07x27 - Jan - Gakko wo Mamore!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x27 - Jan - Gakko wo Mamore!!

Post by bunniefuu »

the school star saber and victory leo

merged to form victory saber and crush

deaths Andres is the evil scheme with

this invincible combination they've

become the strongest fighting force in

the universe

Hey they've even sent you to come down

to do a repair job now I asked to come

here you do the same envious Odette's

Andres his face he's really angry it's

better to stay away you know

a bunch of fools you ruin the whole

thing for me you messed up my plan if it

worked out you would have been able to

take a large amount of energy but you

failed disbelieved you started out to

come back but Sir you underestimated our

enemy you didn't know that star saber

and victory Leo could Marge now you're

blaming me field failure are you then I

could do everything why do I need you

all of you listen to this very carefully

no matter what you have to destroy

victory saber for me no more failures I

want victory understand if this goes on

Leo Zack will lose his position in the

team then me and my dinosaurs can take

his place

yeah me God what is that what are you

carrying you need some help no thanks

why are you so secretive because this is

a secret yeah

Wow very soon you can move we only need

the activation system that it's finished

under alright then I'll help with the

assembling with us working together it

should be completed quicker okay let's

get to work then

right Miko has been busy trying to

assemble a new robot he wants to make an

unusual means of transportation for


okay let's test it hey can you give me

the name yet

I can't tell you it's a secret I'll come

back why don't you tell me huh

dr. paster who's known for his medical

genius has decided to leap the earth and

return to the planet Nicola and star

saber is acting as his escort

hmm what's me gone up to now why does he

want to see me

I can see the blood

no wonder the captain sent us here to

scout this is a big fine maybe they're

one of us hey you fools look at the

insignia on the vehicle yes it's the

Autobots but we've never seen this one

before you know let's have a closer look

then okay let me show you something oh

dear he can transform too he musta say

he must be a new recruit so what do we

do now I guess we'd better wait till the

captain reports to us huh do you realize

what you're talking about I'm sorry I

mean we report to the captain hey wait

otherwise you'll scold us again in that

case let's attack them hmm all right why

don't you charge at them now and I'll

try and contact the captain hold on I've

never done that then who will inform the

captain about this then huh think about


Planet X okay what's wrong Mila are you

afraid of this robot come on or we'll be

late for school

guillain-barré you want me to write in

this of course

it's fun don't you think yeah but how do

you find this thing

well I made it myself really you're so

smart well actually I had a little help

from my friends

children the class is starting soon oh


good morning everyone

good morning sister Mary Oh me Kahn what

are you up to this time oh I'm sorry I

didn't mean to frighten you

hmm now you better put this machine away

in the parking lot

oh all right good morning cheetah what's

going on Milla you're coming to school

together with maycon and in that thing -

oh man but come on there's nothing

between us actually make on his quake

I'm looking huh me con is that your

private vehicle of course it looks great

tell me me con how do you type this

thing I'll show you when we have a break

great okay class is starting go inside


there that's the robot hmm

captain shall we get Leo's act to help

us shut up oh sorry this mission is very

very important to us that dinosaur

troops he can affect our future position

although we don't know the enemy's

strength right now but that hasn't

hindered us in the past okay everybody

we're gonna charge into the school our

mission is to little star saber here and

get it once and for all


let's run with you why do you always

have a problem no I'm sorry all right

what's wrong with you this time

oh we still haven't found out what that

new robot can do what it means as

powerful as victory Leo what are we do

Oh perhaps you're right we'd better wait

and find out of it you can join in but

you must keep it from the teacher okay I

don't know okay let's fire a m*ssile at

them and see what they could do

hey me Khan can we go higher than this

then of course you can

the target is 350 meters from right

oh what's that expl*si*n could it be the

Decepticons if it is they managed to

escape so he's not easy to deal with huh

I don't think so maybe he was just lucky

don't let him scare you come on

everybody let's attack him

they're charging at us

destroy destroy everything

I see you finally showed up do you

really want to fight them yes I must try

install them somehow until the chief

gets here but but how can you have you

any weapons a laser g*n or something

like that then you don't know I must

think of something don't worry it's

gonna be all right

I'm sure chief we have an emergency what

is it there's a call from econ at school

they're being att*cked by the

Decepticons what's that

victory Leo's on his way there now don't

worry I'll meet up with victory Leo at

the school then right chief elder Kosta

30 degrees north east I shall meet up

with victory Leo in 10 minutes

because I'm coming

it's strange why are they moving

hey Tonya woke to do dacovia I must try

and do something to get them away from

the screw you go around behind them

quietly when we find a chance we'll hit

some ice side

he's running away captain it's alright

now that they've gone we don't need to

be scared

darn it no one escapes

you won't escape from us we're in


so then where can you go to now gotcha

no you're all mine oh it's da saber


I'm here you don't do anything stupid if

you're smart otherwise he's gonna die

right now what

okay everyone attack

we got

oh no the chief can't fight because the

last what do we do

Mika you all right I'm okay please take

care of the dinosaurs never surrender

now if you're clever Oh


huh listen star se llaman originating a

little you're switched Ibaka stick to

your guitar Widow change is something

he's not guilty look at this one

structure cannon

I'm their captain please let them go if

you want to k*ll you can k*ll me

but please leave them out of it star

sleeper what you can do whatever you

like with me but let my men go hey

captain captain we can stall and captain

you'd better leave now no I can't run

away and leave you captain never mind us

you better run down we can hold him for

a short time while you run if you want

to k*ll her captain you must first k*ll

all of us victory saber you better get

out of here now go on yes never mind us

go go but then you may you can all go

you better leave now before I change my


what's that look after your man they're

hard to come by I never thought that he

but that he would let us all go

I'm sorry to have dragged the school

into it they did that to try to lure me

here don't say that thank God now that

the students were hurt and you did a

wonderful job sir and one beautifully

I'm sorry it must have been quite scary

huh it's all thanks to you that we're

safe I didn't know you were so clever

and brave to me come I really think

you're very courageous what is it you

see I haven't given a name to my robot

yet and I wonder if you'd allow me to uh

a wealth to name it after you Milla

of course that's great I know you

wouldn't let me down
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