtered!

And then, I will rule
the entire universe!!

Emperor Deszaras, as Liokaiser we
will first send Star Saber into hell.

Leave it to us.

Ah, you seem quite confident, Leozack.

We proved ourselves on Planet Micro.

The Lieutenant Commander is correct!

This time, Star Saber will be...!

Gaihawk, your addition will be a
great boost to the Decepticon forces.

Leozack, you have an
excellent subordinate.

Now then, go and
steal this new energy!

New energy?

Have Hellbat explain it to you.

H- Hellbat!?

Leave it to my all-seeing
eyes and devilish ears!


Take this!


A dream...

Supreme Commander?

What are you doing up
at this time of night?

Where's the Supreme Commander?

Where's the Supreme Commander?

-I see.

-I see.

Supreme Commander?

Don't let Liokaiser beat you!

What's with this, all of a sudden?

Promise me!

I won't fail like I did on Planet Micro.

Supreme Commander!

I'm sorry I worried you.


...that's okay!

On this silent night, all living things
hold the power for tomorrow.

To protect them, we also
need the courage to endure.

The courage... to endure...

It's the Decepticons!

The Decepticons!

Hypnotism, Sleep, HELLBAT!

Emergency! Move out!


Gaihawk, Jaruga, Killbison!
Enforce the perimeter!


Okay, then! Whoa- huh...?

Dinosaur Force, take
the Schaeffer Energy!

Troops, forward!

There are residential buildings
and public facilities near
the Schaeffer Plant!

The residents mustn't
get drawn into the battle!

Rescues, you evacuate the
residents to a safe location!

Yes sir!

Blacker and the Brainmasters! I'll
distract the enemy while you enter
the plant and protect the energy!

Yes sir!



Evacuate them to the hill
above the west seashore!

-Yes sir!
-Yes sir!

Do your best, everyone!



That damn Star Saber has come!

Okay! I'll beat him down!

Wait! I'll handle this!






As soon as this next load is finished,
we're taking it to the Thunder Arrow!

This energy is supposed
to be ultra-concentrated.

Shall I try a bit?


Don't touch that valuable energy!

Just suck on some methane gas!

I'm always so sorry!

Gaihawk's in trouble!

I'll help him out!

I'll help him out!


Okay! I'll run him into the ground!

To the Thunder Arrow, quickly!

So they're after the storage room!

This will be my share- Huh!?

Good nighhht...

Damn, we're too late!

Okay, get outside! We're taking
back the Schaeffer Energy!

sh**t everything!!

The residential area!



He fell for it!

Troops, combine!


Eat this!

The tower is in danger!

If this tower falls, then many of
the residents' lives will be lost!

I've got to hold it up no matter what!

Supreme Commander!


There's no need to panic!

Please head towards the seashore!

Supreme Commander...

Jan, hurry!

We'll combine into Road Caesar and
defend the Supreme Commander!


Strength, Intelligence,
and Skill combined!!


Liokaiser! I'm your opponent!

Hn! Perfect timing.

I'll send both of you to hell!

Road Caesar!

C'mon, bring it on!

Act tough all you want! Your
power can't defeat me, weakling!

Let's go!

Take that!

You're not as tough as you say.


Please watch your step!


Eat this!

Supreme Commander!

All of the residents
have been evacuated!

I see, good work!

Both of you get away, quickly!

Yes sir!


Star Saber!

Supreme Commander!

Leave this to me!

Leave this to me!

Now! Hurry!

Star Saber.

This is the end.

As promised, I'll send you to hell.

This life...

...l'll never hand it over to
the likes of you, animal!



See if you can take
the power of justice!


Liokaiser! Stop!

E- Emperor, what are you saying?

We have the Schaeffer Energy!

Retreat from this area!

Star Saber!

As long as Liokaiser is around, we'll
take as much energy as we want!


Supreme Commander,

I'm sorry we allowed this to happen.

No, the energy was stolen,

but you were able to protect
many irreplaceable lives.

Yes sir!

Star Saber's example of having
both the courage to endure
and value for life in battle

had made a strong impression on Jan.

Preview for the Next Episode

A giant Decepticon base for plundering
energy suddenly appears in Antarctica.

Antarctica's energy is in danger!

But as we try to stop them,
Liokaiser stands in our path,

and then Deszaras!

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Battle to the Death
at the South Pole!!"

Now, you together with us,

Battle to the Death at the South Pole!!
Now, you together with us,

Battle to the Death at the South Pole!!

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