01x15 - The Spark

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x15 - The Spark

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )

( alarm beeping )

Damage to hatch seals and internals.

Attempting to initiate emergency sequence.

( beeping )


Object is Maximal stasis pod.

( chuckling )

Calculate landing coordinates.


You found something? Yes?

Trajectory of Maximal stasis pod erratic.

Impossible to compute exact landing coordinates.

Best estimate.

( beeps )

Grid Scavos.

Inside our territory. Excellent.

Closest units.

Scorponok and Blackarachnia.

I'll assist with the recovery. My programming skills--

Are needed here. Blackarachnia will do fine.

Send them and put Terrorsaur and Waspinator on alert

for Maximal presence in the drop zone.

( grumbling )

Tin tyrant.

Treacherous arachnid.

( dramatic theme playing )

Plenty of energon,

but none of it stable enough to use.

No wonder the Preds don't mind this area.

Might as well--

( gasps )

Rhinox, maximize.

( roars )

A stasis pod.

Rhinox to base.

( static )


Too much energon interference.

Looks like I'm on my own.

Hopping helix, a stasis pod!

Cheetor to comm scout one.

Come in, comm one.

Tigatron here.

I spotted a stasis pod.

It's coming down in Grid Vega.

Hm. Predacon ground.

CHEETOR: I'm gonna get to it before the Preds do.

Inform base, then head for my position.

I may need backup.

It's done. Watch yourself, little cat.

I always do, big cat. Cheetor out.

( grunts )

( screeches )

There it is, just as Megatron said.

( mockingly ): Just as Megatron said. Just as Megatron said.

Don't you ever get tired of groveling to that saurian?

Megatron is our leader. He rewards loyalty.

And punishes those who oppose his will.

Ooh, I'm all aquiver. Ha-ha-ha.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( crashing )

( grunts )


( suspenseful theme plays )

DIAGNOSTIC: Warning. Energon concentration in danger zone.

Divert power from weapons array to field dampers.

Maximum tolerance.

( grunting )

( beeps )

Activate protoform. Begin DNA scanning sequence.

Systems damage too extensive.

Activation program offline.

Spark fading.

Repair required,

or protoform will cease to exist in . cycles.


( sizzles )

( rustling )

( gasps )

( panting ): Rhinox?

Cheetor. What are you doing here?

Wha--? I saw the pod heading for crashville,

but I didn't expect to find you.

I'm glad you did. I need help.

This protoform's dying.

Dying? What do you mean?

The stasis pod's been damaged.

It's disabled the activation sequence

and burned out the locking chip.

If I don't do something quick,

the protoform's spark will be extinguished.

Well, let's get in gear. What do we do?

Wish I knew.

( dramatic theme playing )

( panting )

( quietly ): Predacon. Tigatron, maximize.

Now, where's that sour spider gone?


( gasps )

Where are you headed in such a hurry?

Bah! I'll tell you nothing, Maximal.

Scorponok, terrori--

Sorry. I don't have time to play.

What a pity.

( grunts )

( grunting )


( chuckles )

You can't fight my cybervenom, kitty cat.

But don't fret. I'll be back for you

when I have your precious pod and the new Predacon within.

( laughing )

This could be dangerous.

If you soak up too much energon without a locking chip,

you'll fry every system you have.

Our new bud bot there deserves some kind of chance.

And you know a lot more about protoforms than I do.

( quietly ): Cheetor, maximize.

This'll only take a a nano-klik.

But you'll have to go offline.

I can use the snooze. Repair mode.

What's new, pussycat?

Rhinox, what's goin' on?

A spark.

Yep. The very thing which makes us what we are.

Every Cybertron, Maximal or Predacon has one.

And each is different.

When a spark goes online, there's great joy.

When one's extinguished, the universe weeps.

Whoa, that was ultra-gear.

Tell me later and go back to beast mode.

( beeps )

( dramatic theme playing )

Stasis lock restored. Implementing.

( sighs )

All right! Way to go, Rhino!

All I did was buy us some time.

Even with my dampers on max,

this place is givin' me chip flashes.

So what do we do now, big R?

Try and get the activation program back online.

And hope the DNA sequences can find something alive

in this wasteland.

Why don't we just take it back to the base

and use the restoration chamber?

No time.

Stasis lock only slowed down the spark's deterioration.

We have to get this protoform online

and into beast mode as soon as we can.

Or it's finished.

( Diagnostic beeps )

DIAGNOSTIC: Predacon detected.

And we have another problem.

Oh. What a lovely spot for the birth of a new Predacon.

Don't count on it, web-breath.

Uh, by the way, how do you dance with all those skinny legs?

Ooh! This must be my day for cats.

( gasps )

You're gonna have to be faster than that to bag this cat.

You don't know what fast is, furball.

( growls )

I know what ugly is, and you're it.

( shrieks )

Heh-heh. Fast cat, one. Spider, zippo.

Beast mode.


No one does that to me.

( grunts )

( shrieks )

Whoa, bouncing breakers! The bug is back!

Sounds like Cheetor's got his paws full.

But I can't stop now.

Program not accepted.

Spark will terminate in . cycles.


Come out, kitty cat.

I won't hurt you. Much.

( gasps )

( yells )

( gasps )

Hyah! ( grunts )


( grunts )

Hyah! Aah!



( grunting )

Goodbye, Maximal.

( grunting )

( groaning )

Ugh. Ow. That spider can hit.

( Waspinator buzzing )

Oh, no. Waspinator.

He's headed straight towards Rhinox.

Oh, who dares attack Waspinator?

Waspinator, terrorize!

Got his attention. Now to lead him away--

Terrorsaur, terrorize!

Oh, gimme a break.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( grunting )

DIAGNOSTIC: Energon surge. Blocking chip offline.

System overload imminent.

Time for me to fly. Beast mode.

( beeps )

Download sequencer program through my central processor.

Warning. Process could cause damage to your circuitry.

Just do it!

( machine whirs )

( yelling )

( grunts )

( grunts )

DIAGNOSTIC: Circuit damage. Field dampers down. Energon surge.

Stasis lock imminent.

Beast mode.

( groans )

DNA sequencers online.

Scanning for compatible life forms.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( panting ): Can't keep this up.

( groaning )


( grunts then groans )

So much for Maximal presence. Now the pod will be mine.

No compatible life forms in range.

Spark will terminate in . cycles.

( gasps )

( tense theme playing )

Well, well. Rhinox and a stasis pod.

This is my lucky day.

And your last.

( hawk screeching )

( beeping )

( humming )

What? No!

( hawk screaming )

Unh. Still feeling lucky, Terrorsaur?

( screeches )

( Terrorsaur choking )

( hawk screeches )

( grunts )

( screeches )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( screams )

( chuckles )

( screeches )

Airazor, maximize.

( screeches )

( both grunting )

( grunting )

You're Rhinox.

How'd you know?

Uh, I'm not sure. But I think I owe you my life.

Let's say we're even.

( dramatic theme playing )

You were a little late this time, Optimus.

Fortunately, Airazor took care of business, heh-heh.

They'll be salvaging Terrorsaur for days.

Welcome to the Maximals.

My pleasure.

Though I'm still not sure what to make of all this.

Yeah, if you're smart, you'll make tracks.

Pay no attention to the rodent.

He was born with a major glitch.

You'll get used to everything, including them.


Now, how about a tour of the base?

When a spark goes online, there's great joy.

( dramatic rock theme playing )
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