06x07 - Panic! Protect the Wild Animals!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x07 - Panic! Protect the Wild Animals!!

Post by bunniefuu »

















africa is such a vast and beautiful




what's that what's going on

the animals appear to have gone wild

evacuate the villagers they must take

shelter in a safe place







reservation of the wild animals


we have a special news flash just in

from kenya a large herd of wild animals

have gone on the rampage so far they've

charged into two villages and caused

extensive damage

at the moment the authorities and many

scientists are working together to try

and discover the cause

how are you how are you

hi jose

oh you're here siren come inside come

here come in


they sent you this from calling island

jose de the prince that must be

wonderful gifts

oh wonderful oh no it's only a coconut

i'm disappointed

that's good

isn't it it's the best coconut that i've

ever had ah of course we produced the

best coconuts in calan island oh i

really miss kellen


it's good it's good yes it's from callum

you miss it too don't you oh yes i heard

that on the news a lot of animals have

gone mad and are causing damage to the

villagers huh

but how did that happen

jo's head you really should buy a tv you

know i don't have electricity oh

hook wants us now

i suspect what's happened in kenya is

the work of the decepticons


yeah some monsters were spotted just

before the wild animals went on the


and according to the descriptions of

these monsters they sound identical to

the decepticons

oh no we must stop them

wave rider and cloudburst have already

gone to kenya i want the three of you to

come with me to kenya right now











hey hook

yeah let's go for it


listen submariner

the autobots are already on their way

out here now i know

this time we'll use the wild animals to

fulfill the mission for us

that's what i'm thinking all right let's

get ready the animals will be out of

control and we'll destroy the humans

bombers this time we'll succeed for sure

what are you doing here hang on a minute

b*mb burst the three junior autobot

warriors have come too the three of us

want to fight them as well yes we want

to prove ourselves we can easily beat

the three of them so you want to gain

some credit too that's right we don't

want to be watch dogs you're not good

enough for combat yet you'll need a few

more years training before then


it's quite a clever plan really to make

use of the wild animals it saves them a

lot of work

it is that is if it really works but i

think it's rather stupid can't they

think of anything better than that


i think i said the wrong things

i didn't mean to hurt your feelings

oh you think i'm stupid huh

no i didn't say that sir

human beings have always been the number

one enemies for the wild animals

people slaughter animals for their

insatiable vanity it's now time for the

animals to fight back let them destroy

their villages destroy the crops

they'll help us to teach people a lesson



oh you look so pretty

stop staring at me both of you let's go

oh yes that's okay

oh i love the feel of the wind in my

face yeah

yeah i'm a little call hand from the rio




tens of thousands of elephants

rhinoceros and everything you can think

of they've all gone wild so many

this is mr leaking from the wildlife

preservation department

he said so far the animals have

completely destroyed two villages


what are you trying to do

you want to k*ll her hold it siren


oh what a big scorpion ah this kind is

very poisonous it can k*ll instantly

i'm sorry my name is siren

how are you welcome to kenya


hi mr lincoln thank you very much please

don't mention it oh this guy always

trying to be the hero isn't he are you

feeling you

this is a large area i think we should

split up

all right then siren nightbeat and hose

head you go with mr lincoln and see if

you can find out what's going on


okay it's time to go right


all of you be careful something's not

right about this place this is such a

big place

landmine cloudburst what's happening at

your end nothing at the moment oh wait

there is something

an ignition device

i suspect the decepticons are using

expl*sives to scare the animals i found

one too

the wild animals natural habitat is

getting smaller and smaller and the

disaster towns are destroying the

diminishing grasslands soon these

animals will be driven to extinction

then the earth will be imbalanced

you know i never thought the decepticons

would resort to such despicable methods


the elephants are cute aren't they yes

they are but they can look frightening

too when they go wild hello bigfoot how

are you today

this is a village i live in would you

like to take a look oh sure

luckily the animals were running towards

the east so this village was spared i

still wonder what drove them wild like

that i promise you mr leakin we'll find

out what's going on i hope so

i'm really worried about all these


these animals are my friends

they'll hurt themselves if they go wild

like that and charge blindly around they

walk over each other and many will get


this is my house please come in

please make yourself comfortable this

house is a mess

all that is like that oh it's a little

deer oh it's so cute but it's not moving

at all is it sick

this poor deer is one of the victims of

the wild rampage that took place

victim yes i was there

and i saw everything that happened with

my own eyes

at that time i was in a jeep there was

nothing i could do to stop it

and then the animals ran into a village

a large herd of wild deer started

charging towards a school full of


i was shocked at what i saw but there

was only one thing that i could do

i started sh**ting

the wild deer lost their leader and

scattered in all directions it was then

that i found this little deer

i guess the herd ran him down during the


i took him to see a vet but was told

there was nothing that he could do


i feel responsible for him it was me who

caused him to suffer

but it's not your fault mr leakin that's

right it's the decepticons

let me try maybe i can do something for



knifey has the most advanced medical

facilities in her vehicle i'm sure the

deer will be okay


transform now

all right all right i'll show you what i

can do


huh trying to attack me from behind huh

sorry you're not good enough yet

come in hook can you hear me be careful

the decepticon monsters have just


they're here all right but i've got no

time to talk to you right now


okay what's this






listen hook it's no use you trying to


if you're smart you'll go away now

go otherwise you'll die

don't waste your breath i won't allow

you to pillage this land this is the

human's natural reserve i want a layer

to ruin it

i've already removed the ignition device

yes and me too

say your final prayers decepticons

huh what a large team

but we're gonna defeat them just the

four of us of course i'm not scared of

them at all

okay attack go get rid of them for me

you boys



just watch this

huh the three decepticons are gone

hey bombers why do we run away like this

why can't we stay here and fight them i

don't understand my purpose is to keep

them busy you see

what kind of plan is that i think you're

just scared of them and you checking out

you don't want to fight right

our main purpose is not to engage them

directly but to use these wild animals

to cause damage and destruction to the



world wonder what bombers is doing there

huh he's having eye contact with the

leader of the elephants i think he's

trying to hypnotize him oh look at that

i think he's made it his work

humans are your number one enemy go and

attack them go and destroy them humans

are your number one enemy go and attack

them go and destroy them

humans are your number one enemy go and

attack them go and destroy them


oh no the elephants are charging again


i want you to go to the southern border

and try to stop the elephants advancing

hurry up we don't have much time left


look the decepticons oh no we mustn't

hurt the elephants

come on you scared autobots come and

attack the elephants yes attack us we're

here come on what are you waiting for ah

those bandits let me go fight them no

stay calm


hurry we must leave this place the

elephants are coming

hurry up

your way to a safe place at once

mr lincoln where are you going now

night feet look after the villagers will

you wait you can't go out there now











stop please please stop



please elephant stop charging ignore

them go on charge humans are not your

enemies we're all your friends transform




let's stop them

hey why are we running away now bombers

where's all your confidence gone too

yeah this is shameful we can't run away

in front of our enemies like dogs with

our tails between our legs what do you

know transform




who's head look at that oh








please take care may you one day grow up

to be strong

thank you very much nightbeat you don't

need to thank me

in fact it's all due to your love and

care that he's recovered so fast the

deer is very lucky



after the turmoil peace once again is

restored to the african bush may peace

be with you forever













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