06x30 - Destroy Godbomber!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x30 - Destroy Godbomber!!

Post by bunniefuu »


only nothing












thank you

sorry Captain have you been waiting for


you bet I have I thought you'd never

come let's go right



Optimus Prime receive news from Hook in

America that the Decepticons Junior

Headmasters are launching a series of

att*cks on food warehouses so he went to

check it out with siren hose head and



plan to destroy God bomber





I guess we have no choice but to destroy

all this food since it's in order right

what do you mean by that Squeeze Play

Don't You Know inside these barns of

potatoes and onions and other food

stuffs that we need every day if we set

the whole place up in smoke then we'll

have no hamburgers or pizzas or other

food that we may starve to death

what's so funny why are you laughing why

are you laughing huh don't worry Squeeze

Play This Is Not the Only food storage

in the country of course if this place

goes then there'll be a food shortage

but that'll only be temporary and we

won't be affected by it okay that's

right Squeeze Play Don't You Worry let's

get on without work now and get out of

here yeah there's no problem don't you

worry about it

right oh


at last they're here they came at the

right time



how could they do this how could they

destroy food it's so unforgivable

they'll pay for this wait

no Jose put the fire out now by the time

we've done that they'll be long gone

Captain leave them this is more

important Captain siren and nightbeat I

need your help as well

you want us here but what can we do you

can remove all the food that's not been

affected by fire go now go we can't let

those people go away but the captain is

quite right if all the food is destroyed

then there'll be a food shortage and

people will Panic you know oh darn it



I'll need your help here come on move it

yes come on hurry

come on






that side's on fire too

I'll take care of that side siren Night

Beat can you remove this food stop to a

safe place right away okay we'll take

care of that don't you worry




Optimus Prime I've been waiting for you

who are you

and what are you doing

well me and my brother will take care of

God bomber we're gonna destroy him

hey you can't do that come back here

Optimus Prime


well Optimus Prime your time has finally


now watch this



Optimus Prime your day is done




as soon as we destroyed God bomber

Optimus Prime will become like a bird

without its wings his combat power will

be weakened then he will be spinning



my brother and I are gonna take care of

you and God bomber

oh it's darkling and his brother they're

trying to destroy God bomber you won't


okay let me deal with them brother

of course


yes right


Optimus Prime could never be destroyed

so easily huh

well Optimus Prime you never thought you

would lose with the help of God bomber

huh well God bomber indeed has given us

a lot of trouble huh

all right today you're gonna die

Captain are you all right

I'm all right

so the enemy wants to destroy me and God

bomber at the same time the animals

don't worry Captain who's that nightbeat

are now protecting God bomber siren can

you move God bomber to a safe place at

once uh

we must move it to a safe place where

the enemy can't find it but still if we

had to move God bomber from here that

means you can't go to combat with God


siren do you know I can't combine with

God bomber now anyway I'm so weak I

can't even stand up if we go into battle

now we'll both get k*lled again that's

even worse then we can't leave you here

alone captain

don't worry I'll look after myself siren

but you must do what I say right now


Optimus Prime

do what I say



Jose let's move God bomber to a safe

place right now move my bummer away from

here but then the captain this is the

Captain's Order just give me cover now

hose head










come on then








oh no I have no more energy you won't

Escape anymore





it's six shot

I'll take care of them for you thank you

six shot

you traitor what are you doing here huh

I'm just doing what I think is right and

so should you Darkwing come on you wanna



so six shot came to your Aid that's

right and thanks to him we're all safe


well Justice will always Prevail and

it's true okay let's go


why the thing doesn't respond oh

what's going on oh I get nothing at all

go and move go and move

God bomber is usually mobilized by

Optimus Prime superpowers but now

Optimus Prime is unconscious after being

att*cked by Chief giga

thank you



you go find God bomber I'll take care of

six shot here right

for you alone



thank you


who's that who is it

oh what happened do you know what's

going on I don't know I don't know what

happened do you think God bomber would

transform into a robot just like the one

we saw last time by the sea

what the one last time

huh oh yes that must be it I can't be

anyone else

come on what was that night Pete let's

start it on the on possession

oh what's happening he's not responding

at all oh no he was moving before so why

can't he start

respond to our commands you stupid robot

Optimus Prime I'm out of hiding


what's that

oh come on start will you


oh no where's this main control unit



something is happening oh really


what's happening



so this is it so this is control panel

hose head Knight beat let's start it

come on right


thank you



oh my energies run out no okay super far



with God bummer here we have nothing to

be afraid of right let's go God bomber

wait a minute we have to check on the

couch and see if he's okay you're right

Jose let's find the captain oh of course


hey Sick shot

don't worry I'm doing fine


so our plan to divide and Destroy has

worked out very well for you and God


probably Dark Wing and his brother have

already destroyed God bomber by now

you're dreaming huh


Captain we've defeated darkwin and his


good bye transformed

my marriage


I have no wickedness to burn all the

food for the human rights




you've lost again


six shot I want to thank you very much

don't mention it I was passing through

the area it was a pleasure to help you

where you heading to now

tell you the truth I've got no

destination okay I'll see you guys later



sick shot is a real hero I really admire


now back to what you were telling me

before the three of you put your hand on

the control panel and that somehow

started God bomber immediately

oh we are not really sure but that seems

to be what happened yeah I think so

because the three of us throw hands on

the panel and it just started

we were surprised so God bummer is

different from a vehicle we didn't know

we could turn it into a robot by


hook told me once before that only my

Super Force is able to control the god


does that mean captain that the three of

us together can generate the same kind

of force similar to your Super Force I

suppose you can say that

ah so that means that each of us has

only about one third of your power

captain and no more it does seem so

doesn't it

so the three of us are equal to one of


hey don't be so discouraged to tell you

the truth I thought I was gonna die but

then I didn't give up so I want you to

have faith in yourselves too you must

have confidence

that's the most important thing have

confidence in yourselves

thought they had a watertight plan to

destroy God bomber in Optimus Prime but

they underestimated the power of the

human instinct to survive so once again

they've failed


of course










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