06x27 - God Ginrai: Showdown on the Moon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x27 - God Ginrai: Showdown on the Moon

Post by bunniefuu »





















Z of the Decepticons has conspired with

scorpionok to invade the Earth he sent

jiga and mega to the Moon to meet up

with scorpion this was discovered by

Fortress Maximus who immediately

informed the Autobots so hook and the

others work Non-Stop and finally finish

the god b*mb which was to merge with

Optimus Prime and create a new fighting

machine robot powermaster Optimus Prime

power Master Optimus Prime went to the

moon to try and stop the Decepticons and

engaged in a fight with overall


battle in space






now tell me are you the Watchman






thank you


so what are you planning to do I am

going to destroy him I'm Overlord

emerging of Chief Giga and chief Mega

tell me who are you

I'm called scorponok so you're scorponok

Z of the Decepticons asked me to come

here oh so he was the one



wait a minute my orders are to take you

back with me to Earth so come on don't

waste time okay let me take care of him


so you conspired with this robot to try

and invade the Earth is that correct

and what if it's true we had meteorites

falling from spaces that is doing too

huh you wanna know you can ask our


you're a master

so does that mean you're not the man in

charge of the Decepticons you just stay

out of our business yes my master hard

score but not to help with the invasion

but I'm in charge of a lot of things


thank you


what's this



Optimus Prime do you read me do you read

me over


you can reach Optimus Prime there's a

magnetic field which interferes with the

signals so will Optimus Prime be all

right perhaps we should call him by his

new name power Master Optimus Prime then

he may answer us

don't joke at a time like this land mine

I wish we could go to the moon and see

what happened to him as no use as

worrying about him why don't we have a

drink now perhaps he'll contact us later

what do you think about that huh how can

you take a drink now why not


let's hope nothing happens to Optimus

Prime I hope so don't worry Fortress

Maximus is on his way to the Moon I'm

sure he'll be able to help Optimus Prime











you won't k*ll me so easily evil people

like you always lose in the end stop

talking nonsense die


GA let's transform



of course


of form you're gonna die




leave my things alone siren



come in Optimus Prime this is hook hook

Fortress Maximus where's Optimus Prime

he should be on the moon now but we have

a magnetic field interrupting the signal

so we can't contact him I see I'll go to

the moon now I'll let you know if I find


sure do that I'll go and inform everyone

about this



thank you

you won't see tomorrow say your last

prayers Optimus Prime well thank you you

can tell my friends that they must fight

on and drive out people like you from

the earth you fool come on





that's broke

are you okay

oh Fortress Maximus

I'm sorry I'm late

well scoping up so you're the one that c

wanted to help out with his invasion of

the Earth

but as long as I'm still around I won't

allow you to set foot on the Earth

so you really know a lot about us don't

you but it won't help you at all


Optimus Prime are you okay I've been

trying to contact you

me too I've been trying to contact you

several times you sound heard are you


it's only my shoulder good job Fortress

Maximus arrived in time and save me

were you att*cked by both the overlord

and the outside help that they hired


I think I think they caught him scorpion

what's that scorpina

I don't think I've heard of that name


he looks like a scorpion a very powerful

being now Fortress Maximus is fighting

him but don't worry I'll do my best to

stop The decepticon's Invasion I'll stop

them whatever it takes don't worry

Optimus Prime

from where I am I can clearly see the


the Earth is a beautiful place on the


this is a Barren land there's nothing

here but rocks everywhere

if the Decepticons managed to control

the Earth then the Earth will die and

end up like the moon a Barren place it's

our duty to protect the Earth


you have fought the Decepticons many

times on earth now today it's my turn to

fight them


good come on fight me


are you all right thanks for your help

hmm we can't waste time anymore here the

master is waiting for us let's get back

to the earth now we'll get rid of

Optimus Prime later

seems they're trying to get back to the






come and fight me scorpion up transport

you're not scared to die I'll get you

today I'll stop you evil people hey




are you okay Mega I'm okay but we nearly

got ourselves k*lled

that Optimus Prime


thank you




Optimus Prime use my g*n use your g*n

come on top of me quickly right




hey no

it's powerful I heard that he's very

difficult to deal with if he succeeds in

getting to the Earth the Decepticons

other forces May well follow

I won't let him succeed






to admit defeat now

go back and Report dizzy I'll handle

things here myself

what did you just say I want you to

report to see I shall handle things here

are you giving me orders now if you

don't want to perish here then do what I

say Optimus Prime is no ordinary robot I

told you before my orders are to get you

to Earth so I can't go without you you

have to do what I tell you but go


I thought we'd already injured him







it seems that we've successfully driven

them away this time

well done you're a true leader

please don't call me that you make me

embarrassed now Scorpio knock is gone

and it's all due to you

but I'm sure we haven't heard the last

of him

don't worry so we'll be in touch then

I'll just Maximus yeah

I've heard that Optimus Prime and

Fortress Maximus has stopped the

Decepticon that's right they managed to

drive them away

Optimus Prime is really great huh oh no

I should call him Captain that's right

this calls for a celebration

oh celebrations can be held anytime

right and drinking can be done anytime

right hey oh come on we all know that

don't we

he's right we've saved the Earth from

another disaster it's certainly a cause

for a celebration

you're quite right

I'll see you on Earth Fortress Maximus

I hope that I'll have the chance to come

to the Earth one day

okay give my best regards to everyone



Fortress Maximus has joined forces with

the Autobots Captain Optimus Prime to

defeat the Decepticons but as long as

the Decepticons are still around the

earth will continue to be under threat











without people



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