01x06 - Power Surge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x06 - Power Surge

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( suspenseful theme playing )

( cries )

( cries )

( Terrorsaur screeches )

Ah, it's good to be a Predacon.

( gasps )

By the inferno.

( mysterious theme playing )

Ooh, power.

This rock's alive with it.


Enough to power an army.


I have to chance a scan.

Terrorsaur, terrorize!

DIAGNOSTIC: Danger. Energon surge.

Return to beast mode or stasis lock is imminent.

I must act fast.

A small sample will do.

( screeching )

( groaning )

The energon's been absorbed

directly into my super-structure.

I-- I've never felt such power.

I'm invincible!

( laughs )


( dramatic rock theme playing )

( screeches )

( gasps )

Jumping gyros! I've never seen Terrorsaur move like that.

But he won't leave me in the dust. Rawr!

( suspenseful theme playing )

Hm, I've programmed this target box

with the Maximals' energy signatures.

Now watch.

( both laughing )



With a few more of these in place,

this area will become a deathtrap for the Maximals.

( Terrorsaur screeches )

Just the sort of plan

a cowardly lizard like yourself

would conceive of, Megatron.

Which is why I am assuming command of the Predacons!


I thought you'd already learned your lesson

about challenging me, Terrorsaur.

Today, I'm the teacher.

If you have the courage.

Very well. I could use some amusement.

Megatron, terrorize!

( roars )

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( laughs )

That was amusing.

But not as funny as this.

( grunting )

( grunts )

( grunting )

( Tarantulas gasps )

( Waspinator chuckling )


( growling )

Terrorsaur, you treacherous worm.

I'll finish you forever!

( growling )

I don't think so.

( grunting )

( screams )

( groans )

( laughs )

Megatron is destroyed.

Waspinator does not believe it.

Hmm, Terrorsaur has never had that much power.

( Terrorsaur screeches )

Megatron is scrap.

Yes, I'm your leader now.

Does anyone want to argue about it?

No. Not me.

No, no, no, no.

Good. Then charge yourselves for battle.

The Maximals will be the next to taste my power!

Ultra bad.

( ominous theme playing )

Here are my orders: Waspinator and I--

Unh! W-Waspinator and I...

Is something wrong, Terrorsaur?

Diagnostic, my circuits only.

DIAGNOSTIC: Energon drain. Power down percent.

Stasis lock imminent.

Transform immediately.

I, uh, must, uh...

see to something before the attack.

Tarantulas will command until my return.

( screeches )

What does he mean, you command?

I'm second in command!

So? Command!


Well, what?

If you're second in command, what is your command?

Make ready the restoration module.

We must salvage our true leader.

( dramatic theme playing )

( panting )

( beeping )

Cheetor's coming in at top speed.

Better open the hatch.

Yeah, yeah. Just let me finish this hand.

I'm into this stinkin' 'puter for half a million.

Aw, Optimus!

Cheetor wouldn't be moving this fast

if he didn't have something urgent to report.

( Cheetor panting )

Big bot! Predacons attacking!

Megatron scrapped Terrorsaur!

Power source! Mountain floating!

Calm down, Cheetor.

Better transform.

That's better.

Now tell us, slowly.

Right. Terrorsaur's leading the Predacons now.

He's going to attack our base.

( both gasp )

What about Megatron?

Terrorsaur scrapped him like he was a maintenance bot.

He must have found some monster energon source

on that floating mountain.

Floating mountain?

I knew it. You got your circuits crossed, kiddo.

Even on this weird dirtball, mountains don't fly.

Not fly, float. It's true, Optimus.

I saw it. Terrorsaur flew away from it

faster than I've ever seen him move.

Rhinox, intensify perimeter scan

and see if you can get through to Dinobot.

I want the Predacons spotted.

Now, where did you see this floating mountain?

CHEETOR: Right here.

( mysterious theme playing )

( panting ): Ah. The energon must be unstable.

I-- I need more of it.

Enough to finish off the Maximals for good.

( chuckles )

That's right. Lead me to your secret.

Then we'll see who commands who.

( laughs )

I got two of them.

Patch it into the map grid.

Looks like Terrorsaur and-- Hm.

Hey, what happened?

Energon interference.

They must be near a large concentration of it.

Hm. A mountain of it to be more precise.

Told you, rat breath.

Heh. You ask me,

you and Optimus both need to be de-bugged.

You know, it's possible.

If the energon were unstable,

and there was a big enough concentration,

it could lift a mountain off the ground.

My thought exactly.

Rattrap, rig for demolition

and meet me at the roof hatch in five cycles.

To do what?

Destroy that mountain

before the Predacons try to secure it.

Rhinox, set the defense grid on maximum.

It's always something.

( ominous theme playing )

( screeching and panting )

Tarantulas, terrorize!

DIAGNOSTIC: Energon concentration in danger level.

Stasis lock in five cycles.

Ha. More than enough time.

( suspenseful theme playing )

Man, oh, man. If I wanted to fly,

I would've become a bat, not a rat.

It was the fastest way. And will you stop wiggling?

Ulp! I really, really hate this.

Calm down. We're here.

( mysterious theme playing )

( whistles )

Guess I, uh, owe the pussycat an apology.

( smooches )

DIAGNOSTIC: Danger. Energon surge.

Return to beast mode or stasis lock is imminent.

( mysterious theme playing )

Ah, Cheetor was right.

This mountain's bristling with energon.

We'll have to use our robotic forms sparingly.

Let's just blow this joint and go home.

( gasps then shivers )

( ominous theme playing )

Now to regain my power.

( screeching )

Yes, yes, yes!

( laughing )

Uh-oh. This is bad.

( laughing )

Now what, fearless leader?

That Pred looks like he could eat tyronium.

Look, his circuits can't hold a charge that massive for long.

I'll lead him away. You set the charges,

and I'll come back for you in four cycles.

And suppose he blasts you to itty-bitty pieces?

It's a long way down.

Sure is.

Ah. I hate a wise-bot.

Optimus Primal, maximize!

Optimus, how nice of you

to save me the trouble of hunting you down.

Let's do it.

( screeching )

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( Optimus grunts )

( grunts )

Now you've made me mad!

( grunts )

( grunts )

Man, with all this energon around, I'll have to work fast.

Rattrap, maximize!

DIAGNOSTIC: Danger, stasis lock imminent.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( beeping )

( beeping )

Ah. Now, if Optimus can just get back in time.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( grunts )

You're mine now, Maximal!

( grunting )

( laughing )

( screaming )

( grunting )

DIAGNOSTIC: Energon surge. Stasis lock imminent.

Unh. Have to transform,

or I'm finished.

( ominous theme playing )

( hisses )

( grunts )


( both grunting )

Sorry, bug-bot,

but I got not time to play with you.

( hissing )

I'm afraid I insist!

( growling )

Say goodbye, Optimus Primal.

( grunting )

DIAGNOSTIC: Energon drain. Stasis lock imminent.

No, not now!

( screeches )

I'll be back for you as soon as I replenish my power.

Unh. Got to get to Rattrap.

Not much time.

( grunts )

( Tarantulas hissing )

( grunting )

( Rattrap grunts )

( hissing )

( both grunt )

( hissing )

You can't win, vermin. I am your superior!

Stick it in your command module, eight-eyes!

( yelling )

( growling )

( grunting )

( laughs )

Heh. That'll teach you to mess with the rat.

( screeches )

Man. Looks like Optimus lost this round.

And that means I'm one gone rat.

( panting ): Must recharge...

Must-- Ah!

( ominous theme playing )

Ah! Demolition charges.

They'll tear this mountain to pieces!

( dramatic theme playing )

( screeches )

( gasping )

( expl*si*n )

Well, at least I'm going out with a bang.

( expl*si*n )

The only place we're going is home.

Fearless leader! Woo-hoo!

I thought you was scrap.

Well, we'll both be if we don't hurry.

On my back, quick.

Okay, make like a bird.

Can't. The energon blasts would fry my circuits permanently.

Just hold on tight.

Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.

Don't tell me you're gonna jump!

( Rattrap screaming )

( both grunt )

We're dead, right?

( grunts )

Not this time.

But my arms feel like refried rubber bands.

Would you mind taking a little weight off my back?

( grunts )

( sighs )

( grunts then sighs )

You do know that was crazy.

Ah, sometimes crazy works.

By the way, you did good up there.

Heh. Ah, you weren't so bad yourself.

But, uh, don't tell anybody I said so.

( screeching )

Blast those Maximals!

They destroyed my power!

But at least I got rid of Megatron.

( ominous theme playing )

Well, well.

Look who's back.


♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )
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