07x32 - Showdown! The Fortress vs The Victory Unification

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x32 - Showdown! The Fortress vs The Victory Unification

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Deszaras's giant fortress
has finally att*cked Earth.

The Autobots fall one by one,

and even Star Saber's whereabouts
are unknown after one of
its overwhelming att*cks.

Then, danger encroached upon
the Shuttle Base on Earth...

Haven't you been able to contact
the Supreme Commander yet?!

I've been trying, but no luck!

Could the Supreme
Commander have been...!?

Could the Supreme
Commander have been...!?
-Don't say stupid things!! The Supreme
Commander could never be...!

Continue transmitting!

He's conscious!


K- Kakuryu...

Wh- what is it, Captain?

Get an Autobot over here. I
have something to discuss.

Something to discuss?

Any one of them will
do. Hurry and get one.

Captain! A meteor b*mb is falling
towards our current position!

In three minutes it'll...!

Move the Shuttle Base!

That'll never work, there's no time!

That'll never work, there's no time!
-Then what should we do!?

Showdown! The Fortress
VS The Victory Unification



Even it costs us our
lives, we will stop it!

Why are you giving this to us?

Deszaras betrayed us.

But we don't like being abandoned!

So we'll abandon him!


I'll have to discuss this with
the Captain and the others.

Pipo, come quickly! The Captain
and the others have been injured!

The Captain and the others,
too!? Even if I had duplicates of
myself it wouldn't be enough!

Even Landcross...

Then I'm the only one who can go.

Damn it, there's wounded
all over the place!

What will become of us!?



Where's he going in the Illumina II?


Where do you think you're sneaking off
to? No need to keep secrets from me!

Where do you think you're sneaking off
to? No need to keep secrets from me!

Goryu told me how to stop the
power source of Deszaras's fortress.


If he's right, then we
have to do something-

Everyone's injured! I
have to go myself...

You can't do it by yourself, I'll go too!

But we'll be risking our lives, Jan.

But we'll be risking our lives, Jan.

I'm a member of the Autobots, too!

Galaxy Shuttle! Who's onboard?


Fire! You handle things there.

Leader, is that you?!


To think that the previous
Decepticon leaders couldn't
conquer this one planet.

But I am different.

I will wipe out that
planet and then become

the ruler of the universe
in name and in fact!

Enough with the fireworks.

In that case...

We will blow away the Earth
with the Fortress Cannon.

Transform the fortress
into destroyer mode!

The fortress...

If I don't reach the fortress...!

I must've lost consciousness...!

That's right, the fortress!

Th- this is...!

Not... the Earth!?

Target set.

Fortress Cannon,
beginning energy build-up!

I'll blow it away with one shot!

Victory Saber!


Maggot! He doesn't know when to die!

I won't let him get in our
way! Allow me to take him!

Go. But don't k*ll him.

Bring him close to death. I want to
show him the destruction of the Earth.

Yes, Emperor, as you command.

You think you can destroy my
Fortress Cannon with that?

The life of the Earth that you
Autobots love so much is
now measured in minutes!

I will stop you even
if it costs me my life!

Not while I'm around!

I'll deliver the finishing blow!

Supreme Commander!

He's still alive!

Of course he is!

Okay! I'll head for the fortress!

Me too!

Jan! What are you doing here!?

Supreme Commander!

Goryu told us how to stop the
power source! We'll take care of it!

Stop, Jan! It's too dangerous!


Victory Leo! You handle Liokaiser!


Okay then! Face me, Liokaiser!


- Jan!

So the information was right,
only a human like me can go!


Go straight... The fourth left turn...

The power reactor is
the heart of the fortress.

If it's destroyed,

the fortress is finished.

S- something this big...

How can I destroy it!?

Two minutes remaining.

I'm sorry, Illumina II. I have to use
you to destroy the power reactor.

I'm sorry...


Get off of me!!

M- my consciousness is fading...

My body won't move!

H- help meeeeee!

F- fool!

If you get close to the
cannon while it's charging...

...your energy will be sucked dry
and you'll be thrown out into space!

No matter. At any rate the Earth
will be finished with this blast!

Firing in seconds!

I'm counting on you, Illumina II!


What happened?!

Did Jan stop it?



Where are you, Jan!?

Where are you!? Jan!

Star Saber!

You dare to enter my castle!?

Deszaras! You lose!

Prattle on!

Your attempt to wipe out the Earth
was defeated by just one boy!


Your ambitions end here!

My ambition is to possess your head!!





Deszaras! I challenge you!




You meant to do that!?

Deceiving my hampered depth
perception from my non-functional eye

and allowing your
sword to be broken...

I will not die yet!

I have not lost yet!


What could have happened to
Jan!? He hasn't come back yet!

We'll go find out.

We'll go find out.
-- R- right!




I'm glad you're okay,
Jan! Are you hurt?

That's right...

What happened to Earth!?

And the fortress?!

Everything's okay. The
fortress stopped moving.

What about the
Supreme Commander?!

What about the
Supreme Commander?!
-You didn't see him? He went
in before us to look for you!

Jan, is the Supreme
Commander still inside!?

We have to go find him!

Are you okay?

Okay then, I'll go find the
Supreme Commander.

Take Jan to the shuttle, Holi!


Where are you!?

The Supreme Commander
is trapped inside!

Supreme Commander!

You think you've won, Star Saber!?

But I won't die like this! I'll
take you with me, worm!


And not just you!

The Earth that you love so
much, you sentimental fool!

Look at the screen!

As my present to you, I will
ram the fortress into the Earth!

Witness the destruction of the Earth
as you yourself are destroyed!


l- I will not die!

I will not die!

I will return again and again! Until
the universe is within my grasp!

Until the Autobots are defeated!

Supreme Commander!

I'm trapped inside! He's trying to ram
me and this fortress into the Earth!


Get out of there quickly,
Supreme Commander!

Jan! Where are you!?

Victory Leo and Holi
saved me, I'm outside!

I have to destroy this fortress
as quickly as possible!

Even if I have to self-destruct!

S- Supreme Commander!

You can't!

Don't be so hasty,
Supreme Commander!

I've detected your location!
I'm heading there now!

Victory Leo!

Victory Leo.

Entrust your life to me.

Even if we must give up our
lives, we will protect the Earth!



Concentrate all your energy!

We're going in! Once we're
inside, release all the energy!

S- Supreme Commander!

Star Saber!

The Autobots' love and courage,

along with the wisdom and
camaraderie of humanity

had saved not just Earth, but
the peace of the universe.

I heard what you did, Jan!

You stopped the fortress, right?


In the end, naturally it was
the Supreme Commander.

In the end, naturally it was
the Supreme Commander.
-But you dashingly saved Earth, Jan!

I wanted to save you.

What? You did this for me?


Nah, it was to save Earth.

What? And I was so moved, too!

Desiring to save the ones you love...

That emotion will save the Earth.

The three Brainmasters
Blacker, Braver, and Laster are

commanders of the Sector One Force.

The Multiforce were assigned
to the Vega Sector, and
were promoted to governor.

The Rescues are fooling around
on Planet Micro, as usual.

Mr. Greatshot returned
to being a mercenary,

and his whereabouts are
unknown after the Silvart w*r.

But I'm sure he's alive!

Oh, Goryu of the Dinosaur Force is
a construction foreman on Earth.

Oh, Goryu of the Dinosaur Force is
a construction foreman on Earth.

Oh, Goryu of the Dinosaur Force is
a construction foreman on Earth.

And his troops are with him, of course!

Kakuryu is very popular with
children at an amusement park!

Oh, me and Illumina
are in the next grade.

We're still in the same class!

And as for Star Saber...


...he's more active than ever
as the Supreme Commander
of the Autobots, of course!
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