01x26 - Other Voices, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x26 - Other Voices, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

ANNOUNCER: Last time on Beast Wars...

COMPUTER: Energy signature identical with previous alien contacts.

It's building up tremendous pow-- Ah!

( screams )

OPTIMUS: Just what we need. A visit from the landlord.

All right, whoever you are, I-- Ah!

( grunting )

We mean no harm.

To you or this planet.

It is too late.

You and your enemies

have already contaminated the project.

Begin termination sequence.


( dramatic theme playing )

Fortunately, there is still another hand to be played.

What the slagging...?

( yelling )


The beginning of the end.

( dramatic theme playing )

Suffering circuits.

What could it be?

The light at the end of the world.

( over com-link ): Optimus Primal to Cheetor and Tigatron.

Do you copy?

Tigatron here.

I'll explain at the base.

Head there fast. Code X.

TIGATRON: On our way.

I've been saying it ever since we hit this mudball,

we're all gonna die.

We're not scrap yet.

Rhinox will find a way to deal with these aliens.

( dramatic theme playing )

ALIEN: Termination sequence engaged.

Return to Nexus Zero.

They're leaving. We scared them away!

Hardly. Computer, patch in space scanner.

The moon. It's gone.

The aliens have destroyed it.

Don't. It was never a moon.

And it's far from gone.

Computer, magnify image.

( ominous theme playing )

What is it?

I'd say it was the instrument of our destruction.

Impressive. Yes.

What do we do?

Seal the base and charge all shields.

I will see to the rest.

Computer, activate program "Zero Hour."

COMPUTER: Activating. Scanning for transwarp signature.

Now we'll see if my faith

in Tarantulas' abilities is justified.

COMPUTER: Signature located. Establishing position.

The Maximal base.

And the shield is down.

Oh, yes.

Computer, scan Maximal base.

Use alien frequency.


Two Maximals detected in command center.


Units Tarantulas and Blackarachnia active

in stasis hold.

Unit Inferno moving toward their position.

So my loyal drone is still with them.


COMPUTER: Transwarp drive functioning at tolerable levels.

Force shields at percent.


It's a bit small for both of us.

Of course, it could be kind of romantic.

No, this planet will be extinguished

in less than a mega-cycle.

I have no time for your inane banter.

Download data tracks Argon.

You won't have to put up with my banter much longer, partner.

( Blackarachnia yelling )

Your royalty will be interested to know

what you spiders are up to.

Inferno to Megatron.

Inferno to Megatron.


( Inferno laughing )

( grunts )

( Inferno laughs )

( grunts )

You're no match for me.

Burn, traitor, burn.

( screaming )

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunting )

COMPUTER: Transwarp signature no longer active.

Data flow aborted.

Scan shows unit Tarantulas non-functional.

No! What has that fool done?

( dramatic theme playing )

The shield's down!

And unless my opticals are malfunctioning,

so is one of the moons.

Rhinox said something was happening out there.

( beeping )

Cheetor and Tigatron are coming.

Oh, terrific.

Now we can all get reduced to hot burning slag together.

BOTH: Shut up, Rattrap!

( dramatic theme playing )

Uh-uh-uh. Mustn't touch.

( growling )

( screams then grunts )

So you're still functional.

I'll soon remedy that mistake.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( yells )

( yelling )

( growls )

Don't count on it...


Ant breath.


( laughing )

( yells )

That'll teach you to back sh**t a Widow.

Oh, poor Tarantulas.

More to the point, poor me.

If he was right, this planet is about to go boom.

Sorry about this partner,

but I need your data tracks to finish that ship.

( Blackarachnia screams )

( Tarantulas laughing )

( gasps )


( screaming )

Rhinox? Dinobot?

Oh, great, the planet's about to get zorched,

and those two are on a positron break.



RATTRAP: The spiders.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

Tigatron, Cheetor,

get Dinobot and Rhinox to the R chamber, quickly.

Rattrap, you and Airazor search the base.

Our Predacon visitors might still be here.

So let Sentinel handle 'em.

We can't spare the power.

So I get to do it the hard way.

As usual.

Let's hit it.

One more thing.

If you find them,

I want them functional.

Eh, you just have to spoil my fun, don't you?

( dramatic theme playing )

COMPUTER: Transwarp cell reactivated.

Data flow resuming.

So Tarantulas' plan proceeds.

He must have-- SCORPONOK: Megatron!

The alien machine.

( dramatic theme playing )

All available power to shields.

COMPUTER: Alien ray causing planet-wide super-heating.

External temperature rads and climbing.

Shields holding.

By the matrix, no!

They're going to ignite the energon deposits.

( dramatic theme playing )

Brilliant. They're causing a chain reaction,

which will rip this planet to atoms

and destroy all traces of them.

Simply to deal with us.

What sheer ruthlessness.

What disregard for sentient life.

I rather like these aliens.

Like them? They're trying to destroy us!

Waspinator not want to be destroyed.

Waspinator has plans.

Megatron will save us.

I think not.

I've reserved that task for Tarantulas.

Computer, reestablish signal.

COMPUTER: Unable to comply.

Maximal shields at full power.

( growls )


( dramatic theme playing )

All systems online.

It's ready. We--

I did it.

Hooray for you.

Did you know we have a truce?

COMPUTER: External temperature at rads and climbing.

Modulate shields as necessary.

Leaping lasers!

How long before Rhinox is functional?

At least a mega-cycle.

He took a pretty big dose of cyber venom.

Computer, projection based on present data.

COMPUTER: Planetary destruction in . cycles.

Ugh. Not enough time.

Rattrap to Optimus.

Optimus here.

Get down to the stasis hold quick, fearless leader.

There's something here you gotta see.


It just might fly.

Of course it'll fly, you ape.

But it won't do you any good.

The systems will only respond to me.

Then change them to respond to me.

Dream on, Captain Hairball.

Computer, projection.

COMPUTER: Planetary destruction in . cycles.

I hate to put a bug in the program,

but Tarantulas didn't build this thing

to duke it out with a planet-buster.

Every one of these alien structures

have been designed for a specific purpose, Rattrap.

This one is busy.

And I'm betting I can fly close enough to take it out.

With what? One of your famous "We can do it" speeches?

A transwarp expl*si*n.

( dramatic theme playing )

Ha, ha. You'll blow yourself to atoms.

( laughing )

If it saves this planet, it'll be worth it.

If not, I'm no worse off.

Either way, it's the only chance any of us have right now.

( gasps )

Unhand me, pussycats.

I've got work to do.

You can't do this, big bot.

I'll fly the ship.

No, let me.

I owe this world.

I'm grateful, but only a flyer

has a chance of getting clear of the blast.

Exactly why I'm the one to go.

What about you, Rattrap?

Hey, su1c1de ain't in my job description.

Hm, or mine.

Now start rigging an auto-charge in that transwarp cell.

I'll need about nano-clicks to clear the ship.

You got it.

( dramatic theme playing )

In you go.

( sighs )

Cozy. Just like a coffin.

( growling )

You realize this is crazy.

Sometimes crazy works.

Thanks for your help.

Hmph, better you than me.

( dramatic theme playing )

Take care, Optimus.

Come back to us.

May the matrix protect your spark for all eternity.

Eh, just in case you don't come back,

can I have your quarters?

No. Whatever happens out there,

I want you to know that you're the finest crew

I've ever served with.

Ugh, do Maximals always talk such slop?

( grunts )

My sentiments exactly.

( dramatic theme playing )

Well, by the pit,

the command codes have been changed.

Optimus is flying the ship.

How delicious. Yes.

Come on, come on.

Got it!

There's big bot.

How'd you get a signal through the shields?

I opened a hole big enough for a spectrum pulse.

Rhinox showed me how.

I wish he was here.

COMPUTER: Podship will close with objective in . seconds.


( dramatic theme playing )

Nearly there.

And no sign of any defense yet.

He's closing in. Computer, how much time?

COMPUTER: Planetary destruction in . cycles.

Oh, man. Leave it to the monkey to take it to the wire.

COMPUTER: Alien construct in range.

Let's do it.

Commence ignition sequence.

COMPUTER: Commencing ignition in nano-clicks.

Prepare to blow podhatch.

Unable to comply. Podhatch is magna-sealed.

That's impossible.

MEGATRON: Oh, I assure you it is not.


Hm, ironic, isn't it?

Both of us hitting upon the same plan

to destroy the alien machine.

Fortunately, in my version, the pilot goes down.

Or should I say "up" with the ship?

( dramatic theme playing )

He's almost inside the alien structure.

Why doesn't he ditch?

Oh, come on, fearless leader. Get it in gear.

Too late.

Goodbye, Optimus.

( laughing )

( dramatic theme playing )

Oh, you Optimuses do love

to sacrifice yourselves, don't you?

Fortunately, this time your foolishness

will destroy you and your Maximals.

The Beast Wars are over, Optimus.

You lose.

COMPUTER: Ten, nine, eight...

( laughing )

COMPUTER: Seven, six... OPTIMUS: No!

COMPUTER: Five, four... OPTIMUS: Megatron!

Three, two...

one, zero.

( dramatic theme playing )

( dramatic theme playing )
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